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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#3652 Jun 14 2006 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
Pic I got when I was leveling my alternate char.

Good stuff =D He levels as WHM/PLD and I seen him a few days ago as WHM25/RDM07.

Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#3653 Jun 14 2006 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
lol zafire..

btw ne1 seen this ppl that are like lvl 30+ with no sj?

a linkshell buddy said there is a trik to doing it but how?
#3654 Jun 14 2006 at 4:44 AM Rating: Good
You just set your job and subjob to the same job really fast, works best when your connection is lagging.
#3655 Jun 14 2006 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Yesterday at Crawlers Nest:

Got an invite for my BRD43 and my friend SAM by a WHM-Rank2-Mentor... Well he says he had a tank, and as we are in a shortage at this level these days, lets go !

One hour after, at the Hidden room camp, I receive a tell from my friend
Friend >> Check the WHM
Taliesin checks the WHM.
I discover that our beloved mentor was wearing a poor Robe lvl11, his AF club, his EXP ring and the Puppetmaster thingy in the Range slot... And that's all...

And here's what happened after some moments:

WHM >> I need to rest to get some MPs
Friend >> What MPs ? With your gear, you dont have many to get back...
WHM >> I need to rest.
Taliesin >> Btw, where's your gear WHM?
WHM >> My mule has it, why?
Taliesin >> .....
Friend >> .....

A great moment, with a WAR/NIN tank (with GAxe of course), a THF with underleveled NIN sub, and a BLM who seems to have only Ga spells...
No to mention the :

WHM uses Benediction. (after a classic fly AOE, nothing worth it)
Taliesin >> crap...
WHM is defeated by the Hornfly.
WHM >> Wtf, you let me die !

I can understand this at Valkurm Dunes, hell, even in Qufim... But at lvl 42...

Edited, Jun 14th 2006 at 6:21am EDT by bidiking
#3656 Jun 14 2006 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
Me and my friend decided to start a LS. We soon had 10 members ( 7 of the 10 were newbies) and they were all asking the same questions..."Im in my mog house and it wont let me pick a sub-job, wtf is going on?" so i simply explained to him since he was only lvl 4 and he couldnt have one. SO i go back out to gustaberg to farm and hear ppl talking to this other guy in my LS "dude u suck" so he responds..."yea...well im lvl 100 on my other account". so i told him it went up to 75. Then there was this other guy who was lvl 9. he didnt have any tele-crystals but everytime i logged, he was in the opposite place he was in earlier (windy to bastok on foot). He started to talk to the linkshell and whas asking like "where is (the guy for dragoon quest)." we all had no idea where this one npc was in the world. "well if u find him tell me cause i need to talk to him for dragoon quest" so we told him he had to b lvl30. "well i saw a lvl 2 dragoon". great it means he just finished the quest. "well im lvl 9...y cant i b a dragoon" it took an hour to explain to him. I came back next day and went to sandy and BAM he was there(HE WAS EVERYWHERE). he a bronze spear or somethin like that equipped. shur not shur how he went all across the world w/o being killed or deleveled.
SO whenever u are bored just start a LS and soon the Q's will start comming!
#3657 Jun 14 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
When I was a noob, me a pld equipped all str gears. [/blush] (^^*)a
And I got kicked cuz I didn't know what SATA is...... T.T

PS:This topic is great^^ recollects lot of funny memories :)
#3658 Jun 14 2006 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
this happened last night...

i was chilling in my seat heading down to the AH to check my sells when i hear a "self-proclaimed noob" asks a level 60-something for some starting money because he/she is a noob, of course the kind higher level gives 20k to a ANON character...

then the mithra asks another person a couple of minutes later she asks ANOTHER dude for some gil becase he/she is a noob, and he does he gives <t>

Finally she/he comes to me with A MACRO(as i would imagine by now) and asks me for some start-up money and i said...


then of course(because i shouted it) the 60-somethimgs come back make her take off her anon to discover was a mule stealing money from people

OK fine this isn't a noob thing but it is a cool story to tell to noobs :D
#3659 Jun 14 2006 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
First of all: Woot! First post!

Ok anyways, I get this invite to a party at lvl 17 in the dunes one day. Setup was pretty good.

I saw right away that the WAR was new. One of the other members was explaining tanking and macros to him.

I couldn't help but laugh through every battle.

(War gets hit like once, and is missing about 40 hp)
WAR: Help!
Whm cures.
Two hits later
WAR: HElp!!11one
Whm cures.
After the mob was dead, he'd say:
'Wow did you guys see that I almost died like 40 times!'

Not only that, but in the rare event that his HP went into the yellow, he'd disengage and run away. O.o

Here we are beating away on a mob, and I look over and see the tank running away from the pt. Good times.
#3660 Jun 14 2006 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
2,675 posts
Caedarva Mire meripo party.

We're camped right on top of an imp spawn and next to another imp spawn, was never a problem since we we're moving at an adequate pace most of the time.

All of a sudden the pld decides he has to go afk for 5 minutes. At this point our blm decides they're bored and figures to solo an elemental nearby. A minute later the entire party is hit with poisonga2 from the elemental the blm is playing with and at the same time an imp spawns right next to the afk pld. The Sam in the party vokes it off the pld and we start fighting it. The blm sleeps the elemental and continues to stand right in the middle of the party while we try and fight the imp. Seconds later the imp does it's aoe silence, landing right on the blm as the elementals sleep wears. People start running around and wouldn't you know another imp aggro's the whm from the spawn behind us. The party is going nuts, people are yelling at the blm for playing with the elemental. The blm flips out and claims since we werent doing anything they can do whatever they want and say they are leaving. At this point i hit flee, headed for the staging point, and disband.

I go back to seeking and the blm starts sending me tells calling me a dick and somehow trying to vent about the whole thing. Telling me how when someone goes afk they dont have to just sit there and wait, about how blm can easily solo elementals (enjoyed telling her i was a 75 blm myself) and tries to blame everything on the partys other Sam.

Edited, Jun 14th 2006 at 11:01pm EDT by PlanckZero
#3661 Jun 14 2006 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
ok this made me relize how stupid people can be. Had a party in the kazham jungle and had a PL w/ me. I told the parties leader like 4 times the name of our PL. then again just as the party gets going i remind them of who our PL is. Well you about half an hour later the leader said oh there is a Rdm here im going to ask him if he will PL us for while. /smack /smack /smack
"U *** I told you like 5 times we had a PL and his name your luck he was here or we all wold be dead".......later on about 2 hours later I have to go and I find a replacement for me. I tel the leader the name how to find them using /sea all and invite "name" so I disband 10 second later i get a tell...
"what was the name i cant find him?"
/sigh again i tell him the name and how to invite him...he sends me another tell. that he cant find the replacement how is now (i should add) standing right in front of him.
i tell him to invite me....then he gives me leader I boot his *** invite my replacement and give him leader. Then I disband and my PL teles us.
#3662 Jun 15 2006 at 6:04 AM Rating: Default
138 posts
I always enjoyed it when n00bs turn in their 3 items for subjob quest then get upset cause they lost their item and still don't have a subjob.

Talking to npcs is funny.

Claiming NM's thinking they are normal mobs. (LL)

>< and how many of them are gonna beg me for gear? like i am rich cause my AF was so expensive
#3663 Jun 15 2006 at 6:57 AM Rating: Default
My stories aren't as funny but this one had me fuming. WHM and DRK from hell...

WHM: **** this, I'm tired of healing and you're pulling too fast. I'm only sticking around for 2 more and looking for another party!
Me: Dude, no one has died. That means you're doing your job right. Just stick around, first person dies that's not your fault and the you have a reason to live. For now, you're being lazy.
WHM: Right, I don't like this pt, 2 more and I'm out!!!

I call in a PL since I'm so close to DRG 49 and Penta. I hit 49 and the DRK starts complaining.

DRK: Why the hell did you call in a PL? We were doing just fine without a PL.
Me: A thank you seems more fitting, you weren't the one dealing with the WHM's ****.
DRK: We were doing just fine without a PL.
Me: No, we weren't, I had to stall the WHM until PL got here and now I'm getting **** from you.
DRK: Geez, you're a f????n noob.

And about this time the party disbands.
#3664 Jun 15 2006 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
GreyMog wrote:
DRK: Why the hell did you call in a PL? We were doing just fine without a PL.
Me: A thank you seems more fitting, you weren't the one dealing with the WHM's ****.
DRK: We were doing just fine without a PL.
Me: No, we weren't, I had to stall the WHM until PL got here and now I'm getting **** from you.
DRK: Geez, you're a f????n noob.

And about this time the party disbands.

Honestly, if I were in your party at that level, and you said you were getting a PL, I'd get pretty pissed off too. I'll listen to the arguments for, and against, PLs at lower levels, but at 49 it's just sad.

Anyway, since I feel bad posting in this thread without adding my own story... My husband and I had started the game together, and we had duoed our Red Mages to level 14. Since exp in La Thiene Plateau was getting kinda slow, we went and found one of the many leveling guides posted on the web, and saw that at our level, we should be exping in Buburimu or Valkurm Dunes...

So, off we went through the plateau, happy as you please, and zoned in to Valkurm for the very first time. Standing right there at the entrance was a Goblin... an IT++ Goblin. We ran back to La Thiene, and were scared to enter Valkurm for a long time afterwards. We honestly thought the people who wrote those leveling guides were insane.

Eventually we discovered the usefulness of a party with more than two members ;D
#3665 Jun 15 2006 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
I was a mnk in the Dunes, a week or so after I'd started playing. All the sudden I see this gigantic beast called 'Titan' appear right in the middle of our battle. I thought, 'oh crap - a NM popped right on top of us!! zonezonezone!' So I immediately disengaged and ran for it. A few seconds later the mob was dead, and I realized what had happened. ><

I was SO embarrassed and hightailed it back to the pt, hoping no one noticed (of course they all noticed.) No one said anything to me, though. :D
#3666 Jun 15 2006 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
when ur LS says undead take dmg from healing magic, dont find the best bogy you can get and try to kill it with cure II

and... dont try to get revenge on the bogeys at lv 30 either... >,<

i wanted to be a DRK/PLD... /sigh.. everyone laughed at me.. i was in a HNM shell since lv 1, cus i buddy knew a guy there... so i asked and asked and asked, so i picked up fast
#3667 Jun 15 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
well here's my n00b/stupid moment. it happened last night. i go to xarcabard to do genkai 2 with some friends. we go to fight the first nm and we beat it and then i go to the ??? to get the first of 3 key items. but nothin happened. no key item or anything. and then someone asked if i had opened the quest and then gave it thought and was like "no my dumb *** did not open it". i felt so stupid. but in the end we all got a good laugh at it.
#3668 Jun 16 2006 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
It wasn't a PL by the Valkurm term, moreso just getting to close to level to have a prick WHM ruin it so I asked a high WHM friend to take over the healer role... but couldn't invite because of a 10 level gap.

Anyways, noobs and the tele business:
I started getting into the teleporting business and had many issues on my first day. I filled up a party and this guy says he has to get stuff out of his MH. Only 3 full tele groups later is he ready, man that's annoying. Plan ahead of time but don't ask if it's gonna take you 20 minutes to get ready!
#3669 Jun 16 2006 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
697 posts
This wasnt so much a noob saying as much as playing with a noob but...

I was in qufim with my blue mage, and the Rdm in our pt was ahead of me, well i catch up to him because he is stopped for the ghouls. I had put a sneak oil on, and asked him if he had sneak.. he didnt say anything, so i ran up and ran around the Skeles (there were 3) for a few seconds and then ran away, when i saw him follow me without sneaking, i immediately shouted for a raise, before he got hit mind you, he was dead within a few seconds lol.
#3670 Jun 23 2006 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
4,618 posts
just had to bring it back
#3671 Jun 23 2006 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
Living on a Prayer
30,114 posts
#3672 Jun 23 2006 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
I've had many noobish moments. One of my favorite is when I was being chased around by a gob in Yhaotor Jungle. I couldn't figure out how to zone to Yuhtunga Jungle so I ran around while this party watched me. I shouted, "I'm not MPKing anyone! I really suck this much!"

And they killed it. I died and realized, yes, I deserved it. LOL
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#3673 Jun 24 2006 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
This happened yesterday, and I swear I think this n00b gave me an aneurysm...

Background:Ok well, on my main character I chose NIN as my main, but I decided to give it a break since the amount of gil need per PT made me cringe. Anywho, I made a mule and decided to level it, and see how far I could get with it.

*Area: Valkurm Dunes*

*blind invite*

I accept, {Hello!} yada yada yada, so I go to the party member list and check out the members.

WAR14 (no sub, sword/shield, I'm a 75Greenmage)
WAR16 (my mule)

Me: Um.. yeah.. the BLM and RDM are too low for this PT
PLD: Yeah, I think <mule name> and I are gonna have to disband
n00b: lez figt
Me: Did you not hear what we said? We're too high for this PT

*5 minutes pass*

n00b: com 2 outpost
Me: AGAIN: PLD and I are TOO HIGH for this PT...
n00b: lez figt sheip

*PLD disbands*

n00b: omg he d/c?
Me: Noo.. he DISBANDED
n00b: why?
Me: Do you NOT understand basic party dynamics?
n00b: yah, invite
Me: Noo.. you have to make sure they're within the level range (2 level gap max for Valkurm dunes)
n00b: ok

*n00b invites a level 9, a level 19, a level 39, a level 12*

n00b: com 2 outpost

*I disband after trying to teach him how to PT*

n00b>> why u leav?
Me>> Because you don't know how to PT, you suck at this game, please quit, your just wasting space on SE's server

*n00b invites me to the PT again*

Me>> NO!
n00b>> PT?
n00b>> shiep are god exps rite?
n00b>> helo?

/sigh I was excited about the XBox release. "New players! I get to make sure they level the right subs, and the right weapons etc.."

But now.. ughh.. I wish SE would give you an IQ test before you're allowed to fully install the game. If it's below 30 {Good Bye.}
#3674 Jun 24 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
<3 this thread really! finally there is something to submit ^^

some time ago I was lvling RDM (lvl 39) in Gustav Tunnel, the pt was good, everything went well... untill one member asked for Refresh.

I thought it was a joke and said "yes please", "can I have it?" and all this stuff,
but after some time he couldn't stop annoying me and start sending me spam tells.
It seems he ignore that I told him it's a lvl 41 spell,
but after some time I felt sorry for him and said "ok, you can have this"
the mage was happy again and said thanks
he wanted refresh from me, here he has it!
I traded him a scroll of refresh D:

hey it worked, he shut up :D

Edited, Jun 24th 2006 at 6:00pm EDT by kuroishini
#3675 Jun 24 2006 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm not quite sure if this qualifies as noob but this seems the best place to put it.

I was out in Rolanberry farming threads/chips/cuttings, I come across an unclaimed Goobbue and of course run up and engage it, well, apparently there was a drg I hadn't seen going after the same Goobbue and when I claimed it before him he apparently decided it was alright to call me a **** head because I outclaimed him. So I reply with "Nice mouth", semi long story short, I threatened him with a GM call for his language because I've always wanted to see how people actually react to that, he backs off but decides to add that I still stole his kill. I decide to explain to him that unless he had the Goobbue engaged, it wasn't really his kill. Then tell me that I'm a noob because only noobs threaten with GM calls and then tells me that I'm on his blist, honestly I couldn't be happier with that, it means I won't have to deal with him again.

Also, I can't exactly remember when in the conversation this was, but when I told him that I was hunting them to buy my glut sword he said that he was hunting them to buy a, and I quote "habununken +1". Assuming that he meant Haubergeon I did a /sea on him to see he was in fact lvl 35 and rank 2. If he actually had a job high enough to equip it or very close to it, wouldn't he have been hunting with that instead?
#3676 Jun 24 2006 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
1) Qufim Island, 2 days ago. (Note: all spelling here is reasonably accurate. I'm not doing it to make them look stupid, they did that themselves.)

RDM 22/WHM *1* sends an invite.

Me >> Your subjob's level 1.
Them >> Ya lol :P
Me >> Do you have anything else leveled?
Them >> No XD
Me >> Why not... (knowing what was coming)
Them >> I hav lvl 70 friends who will get blu 4 me at lvl 30
Me >> But... you'll need to level other jobs to sub for BLU
Them >> I wil hav 30 RDM
Me >> What about if you're asked to tank? Or sub WHM? Or sub NIN? Or sub THF?
Them >> Cmon lol take invite u wont get any others

(Level 24 NIN in about 6 mil worth of gear, and a friend's static asked me to party at the same time)

Me >> I just got an invite, thanks.
Them >> k lol gl wit dat

5 minutes later:

A shout war ensues on this person because... well, they're an idiot. Some people even change their seacom to "IF YOUR SUB ISN'T LEVELED, DON'T INVITE ME".

This person attempts to make at least four more parties, each disbanding within five minutes of the first invite. Everything goes swimmingly in my party and we chain endlessly for 5k an hour.

This guy's still level 22, after seeking all day every day (well, whenever I've been online... kind of a hobby at the moment)


2) Valkurm Dunes, last week.

18 WAR/5 WHM, leader of the party. You can see where this is going.

Them >> I'm tank, ok?
Me (18 NIN/9 WAR) >> Ok. (Willing to give it a shot, you never know)

3 seconds later, 2 people afk, 1 not at camp.

Idiot starts to cast Dia on the Beach Pugil.
The Beach Pugil hits Idiot for 60 points of damage. And again.

I voke.

Me >> Cure yourself, the WHM's afk.
Them >> I don't use Cure, I sub WHM to pull.
Me >> You're in orange HP.
Them >> I need MP for Dia!

People get back, chaos ensues, but we win.

Them >> Cool 200 exp lol
Party >> Why did you pull?
Them >> We killed it, why u complain?
Party >> ...

3 seconds later.

Idiot starts to cast Dia on the Beach Pugil.
The Beach Pugil hits Idiot for 60 points of damage.

I voke again, and start tanking.

Them >> Stop voking, I'm tank!

This went on for about an hour. He'd just randomly pull with Dia, whenever he felt like it. Luckily, the rest of the party was good, so it didn't matter too much... and the Dunes was quiet last night, so we put up with it... but when we disbanded, he got an earbashing. He didn't care though.

I've leveled four jobs 10-20 recently... so many moments like this... the WAR/NONE voking randomly on half-dead or almost-dead mobs, for no apparent reason... the BLM chain nuking Stonega after repeated deaths in a beach camp with IT++++++ pugils all around us... and the many, many people with "HEY <t> I *** UR MOM" type Provoke macros. And that is an exact quote, by the way. One of them was along the lines of "ur a ***** *** here {Provoke}".

I hate this game sometimes.
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