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Things you never want to see a NON-WHM sayFollow

#1 Jan 20 2004 at 8:07 AM Rating: Default
1. When everybody's health is at 50HP and the only WHM in the group has 30%MP after a hard battle, the tanks pulling an IT and said "DOn't worry, we can handle it, we got a WHM"


3. WHM's MP is at 3/210, people in the group keep yelling "HEal me dammit!" <---WTF you expect the WHM to do with that MP?

Well..there are some more... add to it if you guys want. more... when the WHM has less than 30% of the MP...some lamer in the group don't listen to the WHM which said DON'T PULL and trained 2 Goblin leechers. They expect the WHM to heal them. I was like huh? and told them "ZONE! We'll LOSE! RUN!".. lamer stay and die. Then they said I why I didn't heal them. Dude, I was at 30% and I know it's a losing battle. I told them to run, they do't listen. If I heal them then what? Die with them? No way. I'm not doing it cause it's a losing battle and especially NOBODY listen to me for not pulling from the beginning and nobody listen to me when I said RUN. Guess what... the lamers all died. And they said "WE WEREN'T DYING UNTIL YOU JOIN THE GROUP." Yea, Blame the WHM.. dumbass.

Edited, Tue Jan 20 08:08:08 2004 by ztock

Edited, Tue Jan 20 08:14:05 2004 by ztock
#2 Jan 20 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
1,120 posts
"I am not a Tarutaru."
#3 Jan 20 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,285 posts

Notcoach you got a sense of humour.

#4 Jan 20 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
278 posts
well :P

not to start a big nasty, but sorry, ztock.. i'm of the persuasion that a WHM exists to keep the party alive. if the rest of the party dies and the WHM is still alive, then the WHM wasn't doing his job. the only exception to that idea (for me, at least) is once Raise comes along.. then, you keep the WHM alive so that he/she can Raise other party members. i'm guessing by "Goblin Leechers" and "3/210 MP" that you were in the Dunes tho, and didn't have Raise, so feh. shoulda saved your party. Benediction is there for a reason, man. better to lose the exp of one party member than five, or six. everyone makes mistakes, don't make the rest of the party suffer cos one guy pulled/aggroed something they couldn't handle :P

if it's between me dying and the rest of the party dying, hell, i'll even use Benediction and get croaked at lvl 28, if i know there's another WHM around who will Raise me. because it's the white's job to keep the party livin'.

one opinion, sorry if i offend.
28 whm / 38 blm / 7 thf / 6 war / 5 mnk
#5 Jan 20 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
408 posts
the fact of the matter is, when the WHM says "RUN!" "ZONE!" or something in those means it has been clearly and definitively stated that the WHM does not belive this is a winning battle and if we all zone we will live

if you don't listen to the WHM then its your own freaking fault for dieing

double pulling is acceptable, especially with linking mobs like goblins, it happens, work with the situation

whats not acceptable is pulling after the WHM has specifically stated to not Pull.

tho at 30% i usually tell my PT to get lower tough, usually its killed without too much damage taken on the tank and i can come out with more MPs after healing for it than i had before we killed it and maintain the all important xp chain
#6 Jan 20 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
216 posts
In my experience, there's a serious gap between players who rolled a WHM because they like healing, and players who rolled a WHM because they want to find groups. I agree with atherisch. Dumbass or not, it is your responsibility as WHM to give your groupmates the best chance they have of surviving, at the cost of your WHM's XP, if necessary. That's the whole basis of Benediction, after all.

That said, here are some things I never want to hear a Non-WHM say to me:

1) "Dude, only use Cure II. Cure I doesn't heal enough."

Ok. Hey, while we're at it, why don't I just sub WAR for Provoke?

2) "I'm saving my Provoke."

For what? After Christmas sales? Well, I'm saving my Cures, ******. Santa Claus is coming back to town.

3) "Why aren't you using Curaga?"

Because I enjoy life.

4) (After burning your TP for a skillchain and/or down 10 HP) "Can you top me off? I don't want to med, I'm saving my TP."

Brother, I've got bad news for you. The 8 TP you're gonna lose for medding one tick isn't worth the Earth Crystal I'm about to stab you with.

And my personal favorite:

5) "Dude, stand closer so we don't have to run so far when I lose aggro."

There are so many things wrong with this statement, I don't even know where to begin. Should I mention the Goblin Bomb? Should I detail the finer points of Provoke? Or should I just start chain-casting Banish/ga and /giggle?

Edited, Tue Jan 20 12:29:00 2004 by Sprits
#7 Jan 20 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
338 posts
Said to me as a 26 BLM / 13 RDM in Yuhtun Jungle: "There's no other healers, so I guess you're it." Umm... no. Just because I have Cure I and the only person in the party with 3-digit MP does not mean I'm a healer. Need I point out that I am a BLM? I only have RDM sub because I don't have SMN yet (though the RDM Fast Cast is a very handy ability, I'd rather have the better INT and MP that SMN would get me.)
#8 Jan 20 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
THANK YOU! "Playingforfun"! You totally understand my point! And the others...sigh... Want me to sacrifice my XP for people who f***up from the first place? No! If they listened to me and things went wrong UNINTENTIONALLY, I would have stay and fight or even die with the group. But since they don't listen to me and INTENTIONALLY CREATED that misfortune, NO WAY! I'm not god, I won't forgive people like.
#9 Jan 20 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
Okay All Please Hear me out.

I have no problem dying for my pt because I get pts so easy anyay. But come on!! Some parties deserve to die!! Sometimes I do benediction just so i can die and find another party. Come on guys, you all have been there. When I was playing my Red Mage in Kazham my entire party was calling me a WHM because our WHM wanted to sit back and cast his new Regen spell instead of healing. Im sorry but if WHM always died, that wouldn't be fair. Sometimes dying is a learning lesson not to provoke **** you can't handle unless you have the right combo of players. IF someone dies in your party, it doesn't always mean your WHM wasn't doing their job. Sometimes there are the WTF moments, like macro sticking or a critical hit that whips out someone in one shot.

Just my thoughts :)

31 RDM/20 WHM/2 SMR
#10 Jan 20 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
278 posts
^^ (wanna make sure i wasn't misinterpreted)

if *someone* dies, that happens..

if the *entire party* dies with the exception of the WHM, even if it's the puller's fault, that's the fault of the WHM. bad parties suck, yes, but the other four members aren't any more responsible for a bad puller than the WHM is, and i (personally) feel a good WHM would save them.

i'll leave the rest up to different playing techniques, just wanted to make sure no-one thought i said, "if one person died the WHM sucks" or something.

28 whm / 38 blm / 7 thf / 6 war / 5 mnk
#11 Jan 20 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
1,120 posts
Sprits wrote:
3) "Why aren't you using Curaga?"

Because I enjoy life.

Curaga is excellent for between battles, but I have only ever partied with one WHM who did that.
#12 Jan 20 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
216 posts
Curaga is excellent for between battles, but I have only ever partied with one WHM who did that.

Yes. I am talking about comments made in battle. Every WHM over 16 that I've grouped with in my history has understood Curaga only goes off during downtime. Sadly, only about 60% of the tanks have understood that. "OMFG I HAVE TEH PROVOEK TO SAVE U!!11!!"

A few were smart enough to DS it to bring the MNKS from orange to full - during downtime. Have you ever partied with a WHM that cast Curaga in battle? It's not productive unless the WHM expects to die and is using it as a last resort. It should be treated as a Benediction by the WHM, during combat.

PS - Forgiveness is not divine, it's mature. Just thought I'd throw that out. The reason I rolled a WHM to sub instead of my original BLM plan was because I got crazy sick and tired of stuffed-up skittish, obnoxious, or otherwise snobby and arrogant WHM's that wouldn't take one for the team, even though the team is very often taking quite a few for them. Ever seen a tank drop to low-orange and Provoke a mob off the WHM anyway? That's called "WHM ****** up and tank is risking XP for him anyway." Happens a lot more often than a WHM throwing down a Bene for the team.

Not implying you suck as a human being, of course. ;) I'm just saying.

Edited, Tue Jan 20 13:51:23 2004 by Sprits
#13 Jan 20 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
Actually Curaga in battle can be very helpfull if you have a competent Paladin.

A good Paladin can take aggro off Curaga II with Divine Seal as well as off benediction.

As a whm you have a great opportunity to pick your groups, so use it to your advantage. I am a Paladin, and I will never group with a crappy whm. If I were a whm, I wouldn't go anywhere without a decent paladin or warrior that can tank (I do prefer paladins :)).

Oh and the point of whm being the savior of the group... The tank is the savior and the tank should be the one going down first. Granted, if I die and my whm has 150 MP in the pool, I will be quite pissed. However, if whm dies first, then the tank is a crappy tank.

My advice to any white mage - pick your tanks wisely and you really won't have much problems. I know sometimes it means some downtime waiting for a decent party, but I think it's worth it. Saves you XP and frustration.

Rushian, lvl56 Paladin

PS. Couple things I heard from whm:

1. Yeah, I have Cure IV, but I was conserving mana (said after you die to a 650+ damage special)
2. Sorry, I wanted to save my 2hr (that's after you asked for a benediction, while invincible with 50 HP left).
3. I was Magic Bursting with Banish, couldn't heal you.

Edited, Tue Jan 20 14:53:31 2004 by Russian
#14 Jan 20 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Here's where, IMO, a good tank and a good healer differ... As a WHM, there are certain situations where I will make it a point to be the first to go down. If I'm down to 25mp, the melees are all dying, but the mob is also low, I'll blow my load on a Cure2 to pull Hate and save the tank a couple hits. The hope is that while I'm dying, my party will do enough damage that they'll finish off the mob with no one else dying.

It's a far better situation than the tank falling first, because then the mob just turns to the WHM anyway. Tank first = at least 2 down, WHM first = possibly only 1.
#15 Jan 20 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
I disagree.

First of all good luck pulling aggro off a paladin that is almost dead. So many times people would try to save me with Provokes, Divine Sealed CIII, etc. The only way you can, as whm is benediction. Even benediction can fail to pull the aggro off after a paladin went through his MP pool and abilities.

The tank must stay alive as long as it can and if it's a good tank he will die the first. He is there to take damage. Simple as that. What is important is that whm does not just stands there when he is out of MP and shouts "We all gonna die!" I've seen too many whms do that instead of trying to rest and get enough MP for another Cure II or even Cure III.

Basically the bottom line is that the tank should call out when to get the hell out, because he will be the one dying first. And he must do his best so that whm and the rest of the party escape safely or finish the monster after his death. A good tank is one that people say "Sorry man, I tried to voke off you, but it didn't even blink."

Rushian, lvl56 Paladin

Edited, Tue Jan 20 15:16:27 2004 by Russian

Edited, Tue Jan 20 15:18:10 2004 by Russian
#16 Jan 20 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Interesting discussion about to ensue? ;)

A good tank is one that people say "Sorry man, I tried to voke off you, but it didn't even blink."

What good is that? That sounds like over-aggro, to me. A good tank is one that can balance the aggro so the party chooses where the mob goes, at its whim. If you're on red HP, your WHM is OOM, and there's a MNK/WAR behind you in full HP, what good does it do the party if you die because he can't voke it off you?

You're right in that a well-played PLD can keep the aggro through thick, thin, and throughout. Hell, Invincible will take aggro off of Benediction. But the best tank, to me (a non-tank, mind you) is one that keeps just enough aggro that the mob won't move until it's told to by the party - but not so much that the mob doesn't follow orders when it's crunch time.

What is important is that whm does not just stands there when he is out of MP and shouts "We all gonna die!" I've seen too many whms do that instead of trying to rest and get enough MP for another Cure II or even Cure III.

Which leads me to ask - wouldn't it be wiser for the tank to give up aggro to the MNK, who has more HP and can take hits to buy the WHM some more time to med?

Edited, Tue Jan 20 15:23:54 2004 by Sprits
#17 Jan 20 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Default
288 posts
Why would i need a ranged item to pull, i have provoke ~warrior as he routinely gets back to camp at 50% hp from the pull
WHM: out of mp
War: Dont heal me im about to ding
warrior pulls
WHM: Dont worry about that happening as im out of MP.
WHM: Looks to me like you're about to die...
War: HEAL!@@
warrior dies.
War: WTF why didnt you heal.
Thf: Using trick attack behind Jowaa!
Me: WTF?!
Jowaa is creamed into a bloody pulp
Me: Why in the hell did you just trick attack behind me? Im a F***-en ranger@!!!
THF:oh lol,was wondering why you were using a bow ^^.
Ranger: im outa arrows, mind if i just melee?
"This is the BEST group i have been in EVAH~!!!"
"we havent even pulled yet...."

#18 Jan 20 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Any class that relies on other players doing their jobs to do theirs is going to get a lot of abuse and hatred from other players for "telling them how to play". WHM gets it, and to a lesser extent THF gets it also. Wait untill the higher levels and the tards start to thin out because they just don't make it that far.
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#19 Jan 20 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Just wanted to say that while using a spell such as Curaga or Curaga II or Cure III or IV right after you get it probably will result in the things you all mention. However, at the higher levels you will find that Curaga in battle, even in the early parts of a battle and multiple times during a battle, will bring no aggro to yourself if you have heavy damage dealers or an efficient Paladin in your group.

I've Benedictioned many times in a fight and not died. The best time for you to Benediction without fear is right after a Paladin has burned Invincible. If not, just run to the zone after you've given your party life to run themselves.

These spells are VERY useful later on so don't be so eager to retire them. Trust me, you'll be using Curaga eventually. It's all about experimenting timing and coordination. And remember that you have to alter your play style with each different group make-up.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#20 Jan 20 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
I don't know how many times I got a tell like this while I was a WHM in Qufim:

"We've got a party of 5 WARs and we need a WHM"
#21 Jan 20 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
In theory, yes, over aggro might be a bad thing. However, in practice it's only bad for the tank itself. Here's the problem.

Aggro does not build in an instant, it builds over time. So, let's say a Paladin is trying to conserve aggro and keep it the way that someone can voke off him.

First of all it's quite hard to measure aggro. Second of all, there is no guarantee that the aggro will go to monk, UNLESS he does raging fists for nice amount of damage. Most likely the aggro will go to the wrong person, be it ranger, whm or blm.

Now we take a situation with an IT spider in Quicksands, for example. The thing does 80-100 damage to me with my 475 defense. Do you know how fast it will kill a small taru? Pretty damned fast. In 2 hits, the whm can be dead, same for blm. Monk will take up to 4 hits, unless a sickle slash does 900 to a monk.

Next thing is that IF you are doing the borderline aggro theory, then you blm or ranger will be very much screwed. Your aggro has to pass the aggro of blm and the ranger. Neither of them can voke. By keeping the aggro level down enough so a monk can voke off you, you're telling a blm "Dude, don't use nukes, go melee, cause I need your aggro down." Same with Ranger - "Sorry can, you stop using Barrage, please?"

To illustrate it, here's my idea of an aggro meter by the end of the fight. Very approximate I have to say.

Dark Knight:======================

This can vary depending on how many special abilities/renkei each of them use.

However as you can see, to drop the aggro so the monk can voke off you, you have to come too close to ranger and blackmage taking hits. So most paladins, usually go for the highest aggro (well, we do have to save MP for exp chains) possible under given conditions. That's what really kills a paladin, literally.

So, in theory, yes it's great to be able to give aggro back. In practice, it's almost impossible without risking your party's damage dealers (who actually have lowest defense).

Edited, Tue Jan 20 15:47:29 2004 by Russian
#22 Jan 20 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
1) "Guys rdy?" Puller
"no" whm
"not yet" rdm
"almost" blm
"Provoking <t>! get ready!" Puller

2) I'm not a mage, why should I use macros?

3) What's a skillchain?

4) "We can't take rangers! WTF wrong w/ you!" 24WAR (In Qufim w/ full party)

5) "rest, I'm just building tp!" (solo's same thing it took 6 of us to kill)

6) "You have over 100mp!"

7) "Y U using regen?"

8) "Sweet! I'll go get another!" (everyone's hp is Yellow/ orange, mages mp gone

9) "We don't need another WHM!" (I'm leader and there are times I want the back up healer to be a WHM; not subbed. Don't like it? Disband.)

10) "Sorry, I didn't check it 1st!"

#23 Jan 20 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
Ya know what, I'm a white mage, and I have warrior subbed in *gasp*, I can do things like curaga in the middle of battle and still live. Everyone says warrior sub is such a bad thing. I've died once from using benediction and that was when I first used it.

I can gather that extra hate in battle and it doesn't bother me much because I get hit maybe at most 3 times a battle and that just puts me in the yellow. "Well the mage isnt spose to get it." Think of it as a cure dammit! :) I took the hit, you get to hit the mob more without me using any more of my mana to heal you. And I hafta sit and recover mana anyways so I'll heal hp at the same time.

I have had no complaints from anyone about such things and I am currently lvl 20whm/10war (warrior is lvl 20).

But if the whm lives and everyones dead, understandable to be pisssed if the whm could have done a lil more. But just because he's a white mage doesnt mean that he has to die first.

"Use your benediction!" Sorry, it got used on the last group of idiots that told me to use it. By the way, they all still died and I lived. Why? Because I used benediction and pulled the mob away from everyone and they still insist on following me to kill it, even though at that point I have 0% mana and the mob is still at 50% life.

As to add to the list of things I never wanna here a non-whm say:
ANYTHING THAT PERTAINS TO TELLING ME HOW TO DO MY JOB (not suggestions, but actual ordering). When apparently what I'm doing is and has been working just fine.
Oh, and one more for the list. "Don't use Dia! You can use that mana to heal one of us!" sorry but uhm Dia is 7mp... Cure is 8mp and Dia helps kill the thing quicker. (Read the description )

I think that covers the main points. :)
#24 Jan 20 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
248 posts
puller: wuts it con to me? wtf is con?
puller: u can check it?!?
thf: dude, i wanna lvl my evasion, let me tank!!
rdm/blm: dont worry guys, my blaze spikes do good dmg, let me tank.
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