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Hume Female RSE and Sexual HarassmentFollow

#27 Jan 20 2004 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
Personaly I find people who are offended by compliments to their physicial phisique realy quite prudish and narrow minded.

Obviously there are limits on what is appropiate to say and whats not, but admiration for someones physicial form is one of the biggest complements someone can recieve, especialy comming from a male. And it should be recognised and appreciated as such.

The problem is not with those who make appreciative or comments sexualy in nature, but with those who seek to physicialy impose them selves on others. However, this is not an issue in the online gaming world.

Obviously this is a game, behavioural patterns carry over as a result of the personifcation with your Avatar, and thus causing it to become an extension of your self.

"Sexy" is a measure of someones sex appeal which is again a qualitative measure of sexual arrousal. Sexual arrousal is simply external stimuli (chemical, visual, tactile, audio and social) that are processed in the brain resulting in the release of sex hormones.
MMOGs provide both visual and social stimuli so it is possiable if not probable that someone have a measurable sex appeal (be "sexy") in game.

Im a Male who plays a Female avatar mainly because it like looking at my avatars backside and find the female avatars attractive while the male avatars came across as being too feminine. I am uncomfotiable with the occasional guy who trys to hit on my character, but simply telling them that you are a guy who plays a female avatar promptly solves that problem.

Finaly, I say to the Female MMOGers out there, dont let the social taboos imposed by feminist opressors dictate your actions and go with the natural way of things and give as good as you get when it comes to sexual comments. (assuming the comments are within reason to begin with)

Edited, Tue Jan 20 01:31:33 2004 by Abyssus
#28 Jan 20 2004 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
hehe, that's just how it is. not reading through this whole thread. but in my linkshell, we always roleplay with appearances/races. i'm galka, so they always call me gay and ask where the hell other galka come from...
#29 Jan 20 2004 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
878 posts
Personaly I find people who are offended by compliments to their physicial phisique realy quite prudish and narrow minded.

Obviously there are limits on what is appropiate to say and whats not, but admiration for someones physicial form is one of the biggest complements someone can recieve, especialy comming from a male. And it should be recognised and appreciated as such.

The problem is not with those who make appreciative or comments sexualy in nature, but with those who seek to physicialy impose them selves on others. However, this is not an issue in the online gaming world.

Obviously this is a game, behavioural patterns carry over as a result of the personifcation with your Avatar, and thus causing it to become an extension of your self.

"Sexy" is a measure of someones sex appeal which is again a qualitative measure of sexual arrousal. Sexual arrousal is simply external stimuli (chemical, visual, tactile, audio and social) that are processed in the brain resulting in the release of sex hormones.
MMOGs provide both visual and social stimuli so it is possiable if not probable that someone have a measurable sex appeal (be "sexy") in game.

Im a Male who plays a Female avatar mainly because it like looking at my avatars backside and find the female avatars attractive while the male avatars came across as being too feminine. I am uncomfotiable with the occasional guy who trys to hit on my character, but simply telling them that you are a guy who plays a female avatar promptly solves that problem.

omfg that is the funniest or saddest thing i have ever
#30 Jan 20 2004 at 3:08 AM Rating: Default
Its not realy as funny once you learn what all the big words mean.

Whats even sader is some peoples inability to take the subject matter seriously.

"OMG, he said 'sex' te-he" -- mm realy, get over it.

Edited, Tue Jan 20 03:12:15 2004 by Abyssus
#31 Jan 20 2004 at 3:17 AM Rating: Decent
5,339 posts
For the sake of roleplaying I might play a little bit of Cassanova if the moment is ripe for comedy. Today when the servers were weird and zones were down I was stuck in Qufim, and at the zone to Jeuno (which did not work) there were 4 girl characters, all JPN players. With my best effort I cranked out "So, you girls come here often?" in completely mangled japanese. I got 4 "w"'s so I assume I said something right. Breaking the ice, having a little fun.

I wouldn't go as far as being a stalker. The only time I even examine people is when I'm REALLY curious as to what a particular piece of armor or a weapon is.
#32 Jan 20 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
878 posts
No really... I DO understand the "BIG WORDS" I just think you are kinda sad for putting sooo much brain power into a discusion about a game. Shouldn't your kind be solving world hunger?
#33 Jan 20 2004 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
While my post is focused on a game, some of the issues it raises go beyond FFXI into general behaviour of some cultures.

As for world hunger, I think thats realy the combined side effect of greed and selfishness in western first world culture where people contume/waste alot more resorces than they need, in conjunction with the social immaturity of third world countries which contain dominant/tribal/gang like groups that fragment the relative social fabric/conformity/unification that is needed for a society to prosper.

So whats needed is for more focus to be spent on global social maturity, rather than whos got the biggest felic symbol.

Anyway, thats just my feelings/views.

Edited, Tue Jan 20 03:42:13 2004 by Abyssus
#34 Jan 20 2004 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
878 posts
wow someone's got some Philosophy 101 under his belt!
#35 Jan 20 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
I am a woman playing a Hume Female too. I was sexually harrassed by a Galka named Bigguy in Windhurst. I think he was a L5 War / no subjob.

So he starts going on about how hot I am, and about "know why they call me Bigguy?" and on and on. I say, "welcome to my /blist" I blist him, and start doing some of the easy minor quests in Windhurst. This guy follows me for 30 minutes!

I would have let the stupid comments drop, because he was already on my blist - but the following thing was stupid. After about 5 minutes of the following I called a GM. So - I start fishing, and all of a sudden I see Bigguy disappear.

Guess he went to jail. GM /tell(s) me that he won't be bothering me anymore. LMAO!

Next time, I'm just going to say that I'm really a 6' 4" male with lots of manhood to share ^^
#36 Jan 20 2004 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue Jan 20 09:10:55 2004 by Faustian
#37 Jan 20 2004 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
Then you certainly won't enjoy seeing something like this! Just happened to catch a glimpse of this going on in Ifrit!

(Hope this bit of sillyness doesn't offend!:)
#38 Jan 20 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
772 posts
Urakh -> LMAO

Edited, Tue Jan 20 10:58:49 2004 by xave
#39 Jan 20 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I enjoy playful kidding, and do it myself as well to the male characters (and some females that I know hehe). The girls in my linkshell and I also sometimes, for fun, run around Valkrum in our skivvies, and it's all funny.

But there have been several occassions when male players have taken it too far (when I have been a fully clothed whm waiting to heal someone or whatnot), and it became rather offensive. Some at first thought I was just a guy playing a girl (although a friend of mine who is such a character, he gets very offended when a man hits on his female avatar), but once they discover I'm a girl in real life as well, it only seems to make things worse. In fact, I've been harrassed by several rather lonely male players who wish to see me off game, and get rather angry when I say a) I'm not into that and b) besides I'm engaged. One threatened to report me to the GM when I said I would put him on my ignore list if he didn't stop with the harrassment (I really don't like reporting anyone to the GM and refuse to do so thus far). He also attempted to do this to a friend of mine, and promptly the GM came and realized it was he who was at fault.

I just hope none of the male Taru mind that I run around hugging them all the time. I just love Taru. ^_^ But I'm not harassing about it. hehe. :)
#40 Jan 20 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
stop dressing like a ho and you'll be fine.

j/k <^^>
With the receiver in my hand..
#41 Jan 20 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
338 posts
Well, hopefully I'll be able to get the RSE tonight, I have to try to get the high levels in my LS to give me a hand. Then I'll see if it gets any worse. I do get inspected a lot, but I've gotten very few comments, like 3 or 4 total. I just ignore them and nothing happens beyond that.

However, if someone decides to harass me, I'll simply:

/em points out the bulge in "her" pants.

Think that'll get them to stop? =D
#42 Jan 20 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
/em points out the bulge in "her" pants.

Think that'll get them to stop? =D

Honestly, mesajar, you never really know,
and it just may backfire on you.
#43 Jan 20 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
heh... you can see some of those harasser's fairly apparent in this thread. Good luck with the vest. Right now I have a fem elvaan with power gi and sublingars. I've gotten offered numerous linkshells already (lame) and get people askin me how I'm doin and stuff. If I've seen you before and played with you online before, fine... you know me, you can see how I'm doin. If I don't know who the heck you are... why you care how I'm doing? lol... I usually just don't answer back. Oh, but at least the guys are easily manipulated in this game... almost wh00ped kinda.
#44 Jan 20 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Personaly I find people who are offended by compliments to their physicial phisique realy quite prudish and narrow minded.

How is saying something like "thank god my head is at just the right height" to your online character a compliment to your physical phisique? I don't think anyone is getting offended (maybe a little creeped out) about a "my, you're pretty"

admiration for someones physicial form is one of the biggest complements someone can recieve, especialy comming from a male. And it should be recognised and appreciated as such.

Now, that is very sad. Being told you're cute can be nice (depending on who is saying it, not just any man) but it is far from one of the biggest complements you can recieve. Not everyone wants to be valued by what they look like. I know I would much rather be told that I'm kind, or smart or funny than "you got nice tits".

By focusing on only the physical aspect of a woman you aren't complimenting her at all, you are putting her in her place as a sexual object. And again I'm refering to the guys who will follow you around and make comments at you, a passing compliment (compliment not "i see you shave your bikini line")isn't a big deal, albeit creepy.

I am uncomfotiable with the occasional guy who trys to hit on my character, but simply telling them that you are a guy who plays a female avatar promptly solves that problem.

Yea, it can solve the problem, so can calling a gm or putting them on your blacklist. All of which I highly recomend. But you come off like you're saying Women have no right to be creeped out by unwanted comments from strangers, either because they should like it or it's only a game.

Finaly, I say to the Female MMOGers out there, dont let the social taboos imposed by feminist opressors dictate your actions and go with the natural way of things and give as good as you get when it comes to sexual comments.

What feminist opressors are you talking about? It's obvious you aren't female so I'll be happy to enlighten you. I can tell you that if I don't know a person and they are commenting on what they think my character might be like in bed it isn't natural to want to say the same things back. It only creeps me out. Again this is different if you know the person and have established a relationship where you can feel comfortable joking about such things, but I don't see anyone complaining about friends harrassing them.

(assuming the comments are within reason to begin with)


No one is saying anything about gettting offended by reasonable comments.
#45 Jan 20 2004 at 10:24 PM Rating: Default
Oh god this thread turned into a bra burning party. Look if i could crack a womans skull open and admire her for her brain when you first meet her then that would be awesome! J/K ya'll
The physical impulse will always be the first level attraction. Women are just as bad if not worse on this level. Most will do their damndest to deny it too. Get real!

Ok, yet again time for me to be serious... It's just a game folks.. There's plenty of **** out there on the internet if you're that starved and at least you'll be looking at something "real". But getting turned on by a toon?!?!? Even being suggestive with a person because of their polygonal game character??? That's pretty weak y0! Since you need a credit card to create an account in this game why dont you use said credit card to start a lavalife account or something. It could even go a little something like this.

Late teens Male sick of looking at videogame catwomen chicks to get my jollies on. Seeking easygoing female for new adventures. I'm real good with a videogame controller. Not too sure about leaving the toilet seat down though. Let me turn your power button on.

Edited, Tue Jan 20 22:26:51 2004 by Lefein
#46 Jan 21 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
you people are blurring the definition of 'sexy'.
polys are not sexy.

I do agree that getting worked up over video game toons is lame, but not sure on the above comment. I mean, sure "sexy" is based off of real life images, but art can be "sexy" too. If paintings and scupltures can be, why not graphic illustration or modeling? They are just other forms of art to me.
#47 Jan 21 2004 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
"Prudish and narrow minded"? Where do you get that? I get very, very annoyed when people make comments about my female char because it's rude. You can't expect to walk up and proposition people IRL and not get slapped in the face, so what makes people think that you can do it in a game? It's still social misconduct and on top of that, it makes you look stupid on a variety of levels.

There's a difference between the behavior you can expect IRL at, say, a drunken frat party (or what a 13-year-old boy would fantasize about a frat party being like) and the shopping mall. So no, this kind of behavior would not be acceptable IRL in all, or even very many, situations. It's rude. It's harassment if the person insists on making comments and following you around.

I don't know why, but this subject just gets on my nerves. I guess it's because most of the people responding to this thread are obviously male, so of course they're not going to see anything wrong with it. Although here's a question. So how would you guys deal with another male char walking around making suggestive remarks at you? Would you be offended? I swear someday I'm going to start a Linkshell and just form this group of people willing to create male chars and harass other males.

Be respectful of other players even if they do have a nice butt. Or await my wrath when PvP comes in!
#48 Jan 21 2004 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
Well my opinion on the matter.
Acceptable - "Hey, those pants are cute/hot/sexy/etc" Its just a statement, and its not like they're making a pass at you... Although I only speak for myself.

Unacceptable - "I love being a taru, its just the right heightaru!" See this is where it starts to get blurred, and it starts to change from a compliment to imply more than that.

I have two characters that are female, frankly because they are better to look at when I'm bazaaring. I haven't noticed too much of a difference in the number of checks, etc. What I have noticed is a much greater number of people going out of their way to help me.

A similar example, I was helping a friend who is new to the game level his mithra rdm. Someone came up and traded him an entire set of level armor. Sure not that big a purchase, but as a male main character, I'm lucky if I can haggle someones price down, let alone get it for free.

Anyways, I was intrigued by the title, those are my two cents.
#49 Jan 21 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
FFXI is down tonight for "Emergency Server Maintenance" so I thought I would browse the forums.. and this forum caught my eye.

I find this whole thing very interesting. I'm a RL female with a Hume Female character, and I even have the RSE armor, but I NEVER get harrased or flirted with. I find it interesting that so many of you do. Maybe the Valefor server happens to be an oddly mature one... ??

The other thing I find interesting is the fact that someone would actually "compliment" a character. I mean, if someone said my character was pretty I would think it was kinda wierd. There's probably a thousand other characters that are identical to mine. It's not like I had any choice in how my character looks.. I just had to choose one. If there was more individuality in the game and we had more choices about how our character looks, like actual design of the facial and other physical features, then I could see it as a compliment. Otherwise, it just seems so silly and fake to me, and definitely not something to get bothered or upset about.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the subject...

Caza 35 Thief/25 Ninja/18 Ranger

#50 Jan 21 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I play a Mithra in the game and am female in the real world. I am a very easy going person by nature and you have to cross a very far line for me to call it sexual harassment. Point in fact, funny story: A male character came up to my fully dressed Mithra (yes, mine wears slacks) and sent me a tell asking how much for a lap dance and I replied 10,000 gil. Of course he was playing around and did not actually expect said dance. But this got me thinking, I went back to my mog house later that day and decided to see what my character looked like with no armor. Mithra's look almost COMPLETELY naked. There are only strings there people. So I started playing around with action-emotes and am now possible to do a lap dance, and willing to do one for 10,000 gil. And a little bit of it IS roleplaying, I'm not very forward in real life with guys but in this game my character can be everything I'm not. To those other female players out there who might be outraged by my complete lack of female dignity or modesty or whatever you want to call it, I say it's just a game, and my character says hey a girl's gotta make a living.
#51 Jan 21 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Good
I'm apologize to the thread, and those that deem this a matter that actually requires discussion. This topic is rediculous and I'm sorry I had one weak moment of curiosity to actually read a few posts.

However!... ;-)

You picked a female character for whatever reason.. be it you're female in RL, or you subscribe to the belief that staring at your avatar's *** might assist your nightly emissions in some respect.

If you're female in RL, I'm sure harassment is nothing new and you (hopefully by now) have learned to deal with it.. if not, you must've been home schooled.

If you're not female.. then I'm sure some small part of you gets off on the fact that people are checking you out in a fashion you're most likely unfamiliar with in the real world.. enjoy it while you can, I say!

Abyssus.. saying that someone has a nice "physical phisique" is completely redundant.. and you're repeating yourself as well. Besides, you are spelling "physique", and then later "phallic" incorrectly, which makes the rest of whatever your argument may be hard to believe/swallow. To add to that; just because someone may have thought you were speaking in a manner above their stature doesn't mean the rest of the forum needs a bunch of regurgitated BS from some Freshman Inquiry class on Human Sexuality. We also don't need to hear your enlightened proposals on what's wrong with the wealth distribution of our planet, our foreign policy, problems with the proposed Mars Mission, a debate on Kantian ethics and Utilitarianism, or how to best combat the everpresent drug problem in the United States.

What's more is they also don't need to read this boring post, or my embarassing contribution, that accomplishes nothing in the end but another platform for the next person to stand up and say, "Hey! I'm smart too!"

Wow... reading back, a lot of that was uncalled for and I can see that this was a giant waste of time..

However, I think hitting the "Post Message" button would be quicker than deleting this mess.

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