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FFXI on the decline?Follow

#27 Sep 12 2013 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
XI and XIV are just totally different types of games. I squeezed all I could from XI, and now I am having a blast with XIV. I think SE has shown though that get will gladly continue taking subscription fees for XI, so there really isn't any need to worry about declines. FFXI will be around for years still.
Thayos Redblade
#28 Sep 12 2013 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
2,869 posts
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
It's just ridiculous. The developers need to make the game more fun for 1-4 people. FUN and REWARDING. Not RNG hell like Neo-Nyzul. Not "we're locking this content behind multiple gates" like neo-salvage. Not "fetch quest horror" like pretty much all the adoulin faction crap. Not "sorry you need 4 superweapons or pay 30 million gil' like the rest of adoulin.

I understand you only really post now to talk about how much you dislike post Adoulin FFXI, but it seems like you're complaining about things they DID address.

Right now, Delve is the high end content, and the only thing that requires an Alliance. And yes, I see that it's a problem when people can't get into Delve as a DD unless they already have a decked out DD with Delve stuff (but to be fair, there are 20 DDs for every 1 support, so it's more a function of competing against your fellow players for those slots and it's justified to take the better geared ones to get wins on fights that are still quite challenging). So, it's often support job or bust to break through and get your Delve shinies, and even then sometimes people will only want high end support (see: shouts for 16/18 alliances lacking 2 BRDs with R/E instrument requirement).

Other than that, they've added stuff for you in Adoulin that's not just talking Coalition assignment fetch quests or beating on roots, all of which can be done by a party or less.

Skirmish is doable by any party, and has nice rewards. The Yorcia armor sets are excellent stuff, sometimes best-in-slot, and the pieces are rather easy to get from drops during the run or turning in Lebondopt Wings (which have a decent drop rate, and you get your own treasure pool). The weapons from Cirdas/Rala, when upgraded to +1 versions, rival decently upgraded Delve T4-T5 weapons. Choosing Bayld from a Noetic Ascencion gives you good amounts of Bayld in each Skirmish (5k an entry, so 30k if you're in a 6/6 party and everyone uses a KI).

What can you do with that Bayld? Buy some very respectable armor pieces from the 2 different sets for each of light DD/heavy DD/mage. Go into Wildskeeper Reives when the server fights one, where you can contribute regardless of having pimped out gear, and get rewards of some excellent armor and weapons. If you're unlucky with drops you even get a free selection of the item of your choice after winning all of the tier of WKRs (3 Tier 1s, 2 Tier 2s).

Is there non-Adoulin stuff that's still viable? Yep. NNI 100 clears aren't that hard now even without fully decked out players, and if you're struggling I'd think anyone can shoot for 5x 80F wins for an armor piece. I just did Meeble Burrows with some friends the other night and had a blast, fun little Assault-like tasks and some of the rewards are still quite good - either R/E stuff (personally, I was motivated by Letalis Mantle and Elanid Belt) or lots of sellables that are worth pretty good money. Salvage v2 is low-mannable, requiring a mere 3 people to enter and some assault points is hardly locking content behind multiple gates.
#29 Sep 12 2013 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
FFXI has one thing many mmos do not, it's completely paid for and has a loyal playerbase. History has shown that almost every single new mmo since wow has suffered massive player loss within a year, I can't think of one mmo that has not had this happen. Now that all these new mmos come out so fast and they all copy wow it seems to happen faster each time (Guild wars 2 seems to of had the quickest player loss so far), most have some unique feature that holds onto a decent sized chunk of players. XIV has nothing unique at all. I was going to post information about how Guild wars 2 faired since launch but instead I'll post a pay to play mmo based on a popular franchise instead, since that is the closest match to XIV.

Star Wars the Old Republic

From a player's perspective, Star Wars: The Old Republic exceeded expectations on its launch one year ago today. Fans really took to the story content, reporting that the story content was the most fun they'd had leveling in any MMO up to that point. Things were looking great. The designers were obviously proud, and sales neared the two million mark, surpassing all previous MMOs for box sales at launch. Even before the official launch of the game, BioWare had to add new servers because of the number of people in early access. The day before the official launch, some queue times were over two hours, and at that time, there were 140 servers. Life was insane at BioWare to say the least.

An amazing launch, at the time everyone thought it was going to destroy WoW. It was so popular how could it go any other way? so many players were on it (vastly more than are on FFXIV by the way), everyone was talking about the game like it was the second coming of jesus. Almost everyone loved it, great reviews and players loved it. It was the next big thing and Blizzard were scared. Even the developers thought it was a smash hit as they threw more and more servers at the incredible demand.

Fast forward 6 months and look what happened, it kept sinking lower and lower till it was forced to go free to play and even now as a free to play game it's struggling, most of the players went back to wow even though they swore they never would. Compared to even FFXI it's a smaller mmo, amazing when you see how it started.

This is a cautionary tale to a) not burn your bridges to the game you came from, because you don't know how an mmo is actually going to do for at least 6 months and b) every new since wow has failed to live upto what people thought it would gain at launch (most have gone f2p).

The thing that is hurting FFXI right now is not XIV it's the bad direction of content because most of the players quit long before XIV launched, if they turn that around the game would pull back large numbers of players again.

Point of this post. Lets see how massive the decline will be for FFXIV ARR in 6 months before we worry about a game that has outlived many many big powerful mmos (including WOW) shall we?

Edited, Sep 12th 2013 5:31pm by preludes

Edited, Sep 12th 2013 5:43pm by preludes
#30 Sep 12 2013 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
SWTOR's problem is that it had no endgame to speak of. The devs should have added a giant patch 3 months in with a dozen endgame events and dungeons. Instead, people experienced an incredible storyline for their leveling, and then were left with nothing to do.

The XIV team has already announced the 2.1 patch with major infusions of new content, including new endgame things.
#31 Sep 12 2013 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
2.1 doesn't offer anything any more spectacular than any other mmo offers among its first few patches. Some harder versions of some primals, crystal towers etc. When they add PVP you will probably see outrage from dedicated pvp players, this isn't Squares strong point.

Anyway, Rift offered more endgame content than any mmo has ever offered, it slowed the decline but it still went down.

All I'm saying is before we judge the decline of FFXI (and XIV players come here to relish in it) lets see how far XIV falls. An MMO launch has been proven to mean nothing, time will tell. In 6 months we can judge the state of both games, we can't judge anything at this moment.

Edited, Sep 12th 2013 5:42pm by preludes
#32 Sep 12 2013 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
I think that's why Yoshi is only adding in a few new servers. He's fully aware that come sub time, the population will normalize itself. Like I've said, I played XI since 03 up until last January, I know the game isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Server merges? Sure, but that's just par for the course. I still think XIV will end up with a decent size loyal population (much like 1.0 had but bigger). Japan alone with their lack of household gaming pc's and love for consoles will keep XIV alive for years...much like the ones on ps2 with Adoulin.

Will XIV decline, absolutely. To the point where it will fade to nothingness, never. Both games will be fine witb a slow, slow, slow decline.

#33 Sep 13 2013 at 8:30 AM Rating: Excellent
All I'm saying is before we judge the decline of FFXI (and XIV players come here to relish in it) lets see how far XIV falls.

I don't see FFXIV's population falling to the degree of other MMOs, and a big reason for this is the ability to level all jobs and crafts as you can in FFXI. That single thing gives online FF players (XI and XIV) something to do while waiting for the next expansion. Leveling jobs in FFXIV is very fun, too, with all of the leveling dungeons, FATEs, random quests, etc. Sure, some people will play for a few months and then take off...but I just don't see people getting bored in this game, especially if they've been cultivated for this style of gameplay by FFXI.

Also, there's a HUGE difference between this game and others (I'm looking at you, GW2) in terms of social activity. While the personal missions and quests are soloable in this game, the social aspect is still strong. I think that's because so many of us played FFXI, so the first things people naturally do in FFXIV is find a good linkshell and Free Company. There is constant chatter in our FC, and I see people talking all over Eorzea, too. If anything, I wish people would talk a bit less in shout... maybe the new RMT fixes will help with that.

As for FFXI, I think Vana'diel's biggest problem right now is the new expansion, and not FFXIV. The harsh tiered requirements (and the way they're being applied to players socially) seems to be driving lots of less hardcore players away (myself included). That, and the initial story wasn't very gripping... and beating on roots just isn't as epic as defending a city from siege, or fighting back beastmen from encampments during the Crystal War.

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 7:33am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#34 Sep 13 2013 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Of course you don't, you like it :P None of us that were into previous mmos thought the game we were into would have huge player drops on those either. Doesn't stop it happening though.

Someone that looks at it from a sensible standpoint unattached can see that it's going to happen though, incredibly fast leveling content, lacking endgame content and a very lacking community. All the ingredients of a fail pie. Burnout and content created in a way that is completed faster than new content is made, heck XIV makes all the mistakes that new XI has made that drove many players away.

We all think the MMO we like will be THE ONE. The thing that happened to every single MMO since WoW launched won't happen to FFXIV just because! XIV players can nitpick almost every mmo that has failed, yet they can't bring themselves to nitpick the failings in their game (most of the things they complain of in other games are in XIV too XD)

#35 Sep 13 2013 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Actually, reviewers who are far more objective on this subject than you or I have called the community of FFXIV a strength.

Only a portion of people in the game are speed leveling to 50... and even if they do, they still have multiple other classes, crafts and gathering jobs to level as well... not to mention leveling their chocobos. Most people I know don't yet have a level 50 job... to give you a bit of perspective, I've played a lot since launch, and my highest-level class is rank 28 (I rerolled on Ultros).

Also, consider this:

- With the temporary suspension of digital sales, not even everyone who plans to buy the game has bought it yet... which means more players coming.
- With the launch of the game on PS4, we'll be getting even more players coming next spring/summer!

So... these are all factors that other MMOs couldn't capitalize on. These are the same things that helped to prop up FFXI for a long time.

Like with FFXI, the only way FFXIV will begin to falter is if the quality of the content takes a nosedive.

Edit: In addition to all of this, what really matters is FFXIV is flat-out fun... and the fact that SE did such an amazing job with remaking the game is earning FFXIV a ton of great press right now, including a very pleasant 8.6 rating from IGN! So, yeah, this game will be running strong through its first expansion, and I'd easy predict years of lively gameplay. I hope FFXI continues to have success, as well, but you've got to admit... the most recent XI expansion has been a letdown so far.

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 9:33am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#36 Sep 13 2013 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
Are you making the mistake of putting weight behind mmo reviews (and IGN reviews at that)? Want me to link you some awesome reviews for Gw2 and SWTOR?

Anyone that has played XIV will state that community compared to XI is trash, this is simply how it is based on the kind of game it is (trolls, RMT spam, WoW chat everywhere). Reputation means very little on XIV which is why the community is how it is, cross server dungeon finder and solo orientated game attract certain kinds of gamers.

"Suspension of digital sales" Guild wars 2 tried this first, didn't work there either. Player loss was still faster than new players gained when they resumed sales.


I love how XIV players always move the goalposts, wasn't the PS3 the thing that was going to make that game a smash hit? Oh we moved to ps4 now?

"Flat out fun"

Every mmo is flat out fun for the first 4-8 weeks. These games are not sprints they're marathons, if the game is doing amazing and is still P2P in 12 months we can judge the success or failure, now not even close.

Actually I will links some reviews since you think they carry such weight.

SWTOR -9.0- Amazing!

Guild wars 2 -9.0- Amazing!

Guess the show is over? SWTOR and GW2 are obnviously better games since they got higher review scores on IGN. Oh wait they both failed and lost the majority of their players in the first year.

XIV was launched in 1 extra region than most mmos and was launched on ps3 as well as PC and is still doing worse than most other mmos at launch, given the brand name that's kinda surprising.

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 1:01pm by preludes
#37 Sep 13 2013 at 11:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Anyone that has played XIV will state that community compared to XI is trash

This is clearly false.

Don't forget, you're talking about this with a guy who has played both FFXI and FFXIV within the past couple months, and I started playing XI in 2004. Truthfully, I can't see any MMO having the same kind of co-dependent community that XI had back in the Zilart/CoP era, but to say XIV's community is trash compared to XI's community is really naive. XIV is way more social compared to games like Guild Wars 2 (which I also played enough to reach max level and nearly complete the storyline), so your comparisons there are misplaced, too.

As for the review score, do you know how many people predicted XIV:ARR would be a total face plant? Well, guess what... it's not! The people playing the game agree with that, as do objective reviewers who are rating it. That's a good thing, regardless of the state of the game five years from now. (EDIT: You could even argue that a lot of these reviewers came into this with negative preconceptions about FFXIV, and they STILL are in love with it... unlike games like Star Wars and GW2, when reviewers were on the hype train months before the games even went live.)

Now, keep in mind that I really love FFXI! I've even got a little metal Windurst emblem on my desk at work. I'd love nothing more than to know that FFXI is still chugging along. Let's face it, though... the old gray stud just ain't what he used to be... but that's OK! FFXI is an aging game, while FFXIV is the new, shiny game that's getting more attention. That doesn't mean that FFXI will be shut down... there are still many people who love what FFXI has become, and there are still plenty of servers that could someday be merged to make the worlds feel even more full and lively. So, none of what I'm saying is meant to knock FFXI and lift up FFXIV. Trust me... FFXIV doesn't need to take anyone from FFXI. There's plenty of room for both games to thrive.

One more edit:

I love how XIV players always move the goalposts, wasn't the PS3 the thing that was going to make that game a smash hit? Oh we moved to ps4 now?

You need to go back and read what I said. Why would I claim SE needs the PS4 for XIV to be a smash hit? The game is already a hit. The PS4 influx will only help cushion the loss of players that typically follows any modern MMO launch, which is an advantage that no other modern MMO has had.

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 10:55am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#38 Sep 13 2013 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
4,447 posts
The only time I've considered the XI community so very amazing is a few particular times, mostly during trollfests in WoW, as well as one time in the history of Shiva that a NA player joined with a JP player to camp Argus where the JP would have paid the NA half the going price for drop and the NA player won lot and ran off with it which was followed by the entire server /slap'ing the thief for MONTHS.

But lets take our rose colored glasses off for a bit. XI community being so amazing? We had botting, which was almost considered required for endgame for years. We had MPKing going on between JP and NA, and NA and NA on a regular basis. We had the Alla vs BG hatred for years, etc. Sure, we knew the other people more often than not and that's nice, but that doesn't mean everything was sunshine and rainbows. Do you know who I'm playing FFXIV with now? Not a single person I knew from FFXI which I played for 6-7ish years, however I'm playing with my near full guild that I met my first time reaching endgame in WoW (who I stuck to playing with until we all quit WoW) so it's not fair to say there's no community elsewhere.
#39 Sep 13 2013 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
589 posts
I highly doubt SE will spend the money to bring FF14 up to the specs the PS4 would allow. It will most likely a straight port of the PS3 game along with any limits it might impose on the game real or a convenient excuse as to why they won't do one thing or another. Really the console support was one of the reasons I will not be playing it. I might change my position on that if SE came out and said that when the game outlived the console it would be left behind but not as slow or dragged out as the PS2 has been. I'm sure many FFXI PC players feel the same.
#40 Sep 13 2013 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent
RavennofTitan wrote:
I highly doubt SE will spend the money to bring FF14 up to the specs the PS4 would allow. It will most likely a straight port of the PS3 game along with any limits it might impose on the game real or a convenient excuse as to why they won't do one thing or another. Really the console support was one of the reasons I will not be playing it. I might change my position on that if SE came out and said that when the game outlived the console it would be left behind but not as slow or dragged out as the PS2 has been. I'm sure many FFXI PC players feel the same.

"Since the hardware specs of the PS4 are high and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will use them to their full potential, there will be a large improvement in the number of characters displayed on screen at the same time compared to the PS3 version, and in the quality of each character.
The difference in graphical fidelity will be very visible."

That's from Yoshi himself, he's said it a few times the game will look much better than it's ps3 counterpart. The game doesn't release until February (to coincide with the Japanese release of the ps4), why would they do a direct port? That would make zero sense at this point. I know, I know, SE has had a track record of making no sense, but this really would make NO sense.

Anyways, we should all bookmark this thread and see where both games are in 6 months. If FFXIV is as badly off as Preludes is predicting, I will re-sub to XI for a month and give Adoulin a go! Though, at that point we'll probably be having a fun argument as to what "badly off" entails.

Edit: One more thing I forgot to mention, the XBOX 180 and the PS4 are apparently extremely easy to program for this time around, more like PC games, which makes me think XIV will be closer to the PC version then the PS3.

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 3:57pm by Montsegurnephcreep

#41 Sep 13 2013 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Scaleable graphics engine... One of Yoshi P's best ideas to keep XIV from being held back by the PS3. The devs learned a great lesson from completely chaining the PC version of FFXI to the ps2 version.
Thayos Redblade
#42 Sep 13 2013 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
You all have far more faith in SE than I do.
#43 Sep 13 2013 at 6:25 PM Rating: Excellent
3,638 posts
Y'all worry too much about if the game will be fun next year or next decade and not nearly enough about if its fun now. FFXIV will decline in time, as well FXFXI. as do all things. The only real question is if, looking back, the journey is full of joy or regret.
Erecia and Ereblog are BACK, baby!
#44 Sep 14 2013 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
554 posts
Erecia wrote:
Y'all worry too much about if the game will be fun next year or next decade and not nearly enough about if its fun now. FFXIV will decline in time, as well FXFXI. as do all things. The only real question is if, looking back, the journey is full of joy or regret.

I actually thought long and hard on this question heh.... but I thought about it reminiscing about FF11. This is a FF11 forum of course :) I really enjoyed this game to be honest. It's still my first real mmo I played (I played Earth and beyond for a few months before this one and while I liked it it was "meh" at best). I made some serious accomplishments here, had at one point the best gear possible without a relic. Hardest of the hardcore I suppose.....

And I regret it, The amount of time I spent committed to FF11 hurt me both personally and professionally. That's not something I like to admit, but it is the truth. Which is more important? Getting a Joyuse, or attending your baby sister's wedding? Questions like this were what I dealt with a lot. I made a couple right ones, but I made more bad ones for this game. Sure the memories are there for some great "sense of accomplishments", But like I said in the end I regretted it.

I guess that's what I like about ff14's new director, he gets it that mmo's have moved on from that grindfest. I just wish SE had more like him.
#45 Sep 14 2013 at 3:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Devildawgs wrote:
Erecia wrote:
Y'all worry too much about if the game will be fun next year or next decade and not nearly enough about if its fun now. FFXIV will decline in time, as well FXFXI. as do all things. The only real question is if, looking back, the journey is full of joy or regret.

And I regret it, The amount of time I spent committed to FF11 hurt me both personally and professionally. That's not something I like to admit, but it is the truth. Which is more important? Getting a Joyuse, or attending your baby sister's wedding?

It depends on how much you like attending weddings.
I used to hate being invited to them by people I worked with and ran out of excused not to go. :(
If it's family, people usually expect you to attend though. ><
#46 Sep 14 2013 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Scaleable graphics engine... One of Yoshi P's best ideas to keep XIV from being held back by the PS3. The devs learned a great lesson from completely chaining the PC version of FFXI to the ps2 version.

Doesn't work that way though does it, FFXIV will always be held back by the PS3. Just as FFXI was held back by ps2. The developers make content for all platforms and make it identical content cross platform to save time and money and so that all players experience the same content if in a party together. All the scaleable engine does is lower fps and reduce textures on PS3. They can't offer things a PC only MMO or a split server MMO can do and they never will be able to.

Square developers will forever have to be limited, they will have ideas for new content and someone will say "Will that run on PS3 though?" and they will either have to rethink or lower their expectations of what is possible on this restricted engine (just as they did with FFXI). PS4 FFXIV will do nothing to XIV other than give another platform (just exactly the same as Xbox did nothing for FFXI) because you can't force all your PS3 players to shell out $300-400 for a new machine and unless the vast majority of them do you will always be anchored down by ps3 limitations..forever. JP are the worst for this. This is proven by PS2 on FFXI, they tried to offer the game on stronger consoles and nobody would upgrade...they just stuck to their ps2s and square were never able to move away from ps2.

If you make a cross platform game the events you add must always run on that lowest system, even towns had to be split up into zones because of PS3 ram limitations. You can say that they can do more than FFXI because PS3 is stronger than PS2 but in reality since the engine on XIV takes up so much more resources they can actually do less. Smaller zones, smaller party size, smaller endgame content. FFXIV A Realm...shrunk down for PS3.

*developer joe* hey guys lets make a massive 32 man raid with huge bosses and floating worlds around the dungeon, it would look amazing.

*developer 2* Calm down Joe you know the ps3 would never run that.

*developer joe* meh....lets add another primal...maybe a 3rd difficulty level..whatever.

It won't even have the best endgame content that XI had because XIV is making the power creep mistake right from the start. One dungeon will replace the last and there will always, forever only be a few endgame dungeons worth doing while the rest will be worthless.

If you hate how development has gone on FFXI lately you will hate FFXIV, it's exactly the same. There is no wealth of endgame content with sidegrade gears so that nothing is ever outdated, it's all as I said above. Only a handful of endgame dungeons are worth doing and the rest is worthless, new content patches will outdate the old content and on it will go. Heck in FFXIV you don't even need to leave a town, you just click the dungeon finder and sit there for an hour till it pings and warps you in. At least in FFXI you wander around the world to do your endgame..

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 6:36am by preludes
#47 Sep 14 2013 at 8:49 AM Rating: Excellent

Ffxi and XIV are fundamentally different games. In addition to Scaleable graphics, ffxiv was actually designed with ps3 limitations in mind. You may be right in that SE will never be able to say, "let's chane the game and just have one giant zone." However, that is a moot point because SE has designed the game with all possibilities in mind, providing us maximized/optimized zones/events/instances etc. that are all fun, immersive and plentiful. There is virtually infinite room for expanding the game with its current design concepts without overstepping the bounds of the ps3. So, yeah, the term ps3 limitations in ffxiv will never be the same ad ps2 limitations in ffxi.

But even ffxi is still chugging along, despite those more severe restrictions! If FFXI can live a decade with more cumbersome restrictions, there is no doubt XIV will live a decade.

Also, XIV right now is way better than XI's latest expansion/ design direction. The duty finder is a game changer, and is something ffxi would tremendously benefit from. The game's storyline is great, and will be added to every few months. The problem with Adoulin now isn't just that its boring, but that you need to lean on an ingreasingly elitist community to progress. That will neer be a problem in FFXIV. Unused dungeons will become new progression content.

I am actually looking forward to XIV's gear grind, because the infrastructure is in place to make it fun. The challenge will be the battles, not standing around trying to find parties.

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 7:55am by Thayos

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 7:57am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#48 Sep 14 2013 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
Honestly the one thing that is killing XI more than what the developers are doing to it is what the player base is doing to the game. Ever since day 1 of FFXI players have been putting up restrictions on each other. You're probably wondering wth I mean by restrictions. Well...its quite simple: In order to do THIS event you MUST have a Delve weapon. order to get those weapons you have to do the said event. It's like how VW was for a long time. Players required you to have either a R M or E in order to join (Assuming you are joining as a DD). Yeah you could level a mage job...but the fact of the matter is a restriction is a restriction. You are limiting the amount people can do b/c they aren't as well geared. Thus, it makes it nearly impossible for people who are just starting the game also makes it extremely difficult for people who quit sometime during abyssea to even get in on any of the SoA content b/c of these player restrictions. The game will die fast because of this.
#49 Sep 14 2013 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
A lot of the PS2 limitations in FFXI had to do with the fact that the console only has 32 MB of RAM. This meant that every bit and byte used in the game counts. The maximum amount of data each character could hold was severely limited by this number. The PS3 has eight times as much RAM, and the design of each character data object is not that fundamentally different (a few more data points for the client to read, and the armory instead of all the bags you lug around, etc.)

There will eventually be some PS3 limitations we haven't thought of in the future, but for now, the PS3 has plenty of room to grow.
#50 Sep 14 2013 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
3,638 posts
Devildawgs wrote:
And I regret it, The amount of time I spent committed to FF11 hurt me both personally and professionally. That's not something I like to admit, but it is the truth. Which is more important? Getting a Joyuse, or attending your baby sister's wedding? Questions like this were what I dealt with a lot. I made a couple right ones, but I made more bad ones for this game. Sure the memories are there for some great "sense of accomplishments", But like I said in the end I regretted it.

I came to the same conclusion several years ago. I blamed FFXI for eating up some of the better years of my life and for making me miss some things and opportunities I absolutely shouldn't have. A couple girlfriends that may have lead somewhere but I was too lethargic to pursue, a job offer I didn't pursue because it would have been an all-weekend trip to drive for the interview and FFXI was more interesting at the time, hours of studying and homework I just flat out didn't do because BLU and DNC were entertaining to level up instead, But, upon reflection upon the reflection, I realized that even that was unfair. It wasn't FFXI that was making these choices - it was me. Sure, a want (bordering on a need) to play FFXI was a convenient excuse for basically anything I wanted to get out of for several years, but I was the one making that choice.

I almost didn't graduate college from spending so much time on this game. But I stopped, and I realized what was going on, and I put my priorities in order, and I cut back on the game, and I did graduate. It wasn't FFXI that almost made me flunk out, and it sure as hell wasn't FFXI that made me pass. The game didn't change - I did. I manned the @#%^ up and learned how to deal with life.

Essentially, if you didn't want to go to that wedding, any game or activity would have been good enough to get you out of going, if that's the type of person you are or want to be.

I'm not trying to dog on you here; I'm just saying that I almost fell down the same trap of blaming the game instead of myself. That's a tough hole to get out of.

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 3:50pm by Erecia
Erecia and Ereblog are BACK, baby!
#51 Sep 14 2013 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,590 posts
preludes wrote:
Anyway, Rift offered more endgame content than any mmo has ever offered, it slowed the decline but it still went down.

God you're such a drama queen.

First, just WHAT end-game content did Rift launch with? I remember GSB and .. er .. yeah.

Second, define 'down'. Rift has always had more players than XI so if Rift is 'down' then XI is about 'out'.

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 4:18pm by Kragorn
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