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FFXI on the decline?Follow

#1 Sep 04 2013 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
820 posts
Of course it's way too early to be crying "FFXI is dead",but I had noticed that there were maybe 1k people on Asura last night. A pretty big decline from what it has been. Now, I know FFXIV has been a huge hit(I'm actually seeing commercials, which I never did for XI) like SE has gone all out to bring this back from the dead and surprisingly it worked, hell it even has me contemplating the switch. But what are everyone's thoughts? Could this actually be our end bringer? With XIV's success and hopefully what continues will SE nix XI? Despite Xi being a steady income, but with higher number's from XIV would it matter anymore?
#2 Sep 04 2013 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
50,767 posts
There were XI commercials. There were also commercials for the other nine numbered Final Fantasy games that were localized, plus a couple of the spin offs, plus the side games like Dissidea and Crystal Chronicles.

Also XI has been dieing since 2003.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#3 Sep 04 2013 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Haha didn't say that there weren't commercials for it, just that I hadn't seen any. This post is in no way saying XI is dying. Just that XIV has had a substantial impact. I was curious to what everyones thoughts on this might be.
#4 Sep 04 2013 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I'm sure if anyone read these forums anymore they'd just shrug their shoulders and go back to playing XI, somethings most of the XIV people still can't do.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#5 Sep 04 2013 at 8:49 AM Rating: Excellent
lolgaxe wrote:
I'm sure if anyone read these forums anymore they'd just shrug their shoulders and go back to playing XI, somethings most of the XIV people still can't do.


I'm still getting junk done in XI. It's simply more likely to be done on weekends now. Despite that, I managed to grab my Jeuno Tier V and VI clears last week, followed up by a Provenance Watcher clear, via a pick up group. I was up until 2:30 AM but it was worth it to scratch that off my "to do" list.
#6 Sep 04 2013 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
595 posts
There's still quite a bit to look forward to in XI, and i'm not finding XIV so content heavy atm that I'm giving up on XI altogether. I may be spending most nights exploring Eorzea right now because it's new and shiny, but the minute they do the relic update, the continuation of the expansion story, new Naakuls and new delve bosses, I'll be right back in Vanadiel.
#7 Sep 04 2013 at 11:23 AM Rating: Excellent
This tends to happen often when a "new" big MMO comes out, with a good deal of the player base hoping over to it to play it for awhile, and then eventually coming back. Sometimes some people will stay (for awhile), while others will return to XI the moment that the "new car smell" has worn off. It happened with Aion, it happened with TERA, and it happened with XIV during its first release.

It just seems a bit worse this time around because there's a bit of a lull in content for XI at the moment, so things seem extra quiet game wise right now.
Lady Jinte wrote:

Vlorsutes' Negotiation Skill rises 0.2 points
Vlorsutes' Observant Parent Skill rises 0.3 points
Vlorsutes' Argument Diffusing Skill rises 0.1 points

#8 Sep 04 2013 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
I won't say it's dead but after seeing less than 600 on a search last night, I'd have to say it's on life support at this point. Mr. Matsui bet big on catering to the hardcore types with Delve and got burned badly. It's early to know the impact FFXIV has had but I can say that MMOs are trending more towards players who want to hop in, get stuff done in quick order, get to work, get back, and log in again.

I do hope XI and XIV can co-exist but that will require developers on XI to have the same determination that Yoshi-P did in bringing XIV back from the abyss.
#9 Sep 04 2013 at 5:08 PM Rating: Excellent
the reason why it seems like XI is "dying" atm because not only a new MMO came out but kids back to school,work, half of the people (26+ members) on my LS is back to school,work. this happens every year. with every new game + school = temp big drop of people
#10 Sep 04 2013 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
AriesMCMLXXIII wrote:
I won't say it's dead but after seeing less than 600 on a search last night, I'd have to say it's on life support at this point. Mr. Matsui bet big on catering to the hardcore types with Delve and got burned badly. It's early to know the impact FFXIV has had but I can say that MMOs are trending more towards players who want to hop in, get stuff done in quick order, get to work, get back, and log in again.

I haven't been on to see numbers but I think you're on the money. At first I thought delve was going to be a good addition (super weapons for the masses!) but it is all so grindy and horrible that it just drove me away instead (and I was lucky enough to get a few clears before shouts for those pretty much ended).

Not a single friend on the friend list when I log in. Near empty Linkshells... and the thing is, one of the last days I tried to play XI someone did a voidwatch shout, I joined, and it took 3 frigging hours to get 12 or 13 people together to go kill the damn thing. My girlfriend was furious... I told her I'd be playing for an hour or an hour and a half, had no idea that it would take so long... Nevermind that I got nothing but junk for it in the end. I am getting too old and crotchety to sit around for 2.5 hours waiting for content to start.

It's just ridiculous. The developers need to make the game more fun for 1-4 people. FUN and REWARDING. Not RNG hell like Neo-Nyzul. Not "we're locking this content behind multiple gates" like neo-salvage. Not "fetch quest horror" like pretty much all the adoulin faction crap. Not "sorry you need 4 superweapons or pay 30 million gil' like the rest of adoulin.
#11 Sep 04 2013 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
213 posts
812 people on Odin a bit ago
#12 Sep 04 2013 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
If the servers truly are hovering around 800 people most of the time, mergers will eventually happen. That's what ended up happening the last time a merger occurred. But if it's simply 800 people during mid week, early morning, then I don't expect much to happen. The game will continue to see a decline unless something like Abyssea happens again and re-sparks the interest of many old players. Those expansion packs alone brought back several friends who hadn't played in months/years, and they stuck around for a long time.

The game's not going anywhere anytime soon considering the amount of servers they still have up and running, so I wouldn't worry about it too much for awhile. I agree with most though, why they went from low manning most things back to bigger parties/alliances is beyond me. That stuff was fine when the game was in it's prime, but now, it just doesn't make sense. You can still make content challenging for 3-4 man parties, not sure why they don't just do that.

#13 Sep 04 2013 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
3,638 posts
The first few years of FFXI were the worst, and several years after that, they were the worst too. A couple after that were just bad. After that things went into a bit of a decline
Erecia and Ereblog are BACK, baby!
#14 Sep 05 2013 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
227 posts
I almost (and I do mean very nearly almost) quit and cancelled my payments based entirely over just one thing, now this will likely sound trivial to you but to me it was (and still is) a pretty big deal.

I spent months building my Twashtar from summer last year until spring this year and I finally got it to level 90, this was duoing and soloing what we could, and it was slow going largely... but when I got it was filled with elation, I didn't expect SoA to come and throw weapons into the mix that were twice as 'powerful' and essentially obtainable by anyone and everyone within a couple of days by simply killing one NM and buying items off the AH... it really nearly made me throw the towel in.

I don't see runs for HMP now, I rarely see any for sale either... I wont ever get 1500 of them (ive got about 100) so if only the level 99 Empy weapons get a boost I will feel severely hard done by and that's my right to...

Not looking for sympathy as theres many other people in the same boat, what will happen? I don't know, will SE help us? I don't know... but its of no surprise to me why some people have enough, that's all I can say really.
#15 Sep 05 2013 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Professor Shock Vlorsutes wrote:
It happened with Aion,

Aion didn't last one week because of terrible handling of their launch.
#16 Sep 05 2013 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
221 posts
Maybe not dead but they've needed to merge servers since before Seekers came out and now that a bunch of people left to play XIV its really showing.
#17 Sep 07 2013 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
405 posts
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
AriesMCMLXXIII wrote:
I won't say it's dead but after seeing less than 600 on a search last night, I'd have to say it's on life support at this point. Mr. Matsui bet big on catering to the hardcore types with Delve and got burned badly. It's early to know the impact FFXIV has had but I can say that MMOs are trending more towards players who want to hop in, get stuff done in quick order, get to work, get back, and log in again.

I haven't been on to see numbers but I think you're on the money. At first I thought delve was going to be a good addition (super weapons for the masses!) but it is all so grindy and horrible that it just drove me away instead (and I was lucky enough to get a few clears before shouts for those pretty much ended).

Not a single friend on the friend list when I log in. Near empty Linkshells... and the thing is, one of the last days I tried to play XI someone did a voidwatch shout, I joined, and it took 3 frigging hours to get 12 or 13 people together to go kill the damn thing. My girlfriend was furious... I told her I'd be playing for an hour or an hour and a half, had no idea that it would take so long... Nevermind that I got nothing but junk for it in the end. I am getting too old and crotchety to sit around for 2.5 hours waiting for content to start.

It's just ridiculous. The developers need to make the game more fun for 1-4 people. FUN and REWARDING. Not RNG hell like Neo-Nyzul. Not "we're locking this content behind multiple gates" like neo-salvage. Not "fetch quest horror" like pretty much all the adoulin faction crap. Not "sorry you need 4 superweapons or pay 30 million gil' like the rest of adoulin.

This sums up my thoughts pretty much. FFXI for years has been held back by RNG, low drop rates, content impossible for low-man groups so you have to shout for hours, gated content that is more of a pain to unlock than actually be fun, and all kinds of time sinks. As much as I loved FFXI and my 6 years playing it hardcore, its waaaaay past its prime and dying (for real this time). Yoshi-P has pulled a total 180 with ARR, and its a whole new ball game. XIV is just so damn fun, so user friendly, so fresh, so easy to get into and get stuff done. I'm 100% into XIV and not looking back at XI.
#18 Sep 07 2013 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:

Not a single friend on the friend list when I log in. Near empty Linkshells... and the thing is, one of the last days I tried to play XI someone did a voidwatch shout, I joined, and it took 3 frigging hours to get 12 or 13 people together to go kill the damn thing. My girlfriend was furious... I told her I'd be playing for an hour or an hour and a half, had no idea that it would take so long... Nevermind that I got nothing but junk for it in the end. I am getting too old and crotchety to sit around for 2.5 hours waiting for content to start.

This will be an ongoing problem lately, which hopefully will be solved by merging servers so there are more people to do stuff with and less time waiting. ^^

Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:

It's just ridiculous. The developers need to make the game more fun for 1-4 people. FUN and REWARDING. Not RNG hell like Neo-Nyzul. Not "we're locking this content behind multiple gates" like neo-salvage. Not "fetch quest horror" like pretty much all the adoulin faction crap. Not "sorry you need 4 superweapons or pay 30 million gil' like the rest of adoulin.

They added Skirmish II which fits that bill. ^^ Been getting good gear at a pretty rapid clip!
#19 Sep 08 2013 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
79 posts
I am playing both 11 and 14 at the moment, but what would keep me around would be for them make old content far more accessable like they did with CoP.

I am a bit of an odd ball player, I play for the story and for BLM. BLM is my one and only job, I don't care for any others, but I am a casual player and I am in the UK. It is very hard for me to get most stuff done but there is so much I want to do and now some of it seems impossible. I would love to do the following:

Limbus: For whatever story content exists there, get items for AF1+1, get Atmacite of the Ultimate.
Dynamis: I have a full set of currency, but would like to get my Sorcerer's Belt and the AF2-1 items and make it the old way before making it +2.
ZM+CoP: I have completed both of these but have done none of the continuation missions, I would love to do stuff like fight Bauhamut.
ToAU: Never got anywhere in this, still on mission 15, doubt I could ever get the people to do this these days.
Assault: Kinda pointless but I would love to run and complete each and every assault atleast once and also complete the Yigit armor set, again doubt I can find anyone to do this.
Salvage: Again would LOVE Morrigan's set but probally impossible.
Weapons: Would love to make these but totally out the reach of casual players like my self.

Things I did like (sort of) were the Magian's Weapons, for me as a BLM anway. It was stuff I could do on my own without bothering others, my only real problem was the number of mobs you need, what does killing 250 mobs prove? Then needing to do it 5-6 times for each staff, for 7 staves. How is it fun? It was pure tedium, 25 mobs would have been more than enough.

The best was our AF3 though, easy enough to get the base items, and whilst the +1 and +2 items needed a group, it was only ever a small group and you were (almost) always rewarded with drops, and the number of drops needed was not out of the world. It was a reachable goal and it was fun to help our pals out.

Adoulin on the other hand I really am not a fan off, I need to go wack trees or stones for hours on end, in the hope of getting a drop, that I need 3 of, so that I can make something, so that I can access something else, where I might get a drop and maybe some items to give it a random upgrade... Really, anything random is awfull! If I have worked hard for something I want pay off. I do not go to work and then have my boss /random to see how much I get paid that month. Give me fixed or selectable upgrades, like AF3 armor

It is always hard to stay motivated for things when /random is involved.

14 on the other hand (so far atleast) is to easy and anti-social. I have just unlocked BLM in it and apart from a few story missions and dungeons I have not even teamed up with anyone, and when I have no one has talked, I am not even in a LS. It feels more like I am playing Legend of Zelda with some co-op dungeons thrown in. I miss the working with others from 11.
#20 Sep 08 2013 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Orchestration wrote:
I do not go to work and then have my boss /random to see how much I get paid that month.

I lol'd.
That sounds like my job.
"Beyond poor, Beyond ostracized, Destined to be obscured" Black Nurse
#21 Sep 09 2013 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
14 on the other hand (so far atleast) is to easy and anti-social. I have just unlocked BLM in it and apart from a few story missions and dungeons I have not even teamed up with anyone, and when I have no one has talked, I am not even in a LS. It feels more like I am playing Legend of Zelda with some co-op dungeons thrown in. I miss the working with others from 11.

I get this. It does have that feel. It is nice to just wander around alone... for awhile. But then, not as much. I wish square would do better at the happy medium.
#22 Sep 10 2013 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
14 on the other hand (so far atleast) is to easy and anti-social. I have just unlocked BLM in it and apart from a few story missions and dungeons I have not even teamed up with anyone, and when I have no one has talked, I am not even in a LS. It feels more like I am playing Legend of Zelda with some co-op dungeons thrown in. I miss the working with others from 11.

I get this. It does have that feel. It is nice to just wander around alone... for awhile. But then, not as much. I wish square would do better at the happy medium.

I completely agree for the first 25-30 levels, the game forces you to solo most of it with seldom grouping. After that, the dungeons become much better and communication is required. Cutter's Cry which is a mid 30's dungeon is already giving many players grief and it's not even that hard if people talk. From that point on, you CAN use the duty finder, but get ready for some horrible tanking, healing and dps once in awhile. So you're better off joining a company of reliable people, and doing events with them from that point on. End game afterwards is all about grouping with people you know and trust otherwise things will not get done.

Much like other MMO's, the meat and potatoes is at end game. Not sure that's what SE wanted, but it's what's ended up happening. On the one hand, it's great that there's some challenge in the main story dungeons, on the other hand, it drives you NUTS when people don't do their job properly and you end up wasting 1+ hour of your time. I'm almost willing to bet some nerfs will be put in place from whining (whether it's merited or not) within the next 6 months or so because people can't complete the main storyline.

#23 Sep 10 2013 at 11:56 AM Rating: Excellent
We did Skirmish as a 4-man last night (111 Rala Waterways, with a 121 thrown in at the end for a teeny bit more challenge... not really.) It was fun, relaxing, and each of us walked away with a little bit of profit from the junk that dropped and a new weapon or two, even if it wasn't necessarily the one we wanted. (What am I gonna do with a great sword?)

It was relaxing, fun, and while it was a bit repetitive, I made it my challenge to find the shortest path with the lease overlaps through the maze.
#24 Sep 10 2013 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
I find XIV more in enjoyable than XI and I've been playing XI since 2004. There is alot to do and I'm not half way there. I rather not run all the way to end game and just call it boring. There is much to do. I love the crafts and gathering, the fates with groups. I'm a level 30 CJN and I won't be leveling that for a while since i'm enjoying the crafting and gathering bit. Love the fact that mining and btn spots aren't claimed by other players like in Xi. I'm done with XI if XIV don't get to my liking in the future I quit MMO or until SE brings another to the table. I guess I just hated the hold fact that XI was extra time consuming for no reason. Dev must thing XI have no life or something. XI needs a balance, maybe that is showing now but its still going to be dead within a few months. It had a good run.

Edited, Sep 10th 2013 6:54pm by Anthony11420
#25 Sep 11 2013 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
227 posts
To be fair people have been saying that for years. And here we are, albeit barely, it seems.

My biggest nark about FFXI (and im banging my drum again) is what they did bringing out those new SoA weapons that blitz what we had and worked months even years for... its bordering on unforgivable and I think for some people it was just too much,

It took me over a year of soloing and duoing to get my 90 Twashtar, which I only got in March this year, the base damage of which is now completely a joke compared to an Aphotic Kukri which can be obtained within 3 days, I know as I have one.

Unless the amount of heavy metal plates required gets reduced heavily or they become droppable elsewhere then my Twashtar will likely stay as a huge waste of time... there must be hundreds of other people in similar positions to me on every server...

We know that gear gets superceded and improved with new gear, I don't think many people would argue against that, its progression and that keeps things fresh and something to keep aiming for which is what keeps this game alive and is a good thing. What REALLY got to me is how much time I spent on one weapon for it to become almost trash over night for something to blow it away that takes 72hrs to complete... that hurts +2

I am not asking for a 'gimme' or something easy, but just the chance to realistically finish my Twashtar and have it so it can compete with the newer weapons, that's all i want.

I have read SE has said 99 RME will get a 'boost' but what that means is anyones guess, and what about the many hundreds even thousands? (across all servers) who don't have the 99 fully upgraded? do we get shafted, again?

If you **** enough people off with a BIG slap on the face (and this WAS a BIG slap on the face for many people working on RME weapons) then they might just walk away... Is this what SE really want? who knows.

Edited, Sep 11th 2013 4:59am by Danseurfabuleux

Edited, Sep 11th 2013 5:04am by Danseurfabuleux
#26 Sep 11 2013 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Anthony11420 wrote:
I find XIV more in enjoyable than XI and I've been playing XI since 2004. There is alot to do and I'm not half way there. I rather not run all the way to end game and just call it boring. There is much to do. I love the crafts and gathering, the fates with groups. I'm a level 30 CJN and I won't be leveling that for a while since i'm enjoying the crafting and gathering bit. Love the fact that mining and btn spots aren't claimed by other players like in Xi. I'm done with XI if XIV don't get to my liking in the future I quit MMO or until SE brings another to the table. I guess I just hated the hold fact that XI was extra time consuming for no reason. Dev must thing XI have no life or something. XI needs a balance, maybe that is showing now but its still going to be dead within a few months. It had a good run.

Edited, Sep 10th 2013 6:54pm by Anthony11420

The devs have tried their best. Also, FFXI was released in an entirely different era of gaming.
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