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is ff11 going to have subscription fee reduced...?Follow

#52 Sep 07 2013 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
preludes wrote:
Every mmo is like that when it launches catwho, you have little experience. They are all packed, have queues etc. It doesn't last.

All those queues and login issues will be gone once subs hit, same as every other mmo released in the past 5-6 years. In fact the complaints will change from "I can't login" to "Where is everyone?!". Difference between you and me is that I've played a lot of mmos from the start and seen the pattern over and over again, you seemingly either haven't seen it or think just because you like the game it won't happen here.

o-O sounds like you know Catwho?

I think the complaints changing from 'I can't login' to 'Where is everyone?' is a process that potentially takes years, and that's pretty much the window of time you had to enjoy it anyhow ^^
#53 Sep 07 2013 at 4:09 PM Rating: Excellent
3,638 posts
preludes wrote:
(oh and by the way, they all said they have no plans for it right now and were working on the free to play patch when they said it).

lol. So, if they'd say they were going free, they obviously would be. And since they said they're not, they obviously are because they're either lying or wrong.

Having an agenda is awesome.
Erecia and Ereblog are BACK, baby!
#54 Sep 08 2013 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
Poltergeist27 wrote:
preludes wrote:
Every mmo is like that when it launches catwho, you have little experience. They are all packed, have queues etc. It doesn't last.

All those queues and login issues will be gone once subs hit, same as every other mmo released in the past 5-6 years. In fact the complaints will change from "I can't login" to "Where is everyone?!". Difference between you and me is that I've played a lot of mmos from the start and seen the pattern over and over again, you seemingly either haven't seen it or think just because you like the game it won't happen here.

o-O sounds like you know Catwho?

I think the complaints changing from 'I can't login' to 'Where is everyone?' is a process that potentially takes years, and that's pretty much the window of time you had to enjoy it anyhow ^^

Naw, preludes is just trolling as usual and making assumptions based on his ignorance.

I have see the pattern he speaks of, but the volume of interest in XIV is unexpectedly high regardless. Many of the more casual players who have jumped in will abandon ship in a month when the subs start. Others will hang on until the next shiny comes along (Wildstar or TESO are the next two big ones slated to come out next year... maybe.) However, there are also many more players who will stick around a long time because XIV is a game that lets you have a life which is pretty damn awesome.
#55 Sep 08 2013 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
6,268 posts
Catwho wrote:
Poltergeist27 wrote:

o-O sounds like you know Catwho?

I think the complaints changing from 'I can't login' to 'Where is everyone?' is a process that potentially takes years, and that's pretty much the window of time you had to enjoy it anyhow ^^

Naw, preludes is just trolling as usual and making assumptions based on his ignorance.

I have see the pattern he speaks of, but the volume of interest in XIV is unexpectedly high regardless. Many of the more casual players who have jumped in will abandon ship in a month when the subs start. Others will hang on until the next shiny comes along (Wildstar or TESO are the next two big ones slated to come out next year... maybe.) However, there are also many more players who will stick around a long time because XIV is a game that lets you have a life which is pretty damn awesome.

Let's not forget a whole 'nother wave coming in when they allow digital sales again.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Airships on fire off the shoulder of Bahamut. I watched Scapula Beams glitter in the dark near the Three Mage Gate...

Nilatai wrote:
Vlorsutes wrote:
There's always...not trolling him?

You're new here, aren't you?
#56 Sep 09 2013 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,590 posts
preludes wrote:
FFXIV will go free to play within the first year, when the devs even entertain the idea you know it's on the cards

If by 'entertain the idea' you mean a dev. answering a direct question, then I guess he was 'entertaining it' .. and 'have no plans' of course has been abused by politicians so much that it sadly no longer is a useful riposte to a blunt question.

Fact is, someone with an agenda like yours can use it to prove their point and there's no usable counter .. but of course it's a fatuous argument in the first place so no one with any sense would pursue it.
#57 Sep 09 2013 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
701 posts
So does preludes want XIV to fail? Does he really think that will mean good things for XI or does he just want to wiz in someone's Cheerios? Does he think that if XIV 2.0 fails it will somehow morph into XI 2.0? Am I really trying to make sense out of a bunch of video game wars nonsense?
#58 Sep 09 2013 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
1,590 posts
There certainly is a section of the XI playerbase who are very vocal in hoping for XIV to fail, then they say all the players who've stopped playing XI will return: they're deluded, obviously, but they're so stuck in the past that common sense doesn't apply.

Face it, if XVI fails then it's far from clear if there'd be an SE around to carry on running XI. Yoshi made it clear at the launch of the V2 development that if it were to fail there could be very serious financial implications for SE.

Even if that doomsday scenario weren't to happen, I see no reason to think FFXI would simply be left to limp along, players who have departed FFXI for FFXIV have done so largely for the entirely different game-play modern MMOs have: no matter how the XI die-hards may want to believe it, the world has moved on from EQ (and FFXI was of course SE's version of EQ).

If XIV fails then it comes down to whether XI can pay for itself plus fund other developments, because if it simply is only self-financing in an organisation like SE that's not at all enough. Some old-time MMOs do survive on that basis, one that's part of the FF 'franchise' I doubt would be allowed to.
#59 Sep 09 2013 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Kragorn wrote:
Face it, if XVI fails then it's far from clear if there'd be an SE around to carry on running XI.
I guess if you ignore that XI still brings in a mint of almost pure unadulterated profit, and pretend that Square is just a video game company, and that whatever they'd lose on 14 this time they wouldn't just remake with 15, 13-5, or whatever the next stinky brown bag they write Final Fantasy on is, because that's how rabid the fanbase truly is, then sure. If XIV sinks, Square is totally dead.

Oh, you'd probably have to ignore that "Square is dead if 14 fails," "Square is dead if 13 fails," "Square is dead if 12 fails," so on and so forth is the mantra that is repeated with each iteration. I've said it elsewhere, and I'll repeat it here: Square has given people dozens of reasons to revolt over the last decade. If their fans haven't revolted and left yet, they never will. Call it what you will; Resilience, stubbornness, faith or Stockholm Syndrome.

It's funny, but as long as people like prelude exist, Square will exist.

Edited, Sep 9th 2013 11:15am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#60 Sep 09 2013 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
I would indeed be happy to see FFXIV fail, having said that of course it's not just wishful thinking (as I stated before, the pattern repeats in every single mmo and it's going to happen in FFXIV). The pattern never changes in new mmos and it will be incredibly obvious, really quickly that it's happening again. In a matter of weeks you will all see it and it will bne undeniable.

You can paint it anyway you like but at the end of the day these 2 games are as direct competition to each other as WoW and FFXI were back in the day, moreso infact because these are 2 FF themed mmos. As a FFXI fan FFXIV failing means FFXI will get more love, the better XIV does the less important XI will be to Square and the less money XI will get as they try to push more and more onto their flagship (it might even get abandoned with no further content updates if the pendulum swings too far in the new guys favour...see Gw1). Square don't love both games equally, it's all about the money and they will lavish money and attention on the one that means the most.

I have to say that something that is also riling up XI players is XIV players all going to every single FFXI forum (here, XIAH and the official forum) and going on about XIV and how XI is now dead (or eluding to it) trying to get us to convert. You guys are here telling FFXI fans off for hating on a competitor on a FFXI forum, the way some of us are reacting to that is how you would of reacted to a wow player doing the same back in the day. This is no different at all.

FFXI and FFXIV are not brothers in arms, they are direct competition for each other and to a lesser or greater degree will canabalise players from each other. This is why Square is a dumb company in my eyes, they made 2 products that compete with each other.

FFXIV failing won't kill Square at all, it will give them a bloody nose but they kinda deserve that anyway. The vast amounts of money they poured in FFXIV will probably never be recouped anyway, XIV ARR isn't about money so much as it was about pride.

Edited, Sep 9th 2013 12:21pm by preludes
#61 Sep 09 2013 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,089 posts
#62 Sep 10 2013 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
701 posts
preludes wrote:
I would indeed be happy to see FFXIV fail, having said that of course it's not just wishful thinking (as I stated before, the pattern repeats in every single mmo and it's going to happen in FFXIV). The pattern never changes in new mmos and it will be incredibly obvious, really quickly that it's happening again. In a matter of weeks you will all see it and it will bne undeniable.

You can paint it anyway you like but at the end of the day these 2 games are as direct competition to each other as WoW and FFXI were back in the day, moreso infact because these are 2 FF themed mmos. As a FFXI fan FFXIV failing means FFXI will get more love, the better XIV does the less important XI will be to Square and the less money XI will get as they try to push more and more onto their flagship (it might even get abandoned with no further content updates if the pendulum swings too far in the new guys favour...see Gw1). Square don't love both games equally, it's all about the money and they will lavish money and attention on the one that means the most.

The funny thing about corporate execs, like other humans, is that they often don't act the way we expect. They have egos, pet projects, and corporate vision alongside their desire for profit. While they might decide to double down on XI if XIV fails it's just as likely they decide that they'll do better in the long run by avoiding and abandoning all present and future MMO projects.

Though it's not exactly the same, I have seen TV networks bury or cancel highly rated shows because of their vision for the network or other preferences.

I have to say that something that is also riling up XI players is XIV players all going to every single FFXI forum (here, XIAH and the official forum) and going on about XIV and how XI is now dead (or eluding to it) trying to get us to convert. You guys are here telling FFXI fans off for hating on a competitor on a FFXI forum, the way some of us are reacting to that is how you would of reacted to a wow player doing the same back in the day. This is no different at all.

So you're fighting stupid with stupid. Video game wars have been making the world a dumber place since the late 70's. Could you please stop adding to the problem?

FFXI and FFXIV are not brothers in arms, they are direct competition for each other and to a lesser or greater degree will canabalise players from each other. This is why Square is a dumb company in my eyes, they made 2 products that compete with each other.

So people who don't enjoy XI, but do enjoy it's competitors should just get with the program and force themselves to play XI or just not have any options because XI having competition is scary to you. XI would be better off if it didn't have competition and a reason to improve and innovate itself? Your ideal world sounds like a sad and boring place to live as far as MMOs are concerned.

FFXIV failing won't kill Square at all, it will give them a bloody nose but they kinda deserve that anyway. The vast amounts of money they poured in FFXIV will probably never be recouped anyway, XIV ARR isn't about money so much as it was about pride.

That which does not kill them won't necessarily make them stronger. The opposite is far more likely. That bloody nose might just cause them to panic and run out in front of a moving bus.
#63 Sep 10 2013 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
1,590 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
[ because that's how rabid the fanbase truly is, then sure. If XIV sinks, Square is totally dead.

Strange, I never thought of Yoshida as being a rabid fanboy .. yet it was him who voiced the issue in the first place.
#64 Sep 10 2013 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
preludes wrote:
I would indeed be happy to see FFXIV fail, having said that of course it's not just wishful thinking (as I stated before, the pattern repeats in every single mmo and it's going to happen in FFXIV). The pattern never changes in new mmos and it will be incredibly obvious, really quickly that it's happening again. In a matter of weeks you will all see it and it will bne undeniable.

You can paint it anyway you like but at the end of the day these 2 games are as direct competition to each other as WoW and FFXI were back in the day, moreso infact because these are 2 FF themed mmos. As a FFXI fan FFXIV failing means FFXI will get more love, the better XIV does the less important XI will be to Square and the less money XI will get as they try to push more and more onto their flagship (it might even get abandoned with no further content updates if the pendulum swings too far in the new guys favour...see Gw1). Square don't love both games equally, it's all about the money and they will lavish money and attention on the one that means the most.

I have to say that something that is also riling up XI players is XIV players all going to every single FFXI forum (here, XIAH and the official forum) and going on about XIV and how XI is now dead (or eluding to it) trying to get us to convert. You guys are here telling FFXI fans off for hating on a competitor on a FFXI forum, the way some of us are reacting to that is how you would of reacted to a wow player doing the same back in the day. This is no different at all.

FFXI and FFXIV are not brothers in arms, they are direct competition for each other and to a lesser or greater degree will canabalise players from each other. This is why Square is a dumb company in my eyes, they made 2 products that compete with each other.

FFXIV failing won't kill Square at all, it will give them a bloody nose but they kinda deserve that anyway. The vast amounts of money they poured in FFXIV will probably never be recouped anyway, XIV ARR isn't about money so much as it was about pride.

Edited, Sep 9th 2013 12:21pm by preludes

FFXIV did fail and what happened? I for one doubt this new AAR will fail even if it did, I would not be coming back to FFXI. Who ever played XIV wouldn't just go back to XI. I'd leave that ultra time consuming no life game alone. Spend enough time on it and I'm much older now not a young kid anymore. I send more time playing FFXIV and I get more done compare to spend time playing it but not really playing it.

Edited, Sep 10th 2013 7:50pm by Anthony11420
#65 Sep 11 2013 at 3:19 AM Rating: Default
The fact WoW and FFXI are alive 8+ years after launch proves that new shinies don't hold people long term, if they did this game would of died long ago. Player loyalty is a real thing in mmos. Keep in mind that XIV is as alien to an XI player as WoW is and that's the kicker after the months have passed, I know lots that went to play WoW and came back to XI. The total lack of community and high burn rate of content on XIV are it's main weaknesses.

The whole question of this post is will FFXI get a reduction and I can't see why it would, very very few players can play 2 mmos well so a reduction is only going to hurt their profits long-term and it surely won't go free to play because there is nothing to gain in that happening (there are very imporant reasons XI would not work as a free to play while XIV would). XIV on the other hand has a lot to gain from going free to play or having a price reduction in the sub, watch for them adding a cash shop to that game soon selling fantasia potions or whatever.

When you're bored of FFXIV and you've done it all in the first 6 months *cough*first month*cough* FFXI will still be here, chugging away and adding new content. The players that like FFXI will still be playing it and like it or not many that are trying XIV will come back to it. Of the 2 games FFXI is still in the stronger position because it's paid for itself long ago and is pure profit, XIV is still dragged down by massive development budgets.
#66 Sep 12 2013 at 5:09 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
So, preludes, beat Bahamut's Coil yet?
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#67 Sep 13 2013 at 3:18 AM Rating: Default
You know the developers removed crystal castles content that is supposed to be done in order to gear up for that right? I'm guessing you don't. Artifical difficulty by removing content is nothing to be proud of, tactics like that wasn't a good thing on FFXI (AV) and it's not here either.

#68 Sep 13 2013 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Guess people messing around on floor five is a figment of my imagination, then.

Look, everything you're ******** about XI is actually doing right now, too, if not worse. Delve grinding is no different than grinding XIV dungeons for currency, if not more involved and difficult. Both are vertical progression. Leveling is hardly the hard part of XI anymore, be it character or monstrosity. Adoulin is still grossly incomplete and it's not like XIV hasn't had its share of introductory story content, too. Both communities have their share of pompous ***** and total idiots alike. Hell, they might even share them. Everything you're flaming XIV for, XI has been for years now with the burden of an older engine running it. XIV's economy may still be establishing itself, but I'd also it and crafting are miles beyond the decaying husk of XI's where you only see a small handful of items changing hands between players.

It's one thing to be loyal, it's another to be a blindly loyal sheep. You're deluded if you think XI is worth $13/mo right now. At the same time, regardless of how well people can juggle two MMOs, a package deal could be me profitable to SE than players playing either singularly. As well, for all your F2P doom and gloom, XI could also run on it just fine. Refusing to acknowledge that just further solidifies this perverse agenda you're running with.

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 8:59am by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#69 Sep 13 2013 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
The few getting to clearing wings are doing so despite the best efforts on the dev team to stop them (removing content that was supposed to be done to gear up to do coils is fail), you know that as well as I do. People killed AV when it was unkillable too that didn't mean it wasn't a fail tactic by the developers.

XI content right now is pretty bad because of a bad development team (abyssea showed how easily that is turned around though, players came back to the game from years absence for it), XIV content right now is also pretty fail. I agree with you. The difference is XI has other things in the mix that outweight the fail, time invested, community, stability etc. Also as I said before the chances of XI going free to play are almost non-existent (I'll list some reasons f2p would simply not work for XI if you like), same can't be said for XIV because there is a very real possibility of it (even Yoshida won't rule it out and outlined his possible plans if/when it happens). There are many XIV players that straight out state they will quit when it goes free to play, where do you think they will go?

You say XI isn't worth the subscription fee based on content, under those circumstances neither is XIV. All it has is pretty graphics and a new world to explore both of these wear within months, people thought Aion was the prettiest game they ever saw....for a while, then the failings started to shine through.

A package deal would not be more profitable at all, simple fact is people just won't play 2 mmos long-term. So unless the package deal is $1-2 more very few will do it and the loss to SE will be too big. In 6 months we could very easily be in the situation where XI has more or very similar player numbers to XIV. You may not like that and totally refuse to accept it but it's still very possible. Just because you think your character is pretty (I'm assuming this is all you see in it because it sure does nothing else better than 8 year olds mmos in terms of gameplay) doesn't outweigh all the failings of that game and most players won't be as forgiving as you seem to be.

XIV at launch is already far below what almost any other mmo at launch has achieved in terms of player numbers, it's all downhill from here. Considering this game does nothing unique that warrants spending large sums of money on it is also another black mark against it.

Count number of launch servers to almost any mmo at launch and compare them to XIV -JP servers and see how it compares, this ain't so smash hit.
#70 Sep 13 2013 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
FFXIV fans can thank XI for cultivating such an eager, talkative, helpful player base that appreciates the benefits of the P2P model! It's yet another advantage that other recent MMOs have not had.

And no, I do not foresee any need to lower XI's monthly fees.

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 11:21am by Thayos

Edited, Sep 13th 2013 11:21am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#71 Sep 14 2013 at 4:10 AM Rating: Default
Pity there are far more wow players on XIV than XI players.

Community is nowhere near as good, anyone that has played XIV and doesn't straight out lie can tell you this.
#72 Sep 14 2013 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
preludes wrote:
The fact WoW and FFXI are alive 8+ years after launch proves that new shinies don't hold people long term, if they did this game would of died long ago. Player loyalty is a real thing in mmos. Keep in mind that XIV is as alien to an XI player as WoW is and that's the kicker after the months have passed, I know lots that went to play WoW and came back to XI. The total lack of community and high burn rate of content on XIV are it's main weaknesses.

Wasn't an alien to me. For one thing, when I was doing my pug class quest(lvl25) I had to apply some "FFXI tactics" to get to the XIVs version of a "???". As it was surrounded by a horde of mobs that aggroed by sight. Fun fun.

Yeah I was loyal to a game with people that tried their hardest to hold others back if they weren't in their static/social circle(FFXI). I've seen, in that game, how evil and selfish humans can be indeed.

But then, I came to the realization that I did not have to deal with these people anymore. And that I just sat out and explored random areas, and killed mobs no one has probably ever seen, outside of wiki editing purposes.

About the cash shop thing:

SE has proven to be against the cash shop scheme through FFXI. I don't put much faith in SE either, but that's one of things I trust they will not do.


When you're bored of FFXIV and you've done it all in the first 6 months *cough*first month*cough* FFXI will still be here, chugging away and adding new content. The players that like FFXI will still be playing it and like it or not many that are trying XIV will come back to it. Of the 2 games FFXI is still in the stronger position because it's paid for itself long ago and is pure profit, XIV is still dragged down by massive development budgets.

I wont be one of the bored ones. I wont return to FFXI, unless I'm a *********. And never played WoW. Hell, I've never seen a screenshot of it. People say, I'm not missing out on anything. Others think that's amazing I avoided it for so long.

Sorry you're so unhappy with the game.

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 4:21pm by TwilightSkye
#73 Sep 15 2013 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
TwilightSkye wrote:
preludes wrote:
The fact WoW and FFXI are alive 8+ years after launch proves that new shinies don't hold people long term, if they did this game would of died long ago. Player loyalty is a real thing in mmos. Keep in mind that XIV is as alien to an XI player as WoW is and that's the kicker after the months have passed, I know lots that went to play WoW and came back to XI. The total lack of community and high burn rate of content on XIV are it's main weaknesses.

Wasn't an alien to me. For one thing, when I was doing my pug class quest(lvl25) I had to apply some "FFXI tactics" to get to the XIVs version of a "???". As it was surrounded by a horde of mobs that aggroed by sight. Fun fun.

Yeah I was loyal to a game with people that tried their hardest to hold others back if they weren't in their static/social circle(FFXI). I've seen, in that game, how evil and selfish humans can be indeed.

But then, I came to the realization that I did not have to deal with these people anymore. And that I just sat out and explored random areas, and killed mobs no one has probably ever seen, outside of wiki editing purposes.

About the cash shop thing:

SE has proven to be against the cash shop scheme through FFXI. I don't put much faith in SE either, but that's one of things I trust they will not do.


When you're bored of FFXIV and you've done it all in the first 6 months *cough*first month*cough* FFXI will still be here, chugging away and adding new content. The players that like FFXI will still be playing it and like it or not many that are trying XIV will come back to it. Of the 2 games FFXI is still in the stronger position because it's paid for itself long ago and is pure profit, XIV is still dragged down by massive development budgets.

I wont be one of the bored ones. I wont return to FFXI, unless I'm a *********. And never played WoW. Hell, I've never seen a screenshot of it. People say, I'm not missing out on anything. Others think that's amazing I avoided it for so long.

Sorry you're so unhappy with the game.

Edited, Sep 14th 2013 4:21pm by TwilightSkye

SE haven't proven to be against cash shops at all (in fact if you do some research into their latest announcments you would see that they are pushing to go right into free to play options with extra monetisation systems), you are confusing how a company ran one title with how they will push forward. This is a whole other ball game, time will tell how they try to mometise the game but it's highly unlikely they will be able to make the money back on subs alone. This isn't FFXI that cost 12 million to create. Needs must when the devil rides. As many say, XIV is NOT XI and whatever happend there has very little relevence.

As for "Never going back", I've heard this so many times on so many games from so many players. Opinions can change in a heart beat. WoW and FFXI players have said this many, many times in the honeymoon period (WoW players say it in every new mmo I've played in shouts and they almost always do go back). WoW and FFXI wouldn't be as old as they are with still decent populations if this were true.
#74 Sep 16 2013 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
701 posts
preludes wrote:

As for "Never going back", I've heard this so many times on so many games from so many players. Opinions can change in a heart beat. WoW and FFXI players have said this many, many times in the honeymoon period (WoW players say it in every new mmo I've played in shouts and they almost always do go back). WoW and FFXI wouldn't be as old as they are with still decent populations if this were true.

What decent population are you talking about? Maybe you just mean WoW, because there's nothing decent about XI's population at the moment.
#75 Sep 16 2013 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
I like SE's version of cash shops, to be honest.

"Here is this real world CD/necklace/ring/toy/ticket to our VanaFest event. It includes a redemption code for an in-game item!"

So we get our vanity items in game, but also get a physical thing to match it in real life. I've worn my Leviathan necklace to Dragon*Con because it's a pretty nifty piece of pewter.
#76 Sep 17 2013 at 3:10 AM Rating: Default
Camiie wrote:
preludes wrote:

As for "Never going back", I've heard this so many times on so many games from so many players. Opinions can change in a heart beat. WoW and FFXI players have said this many, many times in the honeymoon period (WoW players say it in every new mmo I've played in shouts and they almost always do go back). WoW and FFXI wouldn't be as old as they are with still decent populations if this were true.

What decent population are you talking about? Maybe you just mean WoW, because there's nothing decent about XI's population at the moment.

Well now you're just being silly.

I think you simply don't understand the term decent. WoW doesn't have a decent population it has a utterly amazing population, it has more players than both FF titles, GW2, SWTOR combined. WoW is a behemoth.

FFXI has 16 servers all with decent populations on every server (600-1.5k concurrent players whenever you check), this is a 11 year old mmo which paid all development costs long ago. Once the sheen of XIV wears (oh and it will) you will see numbers rise back up again, you'll also see a massive reduction in players on your game. Given that you think a player decline means so much you'll no doubt be on the lookout for a new game at that point? You know, since that will mean XIV is dying!

XIV is due for a massive drop in players, when I say massive I mean around 60-70% loss in players over the coming 6 months. This happend with every other mmo that has launched, given that XIV's endgame is so terrible it may even happen faster here.
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