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#52 May 16 2013 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
Will I need to be an empy DD or brd? Cause if so, I'm screwed... lol. (I have a non empy brd and a pretty well geared blu)

Again, like I said, if that's the case I'll just do what I can and not get too worked up about it, but it would still suck.

Edited, May 16th 2013 3:48pm by Olorinus
#53 May 16 2013 at 5:14 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
You might have trouble convincing leaders that can't see past their noses, but an upgraded weapon from Skirmish will be on par with most RME weapons (maybe not lv99). Unlike Delve gear, upgrading Skirmish drops is fast, just a bit of luck is involved...

Unfortunately, almost anything from Skirmish is completely trumped by Delve, so it's hard to gather the motivation to complete it when Delve is already fairly easy, but that was the progression that SE was planning.

Almost all groups will want 2-3 BRDs (fortunately, relic/empy is rarely necessary for BRD in large groups), but I really hate suggesting that players go that route.
#54 May 16 2013 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
Yeah I figured. Don't worry I won't rush out and get an empy harp because you said that delve groups want that, I have a lot of other things I'd rather be doing.

#55 May 16 2013 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
1,678 posts
So lets see... you can barely get invited to Delve on your <insert DD job here>? Don't like that <insert support job here> shouting for groups saying you aren't good enough? Gee, maybe it's because they have better DD gear than you do... and still have to play BRD.

I mean, god forbid you do something to help the people you are attempting to leech from. That's their job.
Dooom wrote:
BG elitists <3 haste.

Allatards/uber casuals hate elitists.

Allatards/uber casuals hate haste, as valuing it would acknowledge that elitists are right

kerberoz wrote:
People don't hate emo kids because they're "misunderstood." People hate emo kids because they're useless.

Realix wrote:
PUP is an average to above average DD... when not in a zerg situation... or on particularly hard targets... and when properly configured... on windsday... with a RDM...
#56 May 17 2013 at 7:13 AM Rating: Excellent
9,526 posts
TybudX wrote:
So lets see... you can barely get invited to Delve on your <insert DD job here>? Don't like that <insert support job here> shouting for groups saying you aren't good enough? Gee, maybe it's because they have better DD gear than you do... and still have to play BRD.

I mean, god forbid you do something to help the people you are attempting to leech from. That's their job.

I'd love to play bard in these kinds of groups but not if I have to solo grind gil for 10 months to buy pops to get an empy harp. I don't think people who simply want to play the game should be sneered at for not being the kind of person who enjoys that kind of thing. Life is short, etc. I'm not asking to leech, I'm hoping to be able to play one of the jobs I've put work into gearing.

And god forbid one would hope that SE would stop making a quarter of the jobs useless for group content.

Worse case scenario (for SE) I stop playing and do something else with my time.

Edited, May 17th 2013 6:27am by Olorinus
#57TybudX, Posted: May 17 2013 at 7:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So your solution is that SE design content that leaves out jobs like BRD?
#58 May 17 2013 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
983 posts
I play BRD/NIN terribly in Delve groups without Daurd or G-horn and haven't been kicked from my linkshell yet!
#59 May 17 2013 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
TybudX wrote:
So lets see... you can barely get invited to Delve on your <insert DD job here>? Don't like that <insert support job here> shouting for groups saying you aren't good enough? Gee, maybe it's because they have better DD gear than you do... and still have to play BRD.

I mean, god forbid you do something to help the people you are attempting to leech from. That's their job.

I think it's more a case of the shouters wanting to leech off of people who've already cleared the content. They want to make up for their own shortcomings or the shortcomings of their friends who are allowed to defy the shout requirements. They only want to surround themselves with the best so they can put forth the least effort possible and have the new gear basically handed to them.
#60 May 17 2013 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
4,864 posts
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
TybudX wrote:
So lets see... you can barely get invited to Delve on your <insert DD job here>? Don't like that <insert support job here> shouting for groups saying you aren't good enough? Gee, maybe it's because they have better DD gear than you do... and still have to play BRD.

I mean, god forbid you do something to help the people you are attempting to leech from. That's their job.

I'd love to play bard in these kinds of groups but not if I have to solo grind gil for 10 months to buy pops to get an empy harp.

You shouldn't do that anyways. Because the moment you get it, SE will release a new harp that only takes a day to get and instantly outclasses whatever work you put in by a 40% margin.

Everyone that has: (a) not played the game in years; and/or (b) hasn't put that work in; and/or (c) just lacks common sense, will be totally fine with this.

However, I bet you can just get into these groups on your current Bard setup.

Edited, May 17th 2013 10:47am by TheBarrister

#61 May 17 2013 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm "only" a relic bard, sans the 90 Empy I need for the third song (it's 73 Apamadaks horns short and I've resigned myself to just brewing those solo), and I've never been turned away for a Delve.
#62 May 17 2013 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Problem right now is that they were hoping to keep interest on field NM farming high by making them have a low drop rate on beads.

Thing is, nobody gives a **** about the beads right now except the super duper elite groups (who would never ever invite scrubs for field NM farming anyway) because they are the only people who can actually fight the Delve mega bosses with a remote chance of even winning (and even then, I'm not even sure if all of them, particularly the Tchakka clone, have even been defeated yet). Plasm groups would rather just bring a couple of PLDs to hold the NMs rather than invest tons of time/money into beads.

Once the bosses become more beatable, interest on field NM farming will pick up again. Question is how long that's gonna take.
#63TybudX, Posted: May 17 2013 at 11:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Terrible they may be, at least they are taking responsibility for their advancement. They could be complaining on forums that they aren't allowed into groups because they won't do anything to help themselves at all. Then they could rebuff all the simple advise that gets thrown at them that boils down to making simple changes to their general attitude, because no, I'm perfect, everybody else should bend over backwards for me. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
#64 May 17 2013 at 12:01 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
My LS hasn't seriously started farming beads yet because we are still in the process of getting 6/6 KI for everyone, and then farming enough plasma for people to upgrade weapons and armor significantly. I'm not even worried about the Delve mega bosses because that is designed as "Level 20" content according to the devs, and I imagine it would require an alliance of Delve weapons and armor that have at least been SOMEWHAT upgraded with Airlixirs.
#65 May 17 2013 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
TybudX wrote:
Terrible they may be, at least they are taking responsibility for their advancement. They could be complaining on forums that they aren't allowed into groups because they won't do anything to help themselves at all. Then they could rebuff all the simple advise that gets thrown at them that boils down to making simple changes to their general attitude, because no, I'm perfect, everybody else should bend over backwards for me. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Olorinus, do you want to know why you shouldn't get into groups on your DD job? It's because you bring nothing to the table that isn't already there. People playing support jobs on second and third accounts are going to have access to better buffs and strategies than you almost all the time. Because of that they are going to accumulate better gear than you at a faster pace than you can. So there's a very good chance that your gear isn't as good as theirs. Why should they have to come on a different job in order for you to play your DD job that you find fun? Why is your fun worth more than theirs? If you can't at least play one of those support jobs at the same level as a dual or tri-boxed account, you aren't worth the effort. You are the epitome of selfishness and yet somehow you think you are the good guy. In the end it doesn't even matter because people will go on doing what they are doing, and you won't make the simple changes they made in order to adapt. How fun is that?
I think the broader issue is that there are alternatives to the ultimate weapons, yet the community has always perpetually min/max'd. That's why in the CoP days, SMNs sprung up like weeds. It's why BLMs fell out of style in Aht Urghan. Pretty much every endgame trend has led people to level either their most loved job and be lucky that it is one of the "chosen few", or level another job you have to play to get gear for the job you love.

The broader issue is that obtaining an Empyrean now, the easiest of the RME, is a damn long process, and those that didn't bother with them are finding themselves on the outside looking in. There are great AH weapons out there that will do just fine as a substitute, but no, they are not acceptable because they are not the absolute best. And no one is doing the intermediary steps because, well why should they, they can just shout for RME and get it. Because those same grinders are looking to grind more to get the new shiny. So it becomes more insular and exclusive to have the best of the best.

I am reminded of old school Sky LS's... whose requirement to join was to have Sky access. Now, this was at a time that you could not solo to get Sky access, you needed help on many of the fights. You are expecting someone without the support or ability to reach your entry point to do so anyway because you demand it. Yes, they can level BRD if they don't have it... And then gear and skill it because, as you say, why invite a BRD who isn't already skilled and geared? Why not just use some buddy's secondary account as a BRD slot and just go in.

To put it another way, a friend of mine recently came back to the game. He quit pre-Abyssea. And he said to me, "So how do I get my Empyrean armor?" I was about to say to get in groups and farm them... but then how? To be considered, you need one of the golden jobs (NIN, BLM, WHM, THF) to guarantee entry. He has BLU but not all his spells (something he is working on). But then he has no Atma, either. So he needs at least some Atma. Well how does he get Atma? He can't do it alone, he doesn't have the right jobs (No NIN, no WAR) to be a proc for them. He would have to literally leech them. He has no choices. He is alone, and only really has me to rely on for anything.

You're "just improve your gear or change your job" mentality, while shared by the devs, doesn't take into consideration one thing; people don't start FFXI with all jobs 99, gear for all jobs, and a friendlist a mile long. You have to start somewhere, and right now for Delve, where does one start? Wildkeeper Rieves on my server are already rare; I don't think anyone even does Skirmish. So right now the best gear you're getting is a mix of AH and Bayld gear. And if you go the BRD route, you are now competing with everyone else for a limited number of slots and playing a job you most likely don't even enjoy and needed to invest a ton of time in just so your "fun" job, which you rarely get to play because you haven't got "the best gear" for it, gets to be geared up.

How is that fun to do? How is it enjoyable to suffer 98 levels of BRD, doing seals or buying gear for BRD, buying, questing and farming scrolls for BRD. skilling up BRD, only to be able to gear your actual job?

Get over yourself, will you? The content was poorly laid out for the way the community jumps over steps and skips ahead, preferring the quick road to the one they planned. The events are becoming more insular as the haves get more and the have-nots are left standing in Jeuno trying to get an invite or all leveling BRD or WHM in order to conform to people like yourself. And the rift is not going to close once they add the next tier.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#66 May 17 2013 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
saevellakshmi wrote:
SE's updating 99 RMEs so casuals can still chip away to finally get one of those. Honestly the single biggest issue here is the 20m depop time. Before your group could slowly chip away and kill it after a few hours just to get the damn KI to make your super gear. The gear you can get is stupid good after augmenting it to level 5, after that it just gets plain retarded. Unfortunately SE screwed up the difficulty, LIKE THEY DO TO EVERYTHING. Many other events in FFXI were the same way upon release until enough people complained that SE eventually toned it down, I feel they will do that again. Honestly I believe it's planned on purpose, SE releases content but doesn't want people clearing it to fast so deliberately makes it hard as **** (for majority of population) knowing most can't do it. People throw themselves at it and consume tons of time, eventually SE reduces the difficulty right as they introduce other things. Expect delve to be lowered the moment someone else comes along.

I've done all the fights with pickup groups since the update. Only did two of them inside. Not one leader seemed to be an elitest. Yes we may have lost a few times before we got but all the fights seemed rather easy once we figured the strategy out. Maybe you guys should come to Phoenix, we have some friendly people here.

Edited, May 17th 2013 3:10pm by jakarai

Edited, May 18th 2013 6:03pm by jakarai
#67 May 17 2013 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
TheBarrister wrote:
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
TybudX wrote:
So lets see... you can barely get invited to Delve on your <insert DD job here>? Don't like that <insert support job here> shouting for groups saying you aren't good enough? Gee, maybe it's because they have better DD gear than you do... and still have to play BRD.

I mean, god forbid you do something to help the people you are attempting to leech from. That's their job.

I'd love to play bard in these kinds of groups but not if I have to solo grind gil for 10 months to buy pops to get an empy harp.

You shouldn't do that anyways. Because the moment you get it, SE will release a new harp that only takes a day to get and instantly outclasses whatever work you put in by a 40% margin.

Everyone that has: (a) not played the game in years; and/or (b) hasn't put that work in; and/or (c) just lacks common sense, will be totally fine with this.

However, I bet you can just get into these groups on your current Bard setup.

Edited, May 17th 2013 10:47am by TheBarrister

I'm in that situation! And it wouldn't bother me at all. Because maintaining imaginary status quos totally makes sense (hint: it doesn't. Probably too subtle for you). Yeah, I love the ffxi community. You're not allowed to have fun until you suffer like "I" selected to do so. Yes in a video game that's not about competition, there must be competition. This imaginary item must mean the same to you as it does to me... whine whine pout pout.

I'd just take my horn, and use it to get a new one. Then I'd go have fun with it and hope my fellow players are too.

Maybe I should toss mine though, the hidden effect of short man syndrome isn't kicking in. It must be broken.
#68 May 17 2013 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
TybudX wrote:

Olorinus, do you want to know why you shouldn't get into groups on your DD job? It's because you bring nothing to the table that isn't already there. People playing support jobs on second and third accounts are going to have access to better buffs and strategies than you almost all the time. Because of that they are going to accumulate better gear than you at a faster pace than you can. So there's a very good chance that your gear isn't as good as theirs. Why should they have to come on a different job in order for you to play your DD job that you find fun? Why is your fun worth more than theirs? If you can't at least play one of those support jobs at the same level as a dual or tri-boxed account, you aren't worth the effort. You are the epitome of selfishness and yet somehow you think you are the good guy. In the end it doesn't even matter because people will go on doing what they are doing, and you won't make the simple changes they made in order to adapt. How fun is that?

What are you going on about? I don't even play any DD jobs. I play (WHM sometimes) BRD BLU and BST. I don't expect anyone to invite me to anything ever as a BST either. I hate that I can't expect an invite to 99 per cent of group content on BST - but I fully understand it's a developer problem not an issue of people not wanting me to have fun.

As I stated above, I am happy to play support jobs. I mentioned Dharp cause someone above was talking about groups demanding that kind of BRD. If that's not the case, awesome, I'll get out my masses of BRD gear that I've put a lot of effort into obtaining and play BRD to the best of my ability.

If people do want a Dharp bard, I will do other content, and if I get bored of it because I can't progress, I will unsub. It's no big deal either way.

I always liked that support jobs were an in for people like me that maybe didn't have the time or inclination to do super weapons, but the Dharp really changes the game for bard. The idea of having more songs is awesome, the path to getting them is terrible though, and a real turn off for me.
#69TybudX, Posted: May 17 2013 at 2:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Really? no u.
#70 May 17 2013 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
apapertiger wrote:
TheBarrister wrote:
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
TybudX wrote:
So lets see... you can barely get invited to Delve on your <insert DD job here>? Don't like that <insert support job here> shouting for groups saying you aren't good enough? Gee, maybe it's because they have better DD gear than you do... and still have to play BRD.

I mean, god forbid you do something to help the people you are attempting to leech from. That's their job.

I'd love to play bard in these kinds of groups but not if I have to solo grind gil for 10 months to buy pops to get an empy harp.

You shouldn't do that anyways. Because the moment you get it, SE will release a new harp that only takes a day to get and instantly outclasses whatever work you put in by a 40% margin.

Everyone that has: (a) not played the game in years; and/or (b) hasn't put that work in; and/or (c) just lacks common sense, will be totally fine with this.

However, I bet you can just get into these groups on your current Bard setup.

Edited, May 17th 2013 10:47am by TheBarrister

I'm in that situation! And it wouldn't bother me at all. Because maintaining imaginary status quos totally makes sense (hint: it doesn't. Probably too subtle for you). Yeah, I love the ffxi community. You're not allowed to have fun until you suffer like "I" selected to do so. Yes in a video game that's not about competition, there must be competition. This imaginary item must mean the same to you as it does to me... whine whine pout pout.

I'd just take my horn, and use it to get a new one. Then I'd go have fun with it and hope my fellow players are too.

Maybe I should toss mine though, the hidden effect of short man syndrome isn't kicking in. It must be broken.

You forgot it's other hidden effect. Just because you aren't bothered, does not mean it doesn't bother people (HELLO FALSE POSITIVE!). Pissing off people always falls under (c), but then you probably do too.

Edited, May 17th 2013 4:32pm by TheBarrister

#71 May 17 2013 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
TybudX wrote:
Step One: Stop *********
Step Two: Start somewhere. Anywhere.
Step Three: Keep at it.

Takes too long to level a job? Takes too long to gear that job? Takes too long to get skills capped on that job? I guess somebody brand new to the game should be able to jump right into end game content.
Oh so easy to say, but so hard to do.

OK smart guy, let's embark on a hypothetical journey. You lose your character, and the server you were on is blocked from allowing you to return. You are forced to start over on a new server as a new character. Tell me, how will you get into Delve?

You see, what I am saying is the community needs to get off the "RME ONRY OR GTFO" kick. In the above scenario, unless you find some really nice people, you are ****** for a very, very long time. You need Dynamis wins and currency to get a Relic weapon, plus tons of gil to get the "accepted" version of the weapon. Mythic, you need a ton of requirements I've detailed elsewhere. Empyrean requires you to have help or gil to pay for help. And that's just to be allowed to play as a DD. And, again, if we are coming at it from the BRD/RDM/WHM side, what if you did not want to play a mage? You'd suffer through 98 levels, all the farming and gearing for that job just so you can turn around and gear what you want. Doable? Yes. Fun? **** no.

TybudX wrote:
It's more fun than being semi-afk in town waiting for an invite that will never come from groups that don't want you. I guess my definition of fun is different than other peoples. Not wasting 12.95 a month to sit idle is another bonus.
And who says you would be accepted even if you followed the sage advice you have been giving? You need RME to be a DD. Relic and/or RME to tank. So toss out every melee. So that leaves, what, three BRD slots, 2/3 WHM slots and maybe a RDM tossed in? Maybe a BLM, depending? Given the rapidity I've seen shouts start and end once the RMEs have shown up, I'm guessing you very well will stand idle, thumb up your ***, hoping to get picked. Especially if all of us "leeches" follow your grand master plan.

TybudX wrote:
People like myself being the ones who leveled BRD and WHM and whatever else in order to not be stuck sitting in Jeuno in the first place? People like me being the ones who have already put other people's 'fun' ahead of their own so that events don't go down in a flaming pile of sh*t and death?
Oh, so you've suffered, have you? Oh poor, poor baby. My heart bleeds for you. And yet, here I am saying "Hey, wouldn't it be nice if you could have actually played the job you enjoyed rather than slogging through ****?" Does that not resonate with you, given the fact you have "paid your dues"? Oh wait, that's right, for people like you, this is not a video game. It's their life. You must do whatever it takes, no matter how miserable it makes you, to achieve "success"!

I think all you have succeeded in doing is turning yourself in a jaded, bitter, and arrogant jackass. Remember when the game was fun? Oh wait, it still is "fun" for you, isn't it? Because, as you ***** about having to gear your BRD or WHM up for yet another run so that you can ensure "that events don't go down in a flaming pile of sh*t and death", you are having oh so much fun, aren't you?

TybudX wrote:
Really? no u.
Why? I am not so arrogant as to believe my way is the only right way. You can follow what you're saying, hate yourself every second you do it, and get your stuff. I am just suggesting a rational, logical alternative solution that others are actually using depending on their server. You're the one demanding people do as you do.

So yes, you need to get over yourself. Your precious suffering for virtual shinies is meaningless, and should have opened your eyes to find another way for others, but all it's done is leave you a sad, bitter gamer who thinks everyone needs to suffer like they did, because reasons.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#72 May 17 2013 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
TheBarrister wrote:
apapertiger wrote:
TheBarrister wrote:
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
TybudX wrote:
So lets see... you can barely get invited to Delve on your <insert DD job here>? Don't like that <insert support job here> shouting for groups saying you aren't good enough? Gee, maybe it's because they have better DD gear than you do... and still have to play BRD.

I mean, god forbid you do something to help the people you are attempting to leech from. That's their job.

I'd love to play bard in these kinds of groups but not if I have to solo grind gil for 10 months to buy pops to get an empy harp.

You shouldn't do that anyways. Because the moment you get it, SE will release a new harp that only takes a day to get and instantly outclasses whatever work you put in by a 40% margin.

Everyone that has: (a) not played the game in years; and/or (b) hasn't put that work in; and/or (c) just lacks common sense, will be totally fine with this.

However, I bet you can just get into these groups on your current Bard setup.

Edited, May 17th 2013 10:47am by TheBarrister

I'm in that situation! And it wouldn't bother me at all. Because maintaining imaginary status quos totally makes sense (hint: it doesn't. Probably too subtle for you). Yeah, I love the ffxi community. You're not allowed to have fun until you suffer like "I" selected to do so. Yes in a video game that's not about competition, there must be competition. This imaginary item must mean the same to you as it does to me... whine whine pout pout.

I'd just take my horn, and use it to get a new one. Then I'd go have fun with it and hope my fellow players are too.

Maybe I should toss mine though, the hidden effect of short man syndrome isn't kicking in. It must be broken.

You forgot it's other hidden effect. Just because you aren't bothered, does not mean it doesn't bother people (HELLO FALSE POSITIVE!). Pissing off people always falls under (c), but then you probably do too.

Edited, May 17th 2013 4:32pm by TheBarrister

Is English your second language? What is the other hidden effect exactly? In this scenario, being pissed is a choice. A choice you made. On your R/M/E, can you show me where it claims it will always be the best weapon and must remain so? It is a game. I want people to have fun ranging from the elitists to the casuals to that poor level 3 chilling in Bastok clueless because they haven't encountered another soul in two weeks.

But since that whole crowd is all about effort, I guess they'll retire their R/M/E once that free upgrade kicks in. At least the delve noobs earned their base damage!

If they keep it, it becomes an emblem of hypocrisy.
#73 May 17 2013 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
Most of the shouts I see for Delve are RMED, not RME. If a hypothetical person is starting over, obviously obtaining an RME would be a really daunting proposition. I wouldn't expect a new person to go through all that heartache. But for Delve weapons, the goal is significantly more attainable. I get the argument that the person might despise playing a support or mage job, but all the hypothetical person needs to do is play the support job long enough to get that one T4/T5 KI associated with the Delve weapon for the job they love, and then play it in 5+ Plasma farming parties to make 30,000 Plasma. These goals, while admittedly not "easy", are not as insurmountable for newer players as making an RME would be. And some support job gear is more AH-friendly than others.

Edited, May 17th 2013 5:28pm by Poltergeist27
#74 May 17 2013 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
apapertiger wrote:
Is English your second language? What is the other hidden effect exactly?

No. Is reading comprehension difficult? Read the third sentence. It's latent affect is that if it's you, you lack common sense. I'm disappointed I'd had to be not so subtle. I thought subtlety was something you'd appreciate, but I guess it's a goal you've yet to achieve.

apapertiger wrote:
In this scenario, being pissed is a choice.

Because when you get screwed that's the logical choice. Being not pissed and assuming everyone else should just welcome feelings of being screwed over is not logical. If you pay money to play a game to achieve things and there is a precedent set to the pace of obsolesence over 11 years, and then WHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM that precedent gets trounced on once, and then 2 more times in the course of about 3 weeks, being pissed is logical. Not being pissed = (c), which I subtely set forth for you in my prior post.

apapertiger wrote:

It is a game. I want people to have fun ranging from the elitists to the casuals to that poor level 3 chilling in Bastok clueless because they haven't encountered another soul in two weeks.

Then you should realize that fun =/= hard work being made irrelevant so easily....for any of the people in your mythical range.


#75 May 17 2013 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Poltergeist27 wrote:
Most of the shouts I see for Delve are RMED, not RME. If a hypothetical person is starting over, obviously obtaining an RME would be a really daunting proposition. I wouldn't expect a new person to go through all that heartache. But for Delve weapons, the goal is significantly more attainable. I get the argument that the person might despise playing a support or mage job, but all the hypothetical person needs to do is play the support job long enough to get that one T4/T5 KI associated with the Delve weapon for the job they love, and then play it in 5+ Plasma farming parties to make 30,000 Plasma. These goals, while admittedly not "easy", are not as insurmountable for newer players as making an RME would be. And some support job gear is more AH-friendly than others.
OK, let's take BRD, shall we?

So first, you need level 99. Not too hard and besides, you need that to do Delve anyway on any job. So let's discount all the work that will take. Now you need gear. Forget Empyrean unless you have friends/make friends. That leaves you with AH and Bayld gear.

For Bayld:

Likely will have at least the unified ele staff if not the individual ones.

Now, how much AH gear, cost-wise, would you consider needed for you, as a party leader, to want to invite this character over, say, another BRD? I assume you've done the fights, would the above be enough, and if not, how much more gil does someone need to sink into BRD to make it "Delve-worthy"?

Edit: On a side-note, seeing all the new BRD pieces is making me want to dump off my leveling gear and grab my old BRD kit.

Edited, May 17th 2013 6:14pm by Pawkeshup
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#76 May 17 2013 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
TheBarrister wrote:
apapertiger wrote:
Is English your second language? What is the other hidden effect exactly?

No. Is reading comprehension difficult? Read the third sentence. It's latent affect is that if it's you, you lack common sense. I'm disappointed I'd had to be not so subtle. I thought subtlety was something you'd appreciate, but I guess it's a goal you've yet to achieve.

apapertiger wrote:
In this scenario, being pissed is a choice.

Because when you get screwed that's the logical choice. Being not pissed and assuming everyone else should just welcome feelings of being screwed over is not logical. If you pay money to play a game to achieve things and there is a precedent set to the pace of obsolesence over 11 years, and then WHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM that precedent gets trounced on once, and then 2 more times in the course of about 3 weeks, being pissed is logical. Not being pissed = (c), which I subtely set forth for you in my prior post.

apapertiger wrote:

It is a game. I want people to have fun ranging from the elitists to the casuals to that poor level 3 chilling in Bastok clueless because they haven't encountered another soul in two weeks.

Then you should realize that fun =/= hard work being made irrelevant so easily....for any of the people in your mythical range.

It was a comment on your poor writing skills and inability to be concise. You appeared to be juggling more than one thing and lacked proper descriptors. Which has been the crux of your whole point.

How are you being screwed? They added new weapons. That were better than old ones. That makes sense to me. That's usually how things progress. You take those weapons that are now in second through fourth place and use them to get new things. It doesn't erase R/M/E, nor does it block you from obtaining the new things. YOU ARE NOT BEING SCREWED. You have an advantage over others even getting the new stuff.

Precedence is actually no one's fault but your own unless SE (and specifically the current team) outright stated it. Then again, if they did, it wouldn't be precedence. Precedence is making an assumption.

If it was sunny a whole week, then it rained on my beach day that I planned based on precedence... everyone I know who laugh their asses off at me for being pissed at that. But I would just make the most of it and have a great time regardless. It is really easy to change oneself, instead of the weather but entitlement makes you forget that.

If you find a video game to be such hard work, I'm sorry about your physical disability. What is it if you mind me asking?

P.S. what r/m/e do you have?

Edited, May 17th 2013 7:32pm by apapertiger
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