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The "New Direction"Follow

#1 May 10 2013 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
Warning: Wall of Text

It seems that Delve is the be-all-end-all of Endgame content for the foreseeable future, people are indeed delving into it with some enjoying having such power at their fingertips but others like myself have been shut out and are consequently sceptical about the direction Square-Enix is taking this game.
Before I go any further please do not dismiss this as the ranting of a bitter and/or jealous soon-to-be-former-player but rather as a level-headed person evaluating and predicting what may well happen in future updates.

Delve is going to kill this game;
Not through the content itself although that is a slight problem but because of the manner and pace that it was introduced.
Allow me to argue my case.

When Seekers of Adoulin was first released Skirmish and Wildskeeper Reives were released along with it. These two events offered players, casual and elite, the opportunity to obtain powerful weapons and armor that gave pre-existing content a run for its money but did not outright invalidate it. This, coupled with the exploration and new jobs gave the game much needed invigoration. At this point we understood that Delve was indeed on its way but none of us could have foreseen the impact it would have on the entire makeup of the games' community. Delve introduced weapons and armor that not only invalidated the content they had released a mere month earlier but completely decimated every single piece of content that had come before Seekers of Adoulin in terms of effort:reward ratio.

Unsurprisingly the outcry from those whom had invested so much time and effort into previous content such as relic and mythic weapons, content that Square-Enix had shown they were willing to allow being upgraded to keep up with new content as it was being released, was immense. Seemingly in response to this the development team asked players to "not throw away your relic weapons!" but has since offered almost nothing to stop said players from doing so. Some of the more vindictive casual players may well laugh at these unfortunate players who have had their effort brushed aside and made invalid but I have a feeling that they will not be laughing for much longer. Consider these hypothetical situations,

What happens when the rush to obtain Delve equipment is over?
What is stopping the stagnation of existing content?
What is stopping Square-Enix from releasing the next batch of Delve equipment which may completely outclass what has just been released?
What will happen when new Seekers of Adoulin content which is not Delve-related, such as new Wildskeeper Reives, come out and provide inferior rewards compared to that of Delve?
What happens when people don't bother partaking in new content because the rewards on offer have already been trounced by Delve rewards?

Short Answer: People will start quitting, fully aware that nothing they achieve really matters anymore. Anything that they do achieve either means nothing or will be outdated.
Long Answer: Read On.

I embedded this video in another thread but I will put it here as well unless you missed it. The relevant segment starts around 2:08.

Despite the gripes certain sections of the elite player base have with it the age of Abyssea and Voidwatch was masterfully managed by Square-Enix and showcases a prime example of how to keep "power creep" at bay. In both cases content was introduced in installments which meant many things: content could be checked for consistency, content could increase in strength as player level did and new content could be kept in alignment with existing content. New powerful weapons and armor were made available through these events but it did not stick previous content on the funeral pyre in the process. Abyssea and Voidwatch did not destroy the relevance of everything that had come before them, rather they complimented existing content. Not only was existing equipment such as relics and mythics given a series of trials that kept their relevance evident as player power increased but old content such as Dynamis, Nyzul Isle, and Salvage was given new life at the Lv99 cap. Those that were unable to acquire stuff in one event could always find a viable alternative in another. Whilst these revised systems had problems such as an over-reliance on the 'random number generator' they still succeeded in breathing life into content and brought players back to content what was on the verge of death.

Now, one could argue that the addition of stronger equipment was inevitable and that is the nature-of-the-beast that is MMORPG's.
I know that is a valid point and I cannot hope to argue against it. However, what I can argue against is the pace and manner that it was introduced and the repercussions that people may not even see coming. When it was first added to the game Delve should have started out with only the first 3 teirs of NM's being available both in the field and in fractures. Then, as player understanding and skill increased the 4th and 5th teirs should have been added. At the same time Square-Enix would have figured out which direction existing equipment and content such as relics should go to pacify the inevitable anxiety and outrage from the elite playerbase, creating a release valve of sorts.

Instead what we got was the whole package in one go and a silence from Square-Enix which suggests that they have no idea what to do with existing content beyond this point. We find ourselves with a mixture of elite players that have either quit or who are fanatically grinding away at Delve content to re-affirm their position on the playground, casual players who are trying in vain to keep up for various reasons, and almost no direction for the future of the game. It is now absolutely redundant to do any other content than Delve because in the larger picture, whatever you achieve there doesn't mean diddly-squat anymore. The deafening silence from the development team and the complete lack of direction is only increasing player anxiety and cannot end well.

Remember all of those "Development Roadmaps" such as these which clearly outlined what developers had planned for future updates? We sorely need one of these now.
Sure, they did not implement everything on that particular example but it still gave the players something to refer to so they felt more secure in what they were doing and where they were spending their time.

Delve is essentially a massive shot of ecstasy, a shot that runs the risk of fatally overdosing the game as a whole.

Edited, May 10th 2013 6:07pm by Tatham
#2 May 10 2013 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
It's more than that, it's "how you level" now.

But few here care to see it like that. Nice post anyway.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#3 May 10 2013 at 5:34 PM Rating: Excellent
It seems like SE is trying to reinvent progression in FFXI. For years, the ability to beat the top bosses in this game depended on your level and player skill... gear was important too, but not terribly so. For a very long time, any fight/mission could be won with good gear from the AH. Although endgame gear existed, and although it was more powerful, nobody really needed it to accomplish all the content.

However, now they're trying to emphasize gear progression over levels and skill. It's a fundamental change.... but, from what I've heard, this is how other MMOs operate, too. I'm pretty sure this is what's in the works for FFXIV... pretty sure I've read that in at least one interview.

Not sure if this is power creep or just the development team trying to implement progression in a game that's already at its level 99 cap.
Thayos Redblade
#4 May 10 2013 at 6:05 PM Rating: Excellent
I really don't give a **** what kind of content they release, until that content becomes something like

"Ceizak Battlegrounds plasm farm {Do you need it?} O/A PLD, Delve DD {Can I have it?}"

For someone like me, who has yet to even complete the frontiers mission (nobody does colonization reives anymore, apparently), this is a mutually exclusive situation. How the **** am I supposed to have a delve weapon at the same time I'm trying to farm for one? People are ******* stupid.
#5 May 10 2013 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
315 posts
I really don't give a @#%^ what kind of content they release, until that content becomes something like

"Ceizak Battlegrounds plasm farm {Do you need it?} O/A PLD, Delve DD {Can I have it?}"

For someone like me, who has yet to even complete the frontiers mission (nobody does colonization reives anymore, apparently), this is a mutually exclusive situation. How the @#%^ am I supposed to have a delve weapon at the same time I'm trying to farm for one? People are @#%^ing stupid.

If your job was up to par pre Seekers, you shouldn't have much of a problem. Earlier I was in a plasm farm with a lvl 85 Ukon War and a TP bonus SAM, along with a few other mid level DDs. Still made 6.3k in Ceizak. As long as you have good support (removing slow/hasting, keeping buffs up, dia II every mob, dispelling buffs, etc.) you'll be fine with any DD who is on the level to do Voidwatch.

This is yet another instance of the playerbase overstating the importance of having top tier DDs. Kill speed isn't the problem in farms. The main limiting factor is the soft cap imposed by the mob repop rate. The faster you kill, the longer you'll be waiting around for repops.

I will say that I can't speak on the NMs. Since the changes were made, I haven't been in an NM fight.
#6 May 10 2013 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
Thayos wrote:
It seems like SE is trying to reinvent progression in FFXI. For years, the ability to beat the top bosses in this game depended on your level and player skill... gear was important too, but not terribly so. For a very long time, any fight/mission could be won with good gear from the AH. Although endgame gear existed, and although it was more powerful, nobody really needed it to accomplish all the content.

However, now they're trying to emphasize gear progression over levels and skill. It's a fundamental change.... but, from what I've heard, this is how other MMOs operate, too. I'm pretty sure this is what's in the works for FFXIV... pretty sure I've read that in at least one interview.

Not sure if this is power creep or just the development team trying to implement progression in a game that's already at its level 99 cap.

That is the problem, if they go down the road of other MMOs and shift from how it was in the past what reason do I have playing a 11 year old game that has only seen token upgrades to the graphics and UI.
#7 May 10 2013 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
I don't know if it's a good direction yet, but I don't think Delve alone will bring about the end of FFXI. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things going on right now, so Delve may play a part, but it will be a culmination of many different changes/problems with delve being a minor focus.

I do, however, think SE completely screwed up with the addition of Delve. The entire system should have been released months later, after a lot of other content or, at the very least, in stages (T1-3 NMs outside, then T4-5 NMs outside, then finally fractures). I know there's this big complaint about weapon damage, but it should not have been a big deal had players been able to access Skirmish more easily and rme plans laid out beforehand. Many of those weapons could be upgraded to be roughly on par with relic weapons. Instead, the entire event was completely invalidated (at this point) for many players that were able to obtain weapon KIs. To make things worse, not only did SE split the casual/hardcore population more deeply, they just split the casual crowd as well (those with and without delve weapons).

I truly believe SE will nerf farming trash mobs inside fractures soon and boost plasm from NMs to create interest. I don't know if this is a good approach, but to me, it sounds like something SE would do. Their thinking will most likely be along the lines of minimizing the damage created with the addition of Delve.
#8 May 10 2013 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Great post. However some people might quit some people might not. Even obtaining the best gears and weapons from delve takes time for the 9to5 working people. The 24/7 players is might obtain some of those equipments before others. After that if they like the game they can go make Gil's, help others or just kill stuff. If I obtain the delve weapons I'm going to go dominate Abyssea even more.

If you are new to adoulin, all is not lost. Simply obtain Baylds, take part in wilds keeper reive. Get the KI to go into delve. In the meantime join delve plasm farm as a white Mage or bard or simple create your own plasma farm. And also defeat the delve NM to get the KI to get equipments with plasm. It takes time so this content is not made to be done in a week from the normal folks.
#9 May 10 2013 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
4,864 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
I really don't give a @#%^ what kind of content they release, until that content becomes something like

"Ceizak Battlegrounds plasm farm {Do you need it?} O/A PLD, Delve DD {Can I have it?}"

For someone like me, who has yet to even complete the frontiers mission (nobody does colonization reives anymore, apparently), this is a mutually exclusive situation. How the @#%^ am I supposed to have a delve weapon at the same time I'm trying to farm for one? People are @#%^ing stupid.

That content is going to become exactly like that. If anything, this direction further separates the well geared from the just getting by geared.

What's ironic is the same people rejoicing in the suffering of prior well geared are going to be quitting because they "hit a wall". It's inevitable.

#10 May 10 2013 at 8:53 PM Rating: Excellent
2,885 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
I really don't give a @#%^ what kind of content they release, until that content becomes something like

"Ceizak Battlegrounds plasm farm {Do you need it?} O/A PLD, Delve DD {Can I have it?}"

For someone like me, who has yet to even complete the frontiers mission (nobody does colonization reives anymore, apparently), this is a mutually exclusive situation. How the @#%^ am I supposed to have a delve weapon at the same time I'm trying to farm for one? People are @#%^ing stupid.

It already is like this. No one is going to invite players to do the Field NM's unless you have Delve Weapons or you are an Empy Harp Bard. I recently got rejected from a Field NM shout because I did not have any delve weapons which just seems to backwards because how am I supposed to have that weapon when I don't have the KI. Hell the best weapon I currently own is Tlalpoloani from Achuka but it still wasn't enough to get me in to the fight.
Tummie - Garuda/Lakshmi (Retired)

Return1 argued with Mellowy and wrote:

Seriously, you won't be @#%^ing happy until SE releases a full sized Bahamut avatar you can @#%^ing ride and use to kill players that annoy you, one shot AV/PW/Shinryuu, and burn the FFXI nations to the @#%^ing ground for fun. All while actually restoring mp used instead of costing any.

#11 May 10 2013 at 9:34 PM Rating: Excellent
445 posts
Tatham wrote:
Some of the more vindictive casual players may well laugh at these unfortunate players who have had their effort brushed aside and made invalid but I have a feeling that they will not be laughing for much longer.

I don't want to speak for all casual players, but I actually think casual players would be taking this harder than the "elite" ones.

"Elite" players had their relic weapons, their top of the line gear. Casual players had bits and pieces, and AH gear. Until recently, where casual players were able to chip away in Dynamis and eventually get themselves some of the top weapons they'd always thought about, but never actually had a chance at getting. Gear was available now too due to the level cap going up for old events, and Abyssea allowing small groups of friends to accomplish goals on their own schedule.

This new direction looks to be bringing all the problems you described, and might bring them faster than anyone thinks. I used to have to /sea Dynamis zones one by one to find an empty-ish one, and even then sometimes had to gear up pup and go for WS mobs. Last night there were 9 people in Dynamis on Leviathan. Not 9 people in the zone I was in, but 9 people total. Event after event has been killed off in the matter of a week or so. People do things in this game for the rewards. Once they get those rewards they move on to the next slow event. After they're done all that, it's time to sit afk in Jeuno or watch your Moogle spin. In a couple months' time I wonder how many people will be logging in just to have a staring contest with their Moogle.
#12 May 11 2013 at 3:03 AM Rating: Default
4,511 posts
I dont like this new direction...

I mean, i'm a huge fan of progress, dont get me wrong. The direction i'm talking about is constantly making new things, only to completely irrelevate them moments later.

"Hey guys, we invented this cool Reive stuff"

"Hey guys, stop doing Reives, we made Skirmish now, it's more fun and better!"

"Hey guys, stop doing Skirmish, Delve has a LOT better gear and people will laugh at you if you keep doing Skirmish!"

"Hey guys, stop doing Delve, we're just going to give RME people the buffs they ******* about, despite the weapons not even comming close to RME's in the first place and not being threatening what so ever"

Honestly, i'm a nice guy at heart, but i cant wait for the people who shouted out and complained to be screwed over next by whatever event they think up after this :/ Finally got my Delve **** together and it's irrelevant now.
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#13 May 11 2013 at 3:50 AM Rating: Excellent
hmm not sure if this is relevant or not but I just did a search of my character's name on FFXIAH and it was at 144 last week and it's 124 now.
I haven't done anything to make my character move up at all so does that mean some people quit on my server? o.o
#14 May 11 2013 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
For those still not getting it: This direction is not good for anyone.

No one.

Let's take a look at the Mythic path, just to give you a feeling of why people hated seeing it get invalidated.

First, you need to reach Captain.

To reach Captain, you have to repeat assaults until you have ranked up to First Lieutenant. Then you need to have the storyline done for Aht Urghan. And then you need to have done every single assault successfully at least once. Then you have to kill all three zone bosses in Aht Urghan (Medusa, Gurfurlur the Menacing, Gulool Ja Ja). Then you have to kill all the bosses of Salvage (Long-Bowed Chariot, Armored Chariot, Battleclad Chariot, Long-Armed Chariot). Then you have to defeat Odin... which basically amounts to doing Einherjar completely. Then you have to recompleted every assault. Every one. All 50. Again. Then you need to buy items with tokens earned in Nyzul (150,000 to be exact). Then you need to buy an item from Einherjar (100,000 Therion Ichor there). Then, you need to do Zeni bosses until you get a Pandy Warden set... which you use to fight the boss for the Mythic weapon. That means going through tier 1-4 and getting every single KI to drop. Without procs, just base luck. THEN you need to do a fight.

There, now you have a level 75 Mythic...

Now you need to upgrade THAT to 99.

Relics aren't nearly as hard, but still require a good 3 to 4 month time investment to farm up the currency if you are doing amazing at getting currency. Plus fighting the NMs, finding the crafted items.

Then you need to upgrade THAT to 99.

Right now, Kojira in this thread already HAS a Delve weapon. After, what, a week? Already has a weapon that outclasses all the above weapons by leaps and bounds. And he can still upgrade it to be even better. You know that card parable above? Here it is. People have collected their gear, worked their *** off to get there, worked their *** off to upgrade their weapon, and are now told, well @#%^ that weapon, here's one you can get in a week.

You don't think that's going to upset some people? Or that it doesn't mean that it's bad? A week to get a badass, better than endgame weapon?

And it's bad for everyone. This means in two months, they could swing in and say "Hey guys, forget Delve, here's the new NEW weapon you REALLY want." It's not a good thing. Plus, even more scarily, they are saying this is how we level.

Delve just became mandatory.

You HAVE to Delve to get leveled up, is what they are saying. Or you need to go back and redo all the old content to get somewhat decent gear to be relevant. This speed of gear acquisition, the constant gear grind is why WoW is down to 9 million players from 12 million. It's why MMOs close. It invalidates your playtime. It makes what you do actually feel pointless, useless. Yes, it is pointless, this entire game is pointless. It's meaningless drivel that entertains us. But it will stop being entertaining when you have to deal with constant gear churn just to stay up to date.

Edited, May 11th 2013 8:12am by Pawkeshup
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#15 May 11 2013 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
983 posts
I would reply to this thread, but I preemptively did it here:

#16 May 11 2013 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
589 posts
Last time I looked at FFXIAH delve weapons only for plasma farms were already starting to pop up. So if you didn't get the KI or weapons before the adjustment you are now SOL trying to do it in a pick up group so hope the ones singing this crap has good LSes that are willing to let them leech.
#17 May 11 2013 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
334 posts
RavennofTitan wrote:
Last time I looked at FFXIAH delve weapons only for plasma farms were already starting to pop up. So if you didn't get the KI or weapons before the adjustment you are now SOL trying to do it in a pick up group so hope the ones singing this crap has good LSes that are willing to let them leech.

Yeah. I've been trying to get clears in PUG's this weekend. So far I've gotten 2/6 and died so much I was 5k xp from deleveling... and I have Empy and NNI gear etc. The 20 minute depop combined with NM's that are highly evasive and have 500k hp makes getting KI's very difficult in a PUG. The people who got their clears pre-update just farm points in the fracture now, have already begun gearing themselves in the new gear which, in many cases, is quite a step up from the previous "best in slot" items. They can't be bothered to do Field NM's anymore. And I've already been turned down for stuff because I"only" have an Empy and not a Delve weapon. But I'm glad everyone was so sure this would close the gap between casuals and the hardcore crowd... LMFAO!

Edited, May 11th 2013 2:20pm by ChaChaJaJa
#18 May 11 2013 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
The more I read about this, the less I want to check out this expansion. I don't even think a 4.99$ sale price would be enticing.

#19 May 11 2013 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
52 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
The more I read about this, the less I want to check out this expansion. I don't even think a 4.99$ sale price would be enticing.

which is why I haven't bought it. abyssea keeps me PLENTY busy. I haven't even started VW, haven't done ANY ToAU, nor ANY WOTG.

the only 'expansion' I've 'completed' is CoP. there's more than enough in game for me to do, without having to deal with seekers and elitist jackasses who expect people to have delve gear in order to get delve gear
#20 May 12 2013 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
2,890 posts
SE's updating 99 RMEs so casuals can still chip away to finally get one of those. Honestly the single biggest issue here is the 20m depop time. Before your group could slowly chip away and kill it after a few hours just to get the damn KI to make your super gear. The gear you can get is stupid good after augmenting it to level 5, after that it just gets plain retarded. Unfortunately SE screwed up the difficulty, LIKE THEY DO TO EVERYTHING. Many other events in FFXI were the same way upon release until enough people complained that SE eventually toned it down, I feel they will do that again. Honestly I believe it's planned on purpose, SE releases content but doesn't want people clearing it to fast so deliberately makes it hard as **** (for majority of population) knowing most can't do it. People throw themselves at it and consume tons of time, eventually SE reduces the difficulty right as they introduce other things. Expect delve to be lowered the moment someone else comes along.
#21 May 12 2013 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
7,565 posts
This game survived Abyssea, it can pretty much survive anything no?
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#22 May 12 2013 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
This game survived Abyssea, it can pretty much survive anything no?

The first clause pre-supposes that Abyssea was poorly designed and not welcomed by the masses. Since neither of those are true, the answer is maybe.

#23 May 12 2013 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
What's going on in all my shells right now is the RME holders ******** and whining about everything while at the same time doing everything they can to get their grubby little mitts on Delve.

What was disturbing was how empty Gusgen was last night when I was trying to work on my GEO. There was barely half an alliance there, and it dropped down to a single party by the time I left.
#24 May 12 2013 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
670 posts
I really dislike the idea of new content completely invalidating the old, because for people who want to do older content, it makes it almost impossible to complete. I started late on voidwatch, so it took me a long time to get some of the clears. I have 2/3 of the NMs killed for T3 Jeuno, but haven't seen a Pil shout in weeks. I haven't touched Aldouin except for unlocking the new jobs. There are times where it feels that if you aren't the first in line when content is released, you will never be caught up with what is current.
#25 May 12 2013 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
97 posts
Lol @ Vlor! Didn't see that Hitler vid yet hahaSmiley: grin

I Think that's the gist of it tho. We've seen it at the level cap increase from 75, the introduction of empyrean weapons and now too. I'm just glad I can use my war again on the new content. Why so worried? I'm still being outclassed by RMEs cause I have casual gear. Plus Upheaval doesn't stack with str. Ukon still stronger through modifiers. And I'm definately not gonna level my weapon to Rank 15 so you'll still be stronger.

I'm glad to be able to get invited to events I COULDN'T participate in when I didn't have an Ukon, or didnt have Sch. Which I'm gonna do all week long. NNI here I come! Thanks SE Smiley: nod
#26 May 12 2013 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
2,890 posts
xantav wrote:
I really dislike the idea of new content completely invalidating the old, because for people who want to do older content, it makes it almost impossible to complete. I started late on voidwatch, so it took me a long time to get some of the clears. I have 2/3 of the NMs killed for T3 Jeuno, but haven't seen a Pil shout in weeks. I haven't touched Aldouin except for unlocking the new jobs. There are times where it feels that if you aren't the first in line when content is released, you will never be caught up with what is current.

Abyssea level gear invalidated Hauby +1, Kitty pants, Osode and various other items. When the level cap goes up that tends to happen. Whats happening now is a true level 99 is being fielded. Previously the 90~99 increase was barely a jump with it mostly being side-grades and marginal upgrades. SE already put out that RME's will be adjusted to have their base DMG significantly higher, that should put them on equal or slightly higher standing then the 30K plasm weapons (ODD and passive bonus's / ect..). Out of the regular gear selection, NNI and Salvage +1 gear is still top tier depending on the job. I'm still going to have to get Ares +1 legs and hands for my WAR through I'm now sporting Minkin feet and Minkin legs (WS). Several pieces of voidwatch gear are still valid, I'm still using Ogiers Head / Legs for my -DT set.

So really, what exactly is being "invalidated"?
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