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#152 Jun 10 2010 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
3,769 posts
Please, please, please don't let those COR abilities be new rolls. We can only cast 4 as it is, and we have 6 good ones. Adding more would just add completely worthless abilities, or render old abilities the worthless ones.

PLEASE be the "enhances COR's damage dealing ability" abilities SE talked about.
#153 Jun 10 2010 at 11:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Why would anyone complain about not having ss? As long as they don't die, dds don't (or shouldn't at least) care one bit about what you're doing to keep them alive.

We still use NIN tanks for a few rare fights (prefer PLD/NIN or PLD/RDM or no tank at all these days). Shortly after the new WHM JAs and spells came out, one of our NIN tanks discovered that the mini-stoneskin effect allowed him to cast his shadows nearly uninterrupted. He became addicted to it. I wasn't allowed to switch to Misery for Esuna, oh no. I *had* to use Solace 100% of the time and constantly spam cure IIs on him to keep him in a constant state of Stoneskin.

It became a running joke until he quit the game a few months ago. "WHERE'S MY STONESKIN *****CATWHO?!"

I'm still not quire sure whether I miss him or not.

Edit: Watch the new COR abilities be a job ability on a 5 minute recast that cuts the recast time for your next Phantom Roll in half, or something silly along those lines.

Edited, Jun 11th 2010 1:07am by catwho
#154 Jun 10 2010 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
catwho wrote:
Edit: Watch the new COR abilities be a job ability on a 5 minute recast that cuts the recast time for your next Phantom Roll in half, or something silly along those lines.

Or a COR pianissimo, which would be almost as bad.
#155 Jun 10 2010 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Really looking forward to seeing some of these new BLU spells in action. Also, curious to see what that unknown ability does.

As for SCH's Libra ability, I remember hearing the devs mention SCH getting an ability or spell that would let them check party member's enmity levels; think this could be said ability?

Edited, Jun 11th 2010 1:50am by Zaeon
#156 Jun 11 2010 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
svlyons wrote:
Uchitoru wrote:
People sub-default him because he is who he is. Even if he did say something correct or was helpful at some point, he would still be sub-defaulted. That is how the karma system works. A mob mentality will eventually form and jump on whoever is the current target.


I doubt it has ever been "Rate up Helpful/Useful posts, rate down Bad posts" despite that being the whole point. Self moderation doesn't work.

People rate up what they want to read more of, and rate down what they want to read less of. It's just that simple.

If a large number of readers consistently rate down one particular poster, there's probably a reason for it.

You are forgetting the circle jerk that is in effect around here.

Edited, Jun 11th 2010 4:28am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#157 Jun 11 2010 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
svlyons wrote:
Uchitoru wrote:
People sub-default him because he is who he is. Even if he did say something correct or was helpful at some point, he would still be sub-defaulted. That is how the karma system works. A mob mentality will eventually form and jump on whoever is the current target.


I doubt it has ever been "Rate up Helpful/Useful posts, rate down Bad posts" despite that being the whole point. Self moderation doesn't work.

People rate up what they want to read more of, and rate down what they want to read less of. It's just that simple.

If a large number of readers consistently rate down one particular poster, there's probably a reason for it.

Mob mentality and wolfpacks kinda kill that logic.

ThePsychoticOne the Prohpet wrote:
Why would anyone complain about not having ss? As long as they don't die, dds don't (or shouldn't at least) care one bit about what you're doing to keep them alive.

Some people will complain about anything honestly.

#158 Jun 11 2010 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
457 posts
OmegaTyrant wrote:
catwho wrote:
Edit: Watch the new COR abilities be a job ability on a 5 minute recast that cuts the recast time for your next Phantom Roll in half, or something silly along those lines.

Or a COR pianissimo, which would be almost as bad.

Coin Toss! Heads, your next Roll becomes single target. Tails, your next Roll fails, and you have to wait a minute for Phantom Roll Recast. :P

(Of course, it could be a 2 headed coin. Then, you would always win.)
lolgaxe wrote:
Thinking outside the box is fine, but the owner's manual is on the inside.
#159 Jun 11 2010 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Mistress Theonehio wrote:
Mob mentality and wolfpacks kinda kill that logic.

Nah. Where there's smoke, there's fire. There's a reason the mob formed to begin with. You may not think it's a good reason. But there's a reason.
#160 Jun 11 2010 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
11,630 posts
I hope COR gets 2 stances.

One defensive that gives kind of parry mastery and makes you a very good tank. (Just so we can have fun soloing things)
One supportive that gives enhanced roll effects.

They'd probably have something negative too, but that is the bonus effects I'd like to see for fun.
#161 Jun 11 2010 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
829 posts
Raelix wrote:
Elkm is right. Heres a general list of just black magic thats in the .dats and still fairly unused except by some mobs:

11/114, Ignis
11/115, Aer
11/116, Terra
11/117, Aqua

I saw these the other day (these actually been in the DAT file for awhile I think)

But as far as effect.....any possible idea what they'd do?

Obvisoually the last 3 are wind,earth and aqua based
But i never heard ignis....
Well according to this....ignis is fire.....
Where's lightning and ice? :O
Edited, Jun 11th 2010 11:59am by Darkzeru

Edited, Jun 11th 2010 12:03pm by Darkzeru
#162 Jun 11 2010 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
829 posts
I'd figure a new type of samba for DNC, but flourish arent bad either. Wander what they'll be.
#163 Jun 11 2010 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
1,033 posts
sylvons wrote:
Nah. Where there's smoke, there's fire. There's a reason the mob formed to begin with. You may not think it's a good reason. But there's a reason.
Maybe a solid reason at the start, after that, it's more often lingering cruelty rather than rational dissent. It's like a politician caught sleeping around once--the stigma will follow him around afterward.
#164 Jun 11 2010 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
1,457 posts

This post will have no useful content

After reading all of this I have come to this conclusion...

All WHMs will now sub NIN full time in a pt since there isn't much else for them to do. Go forth and create mass confusion!

/end sarcastic rant

#165 Jun 11 2010 at 11:17 AM Rating: Default
4,864 posts
svlyons wrote:
Uchitoru wrote:
People sub-default him because he is who he is. Even if he did say something correct or was helpful at some point, he would still be sub-defaulted. That is how the karma system works. A mob mentality will eventually form and jump on whoever is the current target.


I doubt it has ever been "Rate up Helpful/Useful posts, rate down Bad posts" despite that being the whole point. Self moderation doesn't work.

People rate up what they want to read more of, and rate down what they want to read less of. It's just that simple.

If a large number of readers consistently rate down one particular poster, there's probably a reason for it.

Like they all were DRK or DRG and not THF or NIN and were happy as raindrops that they are now wanted for merit parties! YAY! So when they see posts that self-justify their own believes, they press a button.

Or they all believe that CoP is still too genuinely hard. When they posts that self-justify their belief, guess which button they are pressing? And vice versa.

Uchitoru is absolutely right. There is a mob mentality on these forums. CoP changing thread was evident of it. Everyone who was in one camp got rated up, everyone else down. (Others than me within 5 seconds of posting.)

Best thing I learned was from Rog - don't care about it and say what you want. The vast majority of useful information I've seen on these forums doesn't come from Sages or Gurus. In fact, I assume anyone who is a Sage/Guru has no life and a ratebot to keep the one thing they hold dearest in life, e.g., the color of their name on an internet gaming fan forum, consistent.


#166 Jun 11 2010 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
TheBarrister wrote:
Best thing I learned was from Rog - don't care about it and say what you want. The vast majority of useful information I've seen on these forums doesn't come from Sages or Gurus. In fact, I assume anyone who is a Sage/Guru has no life and a ratebot to keep the one thing they hold dearest in life, e.g., the color of their name on an internet gaming fan forum, consistent.
It really is nice not getting upset over all the little things in life, isn't it?
#167 Jun 11 2010 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
456 posts
In fact, I assume anyone who is a Sage/Guru has no life and a ratebot to keep the one thing they hold dearest in life, e.g., the color of their name on an internet gaming fan forum, consistent.

Orrrrr...they get that by simply just putting up helpful information in a respectful manner that people deem as worthy of a rate up. As long as you post information in a well crafted and respectful way, there is no reason for someone to rate you down. I know I got my Guru status by posting useful information over in the Warrior forums (which they are very nice about rating people up for helping them out). I never posted to get Guru status, it just happened. Am I happy that people liked what I posted and thought I was polite and respectful while I did it? For sure.

Now thats not to say that people who are not Sage/Guru can not give just as good or better information. Rog is probably the number 1 guy to go to for any Rdm soloing (actually, I will say he has to be #1), but some people don't like the manner in which he posts and how blunt he can be. They may also hold a grudge against him for cheating. This will stick for as long as he posts. Unfortunately there is nothing he can do about it. Personally, he has helped me out numberous times with questions I have had and has done so in a very polite and respectful manner so I hold him in high regards. People have different personalities, and while some try to cater to the masses, others dont care and will post however they deem fit. And to be honest, thats perfectly fine. Just dont be upset when you get rated down as what you have posted may have rubbed the masses (aka "The Circle Jerk Crowd", aka "Every poster except for the people yelling about the circle jerk crowd") the wrong way.

Oh by the way, I have a full time job and 2 kids. Posting here in not my life (as you can see by my post count over 3+ years). Sorry, that qoute just kinda irritated me.

Edited, Jun 11th 2010 1:45pm by KWileyStyle
#168 Jun 11 2010 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
4,419 posts
TheBarrister wrote:
Best thing I learned was from Rog - don't care about it and say what you want. The vast majority of useful information I've seen on these forums doesn't come from Sages or Gurus. In fact, I assume anyone who is a Sage/Guru has no life and a ratebot to keep the one thing they hold dearest in life, e.g., the color of their name on an internet gaming fan forum, consistent.

Sage/Guru status is less of an "I do everything in my power to not get rated down" thing as much as it is an "I got rated up a ton during my first ~200 posts" thing. The entire reason I have a red name is because of a debate with Starfox that I happened to be on the popular side of (so I got rated up a ton) while I was but an Alla nooblet.

That doesn't mean that people like me now (I certainly didn't make any friends with the Diabolos Spiders thread). But feel free to disregard what I say because of the color of my name if you are so inclined.
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#169 Jun 11 2010 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
622 posts
TheBarrister wrote:
Best thing I learned was from Rog - don't care about it and say what you want. The vast majority of useful information I've seen on these forums doesn't come from Sages or Gurus. In fact, I assume anyone who is a Sage/Guru has no life and a ratebot to keep the one thing they hold dearest in life, e.g., the color of their name on an internet gaming fan forum, consistent. [Citation Needed]

Doing a quick check of useful information I doubt your statement. I'm pretty sure people like rog are the exception because I'm having a harder time thinking of anyone else but rog that gives great info and has default karma. This is laregly contrasted by people like milich, tummie, kinematic, and melphina (to name a few) who give great info and yet have 'good' karma.

Also wouldn't post count be a better attribute to someone that cares about an internet forum? I'm not saying it does, but it would be a stronger argument than your sad attempt.
#170 Jun 11 2010 at 1:42 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
CrimsonSage wrote:
TheBarrister wrote:
Best thing I learned was from Rog - don't care about it and say what you want. The vast majority of useful information I've seen on these forums doesn't come from Sages or Gurus. In fact, I assume anyone who is a Sage/Guru has no life and a ratebot to keep the one thing they hold dearest in life, e.g., the color of their name on an internet gaming fan forum, consistent. [Citation Needed]

Doing a quick check of useful information I doubt your statement. I'm pretty sure people like rog are the exception because I'm having a harder time thinking of anyone else but rog that gives great info and has default karma. This is laregly contrasted by people like milich, tummie, kinematic, and melphina (to name a few) who give great info and yet have 'good' karma.

I think Rog is a good illustration of how the karma system does work. He doesn't care about what other people think or how they'll rate him, and his rating shows it. He might post something useful here and there, but it gets lost in the sea of snarky belittling criticisms and "cool story bro" posts. Rog even got up to Scholar status recently. But he lost it fairly quickly because he does what he always does: gives people more reasons to rate him down that to rate him up.

How you say things is just as important as what you say. Many posters on this board behave themselves with a level of boorishness that would be embarrassing and intolerable if used with people you were communicating with face-to-face.
#171 Jun 11 2010 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
3,638 posts
Oh, I don't know. I get rated down like mad since I tend to say things that I feel need to be said. But because of that whole CoP guide thing I'm sage4life.
Erecia and Ereblog are BACK, baby!
#172 Jun 11 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
The circle jerk has changed over the years. I used to be part of it, or so I was told. Not anymore.

I get rated down for reasons I can't even fathom, followed by someone quoting me two posts later who is rated up to Excellent when they agree with me.

I once cared enough to complain about it to the mods. Now I just don't care at all. I'm actually kind of interested to see if it's even possible for me to go back to scholar and yellow and stuff since I'm Over 9000 now.

The only person I rate down just for being himself isn't on =10, its Varrus over in the Asylum, and even then I only actually hit the red arrow when he's calling me a ***** or saying something egregiously stupid.

Come to think of it, saying something egregiously stupid is the only reason I rate anyone down in =10, as well.
#173 Jun 11 2010 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Actually i'm not scholar because when i had ~1k posts kao nuked my karma to subscholar. Also having 17k posts makes it kind of hard for people to increase my karma.
#174 Jun 11 2010 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
TheBarrister wrote:
svlyons wrote:
Uchitoru wrote:
People sub-default him because he is who he is. Even if he did say something correct or was helpful at some point, he would still be sub-defaulted. That is how the karma system works. A mob mentality will eventually form and jump on whoever is the current target.


I doubt it has ever been "Rate up Helpful/Useful posts, rate down Bad posts" despite that being the whole point. Self moderation doesn't work.

People rate up what they want to read more of, and rate down what they want to read less of. It's just that simple.

If a large number of readers consistently rate down one particular poster, there's probably a reason for it.

Like they all were DRK or DRG and not THF or NIN and were happy as raindrops that they are now wanted for merit parties! YAY! So when they see posts that self-justify their own believes, they press a button.

Or they all believe that CoP is still too genuinely hard. When they posts that self-justify their belief, guess which button they are pressing? And vice versa.

Or maybe people are just sick of the same whiny bullsh*t that some people have been going on about for years and rate it accordingly.
#175TheBarrister, Posted: Jun 11 2010 at 4:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nah - I think the info on SE not letting dual-wielded non-NIN get the benefit of Yonin/Innin proved that people objectively believe that there is no balance between 2hand vs. 1 hand builds.
#176 Jun 11 2010 at 5:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,649 posts
I find it kinda funny how I'm Scholar yet my posts are auto-rated as Good.
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