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I wonder how many of you would play FF14...Follow

#52 Jul 27 2009 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
2,815 posts
I would still try FFXIV if tomorrow SE's CEO went on tv and ate a live baby.was replaced by someone that gave a crap about the consumer.
#53 Jul 27 2009 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
2,228 posts
RattyBatty wrote:
I would still try FFXIV if tomorrow SE's CEO went on tv and ate a live baby.was replaced by someone that gave a crap about the consumer.

Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
#54REDACTED, Posted: Jul 27 2009 at 10:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) well if you cheat again in ff14 you going to get banned again XD
#55 Jul 27 2009 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
personally, for my own reasons, I will not be purchasing FF14 (I'd probably play a free trial... but even odds if I would take it beyond that)

That said, if one of my friends/relatives that plays ffxi were to get banned... SE would lose income from not only my two accounts, but from about 15 other accounts as well. (and thats if those people dont have 1-3 more friends each that would join us in a new game)

needless to say... never underestimate the power of the all mighty dollar (gil, yen, etc)
#56 Jul 27 2009 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,228 posts
...smothered in BBQ sauce. Yep, apart from death or maiming of my hands/eyes I'm playing FFXIV.
Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
#57 Jul 27 2009 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
and another reason I still love FF series.(yeah, i got banned!)

Japanese really did a good job on creating fantastic BGMs for their games.

I love to play while listening to those musics. It's so enjoyable.

#58 Jul 27 2009 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
80 posts
I have had enough problems with SE's customer service on the token issue to ever want to play another of their games. 3 months and still they haven't fixed a token problem.

I haven't been banned (yet) but if I do that's it for FFXI and I'll NEVER play another of their games even if FFIV is a WTFOMGBBQ game.
#59 Jul 27 2009 at 4:13 PM Rating: Excellent
727 posts
I have no intention of buying FFXIV. Recent issues have little to do with my decision as I had decided this when I first heard of it. I have been playing FFXI since shortly after US PS2 release and all that I have seen, read, experienced in that time has lead me to the decision of never buying another SE MMO.

In all that time, SE has shown a complete disregard for its playerbase, a complete disrespect for the same, and an antiquated "we are never wrong" attitude that belongs back in the days of Japanese feudalism. They act like they are some sort of Japanese Warlords and we, their peasants, should be glad for anything they deign to provide us with.

Frankly, they can kiss my ***.
#60 Jul 28 2009 at 1:34 PM Rating: Excellent
1,235 posts
I will not be playing FFXIV, for many of the reasons previously stated, plus one of my own.

I can't seem to shake the feeling SE is poisoning the milk so we all DO go over to XIV. The crap with the bannings, and back to '05 customer service standards and communication, along with the thrown together and untested updates have me convinced it's NOT all due to oversight and ineptitude. They've been at this way too long to be this novice about things.
It fits in with the whole this is our game, you'll put up with what we do/don't do/say etc that we've all come to know.

I get the distinct impression they think we didn't so much buy a game from them, as we signed some kind of contract to do business with SE.
I didn't buy SE online. I bought FFXI because thats the game I wanted. I won't be forced into their next title if that's what all this amateur updating and enforcement is about. If it's some kind of business strategy, I'm not going to be a successful target.

Edited, Jul 28th 2009 5:38pm by Restyoneck
#62 Jul 28 2009 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
I'll try 14 hoping that the utter lack of quality update and support for 11 is due to pouring every available resource into making 14 the best it can be, learning from all of 11's problems. It's the most logical explanation for how a company with a long history of quality and understanding what people want could degrade to its current state.

But if 14 does not appear to address 11's major flaws, e.g. customer support, then I'll pass on it. At least I can still trust SE to make good single player RPGs as well as their tactics line. I hope they learned as much from 11's failures as they did from "The Spirits Within"...
#63 Aug 01 2009 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
1,286 posts
I'll try 14 hoping that the utter lack of quality update and support for 11 is due to pouring every available resource into making 14 the best it can be, learning from all of 11's problems. It's the most logical explanation for how a company with a long history of quality and understanding what people want could degrade to its current state.

Which company are you talking about?

Edited, Aug 1st 2009 6:40pm by NatePrawdzik
#64 Aug 01 2009 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I like Final Fantasy, I am a Final Fantasy fan so yes I will try this new game out. no matter how idiotic square's banning logic is or how bad their CS is.

I have Verizon Fios for my home connection. Verizon's CS is crap, but that doesn't mean ima quit having a fast reliable connection.
#65 Aug 01 2009 at 8:16 PM Rating: Excellent
374 posts
After being on hold for 2 hours while at work and not getting my ban resolved, I will NOT be buying 14.

Ill gladly play Knights of the Old Republic and Diablo 3 with my younger brother.

And on a second sucks note...I was going to get Captain Rank for Assault Static tonight.
#66 Aug 01 2009 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
Looks like a fad to me. Next time SE dangles some shiny new info about XIV this will be all forgotten.

If people were really gonna quit they would have done so long ago.

SE hasn't changed, the shine just wore off.
#67REDACTED, Posted: Aug 01 2009 at 8:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Best game ever so far
#68 Aug 02 2009 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
1,428 posts
I expect that I will not, but depends on ban situation in this game, I'm more than willing to leave the ff and try my true love in a video game, stargate mmo, that is if they ever get it out the door.

Please help get the word out, post here and digg the story here
#69 Aug 02 2009 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, a linkshell mate and good friend had this happen to her, so I most definately dealing with this BS. As most anyone can tell you after a while its not about X job that you love so much or Y event that is so much's all the friends you make during your time here that keep 90% of people here. Take those friends out and this game will cease being fun.

Oh I've had my friends quit and banned too and what else. Sucks, but did I go on a personal crusade against SE? No.. Sucks that SE did it, but yeah I don't feel that much sympathy about people on the internet that it'd affect me (in the long term). "Because my friend that I don't even know in RL got banned, I'll never buy an SE product again!". It's thanks to FFXI that I met those great people in the first place, and we can still continue chatting outside of the game too.

You bet your sweet *** it is justified. Do you pick up every hitch hiker you meet...probably not. As you are still here alive typing posts here I am going to assume you have never been hacked to death by a crazy murderous hitch hiker, but if you are like the rest of normal society, you don't pick up every hitch hiker you see and people are rightly justified to be fearful of doing so(even those like you who have yet to be killed by said crazed hitch hiker).

Internet analogies.. woot. I am always scared of dying in a car accident too. The chance is roughly the same as getting banned at some point.

This is like saying "Which would you rather have, a punch in the face or a kick in the nuts?" Personally I would rather have none. It's not too much to ask for both a good game and good CS.t

So to you customer service is as important as the game itself? I respectfully disagree. It's more like saying "Which would you rather have, sore throat or have your kneecap crushed?". I can still play the game even without good CS, but will good CS be enough to make me play a bad game? I douuubt it.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2009 12:55pm by Hyanmen
#70 Aug 02 2009 at 7:15 AM Rating: Default
65 posts
While banning would suck, I'm sure as hell getting XIV. There seems to be a lot of whining about ban and no "proof".

People are basically taking the word of people they have never met about them not cheating. Its all he said, she said here. You're friend that lives across the world said he didn't cheat so that means he didn't right? Or you know he could just be saying that to save face with his or her friends.

Everyone hates the fact that SE is banning people. If your not happy then just quit. I don't care if your addicted or not.
#71 Aug 02 2009 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
727 posts
superfester wrote:
While banning would suck, I'm sure as hell getting XIV. There seems to be a lot of whining about ban and no "proof".

People are basically taking the word of people they have never met about them not cheating. Its all he said, she said here. You're friend that lives across the world said he didn't cheat so that means he didn't right? Or you know he could just be saying that to save face with his or her friends.

Everyone hates the fact that SE is banning people. If your not happy then just quit. I don't care if your addicted or not.

Proof has been posted, bannings of legit players have been verified, but apparently you don't actually read the threads you like to reference. So here's an idea, why don't you STFU until such time as you know what you're talking about, mmmkay?
#72 Aug 02 2009 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
1,428 posts
If you want to voice your concerns about 14 coming, here is a news article that will allow you to post feedback.
#73 Aug 02 2009 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
I will not play ff14.

Many people have said it best. SE is turning into a "Evil Company" over simply trying to get rid of evil people. I know many of you are not religious, but you can ALL understand it when I say. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." What this means, is that if you only look at the greater good, you end up being WORSE than the people you are trying to get rid of.

Right now, the only way I see SE redeeming itself is to unban EVERY account that was banned that was in existence for over 1 year and had a character with 1 or more 75s. Roll back your VBV and SecureCode service plans, and ONLY target the people who send spurious tells, and by spurious I mean to more than 15 people, within the first 5 minutes of being made. Put them into Mordion Goal, and check their tell logs. If it contains the same exact message, ban the account, card, and IP.

What you DONT do is leave it up to an automated, unthinking, uncaring system that will burn people harder than the selem witch trials. Right now I am strongly reminded of The Crucible. You simply do not target people on suspicion alone. Throughout history this has always led to chaos.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2009 4:39pm by lightningcount
#74 Aug 02 2009 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
lightningcount wrote:
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

lightningcount wrote:
You simply do not target people on suspicion alone. Throughout history this has always led to chaos.

sounds very reasonable and far-seeing. I like it.
#75 Aug 02 2009 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
I will not play FFXIV.

It will be made by people who like you to spend DAYS camping things for one freaking item.

Where a bunny can potentially kill you.

Where you go to a mine and you mine PEBBLES and SNAPPING MOLES (wtf?)

It will be made by people who just don't know what a freaking tank is ( utsu ni anybody ? capped 1:1 pdif ? useless stat like vit)

Where you fight crabs,pink birds, floating fishes(floating?wtf again) and crawlers(that's some scary experience,it's everything i wanted to do if i were an adventurer,kill crabs)

Where a dev team obviously had a crush on Samurai History.

Where a dev team smiles telling you in interviews : maybe uhuh ihihi. (they don't know how their system works...but being dark and oblivious is cool).

Where you have to RUN for like 30 minutes to go from point A from point B,even if that point is 5 meters in front of you, because you can't jump over that little dune.

Where the game is full of NM with 1% drop rate on items, 1% chance to pop, 100% of uselessness of the dropped item.

Where instead of fighting rmts they find new ways of gimping gil making activities.

Where they put a well thought augment system which gives you +3 earth resistance on a lvl 75 item and you can only do it once per day.

Where the only endgame there is is spamming utsusemi Ni NI NI NI ICHI NI NI NI

Where parties are made of BRD+RDM+900 DDs+1 puller (you know those 900 dds don't have even a pebble with them to pull with...btw you can mine them in zerhum mines)

Where you add +5000000 accuracy and you chance to hit improves of 0.65%

Where you get some uber items that give you +1% to Critical hit rating AWESOME.

Where you have to spend AT LEAST 2 years to get a relic(it's a game btw)

No thanks, you'll not have more of my money. I don't pay incompetent people.
#76 Aug 02 2009 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
411 posts
i get the impression that people think ff14 will be like an update of ff11 but this is SE we're talking about so i doubt itll be the same sort of thing.

just compare ffx to ffx-2 and you'll get what i mean
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