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#77 Feb 19 2010 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Stopped playing about 2 years ago, but all this talk about FFXIV has got me so friggin' giddy I had to reactivate my FFXI account to pass the time. I quit into the 50's doing Samurai iirc. I don't remember what server I was on, but I'll find out after I'm done doing the update. 2 hours left, ugh... Anyway, I pretty much know NO ONE right now so if I could find a helpful linkshell to be nice and show me the ropes again, that's be awesome. I'll post what server I'm on when I can.
#78 Feb 19 2010 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm on Carbuncle if anyone wants to help me out with a linkshell.
#79 Feb 19 2010 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
CunningFTW wrote:
I'm on Carbuncle if anyone wants to help me out with a linkshell.
You'll have better luck posting in your server forums.
#80 Feb 20 2010 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent

I just bought the game for my pc (2008 Ed), its in the post. I just wanted to confirm a few things really. Is it really worth me starting this late on into the life of the game? I heard it can take A LOT of your time up and I don't have tons of free time. If you do think it is worth the efort, Where is a good place to start for beginners? I'm in the UK so where do you think it is best that I start?

#81 Feb 20 2010 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
IthildinGalad wrote:
I'm in the UK so where do you think it is best that I start?

Phoenix has a decent german/french population.
#82 Mar 09 2010 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Hi all. I'm a former player.

I used to live on Seraph. One of the major reasons I left FFXI was the sheer lack of events within European time zones (low social opportunities, always had to stay up late to do endgame, which I just cannot do these days.)

I still like FFXI. That means I've seen the upcoming raft of updates, increasing level cap, job changes, server mergers, and I'm torn. Part of me wants to return, find a different, more timezone friendly server, try a more casual FFXI. But then I think about the graphics and interface, the grind game play and, in all honesty, the cost per month.

My question is: Is FFXI worth it, considering the type of gamer I've become? (early euro, casual, poor) Just looking for opinions from those still within the game and perhaps those in similar situations who may have succeeded where I didn't on Seraph.

- Palm
#83 Mar 12 2010 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
well im back after 2.5 years feels great. hello everyone im toe splitter on fenrir server. i used to play a 75taru blm lost all info on him, so to start anew i'm playing a galka mnk. well hope to see you guys on![poll]
#84 Mar 15 2010 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I have a question referring to the "6 - I Used to have a character, can i get it back?" section. I took a 2 year break from the game but i didnt delete my character i just canceled the payment on the account does that still count as deleting my character? or can i just start paying again and i can have everything that i had before?

P.S Ty for the post i had a bunch of questions about whats new about the game and you answered everything. ^_^
#85 Mar 18 2010 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
693 posts
Rahjahdat wrote:
I have a question referring to the "6 - I Used to have a character, can i get it back?" section. I took a 2 year break from the game but i didnt delete my character i just canceled the payment on the account does that still count as deleting my character? or can i just start paying again and i can have everything that i had before?

You should be fine. I also took a 2 year hiatus (without actually deleting any characters) and just reactivated my account last week with almost no problems. I say "almost" because the password I'd written down in my instruction manual was old. I never wrote the new one down after changing it. Oops.

If you don't remember your POL ID or pw, call up SE Support (858.790.7529). I'm pretty sure they can dig up your original POL ID if you can provide them with the info on the account. If you have your POL ID but forgot your password, I'm positive they'll reset the password because that's what they did for me. Info you need to have on hand:

Address you gave them at the time of original registration
Phone# you gave them at the time of original registration
CC used to activate your original acct
Registration Key (although they never asked for mine, they may ask for yours if you don't remember your POL ID)

Good luck :D
#86 Apr 02 2010 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
I just wanted to say that I read the retuning sticky and thought it was excellent. I played back in 2006 (never got past level 60 because of all of the “side” things to do in the game) I have some specific questions on returning.

1. How is the economy? I left at about the peak of inflation I think. I know it will very by server but can anyone give me an idea of what a stack of fire crystals currently goes for and what darksteel ore currently goes for? This will give me an idea about the economy

2. I will be starting from scratch. I read about all of the experience/leveling changes. I am more of a casual gamer now though although I will still have time to do some 5-6 hour marathon partying sessions. My question is about how many game hours do you estimate it would take to level a starting job to 30 with most of that time spent soloing?

3. Has there been any recent changes/additions to crafting?

4. any servers to possibly avoid? My primary play time would be afternoons and evenings in North America East coast. I know there was a recent merger.

Just trying to figure out if it is personally worth returning for me. Answers to these specific questions would be very helpful in making my decision
#87 May 24 2010 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
It's really sad that they dropped the free trial.

On that note, anyone have a buddy pass code they are willing to share? If I am able to get my hands on one, then I'm back to stay :)
#88 May 30 2010 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
ty for this and ty allakhazam. i read up on so many thing before i started playing 5/5/10

and thanks to this site and te wiki and a helpful brother less then 1 month in i have my sub i have blu unlocked also pld almost rank 5 i got aht urgan access. theres like 3 ppl in my ls played for 4+ months and dont have whitegate yet lol

if not for all you guys's info and guides id probably be lvl 16 no sub trying to solo in ghelsba or something
#89 Jun 14 2010 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
Great guide. I played from shortly after the NA release to a few months after ToAU came out. I started playing again a week ago because the "Ultimate Collection" was on sale and I was overcome by nostalgia. =) I started a new character because I can't remember my old POL ID and apparently I don't have enough info to get it back (that I was supposed to catalog my CD key and old credit card # for seven years is beyond my understanding).

Having fun with it so far. The field manuals make it a little easier to start out exp- and money-wise. I'm just worried that missions, the sub-job quest, limit breaks, and so forth will be even more of a pain than they were. I'm also sad that I haven't seen a single person I recognize (no friends, not even strangers whose names ring a bell), even in Jeuno.

Can't wait to try out Dancer and Scholar; both look like loads of fun.
#90 Jun 18 2010 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
My god i hate WoW. I am ready to come back, for the 3rd time. I have decided to forgive SE/POL's payment system for this game. I miss my MNK/WAR, BLU/NIN and NIN/DNC. Unfortunately I have a feeling my old LS will be dead, but that wont stop me from enjoying my favorite MMO.

EDIT: I've just found out that Hades was put down.. This puts a damper on my enthusiasm.

Edited, Jun 19th 2010 4:28pm by Ashwhipe
#91 Jun 22 2010 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
So I got this game for the first time in March during the Steam sale on the UC, and this is an awesome MMO I have to say.

I'm in the Alexander server and right now my leveled jobs are: RDM 51, NIN 26, DNC 25, WHM 18, THF 15 and WAR 05.

I got into an LS in the first week I joined but sadly they seem to have died recently but I was able to join another one. And I don't think you can effectovly play FFXI without an LS anyways. ;)
#92 Jul 02 2010 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
Hey a somewhat returning player here. I was wondering. Do the add-ons stay connect through accounts via systems as I have ffxi for both PC and PS3. I was thinking since my pc lacks the wing of goddess expansion and i'm mising the shanntotto add on I could just buy the ultimate pack from steam.

EDIT -Actually nevermind. not sure if i'll get a response right away so ignore this question.-

Edited, Jul 2nd 2010 8:45pm by Phoenixgray
#93 Jul 08 2010 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I'm coming back!

Been a few years since I really played, even though I never cancelled by subscription until October last year.. not looking forward to redoing macros again though :P
#94 Aug 07 2010 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
217 posts
Thank you for the post! It's been two years since I left FFXI and I've really been missing it and thinking of rejoining. I already have my Playone account active, so I know I can get my character back. Your post really helped alot in answering quesions I had.
#95 Aug 09 2010 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
Well after a year long leave, I have returned for the up and coming winter months plus MW2 is starting to get boring. I'm currently stuck on a 55 DRK. I would really like to max it out, but just like last year there were never enough people at my level to party up with. I miss the glory days of this game back in 2003-2004 before WoW took over the MMO community.
#96 Aug 22 2010 at 12:54 AM Rating: Default
It is really too bad that, in watching the live feed, one might see a possible player kneeling in such a spot they might know will become broadcast. I remember a time when every second area on the live cam had a 6-person, or lone wolf party fighting outside the caves and towns. No, like Pawkeshup said, this game with never never be like WoW; which is still strong and active and full of nuances and in-game occurances that I've never experienced during my EverCrack days. It could be all my initial excitement over this game has fizzled--yet this might be rekindled upon release of 14. . . IF one can choose "good guys or bad guys" if not, I'm out. (Going to play WoW instead.)
#97 Aug 23 2010 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
great post, came back after 2 years i've learned a lot from people in game the past 2 weeks (before i found post) but this post helps a lot as well

thank you!
#98 Sep 08 2010 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default
32 posts
Thank you for that amazing post! I just came back to FFXI after 5 years and its soo different. When I saw scorpion harness as 30k, i almost cried in joy.

The thing i was most surprised about is your statement on how someone can solo from 1-75 using Field Manuals??? Thats not true, is it? Im sure you can get alot more XP then before through that, but solo to 75? With any job?

Sorry for asking a noob question...Ive been out of the game for too long
#99 Sep 09 2010 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
very good post! It provide us with a lot of significant information.Though it is a little bit long , yet i finish reading it.
#100 Sep 10 2010 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
Hello Everyone,

Let me start off by saying this is a great post. I much like others in this thread have recently been contemplating a return to FF (have been playing the FFXIV beta and my interest has been piqued). I see a lot of questions being asked but not many answers, unfortunately I just have more questions to add.

My wife and I have been playing WoW for the past 5 years, prior to that a friend and I played FFXI for about 6 months. Both of us gave up the game around level 30 as the time it took to find a party to quest or level seemed very unreasonable, although in hind sight im not surprised as we were a MNK and a RDM, not exactly the most needed classes. Although after reading all of the changes listed we are just about ready to give it a shot.

My questions are pretty simple I think however I cant seem to find any specific answers. When you die do you still lose XP and levels? I see it is mentioned that the amount of XP lost was lessened but do you still level down if you die too much? When you level up do you have to manually allocate skill points and thus possibly risk gimping yourself by stacking points in the wrong categories or spreading the points too thin across all categories? If we play in all likelyhood it will for the most part be just the 2 of us as a static team, we have a new baby and do not have the time for many multi hour sessions thus we will be pretty casual, is it possible to level/quest for the majority of the time in a small group like this?

Thank you for your consideration, if their are any other husband/wife teams out there who started recently I would greatly appreciate any input you have on your experience so far. I should add that if in reading this you think this wont be the game for us then by all means let me know. As I said we would likely be playing 2-3 times a week in maybe 2 hour sessions. Would appreciate some honest opinions.

Edited, Sep 10th 2010 3:24pm by Marinoid
#101 Sep 11 2010 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
It's been more than 4 or 5 years since I last played FF11, and I'm now getting back to it (game is still patching as I type this... they need to work on that). I see a HUGE amount of changes which is a big plus for me. I never really did much with the game after get up to level 30 or so other than switch races and jobs during the 1-2 years I did play the game.

Hoping things are awesome with the massive changes they've made over the years... and to get my MMO jive going again with FF14 on the horizon.
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