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Keylog Attack ~How My Story Ended~Follow

#302 May 23 2007 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
I find it extremely disturbing that SE has NOT implemented an account lockdown procedure which:

1) Freezes all account transactions (e.g. AH, zoning, toss, etc)
2) Freezes fiscal transactions (e.g. billing during dispute period)

Once a call reporting loss of account is verified by:
1) Registered address matches stored database address.
2) Police report with reference number has been filed.
(This is ebay, paypal and many other online merchant/bank procedures)

IMO, I am very disappointed in SE that despite their wonderful and engaging products their after sales procedures and processes fail so hard. I see that SE support systems still live in 1980s (Theory that everything done is the customer's fault).
#303 May 23 2007 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
280 posts
I'm with you... wonder how many Moms and Dads would willing hand
over credit card information for the kid to play if they knew their
information might be compromised.

Out on a limb here... but a class action lawsuit regarding privacy
concerns might wake SE up. I'm really appalled about their lack of
response to the OP.

I understand he left his good sense in Windy... but if this is the
manner in which SE handles customer service and issues such as this?

I dunno...

#304 May 23 2007 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
I love the attitude of some people in here that just because a customer does something stupid (and the OP freely admitted that he had been stupid, not that it seemed to stop 100 would-be-geniuses coming in here to tell him anyway) then a company has no responsibility to help them. Obviously the initial fault lies with the player, obviously it's impossible for S-E to stop keyloggers/trojans existing, but that doesn't mean that they can't lock down an account for investigation if a complaint is made with reasonable evidence to back it up.

To say that they won't deal with you because you don't know the recently-changed details of account you claim was just stolen from you is just the most god-awful customer service I have ever heard of. I cannot even fathom how somebody would come up with a policy so mind-numbingly stupid, let alone how people could get on their smug high-horses and defend it simply because they are not the ones in the OP's unfortunate position. Let's leave aside for a moment the fact that all of us are perfect, internet-savvy heroes who would never get suckered in by any scam, and imagine having to watch some *** gradually sell off everything we worked so hard to get, over a period of years.

How about somebody it happens to in less blameful circumstances? Do they deserve to be treated like the OP? At what level of fault do we start deciding that people don't deserve to have SE help them solve the problem? A friend of mine recently quit the game because somebody who he had known for a long time in the game hacked his pc while they were talking on msn, found his password stored in a text file somewhere, and did to him exactly what the OP suffered (this is how I understand it to have happened anyway). I know, I know, never store your password anywhere omfg n00b, but what about him? Does he deserve to have SE basically hang up the phone on him while the rest of us have to stand in whitegate and hear this guy shout his asking prices for all of the stuff he just stole?

End of rant, but seriously, there are too many people acting high and mighty towards the OP like they never made a dumb mistake in their lives. How about you just show a little sympathy and don't be an *** instead?
#305 May 23 2007 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
What kind of dumbass clicks a link from someone they don't know? What kind of bigger dumbass DOWNLOADS AND UNZIPS something from someone they don't know?

The first damn things you learn when you get a computer and internet is, DON'T DOWNLOAD THINGS FROM PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW.

Its probably a good thing you lost your account tho, you more than likely held your party's back, being this stupid.
#306 May 23 2007 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
Im afraid that we are dealing with a company too big and detached in its own money making ideals when appealing against these sought of crimes to get acounts back. I can understand the difficulty of treating each player as an individual and addressing thier individual needs and circumstances, but ,we have paid for a certain level of service and justice when we signed up and provided SE with the success that they currently enjoy.

I find it hard to hold anyone accountable for being a victim of a crime of this nature in this day and age as by simply connecting to the net you are instantly targeted and bombarded with scams, spam and the malicious un-provoked nature of others.

I hope you get your toon back sir, sadly enough I have to admit, it may be through a certian level of your own pain and suffering accomplish it.

Good Luck
#307 May 23 2007 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
504 posts
there are too many people acting high and mighty towards the OP like they never made a dumb mistake in their lives.


... hey, weren't you in the "RMTing Accounts" thread, Stavrosian?
#308 May 23 2007 at 10:12 PM Rating: Default
there are too many people acting high and mighty towards the OP like they never made a dumb mistake in their lives.

We've all done stupid things but what the OP did was beyond stupid. I can honestly say I've never done anything that utterly moronic.
#309 May 24 2007 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
I just have to say I am completely shocked by the number of sociopaths on this thread. I never imagined there were so many people utterly devoid of any kind of a sense of right and wrong out there.

Years ago they did an experiment where they "dropped" a wallet that contained $100 along with a bunch of info (IDs etc) that would enable whoever found it to easily return it to it's owner. They found that 95% of the people that picked it up took the $100 and then threw it into a nearby trash can.

I had always hoped that that was just a fluke, but after reading this thread I can see that it must be true.
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#310 May 24 2007 at 2:23 AM Rating: Default
6,631 posts
Years ago they did an experiment where they "dropped" a wallet that contained $100 along with a bunch of info (IDs etc) that would enable whoever found it to easily return it to it's owner. They found that 95% of the people that picked it up took the $100 and then threw it into a nearby trash can.

I think that is a somewhat different situation than the OP is stating. It is more like lending your credit card or car ownership to someone that you do not know at all.

Even in your situation, I bet people reaction will be very different depending where you are... I had lived in Boston and currently in Washington DC, I bet people there will take the 100 bill away, but when compared to like... a small rural city in central Pennsylvania (State College) where I also used to live, I think people there will be far more likely to turn the wallet to a police officer.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#311 May 24 2007 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
147 posts
Trivikil wrote:
Im afraid that we are dealing with a company too big and detached in its own money making ideals when appealing against these sought of crimes to get acounts back. I can understand the difficulty of treating each player as an individual and addressing thier individual needs and circumstances, but ,we have paid for a certain level of service and justice when we signed up and provided SE with the success that they currently enjoy.

Although I am not happy with the OP's situation or the rest of the people that got scammed, I have to say this.
Sadly for some people SE cannot be held responsible if you lose your account by actions that you made outside and inside the game.
It's like setting your Recycle Bin to the option where everything is deleted automaticaly and then, when you do a mistake, blame Microsoft for not having thought of a Emergency Safety Measure...

You and only you are responsible on keeping your info private and not make actions that will compromise your safety.
You and only you are responsible of taking precautions, like changing your password REGULARLY every one or two months.
And lastly you and only you are responsible for your Computers Security. SE, Microsoft, Intel, Symantec or any other company out there cannot be held responsible for that.

Mark these words of mine:
If SE ever makes a policy of "helping" on matters conserning stolen accounts then be 100% sure that it can and will be abused.

Edited, May 24th 2007 8:51am by Aerogamis
#312 May 24 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Default
1,543 posts
Trivikil wrote:
Im afraid that we are dealing with a company too big and detached in its own money making ideals when appealing against these sought of crimes to get acounts back. I can understand the difficulty of treating each player as an individual and addressing thier individual needs and circumstances, but ,we have paid for a certain level of service and justice when we signed up and provided SE with the success that they currently enjoy.

This ranks right up there with the reasons McDonald's coffee is now labeled "Hot".

The OP deliberately attempted to violate the terms of his user agreement by downloading a cheat program. Furthermore, he did it in a way that can only be described as "rampant stupidity", trusting an anonymous link that promised him "secrets" that could only be defined as "exploits for FFXI". That he got his account reamed for it is poetic justice, not sociopathy.

This is akin to trying to break into a home at 3 AM, falling out of the window and breaking your leg- and then trying to complain to the homeowner that it was unsafe. Take your concept of "justice" and stick it where the sun don't shine, because it could only be reasonably used as fertilizer.

Along with the rest of the bull's manure. The only "need" S-E should proceed with here is eliminating users who are dumb enough to try and download exploits, whether they succeed or end up as bent over the barrel as Hiro has.

He was greedy, his greed was his undoing. There is only one lesson to be learned- don't try and exploit the game. If you do, you will either be found and lose your account, or other people will use your greed and you will lose your account anyway. Either way, you lose.
#313 May 24 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
914 posts
Years ago they did an experiment where they "dropped" a wallet that contained $100 along with a bunch of info (IDs etc) that would enable whoever found it to easily return it to it's owner. They found that 95% of the people that picked it up took the $100 and then threw it into a nearby trash can.

Perfect example of what is wrong with society.

Those of you arguing against this need to put yourself in the oposite situation.
Non of us are imune to dumb stuff. Dont act like you have never done anything stupid, its not possible.
Next time you run a red light hopefully your karma dosnt catch up with you.

Edited, May 24th 2007 9:02am by Jacine
#314 May 24 2007 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
119 posts
What kind of dumbass clicks a link from someone they don't know? What kind of bigger dumbass DOWNLOADS AND UNZIPS something from someone they don't know?

The first damn things you learn when you get a computer and internet is, DON'T DOWNLOAD THINGS FROM PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW.

Its probably a good thing you lost your account tho, you more than likely held your party's back, being this stupid.

So in otherwards, you've never done anything that you wanted to kick yourself for? I find that hard to believe. Noone deserves to lose there accounts unless they give their info to someone they don't know well. And from what I've heard from my bf he wasn't someone who held people back. I was told he was good at his job and a really nice person.

I find it extremely disturbing that SE has NOT implemented an account lockdown procedure which:

1) Freezes all account transactions (e.g. AH, zoning, toss, etc)
2) Freezes fiscal transactions (e.g. billing during dispute period)

Once a call reporting loss of account is verified by:
1) Registered address matches stored database address.
2) Police report with reference number has been filed.
(This is ebay, paypal and many other online merchant/bank procedures)

IMO, I am very disappointed in SE that despite their wonderful and engaging products their after sales procedures and processes fail so hard. I see that SE support systems still live in 1980s (Theory that everything done is the customer's fault).

I agree completely. So much for feeling safe. It was widespread, on several servers. SE should do something. It wasn't like it was isolated. So the credibility shouldn't be in suspect. I understand if only 1 person had it happen. Once again OP, I wish you the best of luck resolving the issue. For some reason I feel you're not just standing for yourself but the whole player base.
#315 May 24 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
6,631 posts

So in otherwards, you've never done anything that you wanted to kick yourself for? I find that hard to believe. Noone deserves to lose there accounts unless they give their info to someone they don't know well. And from what I've heard from my bf he wasn't someone who held people back. I was told he was good at his job and a really nice person.

People do things that are "stupid" all the time in RL, like driving stupidly, say bad things to people they should not, etc etc. What makes that more "legit" or "moral" or "clever" than giving away account away intentionally.

In fact, it is really the same thing : you are compromising your own computer security. The perfect rule of law and poetic justice is that is not came in arbitrary manner: you made a mistake, be prepared to face the personal consequences, and you accept punishment whatever you got. One does not drag another person to reduce one's consequence or scapegoating, and also not think oneself deserve better than people who made similar mistakes.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#316 May 24 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
1,089 posts
I like this way of thinking: the victim is to blame, because he did something to provoke the actions of a criminal. This is a perfect world, and everybody gets what they deserve. Wether it is someone who didn't remember security measurements when accessing a "safe place" (either your home, or your account), or it is a woman who dresses "provocatively". Of course, the criminal isn't to blame, they just reacted to this provocation.

And where does SE comes in? We are their clients. We are bound together by a contract, from which both sides (they and we) can profit. That creates an obligation in both sides, to continue this mutally profitable relationship. You mess up, you lose all your data. But they have all the tools to make up for it. Yet, they refuse to do so. Do they have an obligation? Well, it depends on wether they value their customers, and hence, their ability to go on making money.

At the end, it's all about the kind of custemers you want to have. In a MMORPG, what kind of customers would you prefer? Long-time paying players, or account hackers?
Phantasy Star Online anyone?
#317 May 24 2007 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Long-time paying players, or account hackers?

I think it is no coincidence that people that are more probable to bite that kind of hoax reported in this thread are people who are at least curious about to gain a likely-to-be unfair advantage over other players. If common sense of computer security is really strong, I doubt that person can be easily tempted to gain an unethical edge of a game by doing something that is completely nonsensical.

I know players on my server -- they are nice people, but it seems their temptation to short cut will even... lead them to do things that are considered unfair in both written TOS and unwritten codes (respect and cortuesy). I do, however, agree that at least a considerable amount of game content is somewhat dominated by groups that are more likely by groups that may cheat. Do you sell yourself out to be able "to play"? Or remain integrity? To me, having a fair and friendlier gaming environment is as important in playing the game content, so it becomes a more obvious choice.

Edited, May 24th 2007 11:56am by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#318 May 24 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,089 posts
Maybe i am a bit slow, but when i read in the OP the message saying "learn the secret of the gilsellers", i wasn't thinking at all in any hack to be downloaded. "Learn the secret of the gilsellers" could really mean anything, and it would surely make me curious. Probably some kind of text description or pics or anything.
I would smell a scam, but i wouldn't think it would be something immediately dangerous... curiosity killed the cat, i know.
#319 May 24 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
Wow, this is a crazy thread. The OP admits he is at fault, but just wants his character back after 4 years of playing it. SE says that's too bad because he doesn't have the current account information. After this the thread spirals down to a flamefest with a bunch of hosers talking smack that no one really cares about.

Has there actually been an update for the user?

On a sidenote. There is no such thing as 100% security on a network. There is always a chance of something happening the minute that a computer is connected to a network. The OP took a chance regardless whether he was looking for a video or a cool hax or w/e and got pooched. Good customer service would dictate that the user would be compensated. At the very least freeze the account and investigate.

As far as TOS and the law and that. Case in point. Microsoft is working a lawsuit in Europe when they are based in the US. Same thing applies to SE. They are doing business here and subject to those laws. End of Subject there.

SE should make an attempt to better their account information for the user. It's easier as pie to change a cc and that shouldn't be the case.
#320 May 24 2007 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
119 posts
People do things that are "stupid" all the time in RL, like driving stupidly, say bad things to people they should not, etc etc. What makes that more "legit" or "moral" or "clever" than giving away account away intentionally.

O.K. I majorly contradicted myself. Sorry I do that often at times. "Confusion is my natural state of mind". I just hate when people are just cruel, when someone makes a mistake. In my oppinion though, giving you're information to someone you don't know and have know reason to trust is worse than clicking on something that makes you slightly curious. But everyone has their oppinion. My bf lost his account for a while because he gave his info to someone in his ls. In fact a few people in the ls lost there accounts to the same person. I just get riled up when someone starts treating someone horribly for making a mistake. I work with a bunch of egotistical, always right and never wrong truck drivers, so I guess I eventually need to get used to it. >.>
#321 May 24 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
6,631 posts
O.K. I majorly contradicted myself. Sorry I do that often at times. "Confusion is my natural state of mind". I just hate when people are just cruel, when someone makes a mistake. In my oppinion though, giving you're information to someone you don't know and have know reason to trust is worse than clicking on something that makes you slightly curious. But everyone has their oppinion. My bf lost his account for a while because he gave his info to someone in his ls. In fact a few people in the ls lost there accounts to the same person. I just get riled up when someone starts treating someone horribly for making a mistake. I work with a bunch of egotistical, always right and never wrong truck drivers, so I guess I eventually need to get used to it. >.>

I completely understand why some people feel so personally about recovery of such accounts. It is the issue of standing up on being nice and wishful vs making a decision with principles and reasons. In the end, I belief if decisions are based on pure reason and secular principles will always come out ahead. And morals and common good will always be preserved by well motivated reasoning. And for this case, principles and reason will say in the long term if accounts are restored easily to people claimed being hacked, it can easily open to a cam of worms.

Personally, again and again. I will never give my passwords to someone I only know over the internet, and even with people in RL, I will exercise extreme caution. ***** that "It will be helpful if LS can log you on for things" "He is my best Vana'diel buddy" "Let me (the monkey) be your buddy of your PC" "Let Gator help you fill in the info." I value my identify, and will do things that will minimize my chance of getting into trouble.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#322 May 24 2007 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
119 posts
I value my identify, and will do things that will minimize my chance of getting into trouble.

I agree completely with that. But I will admit that me and my bf have each others account info. It's come in handy. Call me stupid, but I completely trust him. He even lived with me for a while before complications arose and he had to move back. Long story, but we're still going strong. =) He's the one who told me about hiro in the first place. If something does happen though I know it'll be my fault and I'll know then how stupid I am. But he's the one who lost his account and I know he wouldn't do that to someone else. The fact that I've got his info on my PS2 makes me feel the same total trust from him, when he knows how dumb he was when he gave it to his ls mate.

It just really bugs me that someone can do something like this, with proof that it's been done on multiple servers, and SE does nothing about it. I do believe clicking on a link is stupid, but I still stand by eveyone makes mistakes. And I still hope him the best in getting it back.
#323 May 24 2007 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
6,631 posts
SE does nothing about it.

The whole thing is... if something can be done, what could it be, and what are the other consequences that may be for doing that. I really think we should worry about the consequences instead of worry about individual cases of may-be-true cases of hacking.

There are real bad consequences if accounts are re-instated that way if you simply think of how people can take advantage of it and RMT their account. If people are bold enough to create scripts and hacks to steal account information, you will bet people will take advantage of other loops holes that may open. It has happened before, and it will happen again.

It sucks, but that is the way the world works. The true good people will always winded got owned by the people who go out to do bad. Since there is no way ever to eliminate bad elements, the best way is to prevent bad elements to take advantage of a situation or a weakness. It is matter of protecting the interest of majority player and also SE own interest may by letting the one good one to left banned, and not to re-instate accounts easily.

More important is to:
1) It would be better for SE to come up with some ways that account information, so it cannot be changed easily.
2) People be more careful over the internet.

This should be the end of the discussion.

Edited, May 24th 2007 5:12pm by scchan

Edited, May 24th 2007 5:13pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#325 May 24 2007 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Jacine wrote:
Years ago they did an experiment where they "dropped" a wallet that contained $100 along with a bunch of info (IDs etc) that would enable whoever found it to easily return it to it's owner. They found that 95% of the people that picked it up took the $100 and then threw it into a nearby trash can.

Perfect example of what is wrong with society.

Those of you arguing against this need to put yourself in the oposite situation.
Non of us are imune to dumb stuff. Dont act like you have never done anything stupid, its not possible.
Next time you run a red light hopefully your karma dosnt catch up with you.

Edited, May 24th 2007 9:02am by Jacine

You have to understand that they are sociopaths. They have no sense of right and wrong in the first place so trying to explain it to them is a wasted effort.
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#326 May 25 2007 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
3,653 posts
God Damn, who in their right mind would go to a URL posted by a random person. Let alone actually open the file which it contained.

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