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The Melee SMN debate ends today:Follow

#177 May 04 2007 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,656 posts
Fair enough, if creating a second account is against the ToS, then he/she deserved the ban.

I'm nitpicking obviously, probably because I'm bored at work and have nothing better to do.

We'll just agree to disagree on the OP's humour quotient and move on, which is how it should have been in the first place, no other actions were warranted, but again, we'll agree to disagree on that as well.
#178 May 04 2007 at 2:05 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
Asshandler wrote:
I'm nitpicking obviously, probably because I'm bored at work and have nothing better to do.

......... -.-
#179 May 04 2007 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
1,656 posts
Oh c'mon now... the fact that you had the time to come into this thread, read the OP, complain about it, edit it, and explain yourself time and time again indicates you're just as bored as I am.

This isn't a full time job after all... either you're unemployed and collecting a cheque from the government, living off your parents, or sitting at a desk at an office with nothing better to do than to continue refreshing the page to see what will be said next. :p

We're not that different you and I, I'm sure... ;)
#180 May 04 2007 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
Asshandler wrote:
Oh c'mon now... the fact that you had the time to come into this thread, read the OP, complain about it, edit it, and explain yourself time and time again indicates you're just as bored as I am.

I'm just good at multitasking and this was a serious issue I wanted to make sure was resolved.

So.... GRRRR to you. GRR I say! Can't you see I'm diligent?! Smiley: crymore
#181 May 04 2007 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Great job OP I enjoyed it =^.^=
#182 May 04 2007 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
It was only funny when he got his racist *** beaten up, altered version takes a lot of the flavor of the story out.
#183 May 04 2007 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
The story was truely a Legendary Thread. It's just sad that the rest of the thread turned into a debate. I find the current PC trend to be utterly sad, as well. A whole bunch of people getting offended because someone else may get offended. One day we will all be confined to locked cells where we will not be able to communicate to anyone ever again if this keeps up. I give it another 8 years at the current rate. But hey, at least no one will get their feelings hurt. Can't wait.
#185 May 05 2007 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
247 posts
Wow. Just wow. This was a great story. With the dynamic use of sterotypes the writer pulled all our attention. I laughed so damn hard. Especially about the Astral Sigent he made in Woodshop.
You ppl need to really really lighten up. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how "Offended" ppl are over race issues. Grow the hell up. Move on. African Americans haven't been slaves in over 200yrs. I could understand if they were still slaves. Or even if slavery was something from our parents generation. But it's not.
The writers use of racial sterotypes played well for his story. You can be offended all you like. But it did its job. By useing those sterotypes he gave the reader an exact picture of what he was trying to explain. It may not be nice of him. But as a literary tool it worked.
Oh and before you all start with the blasting.. I'm Native American. Not only were my ppl slaves.We were hunted and killed like animals for the expansion of the good ole USA. Our land was stolen and our ppl decimated to less then 20% of its previous numbers. But I'm the first to laugh at a good indian joke.
So before you start getting offeded by the writers remarks. Note that he only used discriptive names. He didn't say the were sitting in the park smoking weed or drinking forties or rolling around in thier pimped out car with the uber rims paid for by thier babys mother's wellfare check.
And the sweaty fat SMN wakes up on a park bench. Sounds more like the ppl that beat his @ss were kind enough to make sure he was going to be comfortable sleeping off his whoopin.

Plus we all know the truth. If you had just paid $100+ to see your favorite comedian say this story you really wouldnt be so offended.
#186 May 05 2007 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
this was a serious issue I wanted to make sure was resolved.

I had to laugh at this part.
#187 May 05 2007 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
I was just about to quote that, cue meme about internets, serious business etc.
#188 May 05 2007 at 3:16 AM Rating: Default
636 posts
I'm sick and tired of hearing about how "Offended" ppl are over race issues. Grow the hell up. Move on. African Americans haven't been slaves in over 200yrs. I could understand if they were still slaves. Or even if slavery was something from our parents generation. But it's not.

I can't let that post slide.

First of all, I can only think of one person who even used the word "offended" or any variation of it to describe their reaction. It's more, "why the hell did he decide to add THAT to the story?". It's not as simple as "he used that word" or "he's talking about me", it's "Why put that in there?". Because some of us feel that a person who does that is a person who has that in their heart. Without knowing the OP, or having some other context to draw from (whatever that could be...) I don't think it's ridiculous at all to question the OP about his personal attitudes.

The second part of that paragraph is a much too commonly held attitude, and I've heard it since the Civil Rights era. Just because someone doesn't have a title to you, like a car, doesn't mean you are free or equal in this society (In the United States).
It's every bit as ignorant to say that race doesn't matter today as it would be to say that nothing has changed in 200 years.
I wish it weren't the case, but it is, and the people who cry Foul! didn't make it this way, and aren't keeping it this way. In large part, it's people who think like you do - you aren't slaves, you can vote, you can work, what's the problem? - that help keep it this way.

So you look around and Hip-Hop is ruling the charts, Oprah rules daytime TV, Barack Obama is one of the favorites to win the White House, Michael Jorden, Tiger Woods, The Williams Sisters, Dave Chapelle, Denzel Washington, etc...
SIGNS of progress.

This is like saying "Well, the Indians have Casinos." It would be retarded to think THAT solved all the problems, but still, at least you got that. At least you got something.

Plus we all know the truth. If you had just paid $100+ to see your favorite comedian say this story you really wouldnt be so offended.

That depends on your expectations. It depends on a lot of things.

Jerry Seinfeld voice: "So the other daaay, I was out in my SUMMONER outfit, and these three NEGROES came walking up to meeee..."

Jerry Seinfeld would be out of a job.

Jerry Seinfeld voice again: "So the other daaay, I was out in the park, and this GUYY, who's DRESSED UP in a SUMMONER outfit, comes up to me and goes, "Stand back! There are Negroes after me!" <pause> And I'm thinking to myself, "......Negroes?". And he's got this stick, this, this, shepherd's staff, and the guy starts POKING these guys with it."

Jerry Seinfeld is not out of a job. But people do wonder why Jerry Seinfeld felt he had to go THERE to be funny.

The very simple question that arose from the original post was: Is this representative of the author's attitude? Because I find it hard to believe that anyone who doesn't hold those kinds of attitudes would repeat it, even as a joke, about anyone.

So the OP posted later on - 3 pages later - that it was supposed to be a train wreck of jerks. Fine. Good. But it's disturbing that so many people are willing to accept that, just write it off as humor, without knowing. Would it have been disturbing if the OP had instead replied, "Yeah, that's what I think of black people. So?"

But anyway, on the subject of humor:

On behalf of all black people in America

ROFL. The most unintentionally funny line in this thread. I haven't heard the term "peckerwood" since Word Association with Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor.
Someone sign Mr. Self Important up for his own forum before he blows up.

#189 May 05 2007 at 3:49 AM Rating: Excellent
That depends on your expectations. It depends on a lot of things.

Jerry Seinfeld voice: "So the other daaay, I was out in my SUMMONER outfit, and these three NEGROES came walking up to meeee..."

Jerry Seinfeld would be out of a job.

If he was black he wouldn't be out of a job.

Racial equality? Apparently it's only for black people.
#190 May 05 2007 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent

on a side note, what is actually WRONG with someone is afraid of blacks? The majority of incarcerated individuals are of colored ethnicities. Its a very common fear, and a common thing(that doesn't mean it right though).

Hell, I"m afriad of spiders...are you gonna bash and flame me because of that?
No, if its a fear we can't do anything about it, lay off.

And no, their not african americans...
How many black people do you know right now that are from africa?
The person themselves, not their ancestorys. I live in america and am an american by all means though my anscestors range from irish to indian(native) to persian. Does that make me an irish american? or a Persian-american? No.
None will be your answer(in most cases), and if you do, they are just plain africans, over here on a work visa(getting their citizenship perhaps) or as an exchange student. If your going to be politically correct folks, BE politically correct, get the facts straight.

And the thing that really gets me, is all you folks that say he is being rascist are INFACT being rascist in their ploy to call him out.

"Smalltown rascist hick"

So....all small towns are full of hicks?
So....all hicks are rascist?
So....hick isn't a derogerory word at all, right?

Hypocrite much?

If your gonna call someone out, or flame them, do it with some style and flair. IF your gonna call someone out and try to shame them and use your smarts and political correcty-ness, then do it with INTELLIGENCE....

I guess we all can't tarus.....

Edited, May 5th 2007 8:11am by Drawz

Edited, May 5th 2007 8:13am by Drawz
#191 May 05 2007 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
To the OP...

I only read the edited version and found it extremely funny. Race aside, I think it reads better that you don't really know what the main character is up against until the following line...

He looks like a Ninja Turtle with his face structure and bandanna.

Bandanas usually being a sign of toughness, if not gang related, I found this line to be perfectly timed to show your readers that the main character is COMPLETELY in over his head.

I appreciate what you were trying to do originally, by creating a racist character with obvious mental problems getting stomped by the people he's prejudice against, and only in self-defense for that matter.

I'm sure if Dave Chappelle made that into a sketch, most would find it funny.

If it were filmed as an actual documentary, almost anyone would find it amusing.

But as you are neither a black comedian with a canceled sketch-comedy show, nor a documentary filmmaker "capturing the truth", many will object to that style of writing, as you did it in the first person. It's just the way of things. I hardly think it compares to Michael Richard's melt-down or Imus' "nappy-headed ho's".

To anyone offended by the OP's original post...

Sometimes it's hard to see past the words and notice that, in this case, the writer was trying to celebrate the demise of a crazed bigot, using ffxi as a medium.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be offended by the words. I just want to point out that a true racist would NEVER write that story in the first person.

-Pokerthug (Asura)
#192 May 05 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Good
*waah Racicm is bad because words hurt me*

Sure, but no one has any problem making fun of the Chinese, the Japanese, or even the Jewish (who were enslaved by the Egyptians for twice as long as the Africans were enslaved by Americans).

Bottom line is, I never owned any slaves, neither have my parents, or their parents... hell, at the time slavery was abolished in the United States, my ancestry was in Poland, Russia, Germany, France... oh dear God, don't get me started on the "Pollack" jokes.

When did it suddenly become okay to say "Well we can't make ingenuous racist remarks towards this and that nationality/creed/religion/etc but everyone else is ok."? To steal a line from (of all places) South Park: Either all of it is okay or none of it is.

It's not like he was even intending to be racist for racism's sake; it was merely flavor added to the context of the thread. I can almost guarantee you that if he had went with Jews or Pollacks, no one would have cared at all.

If you're so /butthurt that words on a screen that weren't even malintentioned cause you physical stress and harm, the internet is not for you. Neither is television. Neither is anything outside of your own front door.

Edited, May 5th 2007 10:33am by Mikhalia
#193 May 05 2007 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
I second that enitre post, lol

Bravo Mikhalia Bravo

Also, just because afriacan americans were enslaved means nothing.
So were other nations. Guess what? None of them got money.

African americans directly involved in the slaving of the 1800's got a lil thing called REPREATIONS! It means we gave you money to shut up about it. And you TOOK that money, yet you still complain? We did something wrong, and tried to make up for it, and you let us, but still want more? WHY? Because your better than us? no. Were all equal.

Also you have nothing on the jews...

Ever heard of the holocaust...yeah...keep on crying....Americans coulda been like the germans.....

Edited, May 5th 2007 10:12am by Drawz
#194 May 05 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
Godwin's law ftmfw lol.
#195 May 05 2007 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,400 posts
That is definately the funiest **** I've read in a long time.
#196 May 05 2007 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good

i dont think you can classify this as a highly sensitive racist based story, everyday on sitcoms you see jokes about Jews, Blacks, Red-necks etc...

i was wathcing "the war at home", constant remarks of the male lead being jewish, and come backs about the catholic church, for every one person that takes these jokes as full blown racism there are ten more that respond to it in a light hearted manner, racism is a subtle subject.

But would the OP have described the thugs as being white-trash, or red necks, would the need for censorship still be there?....

Im not racist at all btw, i wont claim to know XXX black people, or my dad was 1/4 african or whatever because that isnt the case, i think the people who took this as a serious accusation of racial slander, should just lighten up a bit, the world is already dark enough.

#197 May 05 2007 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
So you can melee but cannot tank eh?

Let me know where they live I'll show you how RDM can solo 3 Ts at once :P

If you want a peaceful resolution though just bring a RNG, I am sure they would all run before the RNG even fire 1 single shot :D

"dun mess with me dude I have my /ra macro'ed!!!"
#198 May 05 2007 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
636 posts
Stockyboy wrote:
That depends on your expectations. It depends on a lot of things.

Jerry Seinfeld voice: "So the other daaay, I was out in my SUMMONER outfit, and these three NEGROES came walking up to meeee..."

Jerry Seinfeld would be out of a job.

If he was black he wouldn't be out of a job.

Racial equality? Apparently it's only for black people.

Not so fast.

Instead of Jerry Seinfeld, let's say it's Steve Martin instead. Or perhaps Dan Akroyd. Or Bill Murray. Those guys COULD tell a story like this, and not necessarily have people wondering about them. They have a history in delving into material like this. Jerry Seinfeld does not. Jerry Seinfeld would be explaining himself.

On the other side of things, imagine this was Bill Cosby. Or Will Smith.
Yes, they would be out of a job. Bill Cosby would not be selling pudding pops after that. Will Smith....well, when your movies always gross 100 million+ people get kinda funny, but he'd be under the same scrutiny as Mel Gibson. People would be going, "Damn, Will Smith really does think he's from Bel Air."

Let me spin this another way -

What if President Bush told this story? What if Hillary Clinton told this story?
How about Oprah Winfrey? Condoleeza Rice? Barack Obama?

Oops, almost forgot:

If you're so /butthurt that words on a screen that weren't even malintentioned

HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? How about, if you're so /butthurt that you can't take having your words challenged, don't talk? It's just a discussion.

Edited, May 5th 2007 1:57pm by Turnerbrown

Edited, May 5th 2007 2:08pm by Turnerbrown
#199 May 05 2007 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
We know that because of the OP's follow up posts. Stop trying so hard to figure him out to be a racist when it was just a literary device to get you to hate the character.
#200 May 05 2007 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default
636 posts
I just want to point out that a true racist would NEVER write that story in the first person.

I disagree. While I'm not a big reader of Racist lit, the snippets I've come across in various places over the years suggest that yes, they would. The hardcore groups at least. Perhaps not the general population of bigots tho.

We know that because of the OP's follow up posts. Stop trying so hard to figure him out to be a racist when it was just a literary device to get you to hate the character.

Yeah...three pages later, we "know" that. Maybe it was a literary device. But generally speaking, you write what you know, and choosing that as a "literary device" suggests that it IS your personal belief.

So you tell me I'm mistaken, I've misunderstood the intent - that's fine. I believe you. But most people haven't done that, they've just swarmed the /butthurt bandwagon like you shouldn't even raise the issue.

Literary devices.....We have to show breasts in movies, it's a literary device. We have to have people cursing every other word, it's a literary device. We have to resort to the lowest form of humor possible, it's a literary device.
It CAN be. But more often than not, it's just lazy. We don't give a ****.

You wouldn't accept this from your leaders, you wouldn't accept this from your parents (I hope...), or anyone you looked up to. But we accept it from each other. Makes no sense to me.

Edited, May 5th 2007 2:44pm by Turnerbrown
#201 May 05 2007 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Apparently people are fickle, it shouldn't matter who you are, if you're so ******* sensitive don't go outside, don't go on the internet. In the end you can't censor free speech. **** I love BG sometimes, none of these super ultra sensitive people.
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