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The Melee SMN debate ends today:Follow

#127 May 04 2007 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
3,350 posts
But a black joke is 100x more offensive than irish jokes because we didn't have irish slaves!

Exactly... us lucky Irish got to be indentured servants instead. We swilled the liquor all the way over on the cruise ship and had us a grand old time. ...and we were only called dogs because everyone wanted to be our best friend. You sure are one smart cookie!
Sub kids call me Mary Poppins.

Cry me a river, build a bridge over it... jump in and drown. Smiley: grin
#128 May 04 2007 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
1,015 posts
Well, once again the vocal minority wins out over the majority.

I have to agree with whoever said the OP should have been nuked or left alone. The original humor of the post was not preserved at all (I re-read it and it was actually fairly dull), and like most have said all we've got now is a dumb kid being beaten up by some other dumb kids, apparently surrounded by a crowd that says one thing. Most people who have read the post thought it was damn funny the way it was, and all except 4-5 ppl were fine with it. Should we just not try and post anything funny at all for fear our posts will be edited down? Should we only talk about dull things like HNM fights, job abilities, FFXI dying, and the next update?

The fact that the admin who did the editing because they were offended by it doesn't see anything wrong with that is what really bothers me, and I think most ppl as well. If another admin had come in and said, "Hey guys, I'm editing this post because some folks might have a problem with it" I don't think anyone would have nearly the problem that they do now. Or even if you Exo had simply come in and said that without your comment on page 1 preceding it. Almost makes me glad I don't pay for a premium account.

Edited, May 4th 2007 1:05pm by RealGallow
#129 May 04 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Excellent
925 posts
Hellsashes wrote:
But a black joke is 100x more offensive than irish jokes because we didn't have irish slaves!

I completely forgot to reply to this yesterday when I saw it.

Black jokes are 100x more offensive only when white people tell them.
#130 May 04 2007 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
Mayneski wrote:
Now it reads as if some mentally unstable/handicapped boy went to the park...

...and somehow we lost that within the transition of "stupid stupid NEGRO" to "stupid stupid IDIOT"?

You make it sound like I totally revamped the story. No. I just removed the targeted race. Everything else stayed exactly the same.

If your source of comedy requires more racial connotations for it be passable beyond a chuckle, then you may go somewhere else to satisfy this.

Stubs, I apologize if my decision seemed rash. It's just a pain when everyone barks that there isn't enough moderation, then barks when there's the smallest hint of moderation.

I didn't aim for everyone to be happy from this, I just aimed at a group of people getting their kicks out of the expense of another group in general. Could've been black, Irish, Chinese, German, or Polish. I don't care. Keep your hate jokes somewhere else.

Like I said, it it was just a mild whatever thing, fine. There's a difference between someone taking a jab at me because I'm latin and saying "go mow a lawn" and someone saying "apparently you are a ****, so can't expect you to be all that smart." Not only that. It wasn't a single sentence. It was the basis of the end of his story. No jive. There are other forums for race hate, and it isn't this one.
#131 May 04 2007 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
The original humor of the post was not preserved at all (I re-read it and it was actually fairly dull)

omg I deleted my FFXI character and started over, why isn't it as fun as it was the first time I played??? D:
#132 May 04 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
619 posts
An alla admin censoring and actually editing a users post. The worst part is that there is nothing differentiating what Exodus changed so it all looks like the OPs work when its not. I would have been amazed a year or so ago by this action..but the way that this country is going this oversensitivity does not surprise me. Freedom of speech truly is a thing of the past.


Edited, May 4th 2007 12:17pm by FeydDiabolos
#133 May 04 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,015 posts
omg I deleted my FFXI character and started over, why isn't it as fun as it was the first time I played??? D:

Nope, that's not what it's like at all. The original post I had read about 3 times before it was edited, and each time it was good. Now it's just meh.
#134 May 04 2007 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
An admin for a game forum sensoring and editing someone elses I would have been surprised a year or so ago but the way that this country is going this oversensitivity does not surprise me. I expected better from this site to be honest. Freedom of speech truly is a thing of the past.

BZZZT try again.

Freedom of speech never existed here in the first place. You gave up your right to free speech when you signed up for these forums.

And, surprisingly enough, you people act like admins have never censored/edited/deleted posts on these forums before. They are moderators, it's kinda... THEIR JOB to do this, you see.
#135 May 04 2007 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
FeydDiabolos wrote:
An alla admin censoring and actually editing a users post. The worst part is that is that there is nothing differentiating what Exodus changed so it all looks like the OPs work. I would have been amazed a year or so ago by this action..but the way that this country is going this oversensitivity does not surprise me. Freedom of speech truly is a thing of the past.

Edited, May 4th 2007 12:14pm by FeydDiabolos

The bottom of the posts shows I edited.

And...uh..."freedom of speech" has always had limitations depending on the location in question. You can't go into a church and yell "JESUS ISN'T REAL!", just like you can't prank call Cops. could do both, but I'm sure that when you are getting kicked out from the first or fined for the second, no amount of 'freedom of speech' is gunna save you. Smiley: laugh
#136 May 04 2007 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Nope, that's not what it's like at all. The original post I had read about 3 times before it was edited, and each time it was good. Now it's just meh.

omg I deleted my FFXI character and started over 3 times, why isn't it as fun as it was the first 3 times I played??? D:

Things get old. This may happen after the first time, it may take more. However I'm sure that if the OP posted the story how it is now, you still would have found it funny. {fact}
#137 May 04 2007 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
261 posts
Sir Exodus, The Cheese Maker wrote:
HeywoodJab wrote:
You started the trend, now edit it to say what doesnt offend me.

That would require me to take you seriously.

Here is what is sad about this statement... the fact that idea of racism is purely in the eye of the people offended. I could say "Negros," "african americans," "blacks," and "colored people" all day long. And while my intention might be pure, it's the intent behind the words that make it racist...

"The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said yesterday that they would donate 1 Million Dollars to the United Negro College Fund to help inner city Blacks, and African Americans in general get a good education."

So, I'm curious where, exactly, the racism was in the OP was. Because it is certainly not the words "Negro, African American, and Blacks." It's likely in the adjectives used with them.... In which case, you would be right, in that the OP is no longer racist... but instead, due to the edits, is now Ageist, in that it's prejudiced against the young. As it was moronic, idiotic, big-white-teethed young people beating up on a helpless crazy person.

Being a young person myself... i find it incredibly disturbing that an Administrator would feel that young people can and should be treated and talked about poorly in forum settings....

Perhaps you should just nuke this thread...

Or maybe people in general who preach about tolerance could use such a lesson themselves...

Edited, May 4th 2007 1:21pm by swish
#138 May 04 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,015 posts
More than likely I would not have found it as funny. It just doesn't have the same spark that it had before. Yes I know things get old, but there are some things you can watch/read/do/etc. without them ever becoming old. And that, is a {fact}.
#139 May 04 2007 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,807 posts
The original humor of the post was not preserved at all

The OP could have told a funny story about some racist ******* without spewing forth hatred in the way that he did. But he didn't. And I didn't actually find much humor in the OP to begin with. So Exodus applied the minimum amount of moderation he deemed necessary to fix the post, and now people are whining and crying about it. I've got news for you: his actions don't impinge upon anyone's free speech. If you want to say something that you can't say here, then go set up your own forums and see how big of an audience you can attract. Don't bother sending me the link though.
#140 May 04 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
Melee SMN -> Racism?

I've been purposely avoiding the wall-o-text in the OP, but I think I might have to read it sometime...
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#141 May 04 2007 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,015 posts
Like I said, if the post had just been edited without the commentary before it, or if it had just been nuked period I don't think people would have had as big a problem with the fact that it was edited as they do now. I know I wouldn't. It's the fact that Exodus' posts before imply that HE was offended by it that people have a problem with, because now it looks like it was edited simply because the mod had a problem with it, not because it violated the rules or because it enflamed the majority of the community (read the previous posts, it clearly didn't).
#142 May 04 2007 at 9:30 AM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
swish wrote:
[quote=Sir Exodus, The Cheese Maker]Being a young person myself... i find it incredibly disturbing that an Administrator would feel that young people can and should be treated and talked about poorly in forum settings....

Perhaps you should just nuke this thread...

Or maybe people in general who preach about tolerance could use such a lesson themselves...

Edited, May 4th 2007 1:21pm by swish

At this rate, I am going to end up nuking the stupid post.

I'm sure, though, that the thread would've been O-OK as long as it's a black person who is being described the way he was.

I made the post VAGUE. VAGUE. Young could mean the SMN is in his 50s and the group of three are in their 30. So, no, young doesn't necessarily imply child.

Anything else someone wants to nitpick in hopes of having a valid argument that the thread should've kept it's hate stuff in it?
#143 May 04 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
You can find the uncensored version(which is much more offensive without the original censors) on BG forums. Or my blog(which has the original censors), if you can find out who I am.

I don't really care, but whoever edited it really lacks creativity. Moron is a boring word. You are a boring guy. And you took out something important from the story.

It's already been pointed out why I made them black and why the character is racist. This isn't a story about moral development. There are no likable characters in this story. Everyone is a douche. The thugs are your typical stereotypes and they are 2d, and that's on purpose. Same with the character being a void of common sense and decency. Sounds like a train wreck? That was the point. You are suppose to feel awkward and disgust, and shock.

There had to be bad guys to provoke the crazy Summoner in the first place. There needed to be racism to get people to dislike the main character. If you don't get it now, you never will, so it's really hopeless. And you took things too seriously. Like I said, it's a train wreck. Like seeing someone get hit by a car and doing a triple back-flip. You don't want to laugh, but you do.

You should of be a bit ashamed that you edited it. I mean, you can disagree with it, but it's been considered a piece of "art" by some. It's no different than being a school teacher, taking out a passage from a book you are teaching and replacing it. "Anne Frank doesn't die in the end! Superman punches the ***** in the face and saves her! YAY!". I guess you have the will to do something I never would.

I figured if people didn't want a story with word negro, they would have rated me down and the thread would have died. But the majority of people didn't mind. The word negro appears quite early, I'd suggest whoever got offended just hit backspace and not ruin it for everyone else. You knew what you were getting yourself into once "Plan B" appeared. People wanted to be offended if they kept on reading.

But again, I don't care. I'm surprised people rated me up. The last time I did this(it involved a noob Galka DRK complaining about not getting invites, who at the end got tricked into someone's sick Galka underwear party, and finally, ending with Bel-Air) it got nuked to oblivion within an hour. This was originally a troll post anyway. And it won't be my last.

In closing, if anything comes from this, I hope the next time someone posts a thread about meleeing SMN, everyone will just spam the thread with "I'VE SOLOED TIIITAAAANN!!". Because at end, that's what is was, calling Melee SMNs stupid.

PS. Mind of Mencia sucks. If you like me or the story, don't compare me with him.

EDIT: Oh, and they were all teenagers. It's quite clear.

And the race of the Summoner doesn't even matter. When I wrote it, I didn't even put a face of him. The only time thing we learn about his appearance is that he's fat, as he is called that by one the black kids.

Edited, May 4th 2007 1:36pm by SMNLORDDev
#144 May 04 2007 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
RealGallow wrote:
Like I said, if the post had just been edited without the commentary before it, or if it had just been nuked period I don't think people would have had as big a problem with the fact that it was edited as they do now. I know I wouldn't. It's the fact that Exodus' posts before imply that HE was offended by it that people have a problem with, because now it looks like it was edited simply because the mod had a problem with it, not because it violated the rules or because it enflamed the majority of the community (read the previous posts, it clearly didn't).

Yeah, cause the post right before mines on the first page by Turner was a figment of my own imagination.

This would've spiraled into the same exact racial debate, then I, or some other Admin would've gotten a PM to do something about it, then someone else would've said "this is why the karma system doesn't work and we need more moderation."

Yep. Smiley: rolleyes
#145 May 04 2007 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
1,090 posts
Nuking it would have been fine. This site is managed by you guys, and that's your decisions to make based on the content you want to have on this site.

Editing someone else's story, though, without their permission and without even anyway for a new reader to tell which words were their and which were yours, isn't ok. You should never, ever, be editting people's posts. Nuking, yes. But changing their wording for them and leaving the author listed as them? Even with the "edited by exodus" at the bottom, that still just seems very, very wrong.

And I would wholeheartedly agree with loki on the comparison to Huck Finn in this case. Obviously you don't agree that the stereotypes were deliberately used in a literary fashion and that they were only offensive in as much as that character was supposed to be offensive. That's fine. But that was the point of the story. Taking it on yourself to rewrite that and leave it published under the author's name isn't ok.
#146 May 04 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
833 posts
Irish people can be easily distinguished by the smell of bear and vomit

LOL. This is a great example of Irish stereotyping, but hey, I found it funny. Lighten up and have a few laughs. I could call German people *****, I could call French people sissies, I could call Americans rednecks, and I could call Hispanics lazy. And chances are most people would just laugh and move on. But the instant someone even mentions something negative about African Americans, even if it's a pretty accurate statement, Jessie Jackson has to come out and damn us all to hell. Get over it. No matter what race you are on this planet you're subject to being made fun of/discriminated against/laughed at etc. Quit thinking that everyone's against you and your culture and laugh every once in a while.
#147 May 04 2007 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
1,015 posts
Yeah, cause the post right before mines on the first page by Turner was a figment of my own imagination.

This would've spiraled into the same exact racial debate, then I, or some other Admin would've gotten a PM to do something about it, then someone else would've said "this is why the karma system doesn't work and we need more moderation."


I didn't say it didn't offend anyone. I'm saying it didn't offend a majority of the community. Reading this whole post I counted 5 posters that got offended (a couple posts were vague). It may have spiraled into the exact same racial debate, it may not have, or it may have happened for 2 pages and then stopped. The point is it now looks like that you edited it because you had a problem with something that was posted. Now instead of saying the karma system doesn't work and we need more moderation, they'll say that the admins don't allow anything that they don't like.

Which one would you rather have complaints about? As I've said 3 times, I would have no problem with the post getting nuked because of complaints, but now because of that first post it puts you and Alla in a bad light to many ppl here, resulting in posts like this:

My Allah premium expired today. I contemplated renewing it. I have decided not to after reading some of the admin commentary on the original post.
#148 May 04 2007 at 9:43 AM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
I've already said my piece. I've stated my reasons. I even asked the OP with plenty of time ahead to look into his post.

I'm done debating. At this point, I'll probably end up nuking and calling it a day, if enough people just want the thread nuked.

I don't feel like sounding like a broken record and this has taken more of my time than it should've.

Like the OP has said, if you want the full original version, feel free to visit the forum he stated. Nothing against that.

Just don't expect to find hateful stuff here. Period.
#149 May 04 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
So if both sides are protagonist and both sides are in the wrong this is emo?
#150 May 04 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
925 posts
SMNLORDDev wrote:

And the race of the Summoner doesn't even matter. When I wrote it, I didn't even put a face of him. The only time thing we learn about his appearance is that he's fat, as he is called that by one the black kids.

Edited, May 4th 2007 1:36pm by SMNLORDDev

He said black, quick, edit it before Jesse Jackson wants an apology!!!!!!

Why not just put it in the asylum and put it back to it's unedited state? Let them debate racism/meleesmn/censorship. If it truly is as offensive as the 5 other people found it, then it'll get subdefaulted anyways.

Edited, May 4th 2007 12:49pm by HeywoodJab
#151 May 04 2007 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,015 posts
*Jesse Jackson moons SMNLORDDev*

Kiss it.

Ah South Park.
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