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The Melee SMN debate ends today:Follow

#52 May 03 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
282 posts

This is where you lost me.

EDIT: My First Page Claim!

Edited, May 3rd 2007 6:24pm by banannaphone
#53 May 03 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default
3,112 posts
I stopped reading after SMN Melee...

I mean really, feed the mob TP, Take AoE damage, get in the way of a good Trick Attack (Personally if I saw a SMN Meleeign I woudl purposely do this to make them stop).

Roleplay all you want... do what you want in parties with friends... but please don't gimp a party by dual weilding daggers and expect not to get kicked.

If you want to dual weild daggers, level THF... if you want to Melee play a Melee job. If you want to get laughed at, please, continue posting.

Honestly, awesome story lol

Edited, May 3rd 2007 6:26pm by Grandlethal
#54 May 03 2007 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,656 posts
I view it from a different standpoint, when I first read the piece, I too was taken aback by the racial references... that is until he got his *** handed to him by the very thing he is ignorant towards. That's what makes it funny. You can almost visualize some racist smalltown ignorant hick walking around in his Summoner costume thinking he's hot ****, and then these guys walk up to him and are like WTF but seem to get az kick out of his insanity... and then proceed to kick his *** quite handily when he provokes them.

He asks for it, thinking he's better than them... and he gets beaten down. They didn't start it, but they certainly did finish it.

IMO, that's some good writing.
#55 May 03 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,656 posts
Those of you commenting on SMN melee in this thread need to read the whole damn thing, this isn't what you think it is.
#56 May 03 2007 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
Asshandler wrote:
He asks for it, thinking he's better than them... and he gets beaten down. They didn't start it, but they certainly did finish it.

IMO, that's some good writing.

Technically, his appearance perked their interest and they confronted the SMN first. My gripe is how he portrayed them using every stereo type you could think of.

His "targets" could've been a whole number of things, but lo and behold.

All because the SMN got beat up in the end doesn't make it "ok".
#57 May 03 2007 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
11,630 posts
This should have been posted during friday though. Would have made up for the past 80 worthless friday threads.
#58 May 03 2007 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
#59 May 03 2007 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
1,656 posts
Nah, look past the SMN aspect and just focus on him as an individual.

He's racist, and he goes looking for trouble. When he does encounter that which he hates, they don't treat him badly, in fact, they treat him with a certain amount of civility, as much as can be expected towards someone who is clearly off his rocker.

Then he proceeds to attack that which he hates, and again, they are the voice of reason, telling him to stay down, so he doesn't get hurt. Yet his racist anger propels him forward yet again, blindly ignoring the fact that these guys really aren't all that bad, but he refuses to see it... he's blinded by hate and needs to face the consequences to see the light.

It's a funny story wrapped up in a moralistic cautionary tale, at least that's what I see when I look hard enough.

On it's surface however, it's just a damn funny story of a dude thinking he's a Summoner. If it would make you feel better, he can change it to "random white guy" instead of "negro", wouldn't bother me one bit.

People place too much emphasis on words and labels in today's society.
#60 May 03 2007 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
This was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
#61 May 03 2007 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
565 posts
People need to look past the racism. I doubt it reflects the OP's views. He's telling the story of a fictional character. It is more than obvious that said character is an idiot. One of the funny things about the passage is that the racism is absurd! We're laughing AT the racism. It's not like the Michael Richards incident because he was saying things that were very much serious and intended to offend people. I'd be just as amused at this if it were a black summoner making fun of the "crackers." Get off your high horse, get past the fictional main characters absurd racism, and enjoy it or get out.

Having said that, I think I've finally seen the true ways of the summoner. I just hope there's an abundance of squirrels in the local state park.
#62 May 03 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,656 posts
We actually have a guy that walks around our town dressed up as a Jedi, 24 hours a day. Always alone, and always just... walking. Down streets, down highways, through crowded and isloated areas... just walking.

He literally believes he is a Jedi Knight. He wears the same outfit Anakin wore when he took down the Jedis. He's a genuinely nice guy, but people have spoken to him about it, and he really does believe it.

I envisioned this guy while I was reading this piece. lol
#63 May 03 2007 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
808 posts
"Do you not know who I AM? I am Devilinos! You are nothing but Yahoo-colored mischief makers" I shout to them, this was their final warning. I get a little closer.

"I've seen the horrors of the Emptiness and survived. I've gained the respect of Kings and Presidents. I've fought on the streets of Al Zahbi... SIDE BY SIDE with the great Serpent Generals as we deflect the forces of the Mamool Ja Horde! I've succeed where others have failed, and defeated the challenges laid before by the Twilight God, the shameful, the hateful Promathia! I've gained the trust the Celestrials and the Terrestrials!"


And when it came near the licensplate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror.
If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought now forget it, yo home to bel-air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight, And I yelled to the cabby "yo, home smell you later". Looked at my kingdom I was finally there.
To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air

#64 May 03 2007 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
I put on my wizerd hat...
#65 May 03 2007 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
636 posts
It's easier to take offense for some than it is to enjoy some humor... such a shame that everyone has to constantly walk on politically correct eggshells. I guess being in a multi-culture marriage for 12 years and having children that look more like someone elses makes me desensitized.

It probably does. Most people haven't had to confront themselves in the context of a relationship with someone they care dearly about. The reason the rest of us walk on eggshells is because of the mistrust that exists, and exists for good reason.

And I disagree - It's not the character in the story who comes off as a stereotypical doesn't-get-out-of-the-house-much gaming geek. It's the author.
Maybe he is fine with that. Whatever. I just thought I'd poke him about it a little.

#66 May 03 2007 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
833 posts
However, like all stupid morons, they fear what they can't understand, which is everything apparently. They chuckle a bit and decide that I would be their little joke for awhile. However, I had other plans in mind.

I know this is racist, but from this point on I could not stop laughing. One of the only threads I have ever laughed out loud in tears at.

Plus some of you have to lighten up on the racist /butthurt. I'm Irish, I hear jokes demeaning Irish all the time. Doesn't mean I have to take it personally...

Edited, May 4th 2007 11:03am by Exodus
#67 May 03 2007 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
925 posts
So all those people who've gotten your panties in a twist, show me in the story where it says he's white. How do you know the OP isnt black? Are you being racist and assuming that since he plays ffxi, has a costume and plays a melee smn that he's white? I'm sorry, thats not racism, thats prejudice, my bad.

As far as the racism, stop reading too much into it, if he was truly tryin to be racist dont you think the language woulda been a bit more harshe than negro, african american and black?

He calls himself a Gangsta SMN, I assumed he was black when he said that, so who here would be offended if the op was black?
#68 May 03 2007 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
But a black joke is 100x more offensive than irish jokes because we didn't have irish slaves!
#69 May 03 2007 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
636 posts
if he was truly tryin to be racist dont you think the language woulda been a bit more harshe than negro, african american and black?

The point was that most people don't have this much trouble describing another person.

I didn't assume the main character was white, but for damn sure he wasn't black.
Most people I know don't identify themselves as Black African-American Negros, and certainly not as stupid ones, at that.

I don't know about the OP (the person writing, as opposed to the character).
He could be black. But I doubt it.

This isn't about choice of words per se, or censorship, or being politically correct. It's the question of whether what you say is reflective on what you think.

Again, the only time personal descriptions arise in that story is when he encounters the kids in the park. They can't just be thugs or bullies or whatever, they have to be black. I'm sorry, but it does suggest the author stereotypes this way in his mind.

It's easy to say it's just words on a message board, and fine, so they are.
But if those words reflect an attitude that I can't live in your neighborhood, or can't get a job with your company, or can't date your sister, then you need to examine why you choose to write what you write.


Plus some of you have to lighten up on the racist /butthurt. I'm Irish, I hear jokes demeaning Irish all the time. Doesn't mean I have to take it personally...

And the OP, and people who tell demeaning jokes, don't have to take it personally when someone questions whether or not it's just a joke.

Not getting upset at a joke at your expense is one thing.
Letting a person remain a bigot is another.

Edited, May 3rd 2007 7:57pm by Turnerbrown
#70 May 03 2007 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
4,901 posts
LOL The SMN got his *** handed to him by a static of DRKs.

I actually did think that it was a hilarious write up. I did not, however, find any of his gratuitous racism funny. There was nothing cheeky or slapstick about those comments, they were just flat racist. This negativity is even further magnified by the tone of the writing up to that point. This is probably why half of the posts in this thread are talking about it.

I think Turnerbrown's post nailed it.
#71 May 03 2007 at 4:45 PM Rating: Default
So you got in one little fight and your mom got scared and said "You're moving in with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-air"?
#72 May 03 2007 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
259 posts
Plus some of you have to lighten up on the racist /butthurt. I'm Irish, I hear jokes demeaning Irish all the time. Doesn't mean I have to take it personally...

First of all, I was right with this post (which, with blemishes aside, is fairly witty), laughing pretty hard, up until the OP started with the stereotypical "Negro" crap. For the record, as a female of African descent, I'm kinda offended.

Second, what most of you people supporting the OP don't realize is that unlike an Irish/white/caucasian person, (which I assume the majority of Alla posters are, given that other races don't play FF in comparable numbers) its not quite as often that you're judged before you even open your mouth. I would venture to say MOST people probably cannot tell that you're Irish without you telling them. They see a white person, period. People aren't immediately thinking an Irish stereotype about you on sight.

Too many people EXPECT a black person to talk and act like those thugs. More than a few occasions I have been told that I don't sound "Black", whatever that means, and that makes me extremely mad. It is very rude to assume I'm going to talk and act like a hoodrat before I even get my mouth open. As a college educated black female that knows about as much of "hood-life" as Paris Hilton, it really annoys the hell out of me that someone would just squash any idea that I could be articulate and intelligent before I even have a CHANCE to ***** up.

Like other people said, those thugs should have been raceless, and further I'm kinda disappointed that the Alla community hasn't at least defaulted it if not sub-defaulted. It just perpetuates the idea that people like myself who have played by all society's "rules" can be immediately devalued without even saying a word (and in this case, without knowing the OP's race it could even by someone of the same race as I am).

If the OP is black himself, that makes it so much more sad, that the sterotype has penetrated so much that its become self-perpetuating within the African American culture-- the same ideas that many of us have tried to throw off for so long.

I do believe in an individual's right to free speech, it just sucks that people would abuse a right in a way that would demoralize others. You're all free to enjoy it regardless, if you want to, and I'm free not to like it (at least that part-- the pink bike part was gold).
#73 May 03 2007 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Um, can this thread be more about SMN parsing results and less about racial tension?

In case you didn't notice, this thread is about Summoner being a proficient melee.

#74 May 03 2007 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
Racial tension is a more awesome subject, because then it gradually devolves into why people cant take a joke, to people telling a bad joke, to people flaming the bad joke giver.
#75 May 03 2007 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
636 posts
The OP speaks!

In case you didn't notice, this thread is about Summoner being a proficient melee versus Stupid's in the park.


I see the debate on this thread has been meaningless for you. I'm done.

Edited, May 3rd 2007 8:05pm by Turnerbrown

Exo ninja fix!

Edited, May 4th 2007 11:04am by Exodus
#76 May 03 2007 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
523 posts
Racism is not a laughing matter. It was however a very useful literary tool used in this story. For a moment, step back and look at the roadmap of the story.

Part 1: The OP started to talk about SMN meleeing, even going so far as to prepare parsing output.

My reaction: Rolled eyes. I didn't really care much about the OP or continuing on with the story.

Part 2: This guy dresses up as a SMN and rides a bike he named after a chocobo.

My reaction: This guy is crazy in a cute and lovable sort of way. At this point, I might even root for him if he attacked a squirrel in the park.

Part 3: The racial slurs.

My reaction: This guy is still crazy but you know, he's really an a@@! I'm hoping for him to get his a@@ kicked! Where's that squirrel now?

Part 4: He gets his a@@ kicked!

My reaction: ROFLMFAO! I'm rooting for the guys in the park.

The point I'm getting at is that the racial slurs in the story weren't meant to disparage somebody, they were made to alter the outcome of the story. Imagine if he didn't make the racist remarks and he had run into muggers in the park who beat the crap out of him. Would it have been nearly as funny? No. It would have been sad because we'd still be rooting for the lovable crazy guy.
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