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Will FFXI last?Follow

#102REDACTED, Posted: Feb 11 2007 at 9:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hi there all of you! This is Gazaq. I have pretty much left FF
#103 Feb 13 2007 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
I haven't really read anything in this thread except that Square will keep the game updated. Anyhow, I was one of those players that moved to WoW and now is back on FFXI. I bet there will be a lot more FFXI users in the future once they get tired of WoW because that game is so freaking easy to beat in terms of the time it takes. FFXI requires way more time and that means people are going to come back for more, unless they really don't have anymore time to contribute to MMO gaming.
#104 Feb 13 2007 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
3,379 posts
Puts the discussion down! Soooo many expansions to come and sooo much they still have to do. Here's a legendary post I found which shows just how much more we have to come.

BG Expansion discussion

P.S: Its not an official map but an inference as to what is to come as is suggested by portions of the storyline.

Edited, Feb 15th 2007 8:34am by Hapernack
#105 Feb 16 2007 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
The main issue SE need to address is to get both new players in and also get existing players to level new jobs. I dunno how they can go about doing that, but I see a clear dearth of low level jobs compared to 75s.

I made a suggestion on the main forum some time back about making some new gears/itmes available as new Conquest Point purchases only. But make really desireable items at an expensive CP cost. This will get existing players to level new jobs and also get players to try the original areas outside the new ToAU "tp burn" zones. The idea is get the players to spread out more, and give them a good reason to do it.
#106 Feb 20 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
300 posts
yes people are shallow about levelling in 'old areas' even when the xp is clearly greater per hr (example lvl 60-62 pt in gustav tunnel is much better than vs adeewa crawlers)
#107 Feb 20 2007 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
300 posts
invadergirscholar: genius post (i wish i knew how rate up!)
#108 Feb 20 2007 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
I have some questions. I have not played for over a year but:

If I got the xbox 360 version, could Iuse my old characters?
If I signed up to play again, can I use my old characters?
If I signed up to paly again, can I move my old characters to a new server?

One thing about WoW is that their web site provides way more information.
#109 Feb 20 2007 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
Will FFXI last?

Do we really need to entertain that thought. Of course it will last. People like to talk about W.O.W and how it is bigger than FFXI. Okay, so mabey it is rite now, but guess what, when people start realizing that you can only do so much on W.O.W they are gonna want more and there will be an end, and another thing, the new expansion that they just came out with. My buddy is like "we can lvl up to 72 now" I told him thats cool and all, then I proceeded to let him know that we can lvl to 75, he had nothing to say after that.
My friend that got me into this game (game name is "Raike") plays both W.O.W and FFXI. He has been playin FFXI since 2001 and he is currently a lvl 67PLD and he thought he would check out W.O.W, he finished W.O.W then told me there is no comparison. The lvling proccess in W.O.W is to quick compared to this game (FFXI). I truly believe that this game will last.

( I could say more, but I have said enough )
Name = Vtcuban
World = Siren
Linkshell = TheVibeTribe
24 WAR/12 MNK
#110 Feb 20 2007 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
Can someone please tell me how all these topics came up about "FFXI is dieing"? o_O

I quit October 2006 and will be comming back in at least 8 days. Seeing some of these (I assume WoW players...) people post about population declining in FFXI is discouraging, though, I still will be comming back. I'm just curious as to what started all of this. >_>;

The assessment that you can solo to level 60 in a month is very off. One, it is the worst kind of level grinding and requires an enormous time commitment to pull off solo.

Try Lineage 2.

what fun waiting to get a party invite or help doing COP or ZMs to get back with her friends who by now has left her for over 2 years now?

Who said that was the only way one could obtain fun? FFXI revolves around getting to know people, from what I remember. If you play to meet people and have fun doing it, you could easily get any mission completed, any job leveled by forming a static with them, and having fun just doing things together. FFXI isn't only about Doing CoP, ZM, Rank Missions, ToAU, or leveling. They just tie into the whole game.

SE has FF separating friends, bound to LS like they are owned and gear way too hard and time consuming to get.

I agree with the part about gear taking too long to get. Look at the new salvage sets. 'nuff said. Even Relic weapons take a very long time to get. But look at the stats of the equipment! They are basically godly stats that are on each peice! I could see why they would be difficult to get, but sometimes I think it should be just a tad bit easier to get those. Though I could see that it would be kind of easy if you knew the right people and all of you had time to do things like getting items most people would never even see.

Anyways, I'm glad to hear of this new speculation about FF having much time left.
#111 Feb 21 2007 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
My input on this topic is this: FFXI is a very diverse and vast game. It has a particular need for every want. If you want to be a Barterer (i.e. playing the AH or selling goods to amass wealth) you can do so, and no one will fault you. If you want to fish, be it for appreciation of the hobby or income, you can do this and no one will fault you. If you want to craft, meh, you better be willing to farm all your goods to reduce the cost per synth and increase your profits. (If profiting is your aim)

The bottom line is to do all of the above mentioned you WILL eventually need to level your character (job) in some fashion as some amalagamation.

FFXI to me represents an outlet to accomplish things that so many before you have already "been there done that". The problems that have now ensued is due to the fact that there is a disparity between high levels to low levels in numbers that the low levels do not have the support they need to progress through the game in the similar way that the preceding groups before them did.

Case in point. The whole MPK patch which someone already mentioned, did take away a invaluable sense of danger and awareness from the game. In a sense SE made it easier for anyone to level, farm, NM camp etc... was it good? Not sure, but we adapted. I think that FFXI has flaws in areas like not having a reward system. If you do said quest once, complete it then decide you are going to help a friend or LS mate complete it, you should either A) get XP from the /assist, or B) be given an opportunity to obtain a certain rare/ex item that is JSE to the job you are helping on. This would encourage mentoring as well as teamwork.

Yes some will say oh no, then a group of lvl XX will all get together and grab a few lvl 75's and just breeze through the game! Not if you install a system of restrictions on the events. (I.E. if you help a person on monday you are not eligible to help another person do the same quest using the same job you used and receive a benefit for a week RL time) And also, if you fail an attempt as a helper you will get a lesser item once you complete it helping anyone, so you better plan accordinly ^^. just an idea to help spread knowldge and understanding to these lower level folks who just like all of us are nooblets.

This new crop of Power-leveled players have no clue about things like MB'ing Sc'ing or even the common sense thing to do which is bring sneak oils or powders to areas you know you will have to stealth through. It sad but its true.
Was in a party with a 74 level guy who stayed in our old camp once we Jumped to new area because he didn't have oils or powders. So the White mage went back to get him, sneak wore got aggrod, mage dies, this guy is still in need of sneak and invis just to move to a safer and more prosperous XP camp ; ; takes us forever to get Whm tractored (rdm was /whm) to a safe spot, R3'd for her inconvenience, and healthy enough to go back and get this irresponsible nooblet that is 30k away from being a completed level 75 nooblet >.> SAD

Whether these individuals felt forced or obligated to either A) purchase a PL or B) request one, they have gimped a portion of the game that some poor group LS or alliance will sure enough pay for one day. (Such as the Whm I mentioned above)

FFXI is about understanding what your JA's are, how to properly utilize them and when to use them effectively.

It is also about knowing the mobs you are fighting and understanding the same checklist you know of your job you must know and understand of theirs. As it stands there is a higher number of ignorant players reaching the "End-game" level poluting the player population with their mis-conceptions and irrational ways of thinking.

I still enjoy FFXI immensely. I still love the pursuit of certain gears through the difficult trials that are placed before me to obtain them. To obtain these gears I MUST befriend a group LS or crew of friends that can/assist me in obtaining these things. Mostly I am speaking of the Rare/Ex gears not the AH-ables. The quests in this game are far from boring or pointless, and definitely not easy[/i]. There is a true story behind everything in this game. It's just that if you do not truly follow the storyline you will miss the entire point of why you are fighting the Shadow Lord, why the Galka feel oppressed as a race, why the taru hate the humes. [i](ever noticed you cannot OP from a Windy controlled area as a Bastokan?) ,.<

FFXI is more than just OMGZOOORZ! I did 1,000,000 points of dmg on the Sea Puk!
/em Epeen gains the effect of growth.

While their are people that play the game fro that and that alone, there are far more players that have a total understanding on the inner-workings of the storyline and theme behind the madness of fighting to level.

WoW... I have no insight into it nor do I plan to gain any. Nuff said.
#112 Feb 21 2007 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
It is because after a year of more people are finally noticing that with thier friends leaving that it is hard to get a party at lvl 50 and below. The server populations did drop by about 30 percent of what they were 3 years ago.

As far as what game is better, just ignore all that. All games are different it is a matter of play style and taste. FFXI still has the best story just not the best way to level.

Anjierika said;

Can someone please tell me how all these topics came up about "FFXI is dieing"? o_O

I quit October 2006 and will be comming back in at least 8 days. Seeing some of these (I assume WoW players...)
    "( people post about population declining in FFXI is discouraging,)"
though, I still will be comming back. I'm just curious as to what started all of this. >_>;

#113 Feb 22 2007 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
ffxi will last just when the WoW ppl jump ship and come to a real MMORPG 8mill more ppl on the servers.

ffxi - for the hardcore.
WoW - for the pre teen noobs.

~~Delete the MPK patch i miss the chaos~~ ; ;

Edited, Feb 22nd 2007 11:36pm by mitmystria
#114 Feb 24 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I came back to FFXI a few weeks ago and it was fun for a day or two but I began to notice several things:

1)Overall SErver Pop (Bismarck) was down at least 30% in Peak times from what it was about a year ago.

2) Jeuno didn't have nearly the # of people - once the new area opened they are all at WHITEGATE

3) I was starting to feel like it was taking forever to get a party -mid 50's WHM & BLM (2 jobs equally leveled). This morning there were only 2400 people on and 750 of them alone were level 75. This is ~30% at ONE LEVEL. The other distributions for each level were all <1% of the server pop.

4) I was really giving this a chance but I'm becoming so bored and dissatisfied that I too am thinking of just giving it up. There is much less fun in the game than there was previously. I don't mind waiting for a party but it shouldn't take 8 hours to get a new party.

5) I do predict that FFXI will have a more limited lifespan....a year from now this game will be sparsely populated. I'm not advocating a move to WOW but I'll need to wait for another game that will keep my interest.

I will have some fond memories of the GLORY DAYS though.
#115 Feb 25 2007 at 5:18 AM Rating: Default
So Basicly, the Elitests have taken over... Leaving no room for new players and casual adventures. Since the "Super Kools" are to cool to give them any attention and are so much better then everyone else.

The pure fact that the issue of FFXI failing, is questioned and receiving such great energy. Proves it's self to be true. FFXI IS slowly dieing.

Get over the denial, and accept it. It's not as popular as newly released MMOs and soon to be. One I don't need to mention, because everyone knows it's more popular. If it wasn't, then why do so many feel the need to claim otherwise?

So get over it. Everyone is acting like they just discovered their ****, and can't stop wacking it. Every MMO will most likely end at some point. Keeping in mind you can still play Diablo.

Just go play, and camp, and all that. It's not going anywhere anytime soon!

I'm sure SE is well on their way to ripping off WoW. ;)

#116 Feb 26 2007 at 6:52 AM Rating: Default
1 week lfp on rdm lvl 25. in that week, about 4 of the days i was only person my level range lfp, and not just that, there wasnt even one party leveling that level.

As each week goes by, there are less and less people in the new areas. Lately quifim has been empty, dunes empty, the jungle empty.

Fact is this game is just not new player friendly, and soon as more people quit then start, the game can be defined as dieing.

Its probably just my server but if they dont do something my server is going down fast, and i have lost all interest in the game, i really dont want to spend a montly fee to just log on and put my lfp flag up with no chance of party invite nad no chance of making a party.

I think most people just try and powerlevel themselves to 30+
#117 Feb 26 2007 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
My stats:
Charactor: Candi~75 WHM ~Quetzlcoatl
Longevity: Began 1st day released on PS2 until May 2006

Why I quit Final Fantasy XI.

Inability to do many things by self.
Standing around waiting for party members to invite.
Standing around waiting to be invited.
Standing around waiting for NM to pop... kill NM and get a crystal...
Partying for hours/days to get next level.
Being Lvl 10 and paying over 15k+ for equipment (when last I looked).
Not wanting to pay 10k for Lvl 10 gear, getting no invites because of gear or lack there of.
Don't even get me started on Lvl 30-75 equipment prices...
Game play ruled by Gil ruled by inflation:

Paying $170 for me and Manishmann (my husband) to go to the Fan fest getting Chains of Promathia expansion in the over rated Gobbie Bag instead of Treasures of Aht Urhgan.
Paying $13 a month.

Do I think FFXI will last. Honestly I can't say seeing how I haven't been invlved for a long time. But my personal opinion is, no. Yea I was a sucker for a few years. But it was never as bad as it was when I left.

Back when I started, it was simple. It was an awesome game. It was fun! Can you believe Erase used to be 200k? If you had 1 mil, somebody probably thought you were a Gil Seller. I quit and deleted my charactor out of rage and frustration a few times. The last time for good. I couldn't come back if I wanted. If, though, I decided to come back as a fresh player, it would be nice to see some changes.

Would I want to come back?
Yes, I do miss playing. Sometimes I have dreams about it (lol)
What would it take?
The main factor in me leaving the last time was all about the Gil. Every FFXI player can understand this major problem. Unless the Game Developers came up with a strong defense against inflation (gill sellers), the problem will persist. I was enjoying the thought of getting new items through a point collection system (Aht Urhgan). It was a great idea. I hope it is working.

It was nice to visit this site again. Good luck and goodbye to you guys!

Edited, Feb 26th 2007 4:24pm by CandiDandi
#118 Feb 27 2007 at 12:36 AM Rating: Good
635 posts
I made a suggestion on the main forum some time back about making some new gears/itmes available as new Conquest Point purchases only. But make really desireable items at an expensive CP cost. This will get existing players to level new jobs and also get players to try the original areas outside the new ToAU "tp burn" zones. The idea is get the players to spread out more, and give them a good reason to do it.

The game actually moved in the opposite direction as far as CP items go. Most high-level CP gear is Region-dependent, and apparently doesn't work in the ToAU areas (including the region-not-controlled items), and these areas have become the majority portion of the game for most players. I rarely pull my Master Caster's Bracelets out of storage anymore.

#119 Feb 27 2007 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
Well form what i've see tne biggest problem is the lack of help that long time players give to new comers.I was farming rams in highlands the other day and decided to do a /sea to check for any competition for rams.I was really shocked when I counted 15 people without subjobs.So I started asking them if they needed help with items,thinking they were just mules from existing players and wouldn't need any help.Man was i wrong only 3 were mules and required no help,the other 12 were new and wanted very much for some help.So after kicking myself in the azz a couple of times for opening my big mouth we all went to the mines and i got all of them their skulls,thats what they all needed as usual.Oh let me get to my point here,After talking to some of them I came to find out some had been trying to get these items for over a month.Well after getting them all their skulls I told them all to give me a tell when they need their kaz keys and i would make sure they all got them.Well my point here is this,if we want this game to grow we must all start lvling lower characters,with no power level so new people learn how to be in an XP party and ask people if they need any help doing something.If they don't at least you asked but if they do then help,I actually felt pretty good doing it.

#120 Feb 28 2007 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
ya'll are forget somethin.. 500,000 is alot of mother#@!&ing people!!!!!! hell 5000 is alot!!! the most i've ever see logged on at once during 2004 was 3000! i mean cmon 3000 #@%!ing characters .. thats so many lol. i did a search last night at 4 AM EST and there was still 2600 ppl on. imagine if they were all in the same zone lol
#121 Feb 28 2007 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
my server is having problems toping 1800 during peak times.
#122 Mar 01 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
just a personal observation, but i have only been playing ffxi for about 3 months, and noticed a rapid decline in numbers of players on the cerberus server in that time. it is now nearly impossible to get a party in less than 3 hours over lvl 20. admitadly i joined just as the xbox version was released and probably lots of console gamers have left due to the difficulty (although its not difficult really if you know how to play rpgs) and in that time the wow patch and ffxii have been released. personally i refuse to play WoW becaue i find it awful. i think the best way to make it populated again would be to drop the subscription price. it is an old game after all, and paying a subscription requires a certain dedication to a game, which can easily drop if you find something better to do with your time. i pay over 15£ a month to play, which is double that of ragnarok (which is a much better game in terms of character development and customisation, just ruined by almost completely botted economy) if it was cheaper i believe alot more players would play, as it is still one of the best mmorpgs out there.
#123 Mar 01 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
Alright, here's the shakedown on my current plight. I loved FFXI, so very very much. I played on PC during two seperate stints several years ago on Seraph. I'm thinking of getting back into the game, but I've heard all sorts of bad things, out of wack economies (anytime you remove 50 billion of any currency from an economy we're talking serious deflation concerns), and minimal populations. My question is this, if I were to get back into a game, which server would be best for a brand new character, as far as population is concerned (enough characters between lvls 1-18 for a decent party in the dunes or anywhere for that matter), as well as a somewhat stable economy that hasn't been completely ruined by RMT? Also, I played before any of the expansions, so keep in mind the game has changed drastically from what it was then. Now if there are any courteous citizens out there that would like to help out a returning player, let me know. I'd be a more casual player, estimate time played a week at 10-20 hours, mostly on Sundays. Also has there been any talk about consolidating servers in order to keep population levels reasonable? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
#124 Mar 01 2007 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
wow.. Damn that was a good post Sedaht... nice.. wow.. interesting.. but true.. depressing.. but stil... true... wow.. nice..

They need to Advertise
#125 Mar 02 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
Ok paris if i were to be starting today I would get on leviathan,always 25-35 hundred people on and from what I've been noticing thers alot of new people joining on there now.The economy is really stable there and everything has become reasonably priced and looks attainable in a short time instead of the outrageous way things were priced a year ago.With the introduction of ToA and the cheaper prices the game has become alot more fun and a less like a job and I actually look forward to playing instead of dreading the never ending farming i was having to do.
#126 Mar 04 2007 at 5:29 AM Rating: Default
Ok well here is just some of my input.

I play on Caitsith and have for about 3 years now, when i first joined there was about 5000+ people on the server daily and this went on for a good long while, now more than ever though do notice the drop in players.
During peak NA time there is about 1.8k people on the server and during the JP time it gets to about 2.3k.

Now, do i think the game is dieing? yes and no. NA players are leaving at a much faster rate than JP, which makes it harder on the NA players who are still there. and although there are still "plenty" of players, they're all high levels.

This game is still very much alive. but this will only last for so long, this game is 95% end user as of now, and dynamis wont keep them coming back forever. i don't give this game that much time left.
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