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Will FFXI last?Follow

#77 Jan 23 2007 at 1:14 AM Rating: Good
I have taken out the WoW section. I hope I am getting closer to what people will accept as an at least adequate OP.
#78 Jan 24 2007 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
SE is gonna let this die ...if they dont bring in new blood simple
#79 Jan 24 2007 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
893 posts
Good job, Whetstone.

And, the WoW vs. FFXI comparisons are going to happen and could be beneficial to someone that was trying to decide which game was the "right" game for them. As long as the comparison is constructive and fair, then it is beneficial to this community.

Not that it matters, but I support Pikko's decision to sticky and I think that the OP is well-thought out and supported. I disagree with 800k players, but that is really immaterial when you are talking about a game's life expectancy.

Thank you Whetstone and Pikko.

Smiley: clap

(BTW, I have over a year vested in WoW and three years in FFXI. Both games offer something to me, depending on my mood and how much time I have to play. And, I see no difference in the maturity level in either game)
#80 Jan 25 2007 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
for the whole FFXI / WoW thing going on right now.

I played FFXI for 2 years, great game, awesome community, @#%^ing hate being lfg for hours on anything other than my rdm.

I play WoW now, I run 1-2 hour instances (like dynamis) to get all my gear, I do not farm for a week,or buy gil. when I log on, I dont LFG for 2 hours hoping for a party, I go grind out a level, or run instances with whoever is looking to run one,we all gain a level,and some nice gear.

I also go into capture the flag matches, its alot of fun, I also like the arena battles, helps you get better for versing mobs,and real other players.
I duel my friends and people I dont know, we tell each other "good duel" and share some tips, its alot of fun.

I can do battlegrounds ,like CTF matches, territory matches, and other fun fights between the horde and alliance. I get my nice gear, instead of farming for it for 1-4 weeks(depending on how good you are) like FFXI's Scorpion

WoW is a fun game , leveling two characters at a time (read: jobs) can take the repetition out of the game, if battlegrounds, instances, and crafting havent already.

FFXI : the hardcore gamers' game

LFG long time on many jobs

waiting 1-30 hours to get a ingame mob for a item you have a 1%-45% of getting.

quests usually reward nothing to little.

Crafting is the size of a game on its own,but the same select items, craft,

repeat x 10,000 to 100 skill. ( about 30 seconds per crafting item too)

Lacks a lot of player verse player fighting, and fun verse battles.

FFXI has a great community

Beating that hard boss is awesome, and is very rewarding.

Takes a good chunk of skill, only decent people are able to make it past lv 10
, weeds out retards and asshats.

Can not be casually played on many jobs, even beast is a little eh, if you only have an hour.

WoW: newbie to hardcore players

Little to no LFG for anything.

has a built in,easily accessible PvP system, lots of fun.

half the people you meet type like "u" "r" "2".

Is meant to be casually played.

Costs less, no fee for extra characters, ( you can make literally 200+ characters without added fee)

Is not grinding out experience with your party, solo is much better

You can run instances for all your gear, takes alot of team work, they are very fun, unless you do it 3 or so times a day. you also gain experience in these.

Can do battles with the opposite faction,its fun,and gets you really good rewards.

Have options for experience and leveling, you can quest, solo(and gain loads of gold too) , or do instances( little less experience about 2 times faster, and really nice items).

Can meet some great people in the game.

Classes are well balanced and diverse.

May get boring if you play it for 4+ hours a day.

less effort is put in usually( WoW still has some tough to solo mobs that drop rare items !). with little effort ,comes less happiness out of the item.

I favor WoW with the time I have, Lots of things to do, just like FFXI, but I do not seek for 5- 10 hours for missions / some jobs exp.

grinding for hours with a party is boring after the first hour, I rather quest with some friends and have a nice time.

The economy is very nice. not very low,or very high likes FFXI's goes with rmt bannings.

and lastly, I dont waste time, I can always be doing something with someone because there is alot of people playing( one reason why you seek for anything on FFXI for a long time).

I like FFXI, but to get all the great stuff, you gotta be a casual player with a static, or your 2 hour FFXI day all planned out. Or your a hardcore gamer, who wastes 5-6 + hours on the game, and need to get some help,or hang out with friends.

I played FFXI 3-4 hours a day, seeking on thief for usually 1-3 hours.

Now I play WoW, I have a guild, I can hop on the game casually and get a good amount of worthwhile playing in.

Last of all

I have fun.

FFXI , is 4/5 job/talking to coworkers(players) and 1/5 fun.

No I wont join you with my rdm to wait 1 hours for you to make a party.
I'm going to go enjoy myself, not sitting around ,looking like im afk when I'm actually "playing" the game, ( by the way, seeking is not playing the game, its a horrible waste of time,unless you do other things while seeking.

For you FFXI players that have a good pc, pick up WoW, get to lv 20 on your trial account,and see how you like it, and as always take anything in moderation.

I like FFXI and all, but it only has the PvE aspect, and I hate sitting around, wasting my time trying to get a party started for some exp.

I put too much effort into my FFXI life to let it die, but for now . I play WoW, I have tons of fun, and am able to easily balance real life, and MMO life because now I dont wait 1 extra hour for that 4 hour pop to happen.

Good day to you all, rate downs are ok, I sorta expect them. Give WoW a try if you havent.

But dont come here and say "I heard it gets boring quick, and its too easy"

because you have no knowledge of it, try it , or shut up,get to 60,then come back here and talk.

Zobar of FFXI, Siren Server.

Edited, Jan 25th 2007 1:08pm by FFGamer
#81 Jan 25 2007 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
826 posts
I don't care who agrees with me or not...this is my personal opinion of the way things are.

It's time for SE to do something about the server population(s). It's become next to impossible to get a full party together below level 50 now. I have spent 2 days soloing my RNG for a COR sub, and only once in 10 levels did I receive an invite...over a period of six hours. In the Dunes, that's just freakish. Never used to happen. Today, got an invite, and we were going to do Qufim with 2RNG, a WHM or RDM and a SMN...there wasn't even enough other pickup people to even consider doing a full party. We sat around for an hour and a half waiting for a RDM or WHM to appear. Nothing, at least not one that didn't have a totally inappropriate sub like MNK or the like.

My brother has had the exact same issue, and as a result, i've had to PL him through all of his jobs for subs so far. He finally gave up on lfg at all until he decided on a job to take past 37. That's approximately 130 levels with no party...and only twice did he receive random a THF 14-20. Sad.

This isn't something isolated to a certain time of day any's all the time.

Total on the server there are 90 RDMs and 120 BLMs...I realize that some are anon, but the percentage is down by at least 55% from what was normal when I started. I just picked these 2, because aside from WAR and WHM, they tend to be the highest in number at all times.

I know the account bannings are part of the issue, and some of those are RMT, but some aren't.

I think it's time for SE to start putting into motion a plan for combining the servers. Even over the past two weekends, server population reached a max of around 2200, down 30% from around September time-frame. Not all. If this many people are defecting to WoW because of the new expansion, that doesn't bode well for the health of FFXI over the next six months. New players will get disheartened, and quit and try a different game when they see they can't get anything done. That means no new blood, and that means no one to replace the higher level players when they leave.

Time to stop living in denial, even for everyone who gets pissed off when someone mentions "FFXI is dying"'s a reality, and something needs to be done about it soon.
#82 Jan 25 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
27 posts
well I would hope not since I just started but it seems a solution would merging servers together... like two of the lowest population ones together or somthing like that
#83 Jan 25 2007 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
I agree wholeheartedly with ODG.

WoW is simply far more lenient in its progression while still retaining a competitive endgame to get omgzepic equipment. So many times I've been stalled in FFXI, either waiting for a group, scavenging for money, failing BCNMs over and over, or coming to the conclusion that my job is undesirable for lots of situations.

In many MMORPGs, you have a handful of classes that can fulfill multiple roles to some extent. In FFXI you have a zillion jobs that each have, as mentioned, pigeon-holed roles. Thus the freakish assembly-line approach to party building and leveling. Not to mention that since you have multiple jobs that overlap, namely DD, some are inherently unbalanced compared to others. Each job is bottlenecked into a role for the majority of its parties and it quickly becomes a routine. In WoW, advancing to 60, I usually wore some horrible mix of generic green gear with relevant stats and no one ever questioned me about it because I knew how to play my class and adapt to different roles. There's not much discerning DD A from DD B besides who's wearing more stats, knows which food to use, and is sentient enough to make a SC if necessary. The majority of his time is spent with autoattack on, after all. Similar statements could be made about Joe Tank, or Jane Refresher, etc.

I love the concept of certain jobs, I think the AF is rad, but I know that I would have to fight tooth and nail for invites. Or if I wanted to level 'popular' jobs, I would have to pay out the *** for equipment to justify my existence.
#84 Jan 25 2007 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
723 posts
Combining some servers might help with the low level shortage, but think about what it would to the high level situation. End game experience areas are fairly crowded as it is, what will happen when you take the populations of one server and jam them into another one? Something should be done about the shrinking low level population (if there's anything that can be done, anyway), but merging the server populations is not the answer.
#85 Jan 26 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
Population on my server may had declined, but it is not as much as the nay sayers claim. I think most of the decline is actually caused by SE banning people, and not because of quiters > newcomers. I think the number of quiters and newcomers are actually quite close to even right now .

I am not surprised to hard to get party between 37-50, it has always been like that. Dunes may be more empty now, but most people are 75 now, and do things as higher level. The fact Tu'Lia is crowded is a testimony for that. There are more option than leveling a new job when you hit 75. With more 75 now, that is natural to think not all those 75s will go back and level another job.

2000-2200 around NA peak time is quite typical for all servers I think (that is of course including bazaars and GS population too). If you want to see what is the true size of the server population, find a chance and log in around 10-11PM Japan time, than you will see.... a very very different picture: 3200-3500 easily across many servers.

I would not mind seeing 1800-1900 during NA hours with a good fraction of GS and botters being banned.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#86 Jan 26 2007 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
sorry to sound so noobish but how are you able to check how many players are playing on the current server your on? besides that where do all the higher level usually hang out at? My only guess would be Jeuno
#87 Jan 26 2007 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
The command is:

/sea all

Try :

/? sea

It tells you some information how you can use the /sea command
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#88 Jan 28 2007 at 12:55 AM Rating: Default
296 posts
I'm sorry you decided to quit over this, but the MPK update didnt do anything to the overall sever population, for 2 reasons. 1, BSTs make up absurdley low percentile of the FF population. And 2, most ppl enamored with BST overcame the update, even learned to exploit it, rather than run away crying about being nerfed. You want an update that made ppl quit left and right? The RNG nerf lol. I tell you now a helluva lotta 14 year old wannabes quit in the weeks follwing that nerf.

Today I see mostly established players on my (Fenrir) server. But that's also because I, myself am an established player. Undoubtedly there are still new players to the came. And also very casual players that 2 years in have not reached 75. However, I also know that most of the ppl I know in game are closer to ending their careers than beginning them. Many of my friends have reached a point where either they have acheived lvl 75 in the many jobs they wanted to play, or have completely maxed out 1 job in all phases of the game and therefore are beginning to wrap up their careers. IMHO all it will take for FFXI to die almost completely is a new S/E (preferably Final Fantasy) MMO. The ppl playinf FFXI today are ppl that enjoy the depth of story and challenge that Square/Enix prides itself with providing. This is a market that other Mainstream MMOs has not been able to begin to compete with. If FFIX comes out as a MMO... goodbye FFXI, you'll see tens of thousands of ppl moves overnight,
#89 Jan 28 2007 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
I need help. I just bought the game for PC and when I put the game disk in nothing happens.
#90 Jan 28 2007 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
detectiveballs wrote:
I need help. I just bought the game for PC and when I put the game disk in nothing happens.

You'll have to be more specific. Do you have a DVD player in your PC? Have you tried opening up the game in My Computer?
#91 Jan 29 2007 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
1,025 posts
people make it sound like you need to play 8 hours a day to enjoy FFXI.

you dont. i go home from work at 7 pm, have dinner, play FFXI from 8pm to 11pm then go to sleep and i have A LOT OF FUN doing it.

on weekend i play more. 11 am to 2 pm, go out do stuff, come home 9 pm play until 3 am sunday morning, sleep till noon, either go out do stuff on sunday (which i usually dont) play until 11 pm go to sleep.

you can accomplish a lot with only 3 hours a day on weekday.

if people want you to conform to the way everyone play, DONT GIVE IN! if you want to play WAR/SAM with great axe, YOU PLAY WAR/SAM with great axe. you want to play RDM melee/caster hybrid, YOU PLAY RDM MELEE/CASTER hybrid. you dont want to farm for scorpion harness or haubergeon? YOU DONT HAVE TO! SE put Jaridah Peti in the game and it's a perfectly good and cheaper alternative.

the mistake people make is XPing on IT+++ which requires people to gear up the best way possible. things are better now that people start to realize that chaining VT is better for xp. i played with SAM who use spear in xp party and his accuracy wasnt bad at all. B weapons are perfectly fine vs VTs.

Edited, Jan 30th 2007 2:36am by Reij
The best part of Final Fantasy XI is its rich storyline. It separates this game from other MMORPGs. I chose to give my character a storyline that goes along with the game's storyline. I find that this is a more fun way to play the game. Playing the game just to fight in the endgame and collect elite equipment is very boring and is totally missing the main objective of the game, which is to guide your character through the storyline which is to save the world.
#92 Jan 30 2007 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
you dont. i go home from work at 7 pm, have dinner, play FFXI from 8pm to 11pm then go to sleep and i have A LOT OF FUN doing it.

There are indeed things that can be done in a relatively short time frame, but I think are just too focused on certain aspects (like "Must do sky/HNM or nothing"). You can be pretty helpful in helping people and crafting within a 3 hour time frame, and do Assaults too.

I think even if you level only like twice or three times per week, you will still get 75 in a reasonable time frame -- like 4-5 months. I have known people can do 2 75 jobs when I can do only one ; ; that was just nutty @_@, but there is no need to follow the way they play. As long as you are being nice and responsible to the community, you can do whatever you want in the game with little fear.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#93 Jan 30 2007 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
1,025 posts
ive been getting xp from besieged and ENM 60 (and occasional ENM Promy for 9000xp) since level 71. took me 2 months to get to lvl 72, that means i will reach lvl 75 in another 6 months ^^
The best part of Final Fantasy XI is its rich storyline. It separates this game from other MMORPGs. I chose to give my character a storyline that goes along with the game's storyline. I find that this is a more fun way to play the game. Playing the game just to fight in the endgame and collect elite equipment is very boring and is totally missing the main objective of the game, which is to guide your character through the storyline which is to save the world.
#94 Feb 01 2007 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
All I'll say is WoW and FFXI is Fruit BUT

WoW = Apples

FFXI = Oranges

There in the same Category but different flavors. Stop putting the square peg in the triangular hole.

I apologize if those were bad anologies. Can't stop the comparo-war but hopefully give understanding to the difference as many ppl have done(just had to put my input a little late^^).

*I wish I knew about Pikko's pots 3 years ago so I knew about having to check on plants I didnt know they needed to be loved ;) Most plants ended up looking like my front lawn.

See ya in Vanadiel ~
#95 Feb 02 2007 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
I quit playing FFXI about 7 months ago. I only had 1-2 hours 2 days a week to really sit down and play, and it just wasn't enough to keep me into it. Maybe if bst hadn't changed I could have done that. I don't know. I do know this : Final Fantasy XI will last at least until Square comes out with another similar MMO set in the Final Fantasy universe that is playable by the majority of current FFXI - players. It is known that Square is working on another MMO that will come out for PS3 and Windows Vista. Who knows what that will be like.. probably incredible; I'd love to see the ideas in FFXI expanded and improved upon. Either way, as long as the majority of players are PS2 and windows XP and Xbox360 based, I don't think that even the release of that game will take too many players from FFXI, unless they all buy ps3 or have Vista capable pcs and probably 200$ + video cards if not DX10 required.

If FFXI ever wanted to make a commercial comeback it would have to be after a huge expansion and probably a graphical overhaul also. After all this time I am still adamant that the individuality of the jobs set must be increased, and since this is a hardcore game (Which is how
made it)each job needs to be viable equally in a party setting. Alternately or in addition to this the penalties to not playing in 6 person parties should be reduced. (The xp penalties between 1 and 6 persons could go by 1/6ths for example)

The big difference between a game that has been around for years and one that just came out is the sense of discovery. This is just not happening in current FFXI. A new server with only new characters allowed should be introduced. (Which if I'm not mistaken we have never had) I am guessing a whole different way of playing would evolve out of this, especially if most of the players were more or less new to the game.

Love it or hate it (I Loved it) the old mob behaviour was a lot more realistic, and presented a much greater sense of danger, along with mpk and the original fun of beastmaster. This was part of the game, as much trouble as it caused, and I'd bet the first time other veteran players saw mobs vanishing like that... it threw them off. -authenticity.

What use are most long range weapons to the melee character anymore ? What use are they to the solo character ? Not very much. It was a novelty to have the range/damage accuracy thing implemented, but taking away all other classes use of ranged weapons in most situations is not the proper tradeoff for balancing ranger damage.

It was a very enjoyable game to me... maybe someday it will be again.
#96 Feb 02 2007 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,313 posts
I plan on playing FFXI for as long as it supports PS2. After that I'll play single player games.

It would appear that these threads about FFXI going under, are being introduced at the same time gil sellers are being caught faster and faster.
#97 Feb 03 2007 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
A lot of you guys are saying that server populations are low and its near impossible for low level characters to get a party. Well, every time I log onto Sylph there's people every where. I have never had a problem getting a party and I'm only level 15. So, you guys must just be on crappy servers or something. There's always tons of people on Sylph and you can't go to the Dunes and not get a party. Some people are just pessimistic and wanna **** and moan about something just to be pissin and moaning about something. Who the hell cares what the population is on whatever server. If you're having fun playing, then play. If you're not having fun, get the hell out and play something else. Why does this discussion have to come up every day? It's not just about FFXI either. People make these threads about every single game. It's really annoying and retarded IMHO.
#98 Feb 04 2007 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
i completely agree with Arenthon. i would really like to see a new server with only new characters.
#99 Feb 04 2007 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
I played WoW and FFXI both. Played WoW around 8months or so, played FFXI for AWHILE probaly around 4yrs now.

I originally started with FFXI, then my friends happened to convince me last year to join WoW. So i did.

Got my char in WoW to lvl60, and did all the end game stuff. WoW is a good game in some aspects, however its a easy game. Only reason why people find it hard is that there is no Team play, everybody is trying to show off how long their epenis is.

WoW there is way too much soloing, therefore people dont know how to team play until they hit lvl60, then they go "WTF how do we play together?". Its like ragnaros (supposedly hardest when i did it), the guild said we will kill it this time, we almost got it last time. I was like >.> how many times you tried? they said hmmm i think this is our 15th. And they still havent won. I saw their strategy first time and was like WTF are these people retarded?

So i offered a strategy that i used in FFXI for Vrtra, nobody could follow the strategy, cuz nobody really played in party before. So after like 5 tries, people STARTED getting the strategy that i showed them.... and we beat it.

WoW is good in some ways, just depends how you wanna play. Short term players would love WoW, long term players would probaly hate WoW, cuz it turns into carpel tunnel syndrome. WoW Endgame = similar to FFXI Assault, just ***** them back to front.

I did notice something, Girls if you want to play WoW, make sure you dont tell ppl you are a girl (stay away from voice chat too). ALOT of the server is horny guys, they will hound your *** when they know you are a girl. (This is what happened to my friend... people would hit on her 24/7, once she logs on, she'd get spammed with tells.)

Anyways, Not really trying to make any of the games look bad. Every game has its bad sides. Just depends how you like to play your games. ^^

However once you played FFXI for awhile, and was into it.... you wont play WoW for awhile... Had ALOT of friends who was in FFXI and then went to WoW.... 4 months later they come back >.>

The statistics that come from WoW, isnt that accurate. In WoW you may make 8 Characters (i think it was 8 or 6 char) per Server for free, around 12 servers, therefore 1 person can make ALOT of mules or just random chars. Which makes the statistics quite inaccurate. Where as FFXI its limited to like 10 for all servers, therefore 1 person can have only 10 chars on that account, Therefore FFXI statistics are more accurate.

they allow you to make extra chars for free on WoW since once you made the char you cannot change jobs like in FFXI. Therefore if ya wanna play another job you are forced to make a new char (which throws off the statistics...)
#100 Feb 05 2007 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
2,243 posts
whetstone wrote:
I understand that it's going to be very difficult to get an exact pinpoint on just how many players and accounts there are for ffxi. SE has stood behind the 500,000 but shows a much greater number. I will update this thread when the new Vana'diel census comes out and hope we will get some clarification in the matter.

Edited, Jan 18th 2007 8:44am by whetstone

SE is most likely quoting the number of actual primary Content IDs while FFXIAH also shows mule characters. For example I use a main character and 4 mules and I don't believe that this is too far from the average.

On a seperate note I have been playing for more then 2 1/2 years now and have played most of the jobs to a fair degree at least. As such I think I can honestly say that, for some job choices at least, FFXI is poorly suited for people who can only play for 1-3 hours at a stretch. For example, the probability of my managing to gain meaningful XP on my Drg in that amount of time would approach the vanishing point, in fact I would be fortunate to even get in or start a party in that amount of time these days let alone get to camp and gain any XP. This is nothing against FFXI, I gave WOW a try and it wasn't for me but then I am fortuante enough to be able to invest the kind of time that FFXI requires and prefer it. Nevertheless, I would have to say that WOW is better suited for those who are unable to make the relatively huge time commitment that FFXI requires, particularly after level 50. Even for me, note the number of jobs I have at or near the 50 mark, LFG for hours on end is just not my thing and tends to lead me to just try another job out or switch over to Bst!

Edited, Feb 5th 2007 10:20am by Bladestriker
#101 Feb 09 2007 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
if i thought it was going to die i wouldn't have just got my best friend to start playing. he's about to go to the dunes for the first time and i'll be taking my long-neglected whm with him. i think he's gonna have to get another PC adn copy of the game...his wife wants in too.
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