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Will FFXI last?Follow

#53 Jan 19 2007 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
I played FFXI for several years. My brother (younger by two years and just as much a video game enthusiast) played WOW for quite a while. The assessment that you can solo to level 60 in a month is very off. One, it is the worst kind of level grinding and requires an enormous time commitment to pull off solo. People may do it out of experimentation but it is far from the usual experience.

I quit FFXI because I simply did not like the way your role was pigeon-holed. If you liked to be a dual-wield WAR, then you were fine. If you liked to be a tanking NIN, then you were fine. If you liked to be everybody's punching bag non-conformist lonely BST, then you were fine. But nearly all the jobs required you to play the way the community expected you to play. WAR tanks? DD NINs? Melee/Caster RDMs? A partying DRG? This pigeon-holing of jobs would appear irrational considering the sheer number of job/subjob combinations. This is very characteristic of FFXI. This is extended to a lesser extent to race choice. But it is extended in a much greater manner to weapon-type and armor choice.

Unfortunately, it takes quite a bit away from conventional roleplaying. Roleplaying usually allows you to create the character and what their role is during play. You define who you are. Heroic Taru who overcomes the odds and is at the frontline with his MNK fists of doom, despite his size? It sounds fun and intriguing and challenging. Unfortunately, not only do you get scoffed at and criticized, but you can get outright ostracized as well. Dual Sword WAR/NIN? "Put on A- level Axes or party kick." It would be easy for a bitter BST to blame the FFXI community, but this pigeon-holing is more a direct result of the game being very challenging. In essence, the FFXI community through experience and testing has predefined the roles you may take before you even play because the game is very hard and unless you optimize, you don't get very far. Every once in a while, you get the non-conventional WAR/DRG tester who can prove through parsers that such a job choice is acceptable. But unless it's utterly proven to be better or comparable, your non-conformist, individual quirks are not welcome. That is a large blow to role-playing in general.

In comparison, WOW pigeon-holing comes nowhere near FFXI's level. This is a result of the game being easier. You don't have to be a great tank to protect your party through a dungeon. You don't have to optimize ACC and use the A weapon in order to get that DoT required for good exp. You don't have to have predefined party setups because of the greater prevalence in individual items such as healing aids. WOW is much more casual, much easier and as such, optimization is not an overriding concern. By contrast, FFXI's focus on optimization and limitations on the freedoms you may take are overbearing.

I did not migrate to WOW. Personally, I felt drained with the way role-playing and individuality was stifled in FFXI. An indirect result of the challenges the game presents is still a reality that I grew tired of. In the end, if you commit yourself to FFXI, you may end up loving it or end up being hated and hating it. WOW on the other hand allows you to commit to optimization to wonderful results and praise of the community but does not sacrifice the chance to be creative and individually unique. A common criticism levied by FFXI players at WOW is the low bar set for challenges and thus a perceived low sense of achievement. But if you ask WOW players, they have fun while achieving what they do achieve and they get to roleplay with much less restraint.

I believe in closing, the vast numbers that WOW has engenders the individuality and sense of roleplaying to a far greater degree than FFXI. The sheer number of people and how different and divergent their personalities may be, inevitably result in a community that is open to your individuality. It is a great strength combined with its easier level of gameplay that has converted a great number of people into role-players. I think despite theories to the contrary, these factors combined will keep WOW alive and exciting far more than it will stifle and grow stale among players. Even if you don't believe that, consider this fact: FFXI has reached out to PC users, PS2 and X-Box 360 users and WOW is limited to PC users. WOW still blows FFXI out of the water. FFXI will last, but its life will be nowhere near as sustained and popular as WOW.

P.S. I haven't played or posted in several months. I didn't give all my stuff away or say goodbye. I quit very coldly. I suppose the point of this post, the only post since I've quit was to get the feelings that led me to leave FFXI off my chest. But I'd also like to encourage players who have felt some of the feelings that I have felt, to give WOW a try. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Edited, Jan 20th 2007 12:17am by OneDumbGo
#54 Jan 19 2007 at 10:38 PM Rating: Good
I used to think jobs in FFXI were too pigeon-holed, too, until I realized there's so much more to Vana D'iel than endgame.

For example, I'm just now learning the joys of rdm/nin. =) The other day, we got puppetmaster AF for a ls member... we didn't have any tanks logged in, so we had a rdm/war be the main tank, while I main healed him as rdm/nin. It didn't take long for the two of us to lock down hate, allowing our blm to blow the NM back into yesterday.

The trick is just knowing when you need to optimize, and when you could/should be more creative.

If there's any one problem with FFXI, it's that someone who works harder than anyone else still may never get that piece of endgame gear he/she is working toward. There's too much luck/chance in this game for the time spent.

Still, I love it... I'm one of the hardcore FFXI fans who will probably be here for years to come. I hope that if (when?) SE does make a new FF mmorpg, they make a way to bring over our old characters...
Thayos Redblade
#55 Jan 19 2007 at 11:03 PM Rating: Default
WoW= easy
FFXI= challenging

Not everyone wants to be fed everything.

WoW- immature community
FFXI- more mature community

WoW will see a HUGE decline in population once LoTR:O comes out. I've beta tested it and I can say it will be the #1 MMO. Its partly like WoW, its pretty casual atm, but the dungeons past lvl 20+ are pretty challenging and the party dynamic is pretty good.

I don't see myself playin it as its too casual for me, but it will kill WoW for sure.

#1. There are soooooooooooooooooooo many Lord of the Rings fans.
#2. Turbine makes top notch MMO's.
#3. There are hardly any bugs/glitches in the beta, its not even like a beta at all.
#4. Its lord of the rings >.>
#5. It has some pretty innovative things, for one doing missions will change the appearance of the world.

FFXI won't die for another 5-6 years at least. Most MMO's have a 10 year life expectancy.

Edited, Jan 20th 2007 1:53am by AegeanRemora
#56 Jan 19 2007 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
I have many fond memories of FFXI, but I don't have time to play it anymore because there's so much waiting in the game. Compared to WoW, where everything is solo-able and dumbed down quests with actual question marks and guides, where money making is easier and faster, it's hard to go back to FFXI.

Not bashing FFXI, just stating an opinion as to why I wouldn't go back. It took me 3 years to level one job to 75. It was fun, but too much time for me, for a game.
#57 Jan 20 2007 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
Joyoon wrote:
I have many fond memories of FFXI, but I don't have time to play it anymore because there's so much waiting in the game. Compared to WoW, where everything is solo-able and dumbed down quests with actual question marks and guides, where money making is easier and faster, it's hard to go back to FFXI.

Not bashing FFXI, just stating an opinion as to why I wouldn't go back. It took me 3 years to level one job to 75. It was fun, but too much time for me, for a game.

I went ahead and added this sentiment into the OP. FFXI really isn't for everyone and some people should know that. If you're all about easy games- WoW probably is the game for you. Heck they even have Barbie games I hear.
#58 Jan 20 2007 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
AegeanRemora wrote:

WoW= easy
FFXI= challenging

Not everyone wants to be fed everything.

WoW- immature community
FFXI- more mature community

WoW will see a HUGE decline in population once LoTR:O comes out. I've beta tested it and I can say it will be the #1 MMO. Its partly like WoW, its pretty casual atm, but the dungeons past lvl 20+ are pretty challenging and the party dynamic is pretty good.

I don't see myself playin it as its too casual for me, but it will kill WoW for sure.

#1. There are soooooooooooooooooooo many Lord of the Rings fans.
#2. Turbine makes top notch MMO's.
#3. There are hardly any bugs/glitches in the beta, its not even like a beta at all.
#4. Its lord of the rings >.>
#5. It has some pretty innovative things, for one doing missions will change the appearance of the world.

FFXI won't die for another 5-6 years at least. Most MMO's have a 10 year life expectancy.

Can you paint your whole house in one stroke with that broad brush?

WoW = fun
FFXI = second job

Is just as apt a comparison for many people.

WoW = 7 million players, a certain percentage immature
FFXI = 1/10 that amount, with the same percentage immature

Thus 10 times as many immature people playing WoW as play FFXI.

And why is it only WoW that will see a HUGE decline?
No one from FFXI will play LoTR:O?

The decline would impact FFXI much harder than WoW, thus bringing into question your assumption that FFXI has 5-6 years left.

I am not saying it doesn’t (I think it probably does) but with you throwing about terms such as “HUGE decline” you have to wonder how you came to the conclusion.
#59 Jan 20 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts

I went ahead and added this sentiment into the OP. FFXI really isn't for everyone and some people should know that. If you're all about easy games- WoW probably is the game for you. Heck they even have Barbie games I hear.

This is nothing more than a statement spoken out of ignorance. Amazing that what could have been a informative thread has devolved into "WoW vs FFXI" because of you, the OP.

So tell me, dear almighty, how is WoW an easy game? Because you can level quickly? Because the quests don't require 15 hours to complete? While that's all well and good, quests and leveling are not the only things about the game. Those elements may be the hook that draws in the casual players but there are other elements in play. For example, have you even tackled Ahn'Quiraj in WoW? Naxxramas? How about BWL and actually not dying at the hands of Vael on your first, second, hell, even tenth try? Have you managed to complete the Cenarion Circle tasks in Silithus? How about forming a well made team for Battlegrounds? Better yet, have you managed to form a team to compete in the Seasonal PvP events in the Arena and succeed as the top players? Have you managed to beat the fearsome three of the Outlands (Kael'thas, Lady Vashj and Illidan) yet? How about completing all of the Chamber of Time instances? Did you managed to beat the Fel Reaver walking around in Hellfire Pensula or beat the giant Pit Lord waiting at the foot steps of the Dark Portal?

If you said no to any of these questions (And I can ask you 1000 more) it's best to shut the hell up about matters you are ignorant to. Have a good day.

P.S. ~ Let it be known that if you think leveling = difficulty, your matter of thinking is flawed. Leveling doesn't even closely affect the difficulty of several tasks and content in WoW. It's easy for me to say I got to level 60 but does that mean I was able to automatically beat the high tier dungeons at level 60? Hell no.

Edited, Jan 20th 2007 3:34pm by Redmoonxl
#60 Jan 20 2007 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
804 posts
FFXI will last as long as you can stand it. As long as you can log in your 5 hours each day and convince yourself that you're a cooler person for playing a harder video game; as long as you still feel tied to your remaining friends and LS mates; as long as you keep playing, the game will go on.

But you really do have to keep playing. Cause no one's coming to replace you when you leave.
#61 Jan 20 2007 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
105 posts
If someone can write a very well thought out, neutral post about the state of the game and whether new people should play, I'd seriously consider making it a sticky so that we can lock identical posts.

If anyone thinks this "FAQ" is well thought out, neutral, or even worth the sticky should go back to biting your hand and eating paste.

#62 Jan 20 2007 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
Redmoonxl wrote:
So tell me, dear almighty, how is WoW an easy game?

I was replying to the poster above who is playing WoW and said he plays it because it is easier than FFXI. Please read things in context.

And as Pikko said- this thread inevitably will lead people to compare FFXI to WoW because many new players are coming from WoW and want to know how it compares. If this bothers you- don't read it.
#63 Jan 20 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts

And as Pikko said- this thread inevitably will lead people to compare FFXI to WoW because many new players are coming from WoW and want to know how it compares. If this bothers you- don't read it.

It bothers me if you try to compare two games you haven't played in an equal footing. Your perception of one game over the other is due to the time you've spent with a game. You already stated that you haven't played WoW for too long. How can one make an accurate statement on something that person knows little of? Assumptions made on statements by others can in no way substitute actual playtime.

The sad part is that this isn't a "FFXI Newbie Q&A" thread (That's here, by the way:;mid=1145177540288965647;num=128;page=1). This was a thread made by you to quell whatever worries one may have about FFXI's lifespan and current state. Your statements in regards of WoW's popularity was negative and blown out of proportion and you have now edited it to fit some make believe topic that has nothing to do with the thread's initial purpose.

While I can choose not to read, that doesn't mean I should turn a blind eye.

Edited, Jan 20th 2007 5:08pm by Redmoonxl
#64 Jan 20 2007 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
The nicest people I've ever met were from WoW. Yep, you heard me. FFXI's lot always seem too absorbed in themselves or their cliques to acknowledge you're even playing the same game as they are.

Are those types in WoW? Yeah, sure, but there seems to be, proportionately, a higher percentage of them in FFXI.

Immature? Play the game before you make your generalizations. So you're going to say Barrens Chat or something, well, how would FFXI seem if everyone based their opinions of the game on "Valkurm Dunes chat"?


This is nothing more than a statement spoken out of ignorance. Amazing that what could have been a informative thread has devolved into "WoW vs FFXI" because of you, the OP.

So tell me, dear almighty, how is WoW an easy game? Because you can level quickly? Because the quests don't require 15 hours to complete? While that's all well and good, quests and leveling are not the only things about the game. Those elements may be the hook that draws in the casual players but there are other elements in play. For example, have you even tackled Ahn'Quiraj in WoW? Naxxramas? How about BWL and actually not dying at the hands of Vael on your first, second, hell, even tenth try? Have you managed to complete the Cenarion Circle tasks in Silithus? How about forming a well made team for Battlegrounds? Better yet, have you managed to form a team to compete in the Seasonal PvP events in the Arena and succeed as the top players? Have you managed to beat the fearsome three of the Outlands (Kael'thas, Lady Vashj and Illidan) yet? How about completing all of the Chamber of Time instances? Did you managed to beat the Fel Reaver walking around in Hellfire Pensula or beat the giant Pit Lord waiting at the foot steps of the Dark Portal?

If you said no to any of these questions (And I can ask you 1000 more) it's best to shut the hell up about matters you are ignorant to. Have a good day.

P.S. ~ Let it be known that if you think leveling = difficulty, your matter of thinking is flawed. Leveling doesn't even closely affect the difficulty of several tasks and content in WoW. It's easy for me to say I got to level 60 but does that mean I was able to automatically beat the high tier dungeons at level 60? Hell no.

He's correct. I have lvl 60's in WoW, but they're no where near true end-game WoW caliber.

Edited, Jan 20th 2007 6:25pm by ThoughtCriminal
#65 Jan 20 2007 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
The first half of the WoW section seems ok but the latter half still seems a bit biased. I was looking for more of a factual comparison such as loss of xp upon death in FFXI but not in WoW, BCNMs in FFXI and instances in WoW, etc. This thread isn't supposed to be recruiting people, it's to give people the facts so that they are able to determine for themselves whether they should try FFXI.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#66 Jan 20 2007 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
The first half of the WoW section seems ok but the latter half still seems a bit biased. I was looking for more of a factual comparison such as loss of xp upon death in FFXI but not in WoW, BCNMs in FFXI and instances in WoW, etc. This thread isn't supposed to be recruiting people, it's to give people the facts so that they are able to determine for themselves whether they should try FFXI.

I personally wouldn't mind seeing someone well versed in WoW teaming with a FFXI expert and just go through each aspect of their respected games section by section. For example:


FFXI's quests are... (FFXI Expert explains how quests work in the game)

WoW's quests are... (WoW Expert explains how quests work in the game)

Both descriptions should be void of commentary towards either game. It should just be how each game tackles each aspect standard to a MMO.
#67 Jan 20 2007 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
554 posts
Pikko Pots wrote:
The first half of the WoW section seems ok but the latter half still seems a bit biased. I was looking for more of a factual comparison such as loss of xp upon death in FFXI but not in WoW, BCNMs in FFXI and instances in WoW, etc. This thread isn't supposed to be recruiting people, it's to give people the facts so that they are able to determine for themselves whether they should try FFXI.

It's hard to go factual on both games due to everyone has an opinion.
Hence the Op obvious BIASED Wow section >:(

I play both, and I can say with out a doubt that the saying "apples and
oranges" is so very true. they really truly are compleatly different games.
If you play Wow the same way you play Eq, Ffxi, you will be dissapointed,
it was not ment, nore desinged to be played in a grinding way.

Take for example Death. In FFXI and other Time sink mmo's Death is ment to hurt, It's suppose to teach you to be better prepared. weakness and xp loss suck right? so avoid it. In Wow The game is Pvp orented. To encourage Pvp more death was brought down to small equiptment hit in most cases, long res wait and/ or xp loss in the extreams! Imangine doin pvp in wow with ffxi's death penalties? Ive had a time where Guild wants to raid Crossroads (Hoard town) where Ive died over 20 times in an hour. I had a blast doin it, but if it had harsh death penalty there is no way I would particapate in an event like that.
(im not even a pvp type player!)

I've had wow over a year my highest is a lvl 52 pld, I enjoy the game a lot but I play it very causaly. I have 75 Rdm,Whm,Blm, War and Nin in FFXI. Im pretty hardcore in it :D I enjoy both Games, although I spend more time with FFXI, (Although the new xpac is encouranging me to level faster!)
if you asked me which I think is better and or better desinged Id say Wow.
That dosent mean I think FFXI is bad, not at all, I think it was very well
at what it was intended to be.
#68 Jan 20 2007 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
You know what? I'm a FFXI fan and it's really hard to not be biased towards FFXI. I'm getting karma kamped to hell by the WoW fans and apparently I'm not the guy for the job in writing something neutral. If any of you think you can rewrite some of my post better- you do it and I'll edit it into the post. Until then cut me some slack.
#69 Jan 21 2007 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,426 posts
How about a short section talking about server population. We get way too mahy 'which server is best' threads around here..
#70 Jan 21 2007 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Won't ffxiah numbers show characters, rather than accounts? That could easily account for the difference. Many people use mules to sell things on the AH.
#71 Jan 21 2007 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
806 posts
A few things:

Having played FFXI for going on 5 years now and WoW for about 2, I felt that the views expressed in the original post were dead on. And to be fair, two months to level a character to 60 in WoW is extremely generous. Myself and several others had no problems soloing brand new characters to 60 in a matter of two weeks, and that's with a full-time job and classes.

Now it can be argued that this can be done in FFXI, and was done in the case of BLU/PUP/COR who grinded their way to 75 within days of ToAU's release. Granted, these served no purpose other than penal growth syndrome (given that the only ones who decided to give feedback on FAQ-relevant breakdowns of the jobs were ones who trudged through each one for weeks on end), but these are extreme examples. As was cited before, these weren't brand new characters starting from scratch to become a 75 BLU/PUP/COR within two weeks. If that were the case, the individual in question would have to:

Level a starting job to 18
Quest for subjob items
Re-level a secondary job to 15.
Pick one of the two to level to 30.
Complete the necessary Rank Missions (up to Rank 4) to obtain proper Tenshodo clearance (not access, clearance).
Quest to head to Aht Urghan.
Quest for BLU/PUP/COR.
Level not only one of these jobs to 75, but assure a substantial subjob to support it (i.e. Corsair/Black Mage is not going to win many awards).
Clear all appropriate Genkai, including the pre-determined battles for each of the three new jobs.

Now even with a static PL from a very supportive LS standing behind you, that's a bit to stomach in a matter of the 6-7 days that we saw higher levels of the new jobs walking around. The other factors that play in was it taking 3 months for them to earn AF (soo many 75 BLU wearing V. Cloaks) and 2 months to even have a final battle to become 75. When you take this and put it against World of Warcraft, where someone can essentially create a character from scratch and head straight to 60 without any roadblocks to stop them depending on the job chosen (i.e. Warlocks obtaining summons, etc.), it's very hard to draw the comparison between the two MMOs.

Secondly, it's safe to say that for a time, both World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XI suffered from the same distress: end-game. FFXI's slow trickle demise did come from multiple sources, much like many things in gaming history. While some would swear hands down that the PlayStation 2 killed the Sega Dreamcast, few fail to realize that PS2 had one of the most abysmal first two years in history (a history that seems to be repeating itself... *coughPS3cough*). Not to mention Sega's failure to essentially advertise the system's prize titles it's hailed for today (Soul Calibur, Power Stone, Skies of Arcadia) and instead relying on cryptic breathing voices for something that's "Thinking...". It was a slippery slope that proved fatal. Similarly, FFXI suffered many faults that were touched upon: overall disappointment with CoP aiming for challenging storyline that turned off many people from actually appreciating a real End Game, RMT beginning a tighter stranglehold on numerous economies, and players becoming restless for the "next big thing"- whether it was a second Crystal War or simply a new job to protagonize and antagonize ("Gimme a new job! Gimme a new job! It plays with puppets?! WTF! BOOOOOOO!"). When World of Warcraft launched a year later, curiousity was bound to lead the cats away.

Nonetheless, WoW began hitting its same brick wall only much sooner. While it does serve 8 million players, census estimates from Blizzard have placed that nearly 67% of that player base has between 7-8 characters- most of which at or near the 60 level cap. Sure enough, we hear time and time again of people taking extensive breaks or leaving altogether from "being bored", a symptom XI suffered from pre- and post-CoP. While subsequent updates helped alleviate problems and alter various gameplay (i.e. overhauling the PvP system), you couldn't help but watch those who left FFXI straggle back once ToAU launched and set the bar higher by, in many ways, overhauling a vast majority of the game. Ironically, Burning Crusade proved to do for WoW what Aht Urghan did for FFXI: revitalization in both playing the game and interest in it. In a way, this has helped level both off onto a more even field. Not against each other though, as many would agree that it's like comparing an apple to a pear: both sweet and juicy, yet different in many ways. But rather as a dedicated MMO.

Which is essentially what we really could use: solidarity. As we speak, nearly 20 MMOs are in development for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 covering everything from MMOFPS (360's Mass Effect) to comics (PS3's DC Project/360's Marvel Project) to even cult franchises (PC's Firefly Project). And even though Matrix Online and Phantasy Star Universe hold on by a hair and a prayer, Everquest II and Guild Wars have substantial expansion numbers under the belt (12 and 3, respectively). Yet if one were to look at their user base numbers in comparison to FFXI and WoW, then surely we'd jump to the conclusion that these MMOs are beyond dead. Fact is, they aren't. Neither is Ultima, or Lineage, or Neverwinter, or even the original EQ (which is still pumping out expansions). If there are fans, a user base, and a dedicated publisher behind the helm, then any MMO will last. Especially Final Fantasy XI and especially World of Warcraft.

What could cause FFXI's fall from grace? Some say it being held back by limitations (i.e. the PlayStation 2) could prove fatal, particularly if support for this platform continues to dwindle (Aht Urghan for PS2 being discontinued from all major retailers within 24 hours of its launch). Yet at the same time, many have overlooked that FFXI for Xbox 360 has somewhat disappeared from the same support rowboat (given that,, and every retailer around the country denies its existance). But there are ends to the justified means, so time can and will tell. But even the above cited MMO examples go to show that the desire of a gamer easily overshadows the limits of graphical capabilities. If this weren't the case, the Nintendo would be shunned by society.

Alright, I'm done. See you all in another 6 months or so.
#72 Jan 21 2007 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
493 posts
whetstone wrote:
You know what? I'm a FFXI fan and it's really hard to not be biased towards FFXI. I'm getting karma kamped to hell by the WoW fans and apparently I'm not the guy for the job in writing something neutral. If any of you think you can rewrite some of my post better- you do it and I'll edit it into the post. Until then cut me some slack.
whetstone wrote:

[quote]If someone can write a very well thought out, neutral post about the state of the game and whether new people should play, I'd seriously consider making it a sticky so that we can lock identical posts.

Please, just remove the WoW section. Pikko only wanted the current state of the game (NOT in relation to others), and whether new people should play. You don't need to mention WoW to answer any of those questions. Vs threads usually end up in flame wars. You see this ALL the time in Mac vs Windows threads. Just leave Wow out of this, and only talk about FFXI's strengths.

#73 Jan 21 2007 at 10:09 PM Rating: Excellent
9,835 posts
You can remove the WoW section.

Anything remotely associated w/ 'WoW compared to FFXI' I move to WoW forums lol
#74 Jan 21 2007 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
I have played both FF11 and Wow, and while I enjoy the challenge of FF.

Wow brings a nice twist to mmos. I'm not saying I will go flying over to WoW,

but I can see why alot of ppl enjoy it. Its fast, the quest link together as

you lvl, and it has a smoothness to it, ...but I'm not into pvp so it doesn't

really intrest me in that field. As for FF it takes time, ...alot of time,

and the one thing I have to say that, I enjoy about it is the team work.

But thats FF's biggest downfall it's not content, or quest, or NM's, or

anything outside of a exp party. But it's the fact that you need a party to do

most of more challegeing parts of the game. I don't think FF is dieing not

yet, but if to many ppl leave its gonna hurt the game badly. I figure as

long as 18 ppl still play, they will keep it running. SE needs to have a game

plan ready when they see to many ppl start to leave. Because if they can not

adjust the content, to handle a decline, then they will be making a big


but as it stands now all they need to do is fix stuff
#75 Jan 22 2007 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,235 posts
I liked FFXI better than WoW, played it for 5 years, 1 year less than it's exsistance and 1 year longer than the OP's uninformed incorrect statement of how long it's been out.

I am sick of the "Is FF dying" posts too.

That being said..

This opinion based, misspelled, littered-with -wrong- "facts", thread should not be stickied, nor even authored by someone who is a representative of this site's admins.

It's in bad form, bad format, and the info in it is misrepresented, either on purpose or by ignorance, as fact.

Whoever stickied this should rethink the criteria they use in such decisions.
#76 Jan 22 2007 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
If someone thinks they can do better, then they are welcome to PM me with a draft first. I admit I may have been a bit hasty with the sticky, but the good part of this thread is that we now can pinpoint what parts need the most work and what else we need to include.

Don't be too hard on whetstone, he was trying to do me a favor and I appreciate his efforts. We're not always going to agree on everything, that is a given.

As I said, if you would like to have a go at it please PM me with a draft.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


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