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#1 Oct 18 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
Hey im just wondering overall for ballistas ,mission, quests and all that type of stuff which job would be consider overall the best at it going by what that job can do and how much troubles the job has.
#2 Oct 18 2005 at 2:05 AM Rating: Default
In my opinion RDM/NIN or BST/WHM, NIN are the two best overall. Bst mostly don’t do to well in ballistics
But does well in everything else and RDM/NIN I heard is the best in ballistics.

Edited, Tue Oct 18 03:23:18 2005 by Pelacha
#3 Oct 18 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
523 posts
Pelacha wrote:
Bst don’t do good in ballistics

Ever try to run from a tiger? >_>b
#4 Oct 18 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
Most used spells or abilities for given jobs and relative level


Those 3 jobs you will commonly find underleveld for purposes of doing Quests or farming, and just plain getting around the game faster.

Many people level WHM up to 38 just to have access to the teleports.

I would personally suggest leveling warrior up to be cabable of subbing for any meele job, my warrior is close to level 20.

If you are considering going the route of mages, more often than not, WHM is the ideal sub, unless your main is WHM, then BLM is ideal sub.

I found paladin to be a great investment for the sole purpose of raising Parry and Shield skills.
#5 Oct 18 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
412 posts

Now it's true, some people look down on BSTs for certain missions, CoP stuff, etc. More often than not BST can do a fine job in any of those situations too, maybe just not the best.

But man oh man... in the long run, BST can do so many things other jobs only dream of doing. Solo as much as you like. Do tons of BCNMs other jobs can't do or require extremely tricky PT setups to accomplish. Hunt NMs other people can't touch without a full party, or normal mobs that people don't bother with because they're too dangerous. MAKE money leveling instead of spending it. Serve as superior link/aggro control for events and HNM fights in the endgame. And mostly learn much more about the game than most jobs: enmity control, mob tactics, melee techniques, MP management, campsite selection, xp timing and chaining.

Of course, you also have the best job in the game to MPK people. Only a fool dares to **** off a BST. (Not endorsing MPK, but seriously, don't **** off BSTS >.>)

The downside? BST is probably the single hardest job to level to 75.
#6 Oct 18 2005 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
I'd say BLM, SMN.
#7 Oct 18 2005 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
430 posts
I'd have to say Nin if you're asking for only 1 job, there're a lot of jobs that're needed for missions say CoP, so if you have time, you might wanna invest in those jobs to certain lvls for the capped areas, but overall nin come in handy in a lot situations.

Even if you don't do much missions, jobs like whm or rdm to 25 will help you for being able to sneak/invis, when you're doing stuff like coffer hunting.

I don't know about ballista since I rarely do them =P
#8 Oct 18 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
4,400 posts
Won't talk about ballista, because I don't participate in ballista.

But WHM seems to be working for me.

I can get just about anywhere in Vana'diel in 10 minutes. (Notice, I said "just about") Also, with rank 5, I don't have to teleport to the nearest crag, and pay a chocobo fee.

Also, very rarely do I have to pay for sneak oils and prism powders. (Mind you, I do always have at least have half a stack each on me...for emergencies) I've found the only reason I've needed to use them is in places like Xarcabard and Fei'Yin, where EVERYTHING aggros to magic and will spell out death for you if you're not careful.

Which brings me to my next point: Quests and missions. I can sneak and invis during quests and missions, provided I'm careful and take my time rather than rush towards the goal. (LB3...bad memories...don't ask.)

Here's the crappy part with WHM: Nothing is soloable. Like, for example, I was helping a friend get his NPC. We went to Eldieme Necropolic to fight the skelly NM. A Gazer was in the way. Since he was level 21, he would get killed, so I went to kill it.

Yeah, it sucked. It checked as Easy Prey to me, and I managed to get EXP off of it, but it was a long *** fight. AF 1 and 2 are not soloable at the levels they give you the AF. (41 and 52 respectively)

So yeah, like any other job, WHM has it's flaws and weaknesses. But I've found it to be very rewarding in the end.

You karma trolls really need to get a REAL job...

Edited, Tue Oct 18 18:19:46 2005 by Erawyn
#9 Oct 18 2005 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
I agree, WHM is one of the most useful jobs to level first. You can solo so many quests with the use of Sneak and Invis. I did. After getting the required key items, I solo'd getting the Davoi and Beadeaux magicites. I tried Castle Oztroja, but I died at the torch door, damn Yagudos don't ever walk away. I've solo'd countless quests as WHM, like Tele-Dem, Holla, Mea, Altep.

WHM also makes unlocking jobs as easy as pie.

BST: Sneak and walk right up to the Kraken to get your night flowers.

BRD: Sneak and Invis make running around in Valkurm and Buburimu no problem.

DRK: Sneak all the way to the third floor in Palborough Mines to hop on the boat. Plus you can sub WHM while killing the 100 mobs, lessening downtime.

RNG: while waiting for the Old Sabretooth to die, a regular Tiger walked right up to me, good thing I had invis.

DRG: Sneaking through Shakhrami to find an excavation point.

SMN: sneak/invis again for getting through Ranguemont Pass to get ice in Beaucedine, and if you wait until 36, you can tele everywhere to get weather. You'll probably wanna go SMN/WHM anyway.

PLD: haven't unlocked it, but I imagine sneak/invis are important for getting through Ordelle's and Davoi.

NIN and SAM: I haven't unlocked them, but sneak is important for just getting to Norg.

Who says WHM can't solo anything?
#10 Oct 18 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
4,148 posts
I hope nin is somewhat useful


*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
You begin to Cast Utsusemi: Expensive
You gain the effect of poverty
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
You begin to cast Hojo: ZOMGITWENTUPAGAIN!
The monster gains the effect of chuckle
*the monster hits your purse for 200Gil damage* (but at a slightly slower rate, which is offset by the extra Gil

I love the job though
#11 Oct 18 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
530 posts
I hope nin is somewhat useful


*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
You begin to Cast Utsusemi: Expensive
You gain the effect of poverty
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
*the monster hits your purse for 100Gil damage*
You begin to cast Hojo: ZOMGITWENTUPAGAIN!
The monster gains the effect of chuckle
*the monster hits your purse for 200Gil damage* (but at a slightly slower rate, which is offset by the extra Gil

I love the job though

#12 Oct 18 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
*sighs* I know all to well how that works
/em shuffles around in his pocket and finds nothing called "gil"
#13 Oct 18 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,707 posts
First I levelled the sterotypical "uber in-demand" job Ranger. Now im working on BST. I hang out with a few high lvl rdm's/whm's/nin/blm/war...

Just sit back and think about what a job does for you at level 75. I will break it down into categories as I see it:


Damage dealers in a party setting. Nothing spectacular about soloing with these jobs. They all do ok (except for rng, the suck at soloing..horrible defense). If all you ever do is exp and like to dish out dmg, then these jobs are good. Most of these jobs have very epxensive gear...rng is not as bad as people think...mnk is worse than people think (lots of 'required' gear is millions and millions). These jobs are used a DD fillers in a lot of missions, quests, and bcnms.
EDIT: wanted to say that mnks are very good dd's end game due to the massive damage they do with chi blast. If you look at parser results after a god fight, monks are up near the top.


You will be needed in end game events and a lot of exp parties. You can get around the world with ease... all of the teleports and sub blm for war (which anyone can do I guess...but then you cna sub whm for tele). White mages don't solo great because they have no real means of dishing out the damage. They are usually needed for missions quests and bcnms as a healer and status effect remover.


Warp. WarpII. And if you sub Whm, you can teleport to the 3 crags and WarpIi people home and then warp back home...kinda neat. Blm's have the unique ability to solo just about any mob they can put to sleep (given enough time). They sleep/nuke/sleep rinse and repeat.... its very impressive. BLM's can destroy some of the bcnms out there... but others they are not needed. Overall they have it kind of nice in the bcnm market (*cough* damn desert mercenaries). BLM's are also probably the best consistent DD for end game fights against gods and hnms. Solid job...I would level it if every ex rng didn't beat me to it.


Interesting job. This is all you need to know... at lvl 75 you can run very fact, you can make your entire party run very fast... imo worht taking to 75 (or is it like 72 or 73?) just for Chocobo Mazurka. Other than that, you are used a lot for crowd control for bcnms and other missions etc. Every end game ls needs a few bards to stick in their mage parties. Im not sure how good a bard can solo. It seems like they do ok considering the vast array of enffebles and buffs they can use... but Im guessing it takes awhile to solo anything tough.


Ahh the infamous lvl 75 rdm/nin that can solo the gods....hmmmm.
Rdms can solo great. They can sleep mobs nuke mobs, enfeeble them, use stoneskin, blink, phalanx, they can cure and buff them selves... and refresh their MP and regen their HP.... then when their mp runs out they cna convert... and they have great skill with a sword and they can wear some ofthe best melee gear in the game (scorpion harness for example). It is a sight to see watching a rdm solo something.

Red mages solo things at a realatively slow pace. They wear down the mob through melee and nukes over a period of time. This is why most rdms dont use their solo ability to exp mass amounts of exp points.

The negatvies of rdms is that there seems to be a lot of them and you may have more trouble getting into end game ls's than some other jobs. Also, the number of bcnms and missions that require a rdm arent as vast... however due to their utility...and ability to kite some mobs... they are still useful enough.


I don't know much about smns. They tend to get in my way when im trying to exp as bst ^^ jk. Smn can solo good at high lvls using their pet... once they have lots of perpetuation costs saving items, they can continuously call Carby w/o losing much mp (if any?). Thus they let carb beat on the mob until he dies, then recall carby and sic him back onto the mob... its a slow process, but fairly safe as best I can tell.

Smn can do some damn amazing things once every 2 hours. Its seems like every battle in the game can be one in a matter of minutes if you have a few smns willing to go along and use Astral Flow...good stuff.


My personal favorite. You can reasonably solo all of your exp to 75. You can solo stuff that other jobs wont consider with less than 4 or 5 people. Ill give an example: The other day im in a group doing The Minotaur mission in the Aquaducts... we run across a NM stegasaur.... I look him up on my computer and find out that he takes 12+ people to kill (in a lvl 40 capped zone). We decide not to mess with him since we only have like 9 people.
Well after we beat the minotaru we run back by andsee that he is claimed.... by a single lvl 40 BST!!! We sat and watched the spectacle. The BST had charmed an IT slime pet and used his 2-hour ability (Familiar) which guarntees him a 30 minute charm. We watched in awe as he slowly but surely beat down the NM to victory.

The essence of BST is your pet. As you get higher lvl your pets become much stronger than you. AT level 64 when I fight an easy prey, Carrie will hit for about 150-200 and I hit for about 100 or less. Thus even jug pets can tank for you when you are high lvl.

A bst will gain many beastman seals. At lvl 64 I have 450 beastman seals and 130 Kindred seals.... and this is my only job past 32 on this character.... almost all jobs are at lvl 1 still. Did I mention drops? You get to keep every drop from every mobyou kill during exp sessions... and since you typically avergae less exp per kill than a good party, you kill more mobs on your way to 75... so even more drops come your way. I got almost 40 spider webs over the course of a level and a half in boyhada tree (granted you suffer competition for exp mobs doing this)... thats jsut one example... you get lots of drops as bst.

There are many bcnms that seem to be made just for bst. Lots of missions require kiting... which bst can do perfectly.

BST+Pet is likely the best DoT in the game. You have a pet hitting harder than you do... thats like having dual weild with no added an additional dmg bonus...its insane...not to mention pet TP attacks that can do tons of dmg (thought highly variable).

BST can exp whenever they want. I used to have to wait until the weekends to lvl my Rng so that I could party for 3 to5 hrs at a time. With BST I just log on and start killing stuff... I may exp for an hour then log off... then do it again the next day. Its easy to get a level per week even when I dont play much... getting 3k to 5k in small exp sessions ads up quickly. Not to mention if you want ot exp for 10 hours stragiht... go for it. Theres nothing stopping you.

The downside... of course there are drawbacks to BST... you will likely never get invited to an exp party. It would be fun to exp in a party from time to time. You may tend to get overlooked end game... although I think more and more linkshells are realizing tha a bst can be useful. The good news is that you wont have lots of competition for AF2 pieces^^.... of course you are last on the list for osode, hiadate, etc.... oh well... we still rock.


Thief is my 2nd favorite job. It seems to be all about making money^^ You can efficiently farm due to TH2. Thfs can solo very well at 75 with the highest evasion rating in the game (slightly higher than nin) and by subbing ninja.... and by using xbow with status bolts. You can Flee too which is uber cool.

Thf are wanted end gmae for treausre hunter II... however, I guess theres only soo many you need. Other than th2 they are used for damage dealers since sneak attack is a guaranteed hit..even on gods... they can also use a sword and spam spirits within.... just like a lot of other jobs against gods.

Anyway... I may have left out some stuff but I just watned to spout off some of my thoughts on the various jobs. Ill try to go back in fix typos in a few minutes.

EDIT: Forgot DRG... they are special becuase the are a basic DD in exp and god and hnms...yet they can solo very well with /whm. They shine against moderately tough mobs, taking them down in a reasonable amnt of time thus making it possible to solo,duo or trio for effective exp (not great, but not bad either).

EDIT: oops also forgot pld and ninja. I have to get back to work... ninjas can solo awesome with a healer to stand by them. Pld I have no idea... see below.

Edited, Tue Oct 18 15:49:48 2005 by Mithsavvy

Edited, Tue Oct 18 16:16:48 2005 by Mithsavvy
#14 Oct 18 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
EDIT: Forgot DRG... they are special becuase the are a basic DD in exp and god and hnms...yet they can solo very well with /whm. They shine against moderately tough mobs, taking them down in a reasonable amnt of time thus making it possible to solo,duo or trio for effective exp (not great, but not bad either).

You also forgot Paladin, an excellent tank, and can solo very well, with its own healing abilities.
#15 Oct 18 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
3,038 posts
Just sit back and think about what a job does for you at level 75.

I have seen people who made their job choice based on this.

Most of them quit. Many of the remainder don't really seem to be having much fun at all.

Please, please, please, just play the job that you love. Don't think about BCNMs, HNMs, Sky, CoP, or any of that. Think about what job you want to log on and play as. If you are not having a great time playing what you want, you are wasting your time, period.
#16 Oct 18 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,433 posts
Summoners. You never get enough of them.

RDM/NIN good in ballistas? NO!

Well it depends how you see it. In a complete solo fight with no interference (which doesn't usually happen), RDM/NIN will beat anyone else, but even then, only if you leave him time to turn his buffs on.

But 1v1 is not what ballistas were designed for. In a ballista, you want to have many war/mnk and mnk/war in your team.

This was told to me by a rdm75/nin37 friend of mine who often goes in ballista and gets killed just as often as everyone else.

Edited, Tue Oct 18 16:44:47 2005 by Aileronn
#17 Oct 18 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
1,222 posts
Well, the fewer Thieves the better (the better for me) but...

Thf/Nin is great. The extra gil and drops will help pay for any other jobs you want to level. Evasion is second best Thief combat skill and is still an A or A- (forgot which). Parry, which is a b*tch to level, is your best skill. Combine those two with Ninja Shadows and damn you are hard to even land a hit on. Plus, you can Parry through shadows which will save the Shadow for another hit.

Thief's best weapon is X-Bow. We get a C+. But with it capped, some extra agility (which is good for a Thief anyway), and some RACC food and/or equipment, we hit fairly consistently. Now, we get ripped off on damage bolts. There are none we can use that are higher than level 25. But our bolts are all status. Blind, to make us even harder to hit. Acid, to make the Mob go down faster. Bloody, to damage the Mob as well as get back health. And Sleep, to buy you extra time to cast shadows. Avoid the Poison Bolts unless you are positive you will not need to Sleep Bolt the Mob.

On soloing, once you hit 25, if things get overwhelming, you can run-away (Flee) and live to fight another day. Thieves get Mob-Dar, where the Mobs show up as orange dots on radar. Not all jobs get this. Quite useful for knowing when you have to be more alert or when pulling Mobs back to camp you can weave your way in and around the orange dots.

TH1 at 15 for extra chance at drops and TH2 at 45 (48?, I forget, been a while) for lots of drops. Gilfinder early in career sees a boost in the amount of gil dropped by Mobs.

Thieves can pick locks. I did not do one Coffer Key party for Thief. I went on plenty of others to help those who needed keys but I just picked my AF Coffers.

Not going into SATA, which you have at level 30, but needless to say, gives you a lot of power to help party control hate.

Thief is a great main to sub with:

Ninja - Evasive, Nimble, Elusive, Dextrous. Mob puller and NM Soloer. IMO, this is the best and most fun way to go. Plus, this is also the most used Main/Sub for Thief in parties.

Ranger - Hunt those NM's with Wide-Scan and increase your Range Hit Rate and Damage

Warrior - Damage Dealer who at higher levels has both Dancing Edge and Vorpal Blade. A quick pull for NM's with Provoke.

On the flip-side, this is probably one of the most frustrating jobs to solo to 15, when you get Sneak Attack. For the NewB, just be aware of this if you choose as your first job. I would actually recommend not using Thief as a main until you get sub-job and can use Warrior as a Sub. Level Warrior to at least 15. Then take Thief to 30 and get Ninja sub-job.
#18 Oct 18 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
2,075 posts
I have BST/WHM almost to 50, and at 50 I'm planning to take some time to solo a bunch of Rank missions, job quests, and so on. WHM sub also adds a lot to the class in terms of flexibility. BST/WHM gets less xp/hr than a party (2-3k), but there's no LFP or any major travel time to camp most days (you log on and off at camp for days at a time). The Empress Band has also helped speed up the soloing at my level.

But if I wanted to choose other jobs, I'd probably go for NIN/WAR, or SMN/WHM. Also soloable, and a bit more party-friendly, plus I like to watch them at work. I'll probably level both at some point. I also like BRD/WHM, such an asset to a party, kind of a cool concept.

Edited, Tue Oct 18 17:44:53 2005 by midnightjade
#19 Oct 18 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
641 posts
RDM or BST...

But hey... BST/RDM anyone? Think about it...

But like someone else stated, play a job because you love it, not because it's the "zomg 1337 popular" job. BST can be very frustrating, and lonely. RDM has its expensive periods. I'd really have to say BST/RDM though, even though /RDM sub isn't as popular as /WHM.
#20 Oct 18 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
3,883 posts
In your BRD desctiption:
considering the vast array of enffebles
Oh yeah, all those enfeebles, like slow, DoT, and element resistance down... and... another DoT... and a dispel is sorta enfeebling... and uh... sleep?
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