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What would you catagorize jobs as...Follow

#1 Oct 17 2005 at 10:06 PM Rating: Good
682 posts
My brother and I we discusing whats jobs are considered in the game, I say there are only Tank, DD and Support he says there are Tank, DD, Support and Healer. I don't think there is a "Healer" catagory since only one job is going to be in that catagory and it is a more specific catagory unlike support which is more generalized. I feel "Healer" would be considered support and not have it's own catagory. Here are my picks for each catagory:


  • Paladin
  • Ninja (Pseudo Tank)
  • Warrior (up until a certain point)

  • Damage Dealer

  • Dark Knight
  • Warrior
  • Dragoon
  • Beastmaster
  • Ranger
  • Black Mage
  • Summoner
  • Samurai
  • Ninja (Pseudo DD)
  • Monk
  • Thief

  • Support

  • Red Mage
  • White Mage
  • Summoner
  • Bard
  • Thief

  • As you can see I have some of the same jobs in different catagories, this is because they can play more then one role depending on SJ/Gear/PT make up.

    My brother feels that WHM is in it's own class (Healer) all because a WHM just uses healing type spells. I told him that the word "support" means to help endure which is what a WHM does by curing the PT and using -na spells to help keep the EXP flowing.

    I did not post this to say I'm right or he is wrong but I wanted other people opinions to show too my brother that what he thinks isn't the general concensus with the majority of the players of FFXI. Feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    EDIT: Forgot about adding WAR to tank spot, thanks CapnCharlie.

    Edited, Mon Oct 17 23:23:23 2005 by ChaosMogul

    Edited, Tue Oct 18 00:03:04 2005 by ChaosMogul
    #2 Oct 17 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
    667 posts
    I suggest putting war in the tank pile, it's what they were designed to do first, and still do well. of course, they keep hate by doing a lot of damage, and with the right kit are superb DDs, so either way is fine, I guess.

    As for whm... Support encompasses healing, Whm suport allows the tank to stay alive long enough for the DDs to kill the mob.
    #3 Oct 17 2005 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
    493 posts
    Why do people continually say WARs can only tank up to a certain point when people have tanked from 1-75?

    You also forgot THF. I'd put them under DD, and support, but that's me.

    Edited, Mon Oct 17 23:45:02 2005 by BrianJ
    #4 Oct 17 2005 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
    4,400 posts
    My brother feels that WHM is in it's own class (Healer) all because a WHM just uses healing type spells. I told him that the word "support" means to help endure which is what a WHM does by curing the PT and using -na spells to help keep the EXP flowing.

    If that's the case, then ALL jobs are support roles. ALL jobs play a part in keeping the party alive and keeping the EXP flowing.

    Also, I don't think BST should be considered in the DD category. THEY aren't doing the DDing as much as their pets are.
    #5 Oct 17 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good

    Dark Knight

    Black Mage

    Red Mage

    White Mage

    I seperate mage/melee-DD's because the jobs really don't compete against each other for party slots(well endgame is a different story but that is such a small part of lvls 1-75 that I don't bother counting). This is why I think SMN is the most ****** job in this game.

    Everyone says DRG needs fixed. But AT LEAST a DRG is considered a DD lvls 1-75 where as SMN isn't considered DD till lvl 70. I think SMN gets a very unfair lot in this game, and this is coming from a BLM. Most(99%) of invites I have got as a SMN were to be a gimped White Mage. I quit leveling the job after level 25 due to me refusing to level White Mage twice. It is quite clear to me that SMN was in mind as a DD, not as a gimped whm.

    Though I know there are other jobs that can main heal, I just put what I think the jobs were designed for.
    #6 Oct 17 2005 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
    682 posts
    I seperate mage/melee-DD's because the jobs really don't compete against each other for party slots

    But why make catagories out of sub catagories? Yes there are magic DD and physical DDs but at the end of the day they are still a DD regardless of MP.

    Also, I don't think BST should be considered in the DD category. THEY aren't doing the DDing as much as their pets are.

    OK lets do that and hey while we are at it lets not count the fact that the BST just used a JA like Sneak Attack is to charm a pet to help do damage. If we went by this then a SMN wouldn't be counted since he isn't directly doing the damage to a mob but his avatar is and never mind counting a DRG's wyvern since he isn't directly attached to the DRG's arm. If you are using JA's that SE gave you to do damage it is still your damage.
    #7 Oct 17 2005 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
    190 posts
    Um, I think it's a little more complicated than just "tank, DD, support/healer"

    Every job has different abilities, which sets them up for specific roles in a party. Example, SAM isn’t just DD. With meditate and their 2hrs, they’re SkillChain management. A lot of jobs can also function in more than one way in a party. For example, RDM and SMN can be support, but are also DD. DRG is also like this, but the sub needs to be changed for the flexibility. (WHM,RDM,BLM sub creates a healing wyvern, turning DRG into support/DD)

    Simplifying the jobs into categories like this is a huge problem in this game, its why everyone want Xjob and Xjob for their party when there’s more types of setups than just Healer-support/backup healer-tank-DD-blm-puller.

    Sorry, just venting.
    #8 Oct 18 2005 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
    231 posts
    Last time I checked, having a pet is part of the BST job. If you want to be ridiculous and have BST not included in the DD part, then go ahead, but with the right equipment and a pet, I will DD any other player under the table.
    #9 Oct 18 2005 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
    3,896 posts
    LOL I think you're going to annoy a lot of people by calling nin a "pseudo tank".

    I would have a healer category, personally. It's a slot in a party that people try to fill, whm can do it, rdm can do it, smn can do it.

    I also wouldn't call it support, I'd call it refresher- and the jobs are rdm or brd. No-one gets someone for a pt so they can enfeeble the mob or buff the players- they get brd or rdm for refresh and that's it- the other stuff is a bonus.

    I also wouldn't put thf in support category. Yes, their sata is a hate control mechanism but so is the sata that other dd can do post-60. Thf to me is a DD. They have differences, but then so do all the other DD. You might as well say that drk should go in support because of their absorb spells and stun...

    OK, just my thoughts.

    #10 Oct 18 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Good
    667 posts
    ChaosMogul wrote:

  • Warrior (up until a certain point)

  • Bite me.
    #11 Oct 18 2005 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent

    Dark Knight

    Black Mage

    Red Mage

    White Mage

    I would also put rdm in healing to I play rdm and I have been the main healer lots of time also smn/whm brd/whm and blm/whm can also heal. Lot of jobs like war can be consider a tank, dd or combination . It all depend on the needs of the party. But I basically agree with both list.
    #12 Oct 18 2005 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
    2,225 posts
    I disagree that SMN is a "Mage DD". SMN is capable of quite a bit more than that-and actually, they are mediocre DD's until 65-75, depending on if they have Fenrir or not. I can't say I'd classify the last 5-10 levels of a job as that entire job's description.

    My SMN is currently 60, and I play it a lot more support-focused right now. I do Fenrir's buffs, and Earthen Ward, and cure the party. I'd hardly call that a DD, and this is what I have been doing so far as SMN-not any DD at all.

    I used to think there were Melee classes, Mage classes, and Hybrids.

    Dragoon (although can be a hybrid, based on sub)

    White Mage
    Black Mage
    Red Mage (although for arguments sake, I'll put this under hybrids as well)

    Dark Knight
    Red Mage
    #13 Oct 18 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
    1,188 posts
    TANK: PLD, NIN, WAR (up to a point)



    DD: WAR, MNK, THF, DRK, RNG, SAM, DRG, BST, BLM, SMN (only at the highest level)

    I tend to say "Refresher" vs. "Support", because it seems the only "support" most parties care about is Refresh/Ballad.

    Face it people, while you might tank well as a WAR at any level, most WARs out there can't (or downright refuse) to tank at higher levels. That's why most people will discount a WAR as a tank after a certain point.
    #14 Oct 18 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
    17 posts
    I see THF as more hate control than anything, but I suppose that also means it falls under DD. Just kinda goes against my grain of thinking when I consider people picking up thieves for damage dealing only..and not hate control ^_^;

    #15 Oct 18 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
    Tank: PLD, NIN, WAR
    Melee: lol.... lotz
    Support: whm, brd, rdm, smn
    Mage DD: smn, blm
    #16 Oct 18 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
    631 posts
    Dragoon can sub say WHM RDM or BLM and have a utility wyvern that can put the dragoon in a DD-Suport role.
    #17 Oct 18 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
    682 posts
    So far it seems this topic is very divided, some people say there should be a healer catagory (which is a sub catagory of support) calling a RDM or BRD a refresher is just an insult IMO but "refresher" is still a supporting role it could also be called a sub catagory.

    LOL I think you're going to annoy a lot of people by calling nin a "pseudo tank".

    Yeah I think I would but it doesn't change the fact that a NIN isn't a true tank like a PLD is (built to tank and nothing else with all abilities geared tword hate control). A NIN can do much more then just tank but not a lot of people will allow them too, a PLD can only tank and can probably do as much damage as my BST with a dagger and no pet. =\

    ChaosMogul wrote:


    Warrior (up until a certain point)

    Bite me.

    I know this would **** some people off but it doesn't change the fact that WAR isn't a very effective tank past a certain level, hell a BST could do just as well as a WAR tanking in upper levels since they will have just about the same stats and JA (a WAR wouldn't think about using Aggressor or other offensive JA to help hold hate cause it would cause them to recieve more damage.) Someone please introduce me too a player that has tanked as a WAR for every level all the way to Lv.75 and I may consider retracting my statment.

    By making more catagories other than Tank, DD, Support you are actually being more specific, this doesn't change the fact that these other catagories are just off shoots of the main catagories of Tank, DD and Support.

    As far as THF being a DD and not a support role just remember that a THFs main purpose is hate management he cann't deal a lot of damage even over time on most mobs but can do it the best on Bird catagory mobs, this is why I say they are support because they are primarly hate management.
    #18 Oct 18 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
    3,038 posts
    I would agree with Shotie that SMN is much more of a support-oriented class instead of DD. If you go into that job thinking you will be a DD...well, you'll probably quit at 25 like that guy above did. Not to say that after 70 they don't do some great damage, or even before, but with most set-ups SMN seems most effective as support.

    An interesting point is being brought up with THF that shows most DD jobs aren't just DD...

    THF can support through hate transfer, and limited status bolts (at least up to 50 or so).

    DRK of course can ABS, Stun, Bio and I have even seen them land Sleep in a pinch.

    SAM can be referred to as "SC support," enabling the other DD and bursters to do more damage. Their last 3 WSes also enfeeble in addition to their damage, and fighting Diablos, I went as SAM just for the ability to Stun > Meditate > Stun with Tachi: Hobaku.

    WAR has some of the best enfeebling in the game with their Break WSes. I have seen Full Break do wonders to mobs like Hakutaku.

    RNG can also make use of status bolts and can shadowbind in emergencies. You could also argue "Widescan" can be used in a supportive way.


    Of course these jobs are still picked primarily for DD, but everything brings a little something different to the table. This is why just about any topic like this will never come to a full agreement on what jobs play what roles.
    #19 Oct 18 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
    761 posts
    I'm gonna break this down a lot further than anyone has yet (which will probably get me yelled at, but whatever it's the way I see things).

    MNK/WAR (conditional on gear/food)
    SAM/WAR (conditional on gear/food)
    RDM/WAR (conditional on gear/food)

    Physical DD:
    WAR/THF,MNK,NIN (dependant on level and gear)

    Mage DD:
    DRK/ (sort of)

    DRK/ (later levels)

    I suppose I should explain my categories slightly. Tanks are pretty self explanatory. Anything that stands there and takes hits for the party. While PLD, NIN, and WAR are the only commonly accepted ones, SAM, MNK, and RDM can all tank quite well if geared correctly, eat good tanking food, and are played by a competent player. Physical DD's hit things with weapons... Again pretty straightforward (though I'm only including those that actually hit things for reasonable damage in XP setting). Mage DD use spells (whether Summons, Ninjitsu, or normal spells) to cause damage (not talking about debuffs). My support category is a bit broader than the others. I'm including party buffs (BRD, SMN), debuffs (RDM, BLM, DRK), healing (WHM, RDM, BRD, DRG/mage), crowd control (RDM, BLM, BST), and hate management in here (THF, DRG). As I said, that's just my take on things. I'm sure there are job combos that I've left out that are usefull (trying to only cover reasonably common and usefull XP combos... no PLD/DRG here). I suppose that my overall point here is that it's very difficult to classify jobs in FFXI. Not only can gear and food make a tremendous difference in your role in a party, but throw in subjobs and it makes things even more complicated...

    That is all
    #20 Oct 18 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
    1,049 posts
    I'd also like to add that although PLD isn't a typically accepted DD job, they can DD well with the typical melee equip (Hauby =D) and a staff... or in some cases a great sword. Just wanted to throw that out.
    #21 Oct 18 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
    1,007 posts
    I always thought it looked something like:

    RDM(at certain levels

    PLD(i've had a few really awesome DD PLDs)




    Solo: (not counting Sub Job BST, any job can do that)

    Single-Double Job parties:
    MNK (Bone)
    SMN (Avatar Burn)
    BLM (ManaBurn)
    BST (Duo-Trio-etc)
    RNG (Arrow Burn)
    DRG (Wyvern Burn?)
    #22 Oct 18 2005 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
    1,188 posts
    So far it seems this topic is very divided, some people say there should be a healer catagory (which is a sub catagory of support) calling a RDM or BRD a refresher is just an insult IMO but "refresher" is still a supporting role it could also be called a sub catagory.

    While that is technically true, I based my categories on what most pickup parties look for.

    And besides, would you merely lump both PLD and DRG into a generic "melee" category, as opposed to more specific "tank" and "melee DD" categories? Likewise, I think jobs like WHM and RDM deserve to be distinguished based on what they do in parties, and what parties invite them for.

    Tank. Healer. Refresher. Pretty much every pickup party I've been in formed around that core, and sometimes you can't get one without another.

    While a job like, say, SMN, is obviously could go in a more generic "support" category, let's not kid ourselves - no one goes "Hey, our RDM/BRD who was refreshing us just left, let's get that SMN instead!".

    The lack of Refresh leaves SMN out of this elite club. Few, if any parties look for a "Support" job. That's what they might say, but what they really want is Refresh/Ballad.

    Amongst DD, I suppose you could argue BLM (and SMN too) deserve to be set apart from the mass of melee DDs. Though honestly, I've never seen a party fall apart due to the lack/loss of of a "magical DD". Usually a melee DD can substitute for a magical DD just fine.

    Compare that to countless parties disbanding due to the lack/loss of a tank/healer/refresher.

    Edited, Tue Oct 18 18:36:09 2005 by SoymilkLatte
    #23 Oct 18 2005 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
    1,021 posts
    I'd do this a different way.

    Tank - control the damage taken by the party
    DD - do damage (sub-categories physical, magical although often it doesn't matter)
    HP restore - heal
    MP restore - refresh/ballad
    Gap reduction - reduce the effective level gap between mob and players, i.e. buff/debuff

    PLD - 80% tank, 10% hp restore, 10% dd
    NIN - played as tank - 70% tank, 20% dd, 10% gap reduction
    NIN - played as DD - 80% dd, 20% gap reduction
    WAR - very gear/subjob dependent
    DD gear: 90% dd, 10% gap reduction (with g.axe)
    tank gear: 50% tank, 50% dd
    MNK - 100% dd
    RNG - 100% dd
    SAM - 90% dd, 10% gap reduction
    THF - 20% tank (hate control only), 80% dd
    DRK - 80% dd, 20% gap reduction (abs/stun)
    DRG - melee sub - 100% dd
    mage sub - 80% dd, 20% hp restore
    BST - BST - 100% dd
    BST's pet - 30% tank (poor hate control), 70% dd
    combined in party - 10% tank, 90% dd
    RDM - 10% dd, 40% gap reduction, 20% mp restore, 30% hp restore
    BLM - 100% dd
    WHM - 30% gap reduction, 70% hp restore
    SMN - 25% dd, 60% gap reduction, 15% hp restore (/whm adds a bunch of % of hp restore)
    BRD - 65% gap reduction, 25% mp restore, 10% hp restore

    I think it's rather silly to list each job in a binary fashion in each category. BRD can restore HPs, but not to the same degree as a WHM. RDM can do some damage, but not like a MNK.

    Usually a party is looking for some minimum amount of competency in each category (divied up however amongst party members) and then as much damage as will fit in the remaining space (to speed kills and hence xp).
    #24 Oct 18 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
    1,084 posts
    I would say if i could put a job in more than one. And this is based off of Higher levels like 65+ rather than when you have a WHM tank in Valkurm




    #25 Oct 18 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
    977 posts
    Warrior (up until a certain point)

    Hmm, haven't quite reached that point yet. I'll let you know if they ever raise the level cap and something drastic happens.
    #26 Oct 18 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
    1,188 posts

    Hmm, haven't quite reached that point yet. I'll let you know if they ever raise the level cap and something drastic happens.

    Good for you. Now go tell that to all the other WARs who refuse to tank, or downright suck at it.
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