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MMORPG and real-life do you do it?Follow

#1 Oct 17 2005 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I've been into MMORPGs for over two years now, and most of them have given me and addiction or just require such a large time sink that I have no time for anything else. Being seventeen and nearing my final year of High School (I'm a Junior), I'm beginning to realize that I really have no life and am missing out on what are supposed to be the best years of my life. It doesn't help that getting almost no excercise might hurt my health later in life, as heart disease runs in my family.

I love playing World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XI and wish to continue playing these kinds of games, but just how do you balance these things out? How do you balance it so that you have time for school, work, relationships, etc. and an MMORPG at the same time? Share your secrets!
#2 Oct 17 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
314 posts
relationships? school? work?! wtf is that?!
#3 Oct 17 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
2,746 posts
Time management. Will power. With a good scheduler and a "just do it, don't think. Do it now." attitude to stick to the schedule, you can live in both the real world and virtual fairly easily. The key, like I said, is time management. Also, it's a good idea since you're in HS to go day by day. Devote two or three days after school to online gaming, three or four for friends, and if any left over, spend them as you wish.
#4 Oct 17 2005 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
314 posts
kala how could you forget to add "**** quality time" to the schedule!
#5 Oct 17 2005 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,746 posts
That would go under the "other" category (spend as you wish time), Gael :3
#6 Oct 17 2005 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
I didn't start playing FFXI until I was already in college so balancing the game and high school I can't much help you on.

As for not letting it take over my life well..

My suggestion would be to try and get your real life responsibilities taken care of first. Do your homework when you get it assigned, if it's a project do as much of it in advance as possible (heck this is just general good student advice). If you get a weekend assignment don't slack off until sunday night so you can play all weekend.

The less you slack off in your real life responsibilities the more enjoyable the games will be because you won't be thinking about your homework n such constantly.

As for exercise...well.. I play DDR. S'bout it.
#7 Oct 17 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
638 posts
It's tough. I haven't been in high school for *cough*11*cough* years, but I still have to balance my time carefully. The game is indeed addicting as well as a time sink. But if you make sure your RL responsibilities are taken care of first and schedule your play time around that, you're good to go. Don't try to schedule RL around the game or you'll never leave the comuter. Personally, I have three "scheduled" days that I invest a few hours into the game. The rest of the week I try to make a point to NOT touch the computer. That's where will power steps in. Even if we're not doing anything important, my family would feel neglected if I spent every night on the computer. So I don't. I try to stick to my schedule and that works well. You probably have a bit more freedom than I do, but scheduling time to NOT play would do wonders for your social life I imagine. ;) Not to mention your health.
Server: Fairy (RIP)->Sylph

FFXIV - Noob
#8 Oct 17 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
I have to say for me, the way I do it is RL responsibilities first, then spend the balance of my time playing.

I know from time to time I also "cheat" and put off the RL stuff until tomorrow, but for the most part, I stick to this "schedule" that I have made.

I work for myself, so I have a lot more freedom, and therefore, alot more opportunity to ***** myself over ^.~.

I get up, bring kids to school first. Next I spend about an hour checking forums, reading email, getting into my day (What I'm doing now LOL). I spend the next several hours on customer needs, and on generating new customers.

I get my kids from school, help with homework, and wrap up any other RL work, or get into some light activity in game if I don't have any other project for the afternoon. Sometimes *gasp* I'll even hang out with the kids and goof off instead! (shhhh it'll ruin my totally addicted MMORPG rep here! >.>;;)

Dinner and Kids to bed, and then I really get into whatever other activity in game I want to do, be it our static party, or a linkshell event, or leveling some other job.

You're young still, enjoy life, whether it's playing the game, or hanging out with your friends. Don't sweat the details too much, as long as your real life work (your homework, and any part time job you may have) gets done. If playing the game gives you enjoyment, then do so. If you feel like you're missing out on something outside of the game, take the following 7 steps:

1. Locate the logout button on the second long menu.

2. Select the logout button.

3. Answer yes when it asks you if you are sure.

4. Choose the quit option.

5. Locate the power button on your PS2 or PC.

6. Press that button.

7. Get up, get out, and go see what's out there.

Have fun!!! ^.^)v
#9 Oct 17 2005 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
Kryptale wrote:
I've been into MMORPGs for over two years now, and most of them have given me and addiction or just require such a large time sink that I have no time for anything else. Being seventeen and nearing my final year of High School (I'm a Junior), I'm beginning to realize that I really have no life and am missing out on what are supposed to be the best years of my life. It doesn't help that getting almost no excercise might hurt my health later in life, as heart disease runs in my family.

I love playing World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XI and wish to continue playing these kinds of games, but just how do you balance these things out? How do you balance it so that you have time for school, work, relationships, etc. and an MMORPG at the same time? Share your secrets!

relationships? school? work?! wtf is that?!
#10 Oct 17 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good

Really, there is no secret, other than learning when to turn the game off. I am in college in the moment, and I am pushing hard to get into a good graduate school, so grades are important. It is hard sometimes to say "Ok, this party is really rockin', but I have a nasty paper to write...which is more fun? Hmmmm....lets do the paper." It has to be done though. I have gotten to the point that I only play after all homework is finished, and I play on weekends during the day, and only at night on weekends if there isn't a social obligation. I don't want to get trapped in RL < Game. That can get dangerous.

Edit: Oh! Part of knowing when to turn off the game is knowing when to go to bed too. That one was also hard for me, heh.

Edited, Mon Oct 17 09:33:44 2005 by Katarine
#11 Oct 17 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
Well the school part I cannot answer, by the time there was an internet I was already out of school and had a family.

But I did play games on my Commodore 64 like Bard's Tale I, II & III back then (ZOMGWTFBBQZ!!!11!!1ELEVEN!!1! this guy is freaking old!)

Yes I'm ancient, but... I honestly don't know what I would have done if this were around when I was in High School and/or College. Probably wouldnt have been getting laid as much, which in turn would mean I wouldn't have had a kid at such an early age, which in turn would mean I would have alot more money in my pocket, which in turn would lead to more time I could spend playing FFXI now.

Balance? wtf is that, lol.... FFXI 24/7 if I could =P
#12 Oct 17 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
427 posts
Hmmmm. Well 17 is kind of a rough age. But there really are so man other things you can do socially. Try for starters on weekends going out on one night, and then gaming on the other. If you are trying to kick your gaming habit or atleast control it, set a goal for yourself. Say you game maybe 3 hours a night. Set an alarm for 10 minutes less every week until you get it down to where you want.

Good Luck, and yes you are missing out on life if you devote it all to your computer screen.
#13 Oct 17 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,656 posts
There is no balance. There is only FFXI.

Shed a tear for me.

Edited, Mon Oct 17 10:24:51 2005 by Asshandler
#14 Oct 17 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
THese games are addicting

I juggle police work, wife and a soon to be here son , a home amongst other stuff

key to all that is knowing you have other stuff to do and dont get on the game, take a day off here and there from ffxi or wow to get things done, ie...laundry,cleaning take wife/gf out to eat, movies, yard work

this is just how i do it, sometimes it works sometimes it dont , being in a hnmls doesnt help either as im always needed somewhere

best advice i can give is learn to control the game not the other way around
#15 Oct 17 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
144 posts
I find it very easy to manage with a static party schedule.
Every Wednesday, Friday, Sunday night we do exp (well now limit points), missions, etc.
That still leaves me ALOT of time for assignments and work :D
..... which I really need this semester :/

edit: I know this is irrelevent to WoW since you can solo to max level and finding a static at lv20 in FFXI can be difficult, but BLM should be able to get one easy :D

Edited, Mon Oct 17 10:55:23 2005 by Haelous
#16 Oct 17 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
3,255 posts
I used to play FFXI alot more than I do now staying up late during the week when it was hurting my work performance, and sitting in a chair all weekend long instead of doing something else with my hubby.

We both stopped that. We go out on weekends. We have a "date" night on fridays where we try to either go out or just watch a movie at home. We spend more quality time together rather than FFXI time together. It makes FFXI not work anymore but fun again when you take it in several small doses and the occasional long session.
#17 Oct 17 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
life?! what is this? Im 22 and still heavily addicted. Friends? theyre in my linkshell considering all my other real m8s apart from 2 left to goto uni and some are still there and i really just crnt be bothered to make new friends, ive kept the 1's i plan to keep and see them on a weekend as im to nakaerd after work to go and see them. As for going out why would i wana go out risk getting bird flu or stabbed in the face for my bus fare when i can be at home with ffxi?
#18 Oct 17 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
I look at this game as a last resort for things to do. However, I don't watch TV and exersize is a part of my job, so I do have that advantage. Med school, and a 40 hours a week job... you want a way to keep yourself off the game, give it a try. So much work you'll be lucky to get sleep. I don't know how I manage to play myself, but I do it. ^^
Oh and my RL friends play too, so thats also a bonus for me ^^.
#19 Oct 17 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
I dont log in until 8PM at night, after work, after dinner with wife and kids, after bath for boy, play time with son and daughter, reading, chores, wife time etc. Wife supports this option and it works well. I stay up as late as I want, or can handle the next day, but always know when enough is enough
#20 Oct 17 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah man im 17 too, man just make freidns with ppl in school and chill with them on the weekends, then only play during the week when your supposed to be studying or doing homework (or some **** like that, I think thats what they call it) and your good lmao
#21 Oct 17 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
964 posts
Well, I'm been out of high school for 14 years now. My priorities are my daughter, boyfriend, family, work, then game (though aside from being a 9-5 job, my work doesn't spill over into spare time, unlike others' jobs). I sometimes schedule things in the game, but otherwise I only play when RL allows, not vice versa. I'll probably never get to 75 and get into a Dynamis LS, but I'm just going to keep doing my best. I'm more about making 100% of the game time I have rather than playing 100% of the time. Even if I have my flag up and am trying to find a PT, I'll still do something else in the meantime, so that I'm always, constantly, getting something out of my playtime.
#22 Oct 18 2005 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
4,148 posts
strangely enough I manage to find time for just about everything I need to do, but i do most of my heavy playing on weekends in the morning when no one else wants to do anything.


time management isn't easy, the key is making the most of your day

1. cut down commute as much as possible
2. see how little sleep you can get away with (most people do fine with 6-7 hours tops).
3. prioritize

that being said I'd like another 4-5 hours in the day.
#23 Oct 18 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Well, Willpower and time management is great.. if I didn't have the willpower of a crazed monkey. The single thing that keeps me in the land of the living is one single principle :

If there is ANYTHING else to do other than play ff, i do it.

Friends call for a movie I watched 3 times? Warp /logout
My mom needs things fixed around house? Warp /logout
my GF needs some caring after work? Chainspell Warp /Shutdown (I DO like some things more than ff :P)

I totally agree with Lady MistressKat that if you place FF in your spare time, and down the dosage a bit, it feels more "fun" than "work".

One more thing : Don't set unrealistic standards and goals.

Some time ago I decided that with all the other things I do, I'll never hit lvl 75. I'll consider myself lucky if I see Kirin up close and personal. I'll just play and enjoy the ride while it lasts. That really helped balancing things out and does great things for your morale when RL stuff gets between you and FF.

Have Fun
#24 Oct 18 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
4,400 posts
I tell myself "It's just a game."

I also tell myself "It will be there tomorrow, a week from now, and a month from now." And then I go on my merry way.
#25 Oct 18 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
567 posts
finish your real life ****, it's as simple as that. When you get that taken care of log on and enjoy the game without that nagging thought of your homework being due tommorrow.
#26 Oct 18 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
641 posts
It's easy... do RL stuff during the day, then play after it's all done. I don't log in to FFXI until at least 9 or 10 EST, but I usually play for 2-5 hours. Not everyone can live off 3-4 hours of sleep though.
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