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Petition : we want a Nomad Moogle in SELBINAFollow

#77 Oct 13 2005 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
3,141 posts
Where's the (Tavnazian Safehold) and how do you get there?

#78 Oct 13 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
5,587 posts
jtftaru wrote:
Where's the (Tavnazian Safehold) and how do you get there?


If you have to ask that, then you probably wouldn't be able to go there. You only get access to Tavnazian Safehold/Lufaise Meadows/Miseraux Coast after you've completed the three Proms.

If you do have access, to get to Lufaise Meadows from Valkrum Dunes, there's a "Swirling Vortex" in a cave at the SE part of Siren Sands. The Vortex will teleport you to Lufaise Meadows. Once there Tavnazian Safehold is a relatively short walk from there, but if you are wandering through there as a low level you'll have to avoid aggro (which isn't all that difficult).
#79 Oct 13 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
388 posts
This game has been out for how long now? 2.5 years? If they haven't put a Nomad Moogle in Selbina yet, then I'm pretty sure they never will.

Besides, it's unecessary.
#80 Oct 13 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,590 posts
"Oh you died, let me run in and changed jobs so I can Raise"

"Oh no, gob is going amok here. Let me go to town and swap to another job to smite that gob".

No need .. the PL will see to it.

#81 Oct 13 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
This has been said already, but the walk you have to do to lvl in the dunes is a neccesary evil. IT teaches new players A LOT of different things.

How to handle the long waits for EVERYTHING in the game.

Where things are and the fastest/safest way to get to them.

How to avoid agro (though it seems a lot of people missed this lesson).

What agros (for the most part, what agros is consistent throughout the game, the walk helps with that).

To come prepared for the lvls you will be getting

As a high lvl, i would love a moogle in selbina. It would make travel much easier. But the new players (which there will be ALOT of soon), need to learn those things. After my 4th walk to the dunes and then back to sandy, i decided to go ahead and get everything i was going to need while i was there lol.

#82 Oct 13 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
Tininai wrote:
If they put a nomad moogle in selbina... you would see ALOT MORE 18xxx/1xxx job running around. Instead of going back to town, that MIGHT make them lv sub afew lv at least, people will just do the quest pop a sub then go out again. Is that what you really want?

Sure. I leveled my first job all the way to 20 before leaving the dunes (and then I went straight to jeuno). Sub job on the dunes is optional. If they finish the quest at 18 and only have a level 1 sub, thats perfectly fine.
#83 Oct 13 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
I challenge anyone, and I mean anyone, to find some good points as to why nomad moogles should not be allowed. Not opinions but factual reasons why it would unbalance or otherwise ruin the game as a whole. The day someone makes a good case for NOT having them is the day pigs learn to fly and Hell's climate drops to absolute zero.

You know what. The "I'm right and anyone who disagrees is wrong" tone of that post so blatant and arrogant that it really doesn't deserve to be dignified with any serious response. Besides, it'd amount to nothing more than you puffing your chest further, saying "You're wrong". After all, you're apparently already convinced of that. Your "challenge" to be "proven wrong" is nothing more than a ruse.

Annd... who are you exactly? Why does anyone have to prove *you* wrong? What makes your point-of-view any more "factual" than anyone else's? Do you work for SE? Are you one who makes these decisions? Does what you say, or think, or express in these forums have *any* more influence on what SE does than anyone else?

Of course it doesn't.

You're a player with an opinion. Just like everyone else here.

Get over yourself.

Here is a fact to support my opinion against Nomad Moogles, and it's a very fundamental one. The game has been perfectly playable for the past 3 years without a Nomad Moogle in Selbina. 100s of thousands of players are proof of that. There hasn't been any mass exodus from the game because of no Nomad Moogle in Selbina. It's perfectly fine without one now.

New players have already found a way to increase their XP rate through the Dunes at the expense of decreasing their knowledge of their characters/grouping/group dynamics (Thanks to PL'ing). But apparently that's not good enough. It's gotta be even *more* convenient and easy.

Just play the damn game and stop trying to change everything to be faster/easier/more convenient/dumbed down.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 11:53:44 2005 by wsimike
#84 Oct 13 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Default
Nomad moogles all over would make things FAR too easy. But I think Selby could definitely have a chocobo stable (town style) so you can ride it at 15 if you already have a license.
#85 Oct 13 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Indeed, A choco Stable would do !!!!
SO newbies cant ride them yet,
and us,higher levels can!

That`s a good alternative,so what about a petition PUT A CHOCO STABLE IN SELBINA?
#86 Oct 13 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,207 posts
wsimike wrote:
Here is a fact to support my opinion against Nomad Moogles, and it's a very fundamental one. The game has been perfectly playable for the past 3 years without a Nomad Moogle in Selbina. 100s of thousands of players are proof of that. There hasn't been any mass exodus from the game because of no Nomad Moogle in Selbina. It's perfectly fine without one now.

Yeah, and DRG isn't broke. Please, stating that the game has been functional isn't a defense, as it's clearly been functional before with major portions broken and still broken. I mean, if you really believed in this BS why don't you petition SE to stop all updates because obviously the game is functioning currently and doesn't need them. That's just not good logic.

I agree with the other guy, everybody whines about how it makes people learn thing when the thing they've learned is something whine about, PLers. Instead the dunes are the pit of the world, forcing a 20 min or so run on you to get anywhere since you're less than 20, or you risk losing your pt due to a death, and don't give me any BS about not learning to die as even 75 with years of experience under their belt can still die in xp parties. It is the main reason PLer's have become common, and it's now hard to find a party without a PL in the dunes. So, instead of learning the game, newbies instead learn to rely on PL's. Yet, adding a convience to curb this (no need to worry about those trains, or getting a quick raise anymore), you want to continue encouraging it?
#87 Oct 13 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
One fact is irrifutable. Running back and fowards along the same routes is boring. Nobody pays $12 a month to play a game where you run through big (and admitedly pretty) area's, staying away from stuff that will kill you; with an attached chat room. I could do the same thing by going to a chatroom online and playing a windowed game of some kind on my desktop.

Yes, I think everyone should experiance running to Valkurm, you have to learn the aggro avoidence for when you go to Jeuno anyway. Having to do it over and over is just dull (I've taken 4 jobs into dunes, and 2 out again).

I've always favoured the idea of putting a Valkurm leved zone somewhere that only 25-30+ players can accsess it, like in the Elishimo Lowlands. That way everyone has to learn the hard way once, but can be garunteed a party with some experiance when they come to level thier 3rd job (because they would probably have to level thier sub up through Valkurm too); rather than having to fight through the crowds of newbies, and having to run back and foward all over again.

Like the Airship Pass, Chocobos, Teleport Spells, Warp, Escape, Warp II and all that Jazz; Having leveled up one or two jobs should give ways of reducing the tedious trip to Valkurm and back again. Tedium isn't "hard" it's just boring.
#88 Oct 13 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
150 posts
I would like to add: A lot of people had wonderful experiences outside of dunes (i.e. excellent partys in Maze of Shakrami), and they recall these experiences with nostalgia, but the fact of the matter is.. they just got lucky; they got the one good party in the maze, and now that singular experience has warped their perception into thinking that the maze is better than anywhere else. Every time they have a bad party in dunes they remember that great party in the maze, and instead of attributing it to the party, they attribute it, improperly in my opinion, to the location.

I disagree.

I have had plenty of good party experiences at those levels outside of the dunes. There are other viable places to level that aren't the dunes. It's not nostalgia or luck, they were just good parties. I have had good parties in the dunes too.

It -sounds- like you're saying the Dunes are the best place to level at that level... any other place with a party getting good exp is pure luck. Maybe that's not how you intended or I am wrong, which is cool.

I think, though, that it would be nice if parties did consider these options and spread out more. Valkurm Dunes can be PACKED sometimes, and some parties competing for mobs would have a better time in the Maze or Bubu.

It's like Kazham being overcrowded, yet no one goes to Batallia downs. I have been in several good parties in Batallia downs that pulled awesome exp. I've also been in crappy ones. Same with the jungle.

But like... at that level people want to seek party where they are going to get picked up immediately and be fighting in less than 10 seconds. Sometimes this isn't the best case. Later on in levels it isn't gonna work like that.

I don't like the 'I have a high level so I shouldn't have to deal with this again' excuse. The job you're leveling isn't high, people need to stop thinking that just because they feel it is redundent that these challenges should be taken away from our new players. If you've done it a million times before, it should be easy for you to do it again.

I'm kind of torn on the idea of a moogle being in Selbina/Mhaura. On one hand it would be a nice convenience. I'm not just talking about changing jobs, mind you. What if you run out of food and you would like to stay in the dunes til you hit 20? Or arrows? Or something? I know I often make the dunes my home if I am leveling a job from whatever-20 until I complete that goal. It would be nice to ask my friend to get what I ran out of something send it to me, instead of asking him to trek to my party and deliver it to me.

On the other hand, it opens up a few easy ways out of dealing with problems they're gonna have to deal with at some point or another. Teamwork amongst parties in the area can kill minor trains, you don't necessarily need Xawesomedudex to change his job to level 75 DRK to beat everything up for you.

I think it could be a positive either way. :)
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#89 Oct 13 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
399 posts
sofy wrote:
I think the dunes are aready harsh...
We sooooooo need a Nomad Moogle there !!!
Sign up ppl !


Other options?

/say !!!

Edited, Thu Oct 13 12:42:05 2005 by sofy

No thanks.

It's a nice challenge to go back home before heading out to Jeuno. It also gives people a chance to upgrade gear before they turn up in Jeuno wearing the same armor from lv10.
#90 Oct 13 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
983 posts
I would like access to my mog safe at least, i can easily fill up 55 spaces with gear 10-20.
#91 Oct 13 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
# Drop the outpost teleport level to 15.

As much as I'd love it, it would have to be done across the board. All of the outpost warp minimums are set to be at the end of each zones usefullness for leveling. If they were to change it so that we could outpost warp do dunes for 5 levels of experiencing, then we would want the same for every zone. i.e. dropping the minimum to 60 from 65 for Cape Terrigen.

Yes, please!!!

They should all be lower in order to be more realistic and useful. I really don't understand SEs philosophy on this. Do they set the limit higher than the level to XP in that area on purpose? Maby to limit the usefulness of the outpost teleport? Or, is it just an oversight on SEs part? It's a mystery.

Nomad moogle in selbina is no mystery.

This game has been out for how long now? 2.5 years? If they haven't put a Nomad Moogle in Selbina yet, then I'm pretty sure they never will.

I agree.

I have nothing against a nomad moogle in the dunes. I do not plan to return there to XP ever, so I really don't care either way.
#92 Oct 13 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
[quote: By: TheSecretOfHorutoto]

No thanks.

It's a nice challenge to go back home before heading out to Jeuno. It also gives people a chance to upgrade gear before they turn up in Jeuno wearing the same armor from lv10.

IM talking here about HIGHER levels who doesnt want to bother with the come'n'go to level a 3rd sub job and such.... It would be avaible only by obtaining something you get like lvl 60+... Not for newbies.
#93 Oct 13 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
you do know how it would work if you had choco stables in selbina right? you would have to be level 20 to rent one. lmao
#94 Oct 13 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
I think Rank 10's should get Jet Ski's! Make it a 5 minute ride to Jeuno from Selbina or Mhuara. Really, as it is now there is no benefit from going from rank 6 to 10. No perks. And don't say the mission money. The crystals you have to turn in cost about the same as the reward.

Or even better: Once you complete Rank 10 in the 3 cities they could give you a Jeuno ring. Level 1, rare/ex, 1 charge a day, warp to Jeuno.

Edited, Thu Oct 13 16:03:13 2005 by Spungy
#95 Oct 13 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
I skimmed through most of the posts. However this idea was a good one:

A. Put a chocobo in Selbina that you can use at 15+
B. Make outpost warp 15+
C. Have an NPC teleport you to your home country.

Especially the chocobo idea. Also put chocobo stables in Mhaura.
#96 Oct 13 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Default
Seriously though, all the things about keeping the dunes hardcore, etc, are they really relavent anymore? I can't find a party without a powerleveller nowadays, in fact the last 2 dunes parties I've been in have had two.

If you're not going to give us a moogle, at _least_ put an NPC somewhere in Selbina that can teleport you to your home city for a fee. I don't mind not having a moogle, it's the 15-20 minute walk back to Bastok that irritates me. When you're doing 10-14, you can't get a choco at the crag either. It's just straight running. It's not like you can even warp since you usually set your home point in Selbina to be safe *sigh*

So in summary, I'm on the fence on the moogle issue, but put in a teleporting NPC!

Unless I'm horribly mistaken, there is an outpost Valkurm Dunes which allows you to just use the outpost teleporting services. And if you're from Windurst? Do like I did, party in Buburimu Peninsula instead, there's an outpost there too.
#97 Oct 13 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,239 posts
If you've been to jeuno then you could have easily done a few of the gobby bag quests. with 50 slots even the heavy inventory jobs like ranger/ninja/bard can carry all the gear they need for the 10-20 on the dunes. I know I was able to. And once Blue Mage is out I am going to enjoy doing it again. The walk isn't that long, and if you stay till 20 you chocobo back fromt he crags which isn't a long walk at all.

And I am terribly against a chocobo stable in selbina. The reason is simply for the selbina clay quest. I already walked my **** to 15 of those stone monument, and I did it in about 3 hours total (exculding ship wait and ride times for the monuments closer to windy. Also note I used BLM to warp back to selbina, so if you had to walk both ways it would be 6 hours easy. Of course you could use whm/blm and teleport/warp/chocobo everywhere and do it in like an hour).

Bottom line: having to walk here isn't hard to do. Would a moogle be nice and convienent? Yes. Is it needed? By any measure NO.
#98 Oct 13 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
300 posts
I say if anything, I'd like to see a nomad moogle in Mhaura, but not Selbina. As it is now (at least on Siren), Buburimu Peninsula is pretty dead except for people traveling to Mhaura and Bibiki/Manaclipper, and also the occasional bst soloing.

Truth is, bubu offers lvling for the same lvl ranges as the dunes, with similar mobs. I'd love to see Bubu actually used for this, but since the Dunes have become dominant (because of proximity to 2 out 3 starting cities), there's virtually no chance of it happening without some sort of new incentive.

I agree that there are big balance issues with this, like having anyone with a high enough lvl rdm pld or whm be able to switch jobs and raise if their pt gets obliterated. But it seems like SE kinda intended for bubu and the dunes to be symmetrical - both have drops for their respective subjob quests, similar types and levels of mobs, etc. However, as with many of SE's intentions (e.g., SAM as a tank), this didn't quite pan out. Having some kind of incentive seems necessary to get the folks from Sandy and Bastok to take the boat to lvl in their teens.

In general, I wish there was a bigger variety of good options for pt locations at every level. I truly doubt that SE really wanted us to stay in the dunes 11-20, and CN from 35-50 (not that you have to, or that everyone does, but these are usually the easiest options in those ranges). So many of the zones in this game seem underutilized - I mean, does anyone really use Meriphataud Mountains for anything except Ballista? Maybe if it didn't take so long to lvl, people would be willing to experiment with pt locations other than the tried and true ones...

This sounds like a good compromise, and a good way to balance out the dunes and bubu.

I have white mage levelled a good ways, and it'd be nice to be able to turn into white mage and clear the zone to selbina or mhuara so people didn't lose so much time that they'd prefer not to be trapped in town when they could be levelling or questing.
#99 Oct 13 2005 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
Things like nomad moogles and choc stables are perks to the higher level players in higher level areas. You don't want those noobs (like me) getting the same perks. You gotta ern em. It's like being a freshmen, you have to be put in as many trash cans and lockers as the freshmen before you. Only then can you appreciate the beauty of such luxury...

Or something like that.

Besides you don't want this game to be easy do you?
#100 Oct 13 2005 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
I haven't seen anyone mention this, but it seems to be an easy solution to the having to run back and forth, and also something that Square could reasonably implement without changing the dynamic of low levels too much. For the New Year's Event this year, it was possible to obtain Stables teleport items from each of the three starter cities. Each item is level 15 and has limited charges that teleport you to one of the cities. Here is the San d'Orian one: Kingdom Stables Collar

Square has already made some event teleport items (the outpost warp rings) accessable via spending Conquest Points, so it seems reasonable that they could do that with these items as well. Or, perhaps they could be bought from your home country's chocobo stables when you obtain a certain rank, or something like that.

I got all three for the specific purpose of leveling in the Dunes--I can set my homepoint there so as not to inconvenience my party, but I can get home quick, and warp back if I want to with a CP warp scroll. I'm unlikely to warp home just to raise someone since I can only teleport once every 24 hours, though.

This seems to be a pretty well balanced thing that Square could do. At any rate, if these are ever offered as a prize for an event again, I *highly* recommend picking them up and using them wisely. Never let it be said SE never gives us anything good for events!

Edited, Fri Oct 14 00:23:11 2005 by Kuporeid
#101 Oct 13 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
Nomad moogle and an AH there would be cool IMHO. and No im lot low level.
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