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Daily NPC Diagnostics - Updated Everyday!Follow

#127 Jul 22 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
70 posts
Day 3: Me and 2 other people all took our NPCs out in Batallia downs. All NPCs were level 30, The players were 30, 30 and 25. After killing various things ranging from T to EP for 29 minutes, right at the instant a fight ended, all our NPCs left at once. I think mine said something like "It's time for me to go now, goodbye!"

My NPC now has armour that looks like the Breastplate set except the hands, which are orange mittens, the same model as Battle Gloves. She also gained the Attacker and Healer job options.

Next time I'm going to count how many fights before they disappear.
#128 Jul 22 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
526 posts
Durn..Ealdwulf beat me..
I did notice Double Attacks on my NPC, quite often.
I did not notice notifcations of WSs (only used once)
I had her 7 mins..died to 1,000 needles..
No armour loss...
~taking her out as healer in Qufim on my 35 NIN
#129 Jul 22 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Random NPC Info
There appear to be 9 different 'personality' types based on the race and face of your NPC. All this effects is how they word phrases to you.

big sister

There also appears to be some kind of quest/event you can do to change your NPC's weapon or shield by trading one to the Mithra NPC in Upper Jeuno and she passes it on to your NPC. She talks about giving them 'beginer's gear' before handing them anything too fancy, but there is no current information on what you must do to be able to trigger this.
#130 Jul 22 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
46 posts
^^bump day 6 added. talk to luto after date 6 and u can trade weapons to her to give to Cupapa. will update as soon as i figure out what i can and can't trade.

So far, i've tried:
Battleaxe +1
Centurion's Sword
Solid Wand
Chestnut Wand
Willow Wand
Maple Wand +1

She wouldn't take any of them.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 15:08:56 2005 by turtlelin

Edited, Fri Jul 22 15:28:08 2005 by turtlelin
#131 Jul 22 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,192 posts
The new job options were exciting enough for me to want to brave the lines this weekend. But being able to trade the NPC equipment to use? AWESOME!

Please please, I (and everyone else) is would be greatly appreciative of any more details you have about this. Limitations on types of gear they will take, wether Defense or Damage ratings change your NPCs performance. Heck, I'd be happy just to be able to dress them however I like, so any more info would be great.

Thanks to everyone for all the details so far!

Edit: I just realized something. If SE does in fact let the quality of the gear the NPC uses impact their performance they are actually pretty darn smart. What better way to remove large amounts of gil from the Servers than by letting us twink our NPCs with Astral Rings and Haubergons. ^^

Edited, Fri Jul 22 15:50:12 2005 by NameAlreadyTaken
#132 Jul 22 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,174 posts
anyone actually able to get them to change "jobs" yet?
i know that changing "style" is possible, but it seems there's an option for job change, too.
Wolfpack Linkshell
#133 Jul 22 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
46 posts
Ok i've successfully traded a bronze axe(axe), cesti(H2H), butterfly axe(GAXE), claymore(GSD), and a bronze zaghnal(SCY). Went to talk to Cupapa hoping she'd let me choose what to give her...but no new options showed up. I'm guessing she'll use the last weapon i traded so i'll be expecting a Scyth-Wielding Healer next time out. I'll try more when i get back from lunch.

Looks like the weapons you can trade are the lowest level weapon of each type. Tried trading bronze dagger and a Tachi(GKT) but she wouldn't take those. Can't wait for my 7th date^^
#134 Jul 22 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
869 posts
The new job options were exciting enough for me to want to brave the lines this weekend. But being able to trade the NPC equipment to use? AWESOME!


I went out and killed the Chocoboleech last night and, since I have no intention of taking NIN past 1 any time soon, was wondering wth I was going to do with that 1H Katana it dropped. Maybe Wagwei will take it off my hands!
#135 Jul 22 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
1,356 posts
Just adding my own experiences to the mix.

Today was my first day, the session was with my 55SMN/whm in West Atlepa fighting Easy Prey Dhalmels and Spiders,
and lasted 45 minutes.

I'm happy to report our NPCs are pet friendly.

The best aspect of this being the fact your NPC, even in Sheild mode, is all too happy to let an Avatar tank something. Throughout the entire session Gunnar didn't make a single attempt to provoke the mob off of Carbuncle. Which is one thing that makes me personally breathe a huge sigh of relief.
The moment the mob went for me, however, Gunnar was provoking like mad - which was super handy for recasting an Avatar.

Also, the NPC doesn't engage himself until you personally take a swipe at the mob. I could send Carbuncle out to retrieve a mob, and pull back to a safer location, and my NPC didn't meddle in the affair one bit. I could actually go an entire fight having myself and the NPC just sitting there while an Avatar wailed away. (but where's the fun in that?)

One downside, is that as you engage, so does your NPC - When you disengage, so does your NPC. If you wanted to create the scenario where a Pet and NPC were fighting something and you were not, you'd have to tap it once, then run away and observe from afar with your weapon out.
(not that that's terribly difficult)

Our battles went like:
Carby Assault
Me and NPC Engage
Carby uses Meteorite
Melee until death

Sometimes I would go 2 or 3 fights in a row without resting. But being a creature of mana, I really couldn't afford not to rest regularly.

Another thing worthy of noting:
My NPC ditched me in the middle of a Fight. ;p
we were half-way through a Spider, and as soon as it hit the 45 minute mark:
"Whoa! Is that the time!
See you again soon!"
(yes, he had an exclaimation point where a question mark should be >.>)

So I'm thinking there's definately a time limit of some sort. It definately wasn't a exp earned/certain number of mob killed factor, or the near mpk'er would've waited until the end >.>

I got back to Jeuno, and he had new Body and Foot armor.
No level, no new options yet.
The Body looks to be a Doublet (a lateral move from Scale), or a Cotton Doublet (a move up). The feet seem to be very similar to the doublet - even in color scheme, but I can't place them exactly.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 16:00:12 2005 by TwilightVigil
#136 Jul 22 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
119 posts
I've had my pearl for about 2 days, but only had time to pull her out late last night.
Day1: I took my lvl 16 DRG to Valkurm to see what I could solo. Between me, my wyvern, and my mithra NPC, we raped everything that checked Tough or below in the area. btw, DC gives nice xp now O.o
I did have a plvl during this, <3 sailorkitty, so I was able to Chain#4 and got about 1.9k xp before she left. She stayed for about 30min.

During the time that she was there, I tried to keep hate off her, since kitty couldn't cure her unless in my pt, but she took alot of damage from Tough lizzies and gobs. So we rested about 3 or 4 times to full HP (for both her and my wyvern). She decided to jet on the 3rd chain #3 I believe and I was 400 tnl ;_; althought I did get lvl 17 that night >:D

I think there is a combination of things effecting how long your NPC stays with you. The lvl of the mobs you fight, how much damage it takes, and how much you rest. There are probably more factors, but from what I've read so far those are the main factors. I have yet to check my NPC at the meeting place, so I guess today I'll see what kind of armor she's decked out in, if any ^_^
#137 Jul 22 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
694 posts
I spent a couple sessions today with my NPC Jesimae in yhoatar fighting too weak wasps and goblins. After the first time, I unlocked healer and switched her to that mode. The second time, I had her using that mode, and I got her to level up. So I can confirm that you yourself don't need to be gaining any experience points in order for your npc to level up.

Something else I found interesting was that she leveled up in the middle of a fight. Maybe this was just lag and she actually leveled at the end of the previous fight, but I don't think so.

Another fun thing is that if you have your npc set to display a low mp warning, when you rest up again she'll tell you when her mp is almost full. This is very useful. ^^
#138 Jul 22 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
176 posts
I set Raka to Healer and headed out to Sauromague again, this time as my main, 64 Sam. She did very well. I kept a tally of all her spells to see if people could give me a calculation of her approximate MP pool. From start to first warning of low MP, she casted Shell (on me), Protect II (on me), Shell (herself), Stoneskin, Slow, Slow, blinda (on me, curing my blindess. This made me very happy), Dia, Dia, Silence, Silence. After telling me she was ready to go again, she went with: Aquaveil, silence, stoneskin, Aquaveil, blink, dia, paralyze, dia, dia, slow.

I think that he/she must be a RDM/WHM, becuase those are WHM and RDM spells. Maybe Healer class does RDM, sheild class does PLD, and Fighter class does WAR.

Just a thought.
#139 Jul 22 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Hi everyone,

I just want to let you guys know that I am pretty happy with my NPC. It seems to be taking on the job of a RDM when I choose the "Healer" job option. I have just finished my 4th summon of my NPC today, and I am able to test out her abilities. She is wearing chainmail and carrying a shield and a sword. What is most important is that she is able to cast protect II, Shell and Cure III on my NIN 36 Character. This is really great considering the fact that her cure III gave me 160HP mid-fight. She also start off the fights with dia or paralyze. The spells that she has used so far:

1) Silence
2) Paralyze
3) Blink
4) Stoneskin
5) Protect II
6) Shell
7) Dia
8) Aquaveil
9) Slow
10) Cure III

Of course as mentioned in earlier posts, she is able to use fast blade and red lotus blade for SC. Lastly, she will also let you know when her MP is full during healing with the message: "My magical reserves have recovered. I'm ready to continue".

Thought that you guys will be happy to know a little bit more about the NPC. Have a great weekend.

Edited, Tue Jul 26 17:39:58 2005 by GalkanWarlord

Edited, Tue Jul 26 17:46:22 2005 by GalkanWarlord
#140 Jul 22 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
547 posts
I tried using my npc for the second time today, and used the pearl to call her in a full party of 6 ><. She left, so I have to wait until the next day >_>

1st call was on Tuesday
-Went to Rolanberry on my 60 Ninja and just ran around killing random things.
-She left after about 25-30 minutes, checked RP and she was wearing Chainmail.

2nd call was earlier today
- Went to Rolanberry again on my 60 Ninja killing random things
- She left after about 24-27 minutes, went to RP and she was wearing some ugly Breastplate.
#141 Jul 22 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
46 posts
Just thought i'd update what i've been able to trade to Luto to give to NPC.

Stuff She Wouldn't Take:
Maul (CLUB)
Battleaxe +1 (AXE)
Okanehira (Great Katana)
Centurion's Sword (Sword)
Solid Wand (Wand)
Gladius (Sword)
Chestnut Wand (Club)
Willow Wand (Club)
Maple Wand +1 (Club)
Onion Dagger (Dagger)
Shortbow (Archery)
Ash Staff (Staff)
Maple Wand (Club)
Onion Staff (Staff)
Tachi (Great Katana)
Longsword (Sword)

Stuff She Accepted:
Bronze Axe(axe)
Butterfly Axe(GAXE)
Bronze Zaghnal (scythe)
Ash Staff (Staff)

My guess is that there's one of each type of weapon that the NPC can use. That leaves Dagger, Polearm, Katana, and Great Katana.
I gave mine a Butterfly Axe cuz i wanna see my healer NPC use Sturmwind :P
#142 Jul 22 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
1st call
I went to attowha chasm with my 75 bst to beat up on DC antlions, accidently got her killed after 10 minute, so got about 40 exp I think. After I went to see her at RP, nothing changed

2nd call
Went to Rolanberry field with my 38 whm to beat up on EP mobs, she left after 41 minute and got about 300-400 exp. Saw her at RP, still lvl 30 but i have access to attacker and healer style. She was wearing doublet body/feet piece, not sure what the hands and glove were.

3rd call
Changed Raka to healer mode and went back on bst to fight DC antlions. Stayed for another 40 minute, got about 550 exp or so.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 20:01:11 2005 by IceDragonkashell
#143 Jul 22 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
* There are multiple levels and types of equipment given:
- Weapon: 2 levels, 1 type.
- Shield: 2 levels, 1 type.
- Headgear: 2 levels, 1 type.
- Body: 3 levels, 4 types.
- Hands: 3 levels, 4 types.
- Legs: 3 levels, 4 types.
- Feet: 3 levels, 4 types.

Can anybody explain how trading Luto gear interacts with the above? Is the above simply what she'll end up in left to her own devices?
#144 Jul 22 2005 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
So far out lvling on my bst I have pulled her out 5 times now. Still not lvled. But her gear has upgraded her body is not Cent. Armor. I think tomarrow I will change her to healer give her a nice staff and take her out to jungle with me on ninja to skill up my throwing ^_^. Keep up the great info everyone
#145 Jul 22 2005 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,505 posts
Day 1: Went out with my NPC for the first real time (first time I wanted to show it off in yuhtunga, then 6th zoned in..). Went out to Rolanberry and just fought random stuff, a few gobs and bees and quadavs... We started fighting blah blah blah he keeps voking, doesn't steal hate (I'm 49 monk), etc. Eventually, I pull off a Raging Fists, then he uses Fast Blade, leading to Liquefaction (I believe it was Fast Blade, sorry, not posotive.) Eventually, my big ol' galka Voldai said "That's it for today, see ya around!" or something like that. I went back to check the Redezvous Point and he was wearing Eisenbrust, I couldn't quite determine any other gear though... That's my story, I'll see if I can update later...

Day 2: Went to Behemoth's Dominion today, fought a buncha EP bats, singles and tri-bats. He stayed for about an hour and left me :( ah well, I now have access to other jobs. I think I'll go with Healer, since I'm a monk... Will update after my 2nd run today!

Day 2 Part 2: Well, nothing happened this time, it was kidna cool though watchin him slow/dia/silence the bats. He also casted 'tect II on me and himself. He also did some enfeebs like slow, silence and dia, which imo was cool^^. I might've leveled him up if it weren't for a party invite. Ah well. I think I wanna officially make leveling my NPC something to do while I'm bored =D. I came back and he didn't seem to have any different equipment.

Day 3: Nothing new except that my NPC ended up in some kind of Breastplate. It didn't look like normal kind, but like the level 50 DRK JSE: Gloom Breastplate. I'll update again later. EDIT: Perhaps it is Mythril breastplate.

Day 4-A: I wet back to the dominion, same old same old stuff, and he dinged 31 =D finally >< I'll come back and update about gear later.

Day 4-B: I gave my NPC a GAxe and switched its job to attacker. He was doing WAY more damage, but I had insane downtime. Same old stuff, only I only got in about 6 fights :(. Anyway, I went back to the Rendezvous Point and noticed he had some new boots. I believe they would be the Eisen- type. Anyway, will update tomorrow!

Day 5-A: Same old, same old, except I changed to healer again. Only got in a few fights due to downtime. Will update later.

Day 5-b: I found that my NPC got the 'mythril type' hand gear. Eventually some LS buds were going there to EXP (they were 60 when I am 50). We fought lost souls and weapons since the bats were Too Weak. Eventually my NPC dinged 32 =D and we all started to rest due to low HP/MP on ourselves or NPCs. I aggroed 2 skels due to low HP (I think, or sound agro, I assume it was low HP due to far away). One DRK (oh btw, they were both DRKs) and me died. I went back to Rendezvous Point and he had all the same gear, except no leg gear. EDIT: He actually had the RSE legs. Will update tomorrow, probably going to Zi'Tah from now on.

Day 6-A: Went from oztroja (tryin to get OKotes) to Zi'Tah (alone), called my NPC, and forgot I didn't change my sub. So I fought myxometites (sp) (funguars) and only got about 5 fights in due to downtime. He left mid-fight, too ><. Went back, no new stuff from luto, he got what I believe was the mythril legs. Will update later.

Day 6-B: Liked the dominion more, and went back there. New idea: Heal to 700 HP+ w/ NPC full MP and fight 2-3 in a row, rather than healing to full between every fight. Worked well. Went back to rendezvous after left and had full mythril.

Day 7: Went to dominion before maintenance and called. A high lvl SAM was there so not many bats were available. Anyway, I fought a few, but then pulled one and got link. I died as did my NPC. Went back to RP and nothing lost.

Day 8-A: Decided to go to Beaucedine, learning they don't have to be EP to you for them to gain EXP. Fought TW-DCs near the OP. Eventually, he leveled up and then a bat eye aggroed me while fighting a tiger. I ran to Pso'Xja and zoned. OP warped to sandy, nothing new.

Day 8-B: Same ol', another Bat Eye aggroed me, so I Warped to jeuno. Nothing knew from RP, but luto said I can upgrade weapon now. I'm thinkin' I'll give an Inferno Axe...

Edited, Fri Jul 29 23:41:18 2005 by Firebert
#146 Jul 22 2005 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts

good info on the daily update^^

#147 Jul 22 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
If I can get some more bastokers tother this coming week I'll see if I can summon the NPC for (or even during) garrison.

#148 Jul 22 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
692 posts
In altepa today the BRD d/c'd and never came back, so we decided to give my NPC a try.
Everything was going along like before, the NPC happily whacking away at the mob with her sword. A few fights later, the NIN's shadows were dispatched by a beetle, and my NPC voked it off of her! All of us were amazed by this display of AI. It seems that the NPCs are indeed concious of other players and can fight along side them. I'm sure with careful monitoring of their WS messages, parties could even set up SCs with these characters.
What I'm wondering is.. could a party of 5 effectively party for several hours, swapping out their NPCs to tank or even main heal?
#149 Jul 22 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
200 posts
I have found that when using "Warrior" mode, it is quite easy to SC with them. They tell you once they have full TP, and either they use it shortly afterwards (like 7 seconds) or they will perform the SC with you if you use your WS move. I was able to perform Fusion (Sword --> Club) about 7 times using this method with my NPC. It adds quite a nice bit of damage.

As a side note, in attacker mode, the NPC seems to gain Double attack, and counter. It doesnt voke anymore, and it might be my imagination, but it seemed to be doing a tad more damage as well.

Its been 4 days with my NPC (3 as shield and 1 as attacker.) I got dissconnected during run #3, and have not gotten the NPC to level up as of yet.


As an added question, can the NPCs be used in non dungeon CoP areas, like the meadows? I haven't tried that yet, and i haven't seen a post saying otherwise as far as I know...

Edited, Fri Jul 22 23:39:28 2005 by SeraphPDH
#150 Jul 23 2005 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
Did a 3 man npc party and got 2.5k exp before mine left. It was my 4th time out and my npc stayed for 45 mins and was healer. So npc partys can work and there really fun. And we were all lv 30 jobs when we did it.
#151 Jul 23 2005 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
Here's my view on the Quota thing...

Yesterday my NPC left because, "It's a nice day outside so I am going to take my leave now."

This was after 26 minutes and 700 xp. She left at 14:00 Vana'diel time.

Today she left after FOURTEEN MINUTES (I was so pissed) and it was 22:00 Vana'diel time. This time she left because her quota was full, and all we got was a measly 500 XP.

I went to the Rondeavous Point after today's adventure with her and she was wearing Lizard Jerkin and what looked like Crimson Greaves (YEAH RIGHT!). It was probably the Mithra level 30 RSE. She had new gloves on as well.

/em dreams of the day his NPC comes home with an Excalibur and uses the Knights of the Round weaponskill.

EDIT: By the way, I forgot to mention that when I went to the Rondeavous Point today she told me she was still level 30 but now I had the option to change her job from attacker to shield to healer. It's odd how she can change her job now even though she did not level up.

Edited, Sat Jul 23 01:38:21 2005 by Feoen
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