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Square Enix and blatant racism.Follow

#1 Oct 07 2004 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Ok, I've had it. I am absolutely disgusted with the kind of open racism SE is showing these days. It's getting ridiculous and I'm deeply offended. It's already painfully clear that they favour one race over everyone else and it has to stop. I know I'm not the first person to complain about this, nor will I be the last, but I MUST voice my objections to their current policies. I know everyone hates "SE is racist!" threads, but bear with me and read on, because this has been eating at me for some time now and it needs to be said.

You see, it's plain to me (and many others) based upon a number of factors, that Square Enix shows blatant favouritism towards those self-important, isolationist, too-good-for-the-rest-of-us elvaan. And I'm sick of it! Let's look at the facts, shall we?

1) The other four races are forced to share living quarters in pairs, but the elvaan get an entire kingdom all to themselves. Those poor humes and galka are stuck in the most godforsaken, desolate part of the world, and we tarus and our mithra friends have been given a "reservation" to live on. How considerate. We're not even allowed to open casinos on our "reservation" since legalised gambling is exclusively San d'Orian (remember that guy near the mog house in South San d'Oria who always wants to bet you 10 gil?)

2) San d'Oria has a huge, beautiful, modern cathedral. Do you know what Bastok has? A "house of worship" the size of a midget's broom-closet in the middle of all the sweat and grime and oil and fumes of the metalworks. And again, Windurst gets the shaft. We're not even PERMITTED to practice religion. And on a related note (point 2b), San d'Oria gets all of the white mage artifact quests. Everyone knows tarus make the best mages and elvaan are 2nd-to-worst, so why do THEY get the WHM artifact quests, hmm? VERY suspicious. Could this be part of S-E's plot to encourage elvaan WHMs, eliminating the need for more magically oriented races like the humes, mithra and tarus?

3) San d'Oria has the most convenient access to Jeuno. San d'Orians simply have to get on a chocobo, ride through the beautiful scenery of Ronfaure, pass through a mere HALF of La Theine, then we're back to a surrounding of peaceful trees in Jugner Forest, and then AGAIN they have a mere half-zone trip, this time across Batallia Downs. Meanwhile, Bastokans have to go through an entire extra zone to get to Jeuno (North Gustaberg... notice that San d'Orians don't have to go through both of THEIR newbie areas?), and Windurstians have to go through Meriphataud Mountans with it's annoying weaving road and stupid mountains (it might as well count as two zones). So, the elvaan have a nice, short, scenic trip while the rest of us have to pray our chocobo doesn't leave us stranded in the middle of nowhere, far from civilisation.

4) San d'Oria has the easiest Teleport quest. Teleport-Holla is so ridiculously easy, the scroll sells for a mere 8,000 gil on Fairy. CLEARLY this is S-E's way of encouraging travel to San d'Oria. Meanwhile, Windurst's Teleport-Mea is absolutely RIDICULOUSLY hard to do, and thus sells for a tonne on the auction. And Bastok, with it's moderately difficult teleport quest, STILL gets stuck with having to travel a whole extra zone from their crag. S-E is obviously wanting people to go to San d'Oria, and equally obvious, they're trying to make it HARDER to get to Bastok or Windurst. FAVOURITISM, PEOPLE!

5) Can someone explain to me why Bastok is forced to share its smithing guild with San d'Oria? Bastok is a mining town. San d'Oria is a logging town. Again, favouritism. S-E wants to make sure their precious elvaans are clad in the latest armour, so they gave San d'Oria a free bonus guild.

6) San d'Orians don't just enjoy easy travel to Jeuno, their newbies enjoy the easiest travel to Valkurm Dunes as well. Bastokans have to go through that horribly dangerous tunnel filled with aggroing, linking bats. And Windurstians have to struggle through goblin hordes in Buburimu and vicious undead pirates and killer octopi on the ferry (which they have to PAY for.. paying for the "priveledge" of going to Valkurm Dunes, HA!) just to HOPE they make it safely.

7) San d'Orians, at some point, randomly took control of Rabao from its rightful owner, Bastok. Altepa Desert is the native home of the galka. It's connected DIRECTLY TO BASTOK via Korroloka Tunnel. So, why then is the auction house in Rabao linked to San d'Oria's auction house? Again, racism on S-E's part. It's disgusting how blatant their bias is.

8) And if you're thinking "Oh, well S-E USED to be racist but I'm sure they've gotten better by now!", think again. With the introduction of Chains of Promathia, San d'Oria has been blessed with a MOST unfair advantage. Apparently, easy access to Valkurm Dunes wasn't enough for Square's favourite children, so the game designers added an area to REPLACE the later levels of Valkurm, and linked it directly to North San d'Oria. Carpenters' Landing is the ideal place for late teens-early 20's to level, but is it centrally located for all to enjoy? I say not, my friends!

9) This one may surprise some people to learn, but I've done extensive tests and experiments, and there's only one conclusion: elvaan have a ping advantage when it comes to camping NMs due to their freakishly-long necks, they see the mob before the rest of us since they have the high-ground advantage... Additionally, the servers are located in San d'Oria which is HORRIBLY unfair to the rest of us, since it results in a 0.00028ms delay. Don't bother complaining to the GMs about it, either. A GM will almost always respond to an elvaan call before any other race so you may not even hear back from a GM for several hours (and when you do, their response is always "Have you blacklisted the offending nation?"). And god help you if it's your word against an elf's (yes, I used a racial slur, but it's justified! Damn those elves, damn them to hell!) The elvaan can train on you, steal your mobs, steal your wife, steal your ****, steal your cream cheese bagel, steal your house-trained beagle, and steal your bard friend's bugle and beat you to death with it, and the GMs will send YOU to jail for harassment. I know, it happened to me. "Legomyeggolas" on Fairy owes me... oh, he owes me GOOD.

10) My final point in this rant will be enough to convince ANYONE of the racism prevalent in this game. I want you all to think for a moment, about the royal family of San d'Oria. Think about the president of Bastok. Think about the Star Sybil of Windurst.... one of these three is not like the others. The president's office is always open, 24/7, for you to air your problems with Bastok's leader. Heavens Tower is an inviting, welcoming locale in the heart of Windurst. But the Chateau? Oh no, unless you're San d'Orian or on some "official business" they won't even let you in the door. S-E is obviously allowing the elves (there's that slur again, I get ugly when I'm mad) to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, fueling their superiority complex. Those xenophobic bastards... I've even started to see "ELV ONLY" in their search comments. SICKENING.

I'm going to have to go now, I'm so sick of this racism issue that I may be ill. The preferential treatment has to stop! Sign below if you're with me, and we'll petition S-E to stop the madness!

Edited, Thu Oct 7 09:08:59 2004 by Saboruto
#2 Oct 07 2004 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
#3 Oct 07 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
147 posts
Rated up.
I was actually expecting a complaint thread.
#4 Oct 07 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Wow. Just plain wow. I found that to be extremely funny. Goob job.
#5 Oct 07 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
ROFLMAO Stop stop You are killing me!

You forgot to mention how they also dicriminate against the vertically challenged Taru Taru's. I am so tired of being unable to see over the counter or railing of the airship. Why I often ask a galkan or elvaan to lift me so I could see, but they too have bought into the prejudice, and laugh at me.
I demand justice or at least a few random stools to stand upon!
#6 Oct 07 2004 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
Red you are too much lol.
#7 Oct 07 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
175 posts
This was great <RATE UP>, it even makes me feel bad for being an evlaan.
#8 Oct 07 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Excellent
I tend to get overly upset about these things, my apologies. Don't even get me STARTED on fishbots. Those damn sahagin bot all the time.. you know it, I know it, S-E knows it. But do they do anything about it? Smiley: banghead
#9 Oct 07 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
Stop please you're killing me! OW MY SIDE HURTS FROM LAUGHING!
#10 Oct 07 2004 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
I was going to brush it off as more hamster rhetoric and propaganda and come back with a consice and biting rebuttal but I just laughed and laughed...

still laughing...
#11 Oct 07 2004 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
827 posts
Psh, Sabo. You're missing the point. It's not that SE favors's that they *hate* Tarutaru!

1 - Unbenknownst to us, SE implants small control devices in Tarutaru that compel them to gather together in small huddles and imitate each other by /panic'ing. Or /clap'ing, or /joy'ing, or /whatever'ing. Why? So that we form large enough groups that even the myopic Elvaan have at least a sporting chance of managing to punt one of us like a football.

2 - The Airship. Ever noticed that we aren't tall enough to look over the rail? I have.

3 - More Airship! Why is it that passengers stand on top of the canopies, where Tarutaru cannot possibly identify their face, or what they are wearing on their head? Think about that one.

4 - I can't think of number 4. Except that no one ever visits us except to kill Crawlers because our hometown is laid out like someone's digestive tract.
#12 Oct 07 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
142 posts
I love this... lol Elvaans have long necks so they see the NMs first LMAO

Rate up all the way

I enjoy a nice laugh in the morning :)
#13 Oct 07 2004 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
247 posts
Very funny. Rate up ^^
#14 Oct 07 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
hilarious mate!
Good job, I too am sick of the racism.
I am a Sad taru, we should atleast be given the ability to transform for periods of time to see over the rails on airships!
#15 Oct 07 2004 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
umm there's nothing interesting down there. believe me i've gotten cricks in my long elvaan neck many times looking down there.
#16 Oct 07 2004 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
142 posts
LOL better hope that when you're using that long Elvaan neck of yours to look over the railing that no Taru "accidentally" bumps into you and sends you over and out :) LMAO
#17 Oct 07 2004 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
12,735 posts

/ja "Steal" Saboruto
Exodus steals Saboruto's ****!

Smiley: grin

I'm going to go back to my perfect little kingdom and laugh at how we're usually on first place in the Conquest Battle, since, of course, we send gil to the conquest tallyer so that we make SURE we're on first.

Smiley: wink2
#18 Oct 07 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
3,255 posts
I tend to get overly upset about these things, my apologies. Don't even get me STARTED on fishbots. Those damn sahagin bot all the time.. you know it, I know it, S-E knows it. But do they do anything about it?

Let's not forget the Goblin Fishers in East Saru. Always fish botting. It's true! Kill one it'll drop a bamboo rod!
#19 Oct 07 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
12,735 posts
MistressKat the Charming wrote:
I tend to get overly upset about these things, my apologies. Don't even get me STARTED on fishbots. Those damn sahagin bot all the time.. you know it, I know it, S-E knows it. But do they do anything about it?

Let's not forget the Goblin Fishers in East Saru. Always fish botting. It's true! Kill one it'll drop a bamboo rod!

Smiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lol

Yeah, I tried sending a /tell to them, talking in /s and nothing...clearly the user is AFK.
#20 Oct 07 2004 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
439 posts
I too thought this was going to be a serious complaint. I am so happy it wasn't. It was hysterical and I thank you for the laugh =)
#21 Oct 07 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,481 posts

At least we have the mithra HQ's nearby!
#22 Oct 07 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
290 posts
Saboruto, you forgot to mention that San D'Oria has a grocery shop that regularly stocks some of the more vital ingredients for the Chef-in-Training (most noticably Rock Salt, Distilled Water, and Maple Sugar), despite being halfway around the world from the actual Cooking Guild in Windurst. That guild, I might add, has the preceding ingredients price 2-3x higher than San D'Oria Grocers'!

Which is why I moved there from Bastok. (See also Scroll: Drain) ^^

#23 Oct 07 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah its great to be one of SE's chosen. Man Altana really smiled on me. We Elvaan are the best. The strongest and have the highest mind. Man Im so cool to be Elvann.

No but really great post, very funny.
But remeber the taru dance, on one else gets somthing liek that.
#24 Oct 07 2004 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
The president's office would be open 24/8. What planet are you from that you don't know how many days there are in a week?

As a San D'Orian Tarutaru, I get the best of both.
#25 Oct 07 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
1,261 posts
Still laughing... can't breathe...

Absolutely priceless...


Edited, Thu Oct 7 10:54:18 2004 by dementodin

Edited, May 3rd 2007 9:44am by dementodin
#26 Oct 07 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
113 posts
Incredible - this post makes me proud to be hume! <Rate UP>
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