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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#202 Aug 09 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts

I think you need to concentrate you efforts in other places then this game. The reason why it isn't there is because same-sex marriages, unions, partnerships, etc. is because the religious society we live in. The best thing you can do is to go out, make friends, and educate them on the glbt society and what it really involves since they (those who do not know a gay person) only see they negatives in shows such as QaF, Will and Grace, the Drag movies, and such. BTW, have you seen Six Feet Under, I believe the gay son's relationship on that show is about as close to being real as possible.

I recently did a paper, yes I am a 30 year old gone back to school, about the Federal Marriage Amendment and came to the conclusion that our community is pushing for too much too soon. First, we need to be able to get our relationships recognized as beneficial to the US, equality will not come over night and throwing this subject in the face of religious people is just going to make them turn thier back. Religion of any sort is not flexible on issues that do not concern the majority of them. Taking shellfish or hoofed animals of the forbidden list effected them because of food resources. Putting your wife to death for not obeying the mans every word effected, well, half of the population. Hopefully yo get my point. Right now, our relationships are expendible since they do not think it is beneficial to society.

Or are the religious and big business leaders worried that our unions would reduce the 54 billion in expendible income of our society, as compared to 150 billion expendible of the straight society. Allowing Gays and Lesbians to have children reduces that expendible income.

Or maybe it could be that people are set in their ways. They are told from the beginning of their life what is right and wrong and not given a chance to pursue independent thought. This is done, IN MY OPINION, through fear brought on my church leaders.

Join the HRC - Human Rights Campaign or another organization that promotes equality. Educate those around you of our society. It may seem small but if everyone did that it would make a world of difference.

I have learned in 5 years of being in a relationship the hardships of having to fight to see your partner in the ER/Hospital. Paying seperate insurance premiums. The taunts, stares, and even having a server spit on my food (another server saw him do it and deliver the food to me, making jokes in the kitchen). Hopefully our Wills will hold up if one of us is to pass (seperate clauses state that if the other does not receive the benefits then all assets go to charity so our families cant benefit.)

And my final statement is meant to be humorous in its truth. Gay people reproduce through the breeders of the world.
#203 Aug 09 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Damn this thread is getting long... you people are too opinionated!

Saboruto wrote:
But I'll be DAMNED if you're going to mark tekkub down too, simply because he admitted to being gay. THAT is the kind of homophobic pathetic inbred hillbilly redneck dumbass good-ol'-boy can't-think-for-yourself superiority-complex self-righteous dumb-as-a-god-damned-potato attitude problem that REALLY pisses me off! Tekkub said NOTHING to deserve a rate-down, he was simply being friendly to me, and if this sort of BS continues I WILL be bringing a moderator into the situation.

Meh, karma's karma. I don't have a dogma for it to run over and I keep my katmas indoors so they're fine. This is just proof that we need a rant forum that doesn't effect karma (like journals) so that people can speak their minds without getting rated down for it. Any premium users out there want to donate their unused journal to host a rant forum much like the server forums? I'd give mine, but it's kinda dedicated to Fame :)
#204 Aug 09 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry if I repeat something here, I skimmed through the posts as I don't have time to read them all fully.

Homosexual acts are not just performed by humans. Over 200 species act this way, including the most intelligent ones, like dolphins.

Mother Theresa wasn't exactly the most perfect person people make her out to be. The main thing being that she let the people she "helped" suffer in pain (no pain killers) because they where supposed to feel the pain because of their "sins". A sister from Mother Teresa's congregation also speaks out here.

There are also many other resources around including books that shed light on this subject.
#205 Aug 09 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
81 posts
I'm going to go buy the Game Of Life boardgame and put 2 baby blue pegs in the front seats of all the cars.
#206 Aug 09 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
Using the Bible as evidence in any kind of arguement in slightly retarded. The laws presented in it were records of laws that people needed to have at the time they were living. For example, the no eating of certain animals because they were unclean was the result of the situation at the time (meats like pork could not be safely store and could contimant entire villages if they got into the food supply). As a result, religious leaders at the time instituted what are basically public health warnings and presented them as divine mandate.

As far as the Church goes, they are the most corrupt, ridiculous, morally decrept organizations ever to exist. The number one cause of death in all of history has been RELIGION. Religion (namely the big 3, Christianity, Judaism and Islam) have killed more people than AIDS, Cancer, Heart Disease, Typhoid, and the Beubonic Plague combined. Now, if you want to debate philosophically why gay's should or shouldnt' have certain rights that's fine, but religion has no leg to stand on. Just ask Pope Pious the XII who died of sexual exhaustion, or the Pope who sold half of the Christian relics becuase he bankrupted the Church with gambling debts, or the Church who stood by and let Hitler proceed with the Holocost, or the Islamic regimes that kill thousands for disagreeing with their beliefs.

As far as the philosophical arguement goes, techincally it's a moot point since gay's technically aren't even a species, as they cannot reproduce and create viable offspring (much like Mule- they can be breed by cannot produce viable offspring). Now, does that mean they should have equal rights? I think so, they are still people, but it's really an individual value judgement. As far as gay taru are concerned, i don't really care either way.

As an adendum, I dont' mean to offend anyone. The statements presented here are the facts as i have researched them. They are stated bluntly and to the point, now you may not like them, and i welcome you to challenge them, but please realize that they are presented as fact, not opinion.
#207 Aug 09 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
If you can find any historic evidence of a gay marriage before this decade I'll let it slide. Marriage could have been redefined by the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, Mongols, Assyrians, or hell even the Sumerians... It hasnt changed throughout all of human history. Even before Christianity, or in parts of the world that don't even harbor beliefs resembling Judaism (also note ancient Native America). Marriage between same sex individuals just hasnt happened. Im sorry, but we cant call apples oranges to make the apples feel better... It's just the way it is.
#208 Aug 09 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
1,720 posts
Marriage and unions are two different things. Marriage is entirely religious-based ... and if you want a marriage, you'll need to find a religion that is willing to marry you.

The problem with the government is another lack of separation of church and state. If a government wants to be able to support homosexual unions, it needs to distinguish between a marriage (religious event and union between two people) and a union (just a union between two people).

The problem is that breaking the bonds between marriage and union introduces lots of other possibilities ... polygamy (why not), marriages for status (no love), etc.

As this applies to the game .. you're welcome to have a union ... it just looks like the Church of Altana doesn't support homosexuality.
#209 Aug 09 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
1,851 posts
Warlord Lefein wrote:
If you can find any historic evidence of a gay marriage before this decade I'll let it slide. Marriage could have been redefined by the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, Mongols, Assyrians, or hell even the Sumerians... It hasnt changed throughout all of human history. Even before Christianity, or in parts of the world that don't even harbor beliefs resembling Judaism (also note ancient Native America). Marriage between same sex individuals just hasnt happened. Im sorry, but we cant call apples oranges to make the apples feel better... It's just the way it is.

Actually, in ancient Rome and Greece, gay partnerships were very much commonplace. Marriage in itself is just a stupid ceremony, since since most of the people who participate in it end up divorced, it's a pile of horsesh*t anyway these days.
What you have here is a bunch of people who want to be treated exactly the same for the first time in their lives, and other people who cherry-pick parts of a book to attempt to give a reason against it, or say "Oh it just hasn't been done before, so why now?" Back in the 1700's, people didn't fly either. They do now. White didn't marry blacks, and they do now. The world didn't end, did it? And it won't.
#210 Aug 09 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
2,711 posts
My fiance and I are in the same situation for another few months until we can finally get married. When I was in college, we were pretty much flat broke during the fall and winter months. During the summer when I had a nice internship, I tried to get him on my medical insurance and found that I could not, because we weren't married. At the time, we couldn't even afford a license, let alone a wedding. We have a joint bank account now for convenience, but also security. Should something happen to me, my family would have gotten everything, and I know for a fact would have shut him out with nowhere to go.

I was born and raised a Christian, and I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy. Why then, would I try to legislate that fate onto complete strangers of a differing moral opinion? Especially a moral opinion whose roots are shaky at best. The bible describes homosexuality not as a "sin", but as an "abomination". Unclean. Not kosher.

Denying gay marriage is about the denial of religious freedom, and anyone who believes that our country has the right to judge what a marriage is is a hypocrite. Heck, let's have a good ol' Southern Baptist minister be our next president. He'll set us all straight, if you know what I'm saying.

In-game, if you think that you don't want your children exposed to homosexuality, well, don't let your children on the internet. Better yet, don't let them go to school. I was exposed to more gay people in high school at the age of 13 than I've ever seen in chat rooms, or MMOs. At 13, kids are already discovering what they are attracted to, and FFXI is a 13+ game. You can't shelter them without removing them from society.
#211 Aug 09 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
1,851 posts
Jahava wrote:
The problem is that breaking the bonds between marriage and union introduces lots of other possibilities ... polygamy (why not), marriages for status (no love), etc.

Marriage, or any other civil contract, is between two parties, so the "slippery-slope" argument is weak here. As for marriages for status? What about all the couples who marry to get someone a green card, or to get some kind of tax break? It happens all the time.
#212 Aug 09 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
Im highly aware of the partnerships. This is why I brought Rome and Greece up. They COULD have married gay partners but they didnt.
#213 Aug 09 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Dont for get the "Brittany Spears" wedding. lol.
#214 Aug 09 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
1,851 posts
Warlord Lefein wrote:
Im highly aware of the partnerships. This is why I brought Rome and Greece up. They COULD have married gay partners but they didnt.

That's true - the wise straight royals were too busy with their orgies and raping the citizens' wives. Smiley: oyvey
#215 Aug 09 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
1,720 posts
Marriage, or any other civil contract, is between two parties, so the "slippery-slope" argument is weak here. As for marriages for status? What about all the couples who marry to get someone a green card, or to get some kind of tax break? It happens all the time.

I doubt the government is too happy with that.

Generalizing anything introduces complications, that's really undenyable. Any governmental action has to take into account potential future actions. You have to think ahead: "If the marriage legalities were generalized to unions, what would happen next?" I can easily see polygamy cited, since its prohibition can be visibly traced to the religion that "unions" are now supposedly separated from. I'm sure you can think of others; use your imagination.
#216 Aug 09 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
289 posts
If you can find any historic evidence of a gay marriage before this decade I'll let it slide. Marriage could have been redefined by the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, Mongols, Assyrians, or hell even the Sumerians... It hasnt changed throughout all of human history. Even before Christianity, or in parts of the world that don't even harbor beliefs resembling Judaism (also note ancient Native America). Marriage between same sex individuals just hasnt happened. Im sorry, but we cant call apples oranges to make the apples feel better... It's just the way it is.

So you're saying that once a definition is set it cannot be changed? Well this is not true, even the second (the time scale unit) definition was changed over time. It used to be 1/86400 th of a day but was changed during the 20th century to:

1 second = 9 192 631 770 radiation periods of Cesium 133.

The point? Definitions get changed to become more precise and/or fit the need of the society's social and scientific level. Thus saying that marriage is to stay as it is because it was always like this is kinda flawed. With that reasoning, women would never have gained voting right.

#217 Aug 09 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
1,851 posts
Jahava wrote:
I doubt the government is too happy with that.

Generalizing anything introduces complications, that's really undenyable. Any governmental action has to take into account potential future actions. You have to think ahead: "If the marriage legalities were generalized to unions, what would happen next?" I can easily see polygamy cited, since its prohibition can be visibly traced to the religion that "unions" are now supposedly separated from. I'm sure you can think of others; use your imagination.

So rather than take that chance, let's make these people suffer. The government wasn't too happy with letting the slaves go either. Or letting women vote (W. Churchill: "Men should just ignore the mewing of those cats."). What you'll have is a bunch of couples who are finally able to live like normal people. I think that ignoring the struggles of others because it's easier is NEVER the right thing to do. I'm very ashamed of some people for the way they allow others to be treated, and I hope to God that all of you end up with at least one gay child, so that you will be forced to LOOK at your disgraceful conduct. Make them feel different, and left out. Go ahead.
#218 Aug 09 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
I guess my point is that marriage has stood throughout our history as a natural union between a man and a woman who promise to grow old with each other and possibly raise a family in a natural healthy environment.

If I decided that the rainbow should be a straight pride symbol. How many people could I realistically expect to go along with it? If you can draw the similarities in my arguments then you will understand what Im trying to convey.

All this being said I do believe in civil unions however. There is some degree of persecution towards homosexual couples and that isnt right either. I just don't think calling it marriage solves any problems. Calling it marriage only reaches into a realm of redefinition that unsettles the vast majority of not only our population but the world. One of the many reasons groups like Al Queida have any substance around the world is that we are looked on as a godless country without any compass or morality. Then heap on top this issue of gay marriage on it all. Let's not give them any validity. The sexual impulse is a basic function of biological life. If some people direct this impulse in a direction other than reproductive activity or something that won't result in reproductive activity... Its just a kink. In scientific terms it is "unnatural" and non productive. I am not going to go so far as to say what is right or wrong. I won't judge because that is weak and petty. But, when an institution that stands across ALL civilization ancient and new is being redefined then we're stepping across objectivity. Marriage itself does not need to change simply because a select few feel discriminated against. Some people like apples other people like oranges. Why do the people who like oranges have a right to change the lives of the people who like apples?
#219 Aug 09 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
Wow....Thanks everyone, for participating in the debate. I would ask a few things of you. One, the original topic is NOT whether or not homosexuality is evil in the eyes of Christianity. I don't believe in Christianity and I quite frankly don't care whether they think I'm evil for being born the way I was. The topic is about same-gender marriage in FFXI. I ask that you limit the religious discussion because I don't want anyone's feelings getting hurt.

Two, to everyone who said (countless times) "It's just a game!", go back and re-read my original post. Read it several times until the intent of that post sinks in. S-E willfully chose to PLACE limits on who can marry whom, just to mirror real life. So everyone whose response was "Stop trying to bring your real life into the game!", you can go point the finger at the game's creators, not at me.

Three, I would really appreciate it if people would stop rating my subsequent posts down. Yes I'm gay. "OMG THAT'S SO SICK!" That's fine you feel that way, but my karma is dropping out in a large part thanks to all of my off-topic posts on the second page that people (for some reason) marked down even though I said nothing to warrant a rate down. If you want to rate me down for my views, that's your choice. That's not how the karma system was meant to be used, but so be it. But rating all my other posts down out of spite is petty and makes you look bad.

Four, I would appreciate it if everyone would try to be civil to each other from now on. What some people have understood in this topic (and what many people have not) is that your opinion, while you may believe it's right, is no better than anyone else's. I believe it's unfair to be discriminated against because of a fact about myself that I was born with. Someone else may feel that I'm some sort of an abomination in the eyes of their god or whatever. Just because I KNOW I'm right doesn't mean I'm right. And it doesn't give me the freedom to disrespect their opinions and fundamental belief system.

Five, I just briefly want to address the religion thing. A lot of people have said that it's important to "spread the word" and "save them from eternal damnation". The thing is, I'm not ASKING for you to save me, because I don't feel you're saving me from anything. I don't believe in Hell, nor in a supreme entity of evil, nor do I believe in punishment for your earthly transgressions after death. I am very happy with who I am, and there is nothing about me I WANT to change (ask me 7-8 years ago though....). Therefore, regardless what your religious views on the subject are, if I'm not ASKING for you to "save" me then I would appreciate it if you would stop trying. There is absolutely ZERO doubt in my mind that I am NOT going to be eternally damned (or even damned on a rent-to-own basis). I am a good, kind, thoughtful, intelligent, and most of all sympathetic person. I truly feel that I am everything that can fairly be expected of me. I respect others' views but I would appreciate it if those others would respect mine. There is a difference between being righteous and self-righteous, something I feel a lot of heavily-religious people need to learn.
#220 Aug 09 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Manukriki, there is a huge difference between redefining a scientific unit and a tradition that has been held worldwide since the dawn of humanity....
#221 Aug 09 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
764 posts
I'm very ashamed of some people for the way they allow others to be treated, and I hope to God that all of you end up with at least one gay child, so that you will be forced to LOOK at your disgraceful conduct. Make them feel different, and left out. Go ahead.

I certainly hope not because even that does not change people's minds. When my BF's father found out he pulled out a playboy and started shoving his head into it telling him he better like it or he has no son. A few weeks later he was kicked out. So if they have a child that is gay that does not necessarily give them a change of heart.
#222 Aug 09 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
2,711 posts
Some people like apples other people like oranges. Why do the people who like oranges have a right to change the lives of the people who like apples?

Because asking that oranges be sold in the grocery store rather than on the black market doesn't change the lives of people who only buy apples. (*~.^)b
#223 Aug 09 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
Some people like apples other people like oranges. Why do the people who like oranges have a right to change the lives of the people who like apples?

And what gives the apples the right to deny rights and freedoms to the oranges? Is it the fact that the apples outnumber the oranges? How does it make ANY difference to an apple if two oranges go make juice together?

Oh god... I can't believe I actually just ran with that analogy. ANYWAY, the point is that it is not redefining marriage for you, it is redefining marriage for ME. You still have the same marriage you always did. It gets a little tiresome having to listen to the "me me me!" defense. Nobody is proposing they only allow straight marriage on Tuesday. They're not proposing evolution of marriage, they're proposing INCLUSION.
#224 Aug 09 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
"And what gives the apples the right to deny rights and freedoms to the oranges?"

Nothing is being denied, it's all just in your head. Noone is stopping you from loving and being with whomever you want. Something can't be taken away that was never there. You NEVER had the right to marry same sex before. Not EVER throughout ALL time. Despite great expanses of water, societal differences, and no means of contact has any culture throughout time allowed same sex marriages. It has always been a natural union of a man and a woman. You're making up a right and feeling discriminated against for not having it... That's not right. A lot of people see it that way. This whole "gay movement" for marriage is like a spoiled child screaming in a WalMart. Noone wants ot hear it anymore. Everyone HAS to hear it because the kid can scream loud enough. Everyone wants the kid to be taken home and dealt with. And America looks like the typical bad parent that doesnt know what to do...
#225 Aug 09 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,851 posts
Pulseczar wrote:
I'm very ashamed of some people for the way they allow others to be treated, and I hope to God that all of you end up with at least one gay child, so that you will be forced to LOOK at your disgraceful conduct. Make them feel different, and left out. Go ahead.

I certainly hope not because even that does not change people's minds. When my BF's father found out he pulled out a playboy and started shoving his head into it telling him he better like it or he has no son. A few weeks later he was kicked out. So if they have a child that is gay that does not necessarily give them a change of heart.

There's a silver lining to this. The kicked out son learns how to sympathize for those who are treated like crap for being different, and the father, probably later in life, realizes what they have done.

Remember on QaF, when Brian's dad is terminally ill, and Brian comes out to him? The father freaks and says "You should be the one dying!" and Brian replies (with a dead-on-stare) "But I'm not. You are."

At some point, everyone dies. Depending on how they treat others will determine just who, if anyone, wants to say goodbye.
#226 Aug 09 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
Atheist get discriminated?!?!? Where do you live?

Now I'm even happier to be Canadian than any time before.

Hah, ya. The first thing I hear from people when I mention I'm atheist is "So does that mean you worship the devil?" ::roll-eyes::

Anyways, on a Gallup Organization taken in 1999

"If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be a 'X' would you vote for that person?" X being the following, and the percentage that said "Yes".

Atheist - 49%
Baptist - 94
Black - 95
Catholic - 94
Homosexual - 59
Jewish - 92
Mormon - 99
Woman - 92

Granted that homosexuals are only 10% infront of atheist. So both are still looked down upon by the population. But I believe now in 2004, Homosexuals will have a far higher pecentage.

"Let me be clear on this. I do not think you can fully be a true American patriot without first loving the God who blesses this nation. Sure, an atheist can fly a flag, pledge allegiance (without mentioning God), even fight and die for our country…all legitimate patriotic acts. "

"They should keep it the way it is and keep it right in the Pledge of Allegiance like it always has been," said Diane Lohman. "To heck with the people who are atheists, because we have to believe in something. Most people believe in God, so let it stay the way it is."

Note: "like it always has been"


From personal expierence ... lost "friends" over it, lost a job over it, (I was 17, horrible job, didn't really care, though now I keep to myself about it since I don't feel like being hated at work) and got beat up by a group of kids at school for being a quote, "devil worshipper".

O, and I live in America ....
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