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Something we may have neglected....Follow

#402 Dec 20 2004 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent

Incredible tale...wonderful wakeup call...a pointed reminder.

My old LS fell apart because most of the group new each other in RL and were just levelling like crazy. When I was invited many months ago the leader and I were same level no sub. By the time the LS broke up I was a 36WHm/18BLM and he was in the high 60's as were many others.

Sad thing is noone made the effort to keep it together.. One by one people left...almost all with no remorse nor goodbye's.

So, 3 of us who had committed to partying together are now working our bst trio, levelling subs as well....have found a new family.

So far they are wonderful.

Stop and smell the roses....simple yet wonderful advice.
#403 Dec 20 2004 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
That reminds me to take a break from xping at lvl 60 and take a vacation around Vana'diel.
#404 Dec 20 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
Celvantes wrote:
Video game yes, but the point of the story isn't about the game, it's about the people behind the players. Many concentrate only on the road ahead and neglect the figurative scenery passing by.

If you wanted an elite character with maxed out stats, you could easily pick up any other FF game and play it until your fingers bleed and watch Squall, Tidus or Cloud one-shot bosses. That's not the point of FFXI. We all invest a LOT of money and time to share an experience with hundreds, possibly thousands of other people across the world. Sure its nice to strut around in full AF with plenty of expensive accessories. But what's the point if you have no one to share that victory with?

In the end, we're all just playing for a bunch of pixels arranged together to dance across our screens. Sometimes we invest a heck of a lot of time into getting something we can't even see (Sniper's Rings, etc) except in the stats that scroll by our window. The point of playing is found in the experiences and memories you take away. Five years from now, I'm probably not going to care much about my Kampf gear, but I'll definitely remember the times shared with my LS and all the stuff we BSed about while playing.

I'd venture to say that most of the people who play FFXI and other MMORPGs are at least a little different from the societal norm. These games offer us the opportunity to get together with other like-minded individuals who we might otherwise never meet in life.

That said, the story posted at the beginning of this thread was *excellent* and should be read by everyone starting out in FFXI.

I wonder what it will be like when FFXI finally comes to an end (if it ever does)? Imagine all those players standing in various areas of Vana'diel looking at each other as the final minutes of the online world tick away. That would be a tear-jerking experience...

The main story made me cry, and this reply made me cry. you're right, it's not about being the best XI character you can be, it's about the people you encounter along the way and the experiences you share with those people-- good and bad. Though non-players will never understand it, I'll never forget the first times I did certain things; the friends I've made; the time a friend and I zoned like 30+ bats in Qufim because we wanted to explore Behemoth's Dominion... most people that don't play, in fact, wouldn't understand the very flash animation this thread is based on. To many people I speak to who don't play, it's just a silly little game and I shouldn't waste my money. But to us, it's something more... It's a window to the entire world, and a bundle of experiences we wouldn't have otherwise. A day may come when Vana'Diel ends, and we see our little pixels vanish forever, but the friends we've made and our memories of this magical place, hopefully, will stay in our hearts.

This post was mostly babbling, but I certainly hope you get my idea =^.^=
#405 Dec 20 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
Looking back on all that i have done in Vana'diel the last few months, made me realize i haven't done anything else but just constant levelling. Levelling and trying to farm seems like it's all that this game has been about for me.

I'm level 64 now and what have I seen? If you go about the normal range of levelling area's you encounter, you can pretty much summarize, that those are all that i've seen.

From the newbie levelling grounds, to Valkurm Dunes, to Qufim Island, to Yuhtunga Jungle and Yhoator Jungle. Then Garlaige Citadel and Crawler's Nest, Gustav Tunnel and over to Crawler's Nest again. Maybe a little bit of Quicksand Caves after that, and then back to either Garlaige Citadel or Crawler's Nest. And after that even more Quicksand Caves, Boyahda Tree and a bit of Kuftal Tunnel. Back to Gustav tunnel after another Boyahda Tree run and then through Kuftal again to Cape Terrigan and Valley of Sorrows.

Yes, i've seen a lot of places, but have i really 'SEEN' them? I doubt it. There are so many places to go but i have never taken the time to actually see them and take note of the surroundings.

Most of my 'semi-but-never-started-static' friends are now only playing just to level. We did Genkai I and Genkai II together and we had fun doing it. But then the SAM got bored and levelled his NIN to 55 in less then 2 weeks (while i was even struggling to get my PLD to 58). My other friend's main job is WHM and eventually he rather partied with a NIN tank then the ever-getting-hurt PLD. Needless to say, i was easily discarded and again running behind them with a several levels because we never party anymore, who needs 2 tanks right..

Maybe i should take the time now to do some exploring.. visit the sites i haven't been to. I visited Ro'Meave the other day and the mobs at the entrance conned DC to me. When i took a look at the place i finally started to realize that there is more to the game then just levelling.. I want to see more then just the same camp every other night in Boyahda, killing flies like crazy with a 3 RNG pt.. I'm not saying i mind being level 60+ and i've met a lot of people, but this isn't an adventure. It's a mindkilling cycle of doing the same thing for hours in a row without discovering what the game is really about..

Hmm.. Seems i have more time to rant on when i'm at work then when i'm at home. I must say that the movie showed me indeed that there is more to levelling.. there must be more to levelling.. but level 75 is so close.. and it is so tempting..
#406 Dec 20 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,384 posts
that was a really, really good movie
its sad when friends can break up like that :(

the adventuring is the fun in the game...
getting high levels can be fun too...
but i don't think you can compare it, to the experiences you had when you were a beginner..
#407 Dec 23 2004 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
wow, just wow, I just watched the little movie. I have 2 chars, one, my mule, Just happens to be a taru whm. I was in a race on my other char, get to 30! gotta be a smn! well, I took a liking to pld, GOTTA GET AF IT LOOKS SO KOOL! Right after I watched this, I got on my Taru and died, sending me back to my HP in Windy woods, threw away my old Ls' (both of them) and well, Now I am a lvl 13 taru whm, in the dunes, with a pretty close group of friends. I see some of y old LS mates from time to time, but... I don't talk to them alot, I just /smile and /wave. I plan to buy a Ls when I get to Jeuno, and I only plan on inviting close friends, who I know won't jump ls's (all the time). And I actually, sent all the Gil to my other char, I started over with I think 50 gil. The last time I played on my other char, was 3 weeks ago. I plan on going exploring when I get to lvl 37, so I can use the tele spells. I gota say, I was gettin bored with this and was thinking about WoW. After starting over, and taking breaks every few lvls just to explore, I don't plan on leaving anymore, exploring and getting away from the lvl grind has restored the game's luster for me. HUGE rate up for the post. I gotta admit I did get a little teary. :'(
#408 Dec 23 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, that was a great story. I still enjoy the new scenery and the new music when finding a new zone to go though that I won't get slaughtered in. Makes me all nostalgic and stuff, hehe. Remebering the first time I made it to Jeuno., now I seem to have a permanent Home Point there, hehe.
#409 Dec 24 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
My brother and I always play MMORPGs together and become leveling buddies. We started on Ultima Online, then moved to Ragnarok Online, City of Heroes, FFXI, and WoW.

This post made me realize that I REALLY do want to come back to this game. My brother is a level-crazy player. I haven't bothered to pay for WoW but played during the beta with him. He always tells me "I've clocked in such and such hours and at level x now!" As soon as he reaches his leveling goal, I see him moving on to the next big, new MMORPG.

I admit I was just as bad as him in OU/RO/CoH/WoW but with FFXI, something was different. When we first entered the world we started in different towns. We didn't realize how far apart we were, and he made me start over in Bastok so we could party. Those few days I was in Windurst I remember exploring every nook and cranny of the place, speaking to every npc I ran across, and poking around Sarutabaruta to see what was to see.

My brother began to get frustrated that leveling in this game was slow but it never bothered me. He told me often that I needed to hurry up, that I was too low leveled. Eventually though, the WoW beta opened and we stopped playing FFXI.

Part of me always missed FFXI and wondered what I was missing.

This post/flash movie have given me the courage to not be ashamed that I want to play this game to go exploring. Once I get the money to buy CoP I'm coming back. *_* If anyone on Caitsith is reading this, keep an eye out for small Taru adventurer by the name of Airlia! And if you want to accompany her, she'd be more than happy to have you along!
#410 Jan 07 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I don't know why, but defenatly made me
#411 Jan 07 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
; ;
#412 Jan 08 2005 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
Thought I'd bumb this for old times sake, such a wonderful story.../sniff /sniff
#413 Jan 08 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
Guys please stop bumping this.
#414 Jan 09 2005 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I ran across this story when it first posted in August. I've been playing for almost a year now and as you can see, I'm a slow learner. Or at least that's what I'm told. That SO isn't the case, but its hard to explain to anyone. I just can't bring myself to grind away in parties getting to high levels at the cost of spoiling my ability to enjoy playing this game. Anyway, I'm just browsing tonight and I ran across a link to this post in someone's signature and I had to read it again. It really gets to me. /sigh

I have this friend that I met after the Euro FFXI release. He was a brand-new Taru WHM. I met him while I was on my mule. I bought him some armour, taught him some macros, and helped him do a few of the earliest Windy missions. We spent one night chatting a lot and I told him how I love the game so much and about some of the great people I know. A month or so later, he sends me a /tell.

"So this is it?" he says. I asked him what he means, and he's like, "Lvl, lvl, lvl? I don't really find this all that entertaining, you know? It's the same thing over and over." So I respond, "No way! There's crafting and research and quests and... Remember when you started we had a lot of fun right?" He just says, "WE".

Its kinda funny because when I met him he was such a cute, normal dude. Now he's using all the jargon and can't even take the time to spell out 'whatever' for me? I new then that another one had passed me up, come and gone from my life. Its always the same, I've learned that. I'll probably play this game for another year and never reach 50 in any job, but that's not why I play I guess.

Just before Thanksgiving, I ran into him in Quifm during one of the rare moments when I decided to go on a leveling binge. He has like 20+ levels on my highest job and proceeds to hang around PL'ing us. I asked him why he was doing it and he said that he "owes me for it." I asked him politely not to. "You probably have some better things to do, right?" I asked. He might have been a litte offended I guess, but I really like to do things the old fashioned way. He says, "Fine, we're even then." and walks away. I cried that night, and my PT kicked me for losing the PL'er.

Someday I think I'll start an all-slackers LS, for the sake of idle chit-chat and friendship. That would be quite a novelty in this game.

#415 Jan 09 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
I saw this some time ago and its wonderful to see it again.


I dont think this should ever go down off the top page, I think it should be made sticky so that verterans can be reminded and new players can be informed.

Wonderful and hits home :)
#416 Jan 10 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
688 posts
I got pretty close to tears on that one.

#417 Jan 10 2005 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,652 posts
I tend to be like the WHM I like to experience adventure with people. Sadly, I have actually quit the game twice because I wanted to stay caught up with friends.

But this next time I intend to take it slowly and enjoy the game and friends I make along the way. I may never get to what is considered high level, but I hope I have fun no matter what.

On a side note: New players to the game are wonderful. There is nothing I have found more fun than having a little adventure in places like east saruta with a new player. Let them take the lead, It's like watching a young child learn. I am almost jealous, but it's almost as good as being new again. Maybe I'm just soft. :3
#418 Jan 10 2005 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.
#419 Jan 10 2005 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
I always kept this story in mind.

And STILL fell prey to the damned grind, but in a different way.

When I was but a lowly level 30, I dreamed of exploring all the zones, even this scary Dynamis thing no one knew about, and planned on levelling WHM up to 25 after I hit 50, which seemed so... far away. Well, it was, because I usually don't level. Levelling was closer to a side thing. Well, flash forward several months. I'm level 50, and levelling my WHM, not to explore, but for my AF. And do I do it happily, knowing the good times I'll have exploring? Nope. I do it grudgingly, grumbling every step of the way how much I hate healing (No offense to you WHMs in the house; I just don't enjoy it). After it hit 20, I figured "Hey, I can go get Teleport: Altep and make a quick 70k!". Well, I got my Tele: Altep from Jeuno, and headed out to the West Altepa entrance to the caves, as I didn't/don't know where to find it, and didn't want it ruined for me online. After about half an hour, I realized how much I enjoyed this; I found a room where the Anticans were obviously raising up new Ants, judging from the cocoons; I found where they probably kept their food, and more. And then it hit me, full force: I still wanted to explore, the desire just got mixed up with the rest somewhere in there. Well, I stopped whining, and took WHM up with full zeal. After I finish in the Quicksand Caves (I don't take a job I'm not going to finish, even if the client is myself), I'm going to start in on other interesting places, like Sea Serpent Grotto.
#420 Jan 10 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
Too many of us rush to endgame only to discover endgame starts after you beat Maat, and that is, if you can continue to put up with NA drama HNMLS before you quit. Alternatively, you can camp HNM or spawn items for God HNM in Sky for hours a day. The novalty of repeatedly fighting HNM wears out fast. At least for me it did. ; ;

I like to remind everyone to take it slow and enjoy the game in its early-mid levels. It is so sad now, after arriving a new zone, I hardly care what the zone looks like anymore. :(
#421 Jan 10 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
That story made me remember when I first started the game.

Brand new, had no clue of what to do, where to go.

Finally found my way to West Ron. Everyone running around me was level 30-40. I like to check out peoples gear, see what I had to look forward to. I spent a good day ******** around and thought, sheesh, I'm level 5 already, and I know no one in this game.

Another day goes by, I was I think level 9. I see these two people talking to each other, Kayce and Gdub. I check them, they are the same level as me. We strike up a conversation and they invite me to come with them. We had a blast together. When we hit level 13 we went to King Ranperres tomb to explore. A remember us frantically trying to take down a goblin tinkerer.

Later that day, on our way back, I came across 2 tarus Chiprit and Roby. I was at 50% health and the one playing whm cured me. I bowed and thanked her and we talked for a few, and went our seperate paths.

I continued to see these 4 people on a regular basis. Finally the time comes, we are level 18. I get a tell from Kayce saying that he is exploring and I should come along. He has gone all the way to Windurst. I say hey, that sounds like fun, how do I get there? He gives me directions to selbina and tells me to get on the boat, he will meet me when I get off.

This sparked my interest to explore. I went everywhere I could. A few days go by, I have been doing missions, and I get mission 2-3. I am told I have to go to windurst and bastok to complete it. I ask Gdub since he had the mission too, to come along. He agrees. We find our way to Giddeus, and he says ugh crap, I have to go I'm sorry. He didn't come back.

Kayce and I never really hung out after that, but we still /wave to each other when we cross paths.

To this day, I am still friends with Chiprit and Roby. I have passed them by about 20 levels since they are not on much, but anytime they need help, I come along.

I am constantly trying to find people I can just hang around with and have fun, but I find them ******** me over in some fashion, or suddenly thier flamming moron gene kicks in and I find they are not really what they seemed.

To me, this game was so much more fun a year ago when I was completely new, and there wern't as many elitists, or people that treat this as a business, or stuck up posers ruining the game.

I am hoping one day, I will meet at least 1 person that is on around the same times as me, and just wants to have fun, and respark the interest in the game I once had.
#422 Jan 10 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
What a cool story.....It makes me realize that maybe 'that's' why at every new level and place in this game I seem to take a step back and not go rushing in. For me, there's a certain solace and excitement about exploring, taking my time and not getting caught up in how fast I make new levels. Being somewhat of a loner in real life it does not make me sad to be surrounded by huge ls, or lots of friends all the time; however this game and the friendships I've made are what give me the true enjoyment and keeps me playing. But, and this may sound corny...sitting on the canyon cliffs, or down by Bibiki bay at the beach is really cool and enjoyable and looking forward to visiting some beautiful spots as I 'grow up'.

So, there's a lesson for all of us in this game and that probably is take time to enjoy not only the interesting places, characters and quests, but the beauty created by the producers of this game.
#423 Jan 10 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
/sniffs back tears

My static that I lead and I are at 24 with subs and we were starting to feel the strain of having to level together. I posted this on our forums, I hope we never disband. I know I won't.
#424 Jan 10 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
wow that sounds like a love story to me, a guy cheats on his girlfriend then the guy speaks to his ex an she says all this stuff about what things were like...

#425REDACTED, Posted: Jan 10 2005 at 12:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#426 Jan 10 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
Wow....... That really is sad (;.;) /sob sob sob sob. I mean for a reason it reminds me of.... well ME. I mean i was so excited to go into Kazham and otehr areas at first, but then i relized it is only a game and I will never accually experiance this area. I was just thinking "well since i cannnot accually visit here, is this just some ordinarry zone?" I thought I'd never get that excited curious feeling again. But when I went to norg i got it back. I saw a beautiful area. Oceans and everything. I just wanted to stay there.... wow now i m tearing ^^; hehe kinda dumb eh?... But it's just not dumb to me. I mean my reality is boring it's just the same thing. This "game" as you may call it is my dream world. I love this place >.> You may think I am corny or dumb. Or a looser who is pathetic, but I'm not. I have have friends. But none are like the ones inside the game... I am sorry for this life story ^^; lol thank you for showing us this. I love this story so much.
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