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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#3727 Jul 11 2006 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,007 posts
I was in west ron the othere day levelibng my war cause i was bored when i saw 2 noobs with "?" and everything both level 5 in a party fighting beside me so i stop and watch them fight this is how it went
(note : all was in "say")

noob 1:go get that gob
noob 2:ok
me:watch out there are a few there they might link
noob 2:gobs dont link
me:ya they do
noob 1:w/e shut up
me:ok enjoy dieing
(noob 2 pulls 3 gobs 2 fishers and a thug)
me:told you
noob 1:help us
(i pull off 1 of the fishers and kill it)
both noobs are trying to fight one
(i pull another one off them and kill it half hp left now)
noob 1:help low hp
(noob 1 dies)
noob 2: sh*t
(noob 2 dies)
last gob attacks me i kill it with my 2 hour with 10 hp left
noobs yell at me for about 15 min for not saving them
me: w/e
(i log out)

I think that there should be an area where all noobs start and that unless they do good on a test about basic stuff they shouldent be able to leave.
#3728 Jul 11 2006 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
a lvl 70 rdm says in ls chat: can i borrow a wind staff from someone for maat fight.
#3729 Jul 11 2006 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
791 posts
a lvl 70 rdm says in ls chat: can i borrow a wind staff from someone for maat fight.

lmao I see this far too often.
#3730 Jul 13 2006 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
ok.. needless to say, this post may not related to the thread but it is thing that noobs need to no....(crd to Drbear of Ragnarok)

This will be a job by job guide to leveling in everyone's favorite home away from home: Valkurm Dunes. It is advised you follow these steps exactly or you will be called a "worthless noob who can't do anything right". And they will be right.

General Tips
1. Dont use food. Ever. For any reason.
2. Fight things that give 150 exp but require 10 min of downtime from fights you barely survive.
3. There is no step 3.
4. Dont set your home point anywhere near valkurm. Jeuno is a good place, but if you set it in some out of the way place like cape terrigan, then you're assured a raise! Which leads to point 5...
5. DO NOT EVER HOME POINT. Just wait for the raise. It actually saves so much exp that you gain some. Ex(You die at 1500/3000. If you HP you'll be 1200/3000. BUT if you get a raise you'll be 1800/3000.)


Puller- Person who gets monsters for pts to fight. Suggested that you have more than one and none of them have real macros for telling you they found something.

Tank- Person who gets hit more than the others. Avoid if possible because they die alot.


Warrior: Make sure you use a sword. Preferably with no shield. Leather armor is more than enough for your whole venture through Valkurm. You'll notice your one and only ability "Provoke". This is a sick joke by SE and just makes you get hit more. Never ever use it.

Monk: /attack then afk. Sometimes you can skip the first part. Make a boost macro with a novel length saying in /shout and use it every 15 seconds.

Thief: Pull anything you see regardless of level and mp. Goblin Leechers at 13? Go ahead! Bogy? Mucho exp. Mages only have 10 or less mp and are begging you not to pull? ***** them, they're noobs anyway. Only sneak attack at random and never use it with any weaponskill.

White Mage: You only need the cure series. Cure I and Cure II. Any other spell is a waste of gil. Armor is not important at all cause you wont ever be hit. Feel free to secretly go afk at any time.

Black Mage: The second you can target the mob chain cast every spell you can. Fire, Aero, Water, Stone repeat. If the tank cant hold hate, then he/she is a stupid noob and you should leave the pt. Unlike the whm you have to buy most of your spells, but luckily you can also go naked. At 15 Stonega is your best friend and is to be used as soon as the timer is up.

Red Mage: Read Blackmage and White mage. It's basically that except without stonega and with more melee. Dont rest or you'll waste tp.

Beastmaster: Feel free to randomly use charm on almost dead monsters so your pt doesn't get any exp. They'll find it hilarious.

Dark Knight: Dark Knights do damage. As such, you only need a weapon. Everything else is optional. Use your magic always and rest after each battle to full. If at all possible, use your weaponskill in the middle of another skillchain.

Dragoon: Dont use your wyvern. It'll die and that's sad ; ;. Just fight without it.

Paladin: Greatsword, and leather. Since you will probably tank you will need provoke. Just provoke randomly and remember not to use mp or you'll have to rest and won't be able to use your beastly 10 dmg WS.

Ninja: Dont even buy utsusemi or you'll have to tank and that's scary. People are hesitant to get a non tanking nin though so just put "Utsusemi =O" until your puller goes and gets a monster. Then inform the pt it was a typo and you meant "X". They'll love you. Just go /sam and get one dagger and melee.

Samurai: Get a great katana and fight. It's kinda hard to ***** this up. Try to use the event katanas because they have enthunder on them and they look cool.

Bard: Dont bother with instruments. It's more fun to sing songs anyway. Madrigal and Minuet on the mages because they wont have as much acc and atk as the other melee. Mambo and Herb Pastoral the melees so they dodge more and get poisoned less.

Summoner: Use carby and melee with it. While you are meleeing with carby dont even bother to heal or anything cause if you do carby will go away faster and your pt will be terrible. /blm is recommended so you dont get noob pts asking you to heal.

Ranger: Just melee and shoot from up close. Do not under any circumstances stand out of melee range.

If you follow these guidelines, your Valkurm experience will be a great one and your pts will love you and give you gifts.

Edited, Jul 13th 2006 at 11:38pm EDT by catalogue
#3731 Jul 13 2006 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
lmao, the other day i was in a party in Garliage Citadel, this noob rdm is 32RDM/16MNK and i ask why Sub mnk dude? thats stupid. and hes like STFU you NOOB!! Right now i can be the WHM BLM AND A DD!!! i can do everything so STFU!
#3732 Jul 16 2006 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,007 posts
lol just saw this

Im a lv 25 blm in low jeuno waiting for an invite when thid guy starts spamming for help i think ok w/e and just ingnore him. after a while he is still shouting so i /sea for him lol this is what showed up - name

lv 40 mnk/lv 13 war with mentor symbol on lol i tell him to go level his sub and he calls me a noob i tell him my whm (which i have subed) is lv 15 and thats still better than his.

after this i lose contact with him so im happy
#3733 Jul 16 2006 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
i only witnessed this but i laughed
i was in bastok markets

noob "selling 12 earth crystals for 2000"
player " they go for 1k on the ah"
noob " oh well then selling 12 earth crystals for 1k"
noob " wait 1500 you're gonna pay for the convience"
#3734 Jul 17 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
I remember when I first started, I got to level 4 or 5 before someone pointed out to me how to equip a weapon. I thought I was doing low damage, but I figured that was just part of being low level.
#3735 Jul 17 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,007 posts
this happened to me just now in kazham

i was sitting around with /inv on eventually i get an invite i check him hes a 26 rdm blm13 ok one level high than me cool ill take it. as soon as i get into the party i check what all is in it and this is what i see.
rdm 25 /blm 12
rdm 26 /blm 13 Leader
rdm 27 /blm 12
blm 25 /whm 12 Me
whm 26 /blm 13

not a tank in sight so i ask why we dont have tanks this is how it goes
me /why no tanks?
ldr /rdm can tank
me /not good
ldr /rdm is best tank we can nuke at the same time
me /no there is no provoke
ldr /we doont need provoke
me /no hate control
ldr /f*** this its too much pressure
(pt disbands)

not all noobs are in dunes and qufin
#3736 Jul 17 2006 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Not sure if this would be considered noob or not, but the warp taru in Al Zahbi put me atop a pillar in Rolanberry, as he does most times. Well I stood up there for a while, and I got several tells from 30 somethings thinking I was a GM. They kept persisting, it was hilarious. I stayed up there a while just to egg em on.
#3737 Jul 17 2006 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
524 posts
I get party invite and head to the Garlaige Citadel the party contains all lvl 32's.

One of the party members asks whats in the holes...

This I can understand never been there never fell down the holes.

Party gets to fighting things start looking bad, we get a link with the bats So I decide to save the party and cast Escape on us.

The starts to rest outside when I hear in party Chat...

"What just happend?"

ME: I escaped us

"Whats Escape?"

Me: Its a Black Magic spell

"Wow thats really cool"

I take a look at the party and see the person who was asking me these questions and notice the multicolored Mentor status over his head.

#3738 Jul 17 2006 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,675 posts
Forming a blu party in whitegate to go get Voracious Trunk when i get a random tell from a smn in alzhabi thinking i'm leading an exp party.

smn>> {Any Vacancies?}
>>smn: you're asking for an invite, yet you don't even know what kind of party i'm leading...
smn>> umm ok. a simple yes or no would do it guy. no need to get all smart understand
>>smn: sure i have a vancy, but i also have two level 75's
smn>> psh. even if u was an exp party i wouldnt wanna tag along now >.>
>>smn: lol, go back to begging random party leaders for invites
smn>> and you go back to Suckin my dick fool!

Edited, Jul 17th 2006 at 7:15pm EDT by PlanckZero
#3739 Jul 20 2006 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
After reading people using the /em around noobs I had to try it...

Windurst while fishing, I see a bunch of noobs chatting away asking questions about how to equip items. As evil as it was I couldn't resist.

/em steals 200 Gil from you!

2 of them go 'Hey who stole my money', another pointed at me. I then get /t's telling me to give their gil back. I just carry on fishing, eventually i'm called an 'a**hole' and the like, I reply with 'it wasn't me, honest', and they give up.

Me being a noob...

It took me till level 14 before I actually looked into making macro's.

I thought all Auction Houses at all cities were linked and therefore the same, about a month into playing I found this wasn't the case.

I think on the first page of this excellent topic, about the 'Sea Horror', 'Sea Horror defeats noob' - so so funny!!

Edited, Jul 20th 2006 at 6:37am EDT by Strutter
#3740 Jul 20 2006 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
411 posts
Hyuuga wrote:

Me>> <|um...|> they'll have the same weapons for me as they do for you.
N00b>> they go by lvl right??
N00b>> they say bronze rod??
Me>> yeh... the shops sell the same thing for everyone
N00b>> and bronze mace??
Me>> yup
N00b>> darn! i saw a claymore the other day!!!
Me>> They'll restock
Me>> just gotta wait...

Not true. Standard shops are stocked depending on conquest, and some shops sell specific items only to their own nation. The royal armoury is not a guild.
#3741 Jul 21 2006 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
My favorite noob saying:

While I was lvling my rdm in west ron., I saw someone running by me in very nice shiny armor. I thought "Hey, I'm a mage. I'll throw him a Protect."

Erodsel cast protect on <name>
Protect has no effect on <name>

ok it's my first 6 hours of play time, so...

/t <name> um, why did my protect have no effect?
<name> becuase i'm lvl 50+ you noob and I have a higher lvl of protect on already
/t <name> I'm sorry, it's my first day on the game. you can call me a noob if you like and if it makes you feel better, but we all started at lvl 1 on the first day with little to no knowledge of the game.
<name> you're right, and for that statement, I take back calling you a noob
<name> you're officially a fooking noob!

Well.. I was mad at the time, but now I just laugh ^^;
#3742 Jul 21 2006 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
491 posts
Not a noob saying but... I just started FFXI yesterday, and got my RDM to level 5 before I figured out how to equip armour and a weapon. Yes, I was biffing mobs to death in the nuddy.
#3743 Jul 21 2006 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
3,005 posts
Almantia wrote:
Not a noob saying but... I just started FFXI yesterday, and got my RDM to level 5 before I figured out how to equip armour and a weapon. Yes, I was biffing mobs to death in the nuddy.

Huh? You couldn't've been. You *start* with your armor equipped. If you couldn't figure out how to equip, you couldn't figure out how to un-equip, so you would have been wearing it.

Now, you don't start with your *weapon* equipped. Fighting mobs naked, no. Fighting mobs bare-handed, yes.

#3744 Jul 21 2006 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
I have one to share now. ^^

I was at the crag of Holla yesterday, standing on the other side of the chocobo from the NPC that you talk to to get the choco. A galka comes over and stands in front of me. A quick /sea told me he was lv 18 WAR (sometimes I will /sea a person before prot/shell/heal because I feel like a tard when I protect a lv 75 WHM when I'm only a lv 25 RDM). So I gave him a prot and a shell. He just stood there for a few minutes and then over /say What is the fee for your bird?
So he was either a) thinking I could give him the chocobo or b) talking to the NPC.
#3745 Jul 21 2006 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
Saw this one today, a few times! I'm so going to burn for telling it. ::sigh::

newb:/say Day'R Bannin' Windowerrr!

/ja "Flee hacktool" <me>

#3746 Jul 21 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
(I just typed out my story, and... clicked CTRL F4.. and erased my page. ; ;)
*Before Story Notes*

Dateline: Valkrum Dunes, about 1:00 AM in the morning.

Party Members: RDM:17 (Me) WAR:17 (Good friend, call warrior 1)
WAR:17 (Great Friend, call warrior 2)
The whole time, war2 and I are on the mic talking
The Story A.K.A My screwup of a life'

Okay, well there we were, 3 great friends, tearing it up in the dunes, in total we got about 2k in an hr? I dunno... lol. Well we all make our way outside the cave you have to go through to get to the highlands. And an earth elemental spawns. Well they ask me what it is and I say "o0o An elemental... guys, we have to kill it, I have to kill it. It is like... my duty as a mage to kill one"
We are all contemplating weither to attack it, when I decide "***** it, we can take it, we have been ripping it up for a good time" So I throw a dia on that thing, war1 vokes offa me and... the raping starts. The war1 and I throw on a scroll of reraise. Needless to say, the thing rips through war1 and goes after me, right when war1 died he raises himself, just intime for my dying >.>. So I die, war1 vokes and runs with the thing, I raise myself and heal up to max. Well we see war1s HP go all the way down, so we are saying sorry and everything, when we see the thing trudging (floating -_-) over the hill. The thing starts ripping into me, war2 and I start running towards the highlands. The zone is within a few steps when I shout:
And... we zone.
#3747 Jul 21 2006 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
(I just typed out my story, and... clicked CTRL F4.. and erased my page. ; ;)
*Before Story Notes*

Dateline: Valkrum Dunes, about 1:00 AM in the morning.

Party Members: RDM:17 (Me) WAR:17 (Good friend, call warrior 1)
WAR:17 (Great Friend, call warrior 2)
The whole time, war2 and I are on the mic talking
The Story A.K.A My screwup of a life'

Okay, well there we were, 3 great friends, tearing it up in the dunes, in total we got about 2k in an hr? I dunno... lol. Well we all make our way outside the cave you have to go through to get to the highlands. And an earth elemental spawns. Well they ask me what it is and I say "o0o An elemental... guys, we have to kill it, I have to kill it. It is like... my duty as a mage to kill one"
We are all contemplating weither to attack it, when I decide "***** it, we can take it, we have been ripping it up for a good time" So I throw a dia on that thing, war1 vokes offa me and... the raping starts. The war1 and I throw on a scroll of reraise. Needless to say, the thing rips through war1 and goes after me, right when war1 died he raises himself, just intime for my dying >.>. So I die, war1 vokes and runs with the thing, I raise myself and heal up to max. Well we see war1s HP go all the way down, so we are saying sorry and everything, when we see the thing trudging (floating -_-) over the hill. The thing starts ripping into me, war2 and I start running towards the highlands. The zone is within a few steps when I shout:
And... we zone.
#3748 Jul 22 2006 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,738 posts
I had my first encounter with the infamous OMG gill plz noob at around 7am this morning. It amazes me how people can act sometimes. The strange thing is, it looked like they were wearing a Royal Squire's Robe, which is level 40. You'd think they'd know how to make money at that level.


Noob examines you.
Noob: hi
Me: hi
Noob: help me? ok
Me: with what
Noob: can you give me some money?
Noob: ok
Noob wishes to trade with you.
Me: I don't give money, but I can tell you how to get it
Noob: trade
Me: <No Thanks>
Noob: thx
Me: go kill things and sell what they drop, that's how I get money
Noob: give me some money>
Me: <No Thanks>
Noob: @!@
Noob examines you
Noob examines you

EDIT: Hit the Post button prematurely ^^

Edited, Jul 22nd 2006 at 3:45pm EDT by Tasera
Mazra wrote:
I looked out the window and saw a big fireball in the sky. I'm not going outside until it's gone.
#3749 Jul 22 2006 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
I was in East Sarutabaruta farming for wild onions and bee haive chips and I get this tell from a noob, it goes like this.

noob: Bord of life? Come power level me in dunes
me: Pay me 2mil and you got it
noob: I do much more than pay u silly currency
noob: i remove the bordem
me: PL = Bordem so you paying me 2mil to put up with the bordom
noob: poor unenlightended soul
me: Would helping you, get me to lvl 75? no so the answer to your question is no
noob: What I offer is more than leveling
me: (Hmmm.) lvl 14 blm (Too weak)
noob: I offer a path
noob: I give u the means to conduct yourself in FFXI
noob: you will be a new person
me: thats it your a noob and I'm adding you to my noob list

After that I /blist him

Edited, Jul 23rd 2006 at 12:18am EDT by Crawlerbasher
#3750 Jul 22 2006 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
654 posts
*after an EXP PT in Yhoator Jungle on my MNK, we head back to Kazham...*
(n00bWAR) I dun0 hwo 2 go bak!? lol
(Me) Just follow me.
(n00bWAR) k

*as we trudge on, we eventually arrive at a tunnel very close to town...*
(n00bWAR) o **** my sneak iz wearing
(Me) It's just Goblins from here onwards, you don't need Sneak.
(n00bWAR) k

*n00bWAR's effect of Invisible wears off.. goblin aggroes*
(Me) ...You don't. You need Invisible, though.

*n00bWAR dies from 2-3 goblin aggroing*

I didn't bother with raising him. After all, a n00b like myself wouldn't have a decently levelled WHM/RDM to job change to.


Also, the everpopular gilbegging happened to me on several occassions, but this was the most memorable one.

*in Norg, after an EXP PT on PLD in SSG...*
gilbeggar>> hi can i hav some gil please
Me>> Sure.

*trade box opens, I put in 3 gil*
gilbeggar>> thx
Me>> No problem. Use it wisely.
gilbeggar>> i will

The fact that he didn't hound me for anymore gil or even comment about the amount I put in made it exceptionally hilarious to me. I wasn't even annoyed at him like I am with most gilbeggars.

Wonder if he made his fortune with 3gil trades at a time, though.
#3751 Jul 24 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
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