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Funny Noob Sayings. ^_^Follow

#302 May 18 2004 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
I got to lv 25 without realizing u could stack items :( Thinking of how much easier it would have been to make money makes me laugh.

I was lv 10 and i got a massive train of like 20-25 gobs (no i m not kidding) and i was running around for 10-20 minutes cause i kept getting lost in ravines in la theine. I finally zone in dunes and I realize I don t have any map but I kept running and making trains along the way. I keep running with no idea where I m going. I decide to buy a boat ticket (someone told me it went to Disney Land)(I knew he was kidding but I still didnt knwo where I was going). I run from mhaura to windy with no maps (that took a while). I get to windy and spend 2-3 hours getting a lv 68 whm to teleport me to the la theine crag. I m uber excited as he casts teleport (I didn t know how to rent a room yet and I was totally lost in Windy, so I really wanted to get back to sandy)---- and then WHOOOOOOOOOSH! He disapears and I'm stuck in Windy with no 1 to tele me home (I didn t know that you needed to get the crag crystal to be teleported there). I spent like another week in Windy until I finally found my way home.

#303 May 18 2004 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Poor Foxy. "X3 Typo did once forget to set his HP back to Windurst after acquiring his first ever subby-job. Typo ended up in Mhaura as a lv3 whm after rarab rapage. Could have been plenty worse, and it's surely happened to others before. Ish one of those "one day you'll be able to look back at it and laugh" stories.

A newbie in Windurst Woods today asked what NPC "means". Another newbie replies, "oh NPC, that must be the guy who gives signet, right"...
#304 May 18 2004 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
Noob: "Hey you wanna pt?"
<Me>: Shure where you wanna go? ( We were both level 12)
Noob: Lets try out vallbow!
<me>: your kidding right?
Noob: I have a level 75 sam you know.
<Me> you were kidding about vollbow right?
Noob: I have a level 75 sam you know, I am not a newb.
<me> U dont even have a sub job...
Noob: I got to level 75 with out one.
<Me> Oh really...
Noob: Yea ok so lets go out to vollbow!
<Me> no we will get killed there.
Noob: Stupid noob im never going to party with you again!
<Me> Ok see you later!
Another instense...involving vollbow.
Noob: (Level 1) Where is vollbow?
<Me> I dont think you would make it there you would probbally die on your way there.
Noob: What the hell do you know!?
<Me> Bye
Another noob saying:
Noob: My level 10 war can beat your 30 war.
<Me> Is that so, why do you say that?
Noob: Because he has a great sword, and is a big galk!
<Me> Your elvann....
Noob: So who asked you?
Are noobs getting more stupid?
Noob: Hey lets kill this Orcish Grunt! (level 9 pt in Gheshelba)
<Me> No we will die lets go back up and kill at the top level.
Noob: No we can take it on
2nd Noob: Yea lets do it!
Not a noob: No listen to Luthe it will get us killed trust us!
Noob: Ok what ever lets go "2nd Noob".
<Me> /s oh my god they are complete noobs
Not a noob: /s Yea they are
Noob: Come on guys We need your help! Ahh I am dying!
2nd Noob: If you wont come down here im gonna bring the grunt to you!
<Me> /s Lets leave ;)
Not a noob: ok
Noob: /t Why did you leave we could have killed it we were only 3/4 of the way there!
<Me> /t are you kidding me... I told you it would kill you so me and "Not a noob" left.
Noob: Im banning your a$$
<Me> Ok see you later
#305 May 18 2004 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
Oh my god this thread is awesome... I signed up just so that I can post.

This inovlves me (yes, I bought a ps2 hdd, netplay keyboard, and all that stuff):

1. I never knew about the moghouse until I was about lvl 6-7 WAR (I'm now playing MNK).

2. I didn't know anything about stacking items--found out about it on accident, around lvl 5 war.

3. Didn't use AH until lvl 4 war. Every time I passed by, I just thought it was a big social gathering.

4. I accidentally *threw away* my onion sword when I first started... I thought you can pick it back up. So I fought, until I made enough gil, bare handed.

Thankfully for some of you I've always played solo...
#306 May 19 2004 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,801 posts
I spent about 10 minutes locked in my mog house...

/tell Mog Open
hm, nope
/tell Mog Door
er.. no
/tell Mog Open Door

This went on for about ten minutes until I accidentally clicked on the door with my mouse out of sheer frustration.

/em is sooooo smart.
#307 May 19 2004 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
2,866 posts
....I leveled my WAR to 30 as a...... WAR/WHM. Yea, I know.
#308 May 19 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
219 posts
I have 4 from last night while fighting in the dunes. same guy. He is leveling his 1st, a blm lvl 17. We are taking a break because our warrior died while fighting pugils. So our blm starts wandering around and says ,"Oh, where does this cave go." I tell him i leads to the seceret beach, but don' go in there, bats will aggro him. He doesn't reply. About 2 minutes later we hear a help and half his life is gone with bats chasing after him. So we kill them save him and i say, "See." He replys Yeh, I guess i should of listened.

So we start fighting again and i get a tell, being pt leader, from one of the tanks. "Is he, our blm, looking to get hit, why is he right here on the mob." I told him I'd ask.
His reply was, "Duh, im working on my evasion and staff skills."
After trying to convince him his meele days are over, his response was, "But I really want my staff skills." and he kept on engaging.

So then he decides to give me some advice and tells me that pugils resist blind. My next blind cast held.

I give him the suggestion to space out his nuking to help prevent hate and that if he alternates elemental spells it won't build immunity. He trys the alternating and admits it works then says its a good thing we have good tanks and a whm to heal me.

He was the only one in our group without a sub and needless to say, kept it fun.

Edited, Wed May 19 11:00:54 2004 by smwrlw
#309 May 19 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
W00t??? lol dude Sum pl to 60???? o.0 must be boring ha!!!!

personally i have tryed pl at lvl 20 and is a pain... pl only works good from lvl 1 to 8.. when lvling adv job or sub best thing //

WELL this is what happen to me last nite::

ZZe: <Hello> how u doing? everyone say hello to XXX
xxx:hello party!!!
zze: ok i guess best place to lvl up at our lvls is warchief zone.... k..
<<<some time like 20 mins later when XXX a lvl 5mnk aRRived the spot..>>
Zze:Hey $$$ u pull ok!
XXX: im not a n00b >,> i know mnks are the best so i'll pull!!
$$$; >.> If u say so...
^^^: ....
zze:ok pull..but dont pull the warchief ok!!!!
............The warchief wreker hits XXX for 90dmg
^^^; lol
$$$; omg
XXX: i can handle it!!! i have lvl 50 war on this same character.
zze; yeah sure!!! no sub ^^ !!! go for it!!!!

xxx:Zze can u raise me????
zze: .....><
zze leave the party...

#310 May 19 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
I sold my crystals to NPC's rather than the AH.. :P

Guilty as charged! Lol.
#311 May 19 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
This is the super kicker of a life time i
after reading this u will laugh so hard that u will want to give me an excellent rating
I have played this game for 2 months now i studied the game for about 3 months planing out my strategy
Picked up tthe lingo almost majored in FFXI LOL
But this new 2 weeks took the f'n cake
He asked me smething so outragesous that when this trsnpired i fell off my sofa just logged out and for the next 30minutes laughed. i couldnt stop laughing. i went outside laughued for another 15 minutes. It toof a vaniila milk shake from the ice cream shop to make me stop laughing
See im laughing like a mad man already typing this
Ok here how it goes funniest ****: Ready Ok

Im going from jeuno to bastok on my chocobo
Im lvl 30rdm/15whm and reach the area of s.gustaberg fast
i am maybe 500 feet away from from the gate to bastok markets right on the path
rather than running choco in their i make it walk clamly cause i was eating at the time so i wanted too finish my food while choco walked slowly to the gate
All of a sudden i get a tell a noob runs up to me and is that a choco?
i say yes
(now going into narrative speaking in first and third) crot = me

noob: is that a chocobo
crot: yes it is
noob: how can i get one
/check the noob to see his lvl (lvl 5THF)(no armor/no weapon)
crot: u have to do a quest
noob: i have seen chocobo in the wild ill catch one watch me
crot: ????????????
i play along laughing like a little school girl
noob: can i have urs
im laughing hard as hell
noob: please sir can i have it u can tame another 1
noob: come on i got 4 dozen wind crystals on me(killing bees)
i was playing along to a tee
crot: ok u have to be ready to grab the choco
crot: and target it and type /tame chocobo very fast
crot: if it listens to u it will stay with u: if not it will run
noob: ok i am ready
crot: remember im sacrificing my chcoco for u
crot: if it runs away i lose it also /sigh
noob: i have no money take all my crystals
im dying laughing now can control laughter
noob: so u lose chocbo too if i dont tame it
crot: yep
i get off then he hurries in front of choco to tame it (lmfao)
noob: awwww it ran away
noob: sorry sir here
get 4 dozen crystals from em
noob: bye thanks for trying to get me choco
i log out there dying laughing
after a while i came back in log in feeling bad for wat i had done he was still lvling was up to 7 (impressive to me witout n e thing on him) i was like here traded him his crystals back
he was like sorry for ur chocobo
i started to laugh again but controlled it this time
i told him wat to do for chocos and then he knew he was duped
but he laughed it off he said u sure got me
i was like come with me
i bought him the whole brass armor and cat baghnakas all total 1500 but i felt good
he was so happy told him some few tricks
been friends with him since
always have a good laugh when me and him r on chocobos doing something
always the joke of r u gonna tame this choco
i hope u reda this and enjoy it
if u think this is fake
go ahead
i put time into this just for this to turn out to b a fake
it happened funny as hell but true
as they say "BELIEVE IT OR NOT?"


#312 May 19 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
I made it to level 10 or so, before peeking in my Delivery Box for the first time. (I thought that was only used when other players sent you items. I had eight unsold items, and over 9000 gil in there.)

When doing the chocobo license quest, I thought you had to feed the chocobo on consecutive days, all together. I *started* at midnight, and didn't finish until 5 a.m. When I told my LS the next day, they were about ready to put me in the corner with a dunce cap +1. >_<

#313 May 19 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Well i just started playin a little while ago now im level 4 tarutatu blm so now me and a couple of my taru buddies are groupin up and there is this one girl in there that i sat next to and she stood up then i stood up and looked her way then she said " SEE I KNEW YOU STUPID TARUS ARE PERVES" so i tried to explain but then i had a whole bunch of her friends /t me YOUR A PERV etc. man so many people think tarutaru are pervs. Also i got a funny thing i was asking an npc to group with me or if it wanted to group then i finally realized it was an npc after about 80 people went by laughin

Edited, Wed May 19 16:44:04 2004 by Clephiroth
#314 May 19 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
407 posts
Yeah, I walked around for at least one or two levels getting pissed that I have to truck back to the moghouse to heal and wondering why everyone was kneeling down. I thought, "all these people can't be logging out at the same time."

Then, I accidently kneeled and thought I'd give it a shot to see what happened. Low and behold, I'm healing!! Wow, what a concept.
#315 May 19 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
185 posts
ok not exactly a saying but i thought maybe somebody would get a kick out of this... and if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?

ok buy the game i'm learning controls... This is my second RPG ever and my first MMORPG... I've never been much of a gamer >.<

OK finally figure out how to move around and what not... Start looking to see if i have items or money or anything of that nature.. KK armor eqiupped must go kill... Walks outside after two hours of searching for a gate... ew a plant and a bee i don't want to kill those... ok bunnies... "Its a bunny how hard can it be" Dies 3 hits later ok that sucked i'll try again maybe i'm just doing something wrong... walks outside "ok no bunnies, no plants, no bees, ooh a crab! maybe i can kill that" two hits later i die.. lol ok i don't think i'm cut out for gaming... /logout try again tomorrow... get into new NA lv 1 party... Why did u pick thief? I'm not sure... Ok I'm standing there and everybody around me is kneeling... why are you kneeling? i'm resting... why are you resting? to get hp back... how do i rest? Ctrl H... ok somehow manage to make it to level 9 in a few weeks... Had no clue i could buy armor and didn't know that there was an auction house until level 15... I didn't know i could sort my inventory.. I'd been in two whole parties and never could figure out how to cast lots... I was lv 15 before i figured that one out.. lol Somewhere along the lines I learned a lot and managed to make a decent (in my opinion) player out of myself but perhaps some of you will get a kick out of the things that took me forever to figure out!
#316 May 19 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
I was doing teleports and this one guy wanted a holla. I told him to give me a sec as I needed some mp. I said, "I hit a seagull on the way back and it totally took it out of me." He paid me, and I teleported him. After I got back to my hp he sent a tell, "How the hell did you hit a seagull?" I was laughing like crazy.

Just the other day I was helping a level 20 whm get to jeuno for the choco quest. Figured I'd help out. As we're passing through Junger I ask if the player had been there before. He/she said no. As we're walking I ask, "See that leech there?"
me:: "That one is a female. And that one over there, that's a male."
"how do you know?"
Finally when I said, "If we see them do their mating dance, we'll need to stay back. It involves the spraying of much urine."
did she realize I was joking. Oh the fun.
#317 May 19 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Today I was crafting in the smithing guild shop in N. Sandy when alluva sudden a guy who had just came in with his friend screamed that the room was on fire. At first, I thought he was joking, but the guy was dead serious. Sad part is...he was a mentor. Not but 30 seconds later does he ask me for the recipe for bronze and copper ingots. Major face-slapper, that one.

Edited, Wed May 19 20:52:00 2004 by KneeCapper
#318 May 19 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
1,007 posts
This thread is hilarious, thank you all for the great laughs! ^^
#319 May 19 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
404 posts
Well, I just heard the newest one I'd ever heard last night...

I and one other player were in a party of players (16-18's) without their subjobs, so I'm helping them beat up Snips and Flies to try to get the various missing items... when we pick up a 17 MNK with no subjob.

Well, the party had changed so much that I lost track of what all we needed, so I asked what items we needed now other than skulls. (had planned on swapping over to my 21 and taking 'em to Gusgen if need be after we loaded up on everything else.)

Well, after not hearing a word from the MNK, I asked them directly.. "okay what items do you need for the subjob quest?"

Newbie: "Thar is no sjob qwest. U dont need items, u jus get 1 when you turn 18.".
Me: "Yes, you need three items.. apron, worm, skull".
Newbie: "I kno u dont you just turn 18 and go to your house and get it".

#320 May 19 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Player: What are you doing?
Me>> Getting a tan.
Player: Oh. How do you lay down?
Me>> See that bogey over there?
Player: Yeah? Oh.. You're dead, huh.
Me>> Yup.
Player: Why didnt you dissapear?
Me>> Waiting for a raise.
Player: A what?
Me>> A raise. WHMs can ressurect you if you die.
Player: Oooooh.

He ran off for about five minutes then came back out and inspected my corpse a few times.

Player: Why cant I loot your corpse?
Me>> ....
Me>> Anything else you want to know?
Player: Ummm.. What do you do while waiting for a raisin?
Me>> Read my C++ manual.
Player: What's that?
Me>> Its a lvl 24 item I have hidden in my invintory. Its very expensive and does 100 damage to anyone I throw it at, even people.
Player: Wow! I want one.
Me>> You'll have to quest for it.

Fortunatly, a Raiser came along at this point and I zone into Selbina for rest and meditation. Last thing I saw was:

Player: Oh cool! How did you do that! Do it to me! Do it to me!
Raiser: AAAUGH!

(Player was using leet speak, due to the fact that its painful to type, correct spelling and grammar were used.)
#321 May 19 2004 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good
393 posts
Player: Ummm.. What do you do while waiting for a raisin?

This is surely a typo, but, LMAO.

Yes, I am very tired, thanks for asking.
#322 May 19 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,455 posts
It involves the spraying of much urine."

That one floored me. I am still laughing :P
#323 May 19 2004 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
206 posts
I was scared of zoning. I thought my computer crashed...

The screen woudl turn black and I would freak out and say "OMGOMGOMGOMGOGOMG I KILLED IT!!!!"

I was in bastok, to me it all looked the same.

I was trying to get into the armory shop and just kept running into the door.. i couldnt figure out how to target it.

At the homepoint crystal:
Me>> Ooooo SO PRETTY
Random>> Yep.. its a home point crystal.
Me>> I want to buy it!!!!
Random>> ...You cant
Me>> Yes i can watch I will
Random>> ...
Me>> W*#$%_)( I have no money!
Random>> ...
<Random gives Me 1000 gil>
Me>> Hey thanks!
Random>> *snickers*
Me>> Anyways, whats gil?

--Trying to equip Leaping Boots--
Me(WHM)>> Why cant i equip them!!?!??!?!
Lvl30>> You cant because your a WHM.
Me>> Oh, are you a WHM
Lv30>> No... Im a WAR.
Me>> oh ok here you go
<Me trades Leaping Boots to Lv30>
#324 May 19 2004 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Dragoncat wrote:
This is surely a typo, but, LMAO.

Yes, I am very tired, thanks for asking.

Yes, he actually said Raisin. I doublechecked the log for that. Dont know if it was a typo on his part or if he misunderstood something I said.
#325 May 20 2004 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts

Somebody was eating cereal while playing... ^_^
#326 May 20 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
643 posts
--Trying to equip Leaping Boots--
Me(WHM)>> Why cant i equip them!!?!??!?!
Lvl30>> You cant because your a WHM.
Me>> Oh, are you a WHM
Lv30>> No... Im a WAR.
Me>> oh ok here you go
<Me trades Leaping Boots to Lv30>

OMG...that hurt. O_o
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