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Medieval Movies/Anime SuggestionsFollow

#1 Jan 23 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to get a list of medieval type movies and anime going here, like Braveheart, Willow, or Record of Lodoss War. You know, something you can watch while gil farminmg or soloing or even when you're taking a break from the game (heh, like that happens) that keeps you into that Medieval theme.
#2 Jan 23 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Excalibur is one of my favorites. Newly on DVD, I believe. A rather graphic look at the bloodier side of the Arthurian legend with a good amount of magic too.

As you might have guessed from my handle, I also pop in the Big Lebowski whenever possible. But that doesn't really fit your criteria. Still, The Dude is never a bad choice.

Have fun!
#3 Jan 23 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
664 posts
Can't go wrong with Ninja Scroll, and if you want something to relieve the stress after that horrific party you just lost 2000 exp in, go with Army of Darkness, ranger anyone? You could also check out the Gormenghast mini-series based on the books by Mervyn Peake. Look into the new Dune and Children of Dune miniseries, they are sci-fi, but have some real good fantasy elements in them. Just don't watch the 1986 movie, it looks like crap, even for when it was made, and is completely wrong. I don't get to watch much anime, but Vision of Escaflowne really reminded me of Final Fantasy. Of course, you can always watch the Final Fantasy movie itself, even though its biggest problem was trying to live up to a FF game, when it's plot would only be like 1 major quest at best, additionally I just don't think non-FF-junkies understood just how FFesque it was. Some other good anime (though not entirely fantasy) are Ghost In the Shell, Macross Plus and Wings of Honeamise, if you haven't seen at least these, you really should.

Big Lebowski is great, it is the kinda movie that you can watch, not learn a damn thing, but feel much better about yourself. Office Space is great too, esp if you have a bad day at work and are just gonna be waiting for a group when you log on.
#4 Jan 23 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
664 posts
oh oh, I thought up some more, Dragonheart is ok, at least for a while. Ladyhawke is really good (mmm, Michelle Pfeiffer). If you are fishing on the boat you could go for Cutthroat Island or Pirates of the Caribbean, though I think the former is far better. As a side note I really liked The Long Kiss Goodnight also with Gena Davis (Cutthrout Island). If you don't mind the cartoons, Treasure Planet I thought was pretty good, can we say Mithra?

Edited, Fri Jan 23 18:28:07 2004 by Ralluwen

Even More:

The Beastmaster
Ralph Bakshi's Wizards!
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Snow White: A Tale of Terror (i only watched this once, don't remember much)
Lord of the Rings (duh!)
The Three Musketeers (1993 Disney)
The Musketeer (If you like Kung Fu type action and no plot)
Conan the Barbarian
Conan the Destroyer
Red Sonja

Some older ones that might not ring your bell anymore are:
Clash of the Titans

Edited, Fri Jan 23 19:13:58 2004 by Ralluwen
#5 Jan 23 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
Excalibur. Patrick Stewart is a gangster pimp in that movie!
#6 Jan 23 2004 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
664 posts
As a warning, anyone that mentions Harry Potter, Dungeons and Dragons or Black Knight will get flamed! Wait, no, not me...
#7 Jan 23 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Berserk, you MUST see this it absolutely kicks *** (be warned that's it's not for kids)

Edited, Fri Jan 23 20:38:15 2004 by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#8 Jan 23 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
612 posts

A few classic films i love,

The Dark Crystal
Jim hensons story teller - On DVD in March. ( nobody remembers this)

First few highlander movies

The Craft ( Im going to get flammed for that one, Argh!)

Thinkin of a few more, first three are the best.
#9 Jan 23 2004 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
um this ones a clasic

Monty Python and the Holy Grail ^^


also forgot a cool anime


Edited, Fri Jan 23 21:10:57 2004 by anime
#10 Jan 23 2004 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
147 posts
The Twelve Kingdoms. This series can't come out fats enuff for me!
Record of Lodoss War is also very good (The original not Chronicles of the Heroic Knight)

Excalibur is THE Aurtur movie to own.
And of course Legend. I am not a Tom Cruise fan but excellent movie. (Oh BTW If you haven't seen The last Samuri yet GO!)
#11 Jan 23 2004 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Record of Lodoss War!!!
#12 Jan 23 2004 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,120 posts
The Princess Bride
#13 Jan 23 2004 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone ever seen Dragon Knight?


If it were a game it'd be AO!
#14 Jan 24 2004 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
hmm....anime eh...think I can name a few for medievilish thingies.

Berserk - as mentioned above. I think it kinda sucked personally, just people getting shot and chopped up the whole episode.

Record of Lodoss War - think G.I. Joe with Swords and elves.

Full Metal Alchemist - Havent seen much of this one yet but heard alot of suggestions that its one of the best. A living suit of armor along with his magician brother.

.Hack//Sign .Hack//Dusk - ok, not medievil...but DUDE. Your playing a MMORPG and .hack is about a creepy to do both at the same time.

Dragon Drive - Like dragoons? This the show for you..just guys running around fighting with dragons all day. Think...Pokemon...with dragons...and fights where they actually try to kill each other.

Final Fantasy Unlimited - Ok, this anime is weird. It kinda sucks because of the poorly drawn style and the REALLY cheesy CGI scenes...but eh, its FF, what you going to do? And it has a nice good story plot like other FF's.

Scrapped Princess - Hah! A good one...AND medievalish. Big sorcery and corupt religious plots mixed in with a confused teenage girl. Why not slap FF13 on this title!

Slayers Next-
Slayers Tri - My god, why didnt' anyone suggest this earlier...this is like "the" anime for magic+medieval+fantasy. It sets so many Anime standards for the genre...its like a non-boring Lord of the Rings.

Lord of the Rings - I've never seen it, probably wouldn't like it, but I heard their was like a early 80's cartoon version of LOTR. I heard you should watch it cause it was so trippy whenever the shadowraiths showed up that you would think your sotned.

The Legend of Zelda - How many of you remember this from the old days? Bout 10 episodes long. Know its not an anime but it kinda falls into this area of this post. Well excuse me, princess.

Those Who Hunt Elves - Elves and a battletank =/ so its half medieval/fantasy. Kinda bout three present day Tokyo people that get sucked back to a Feudal Japan like era...along with machine guns and a tank. And they go around...stripping elves. FF should take some ideas from this show. It sounds stupid...and it is...but it is one of the funniest anime's I've seen. Think Inuyasha with tanks!

Inuyasha - meh, most everyone knows this one. Its a good story if you sit down for a whole week strait and watch it. Its the DBZ of medieval times.

Dragonball Z - ok, ya, skip this, bad go.

Golden Boy - Not medieval either. But you got to watch this at "least" once in your life.

Princess Mononoke - If you feel comfortable renting a movie with a title like this from your local Blockbuster, you really should, its great, hardly found anyone that would argue with me on that one.

Brookie - watcher of many animes.

#15 Jan 24 2004 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
BrookieDragon wrote:
Golden Boy - Not medieval either. But you got to watch this at "least" once in your life.

When I read that I just had to laugh. My brother had Golden Boy in his collection for the longest time and I just recently watched it. This is such a goofy and pervy anime but ehehehe... it's surprisingly okay... (o^_^)b And Yay! Go Dragonhalf and Slayers. :3 There are a lots of good suggestions on this list. I need to rewatch some of these myself just for kicks. Thanks for the thread.

Hmm okay here's mine...How about... dare I say... Never Ending Story?? /em huddles in the corner and waits for her imminent stoning.

I'm just kidding guys! Kidding!!! Dun hurt meeeeee!
#16 Jan 24 2004 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
never ending better stay in the corner!

Gawh...I used to love that movie when I was little then it just totally flipped from my memory for like 10 years. Then all of a sudden I was walking through Target and thinking "I got to see that again! I totally forgot about it!" Its not a single thought in 10 years on it.

Heres a good way to freak out your friends too...worked for me.

1) Turn out the Lights
2) Turn on a blacklight.
3) Use your Nvidia video Drivers to rotate your monitor upside down.
4) Turn on the Techno Never Ending Story song, and put it on repeat.
5) Browse your files, upside down, waiting for your friends to notice.
6) Deny using LSD.
#17 Jan 24 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,847 posts
Knightriders (awesome movie)
FF The Movie (anyone who says it was bad can suck it)
FF Advent Children (when it comes out)
#18 Jan 24 2004 at 4:45 AM Rating: Default
you could always just turn the FF: Advent Children trailor on replay and watch it over and over for hours on end.

I did this with the Metal Gear Solid 2 trailer =P

But speaking of FF: AC, gives me some ideas of new wallpapers to design, problem is they keep me off the game when making them =P.

Give me a yell sometime Wibbler. I'm on Garuda too.
#19 Jan 24 2004 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,847 posts
Thank god there's another one of us! So far, besides me, i've only seen one other person from Garuda on here, lol.
#20 Jan 24 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Berserk - as mentioned above. I think it kinda sucked personally, just people getting shot and chopped up the whole episode.

If you only saw one episode you might think that I suppose.

Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#21 Jan 24 2004 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
147 posts
Berserk - as mentioned above. I think it kinda sucked personally, just people getting shot and chopped up the whole episode.

If you only saw one episode you might think that I suppose.

The first episde was not real encouraging, but it picked up pace FAST. Really is a great Anime, WARNING: The last few episodes are abit... Strange. On the same level as Neon Genisis: Evangelion. (also good, but Sci-fi.)

Oh Another good fantasy
The Legend of Arslon.
The Hobbit is OK, but stay away from the LOTR cartoons They pretty much blow.

Has anyone seen Neo Ranga? been lookin at this but don't know if I want to pick it up.

Edited, Sat Jan 24 07:42:07 2004 by DarkWolfOne
#22 Jan 24 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
664 posts
Sorry, got to rant...

The problem with DBZ is they just couldn't get on with the plot, sometimes you would have like 5 minute battles spanned across 10 episodes. Like the first battle with Freeza, wth, there was one episode that had all of 10 seconds of new content, the rest had already been rehashed in the previous 5 episode anyway. And it is always the same damn plot, Goku is getting training, we must hold off the bad guy until he gets here, which he will do at just the last moment, and kicks its *** like it will kick ours over the next 20 episodes. And every supervillian has like 15 different forms, so just cuz it looks like one of Goku's lackeys is about to kick its ***, it will just power up and become 10x as invicible. The original Dragonball is the best, because well, it is the original.

I got the first issue of Inu Yashi, liked it, didn't get anymore...=/ I watched an episode of Inu Yashi, loved it, didn't watch anymore because I wanted to see it from the beginning, but it is on weekly and it never seems to go back to the beggining.

Edited, Sat Jan 24 08:20:59 2004 by Ralluwen
#23 Jan 24 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
664 posts
I remember the Legend of Zelda cartoon as well, in fact I lived for it. Most of the time though you would get Super Mario Bros. I used to watch it all the time when I was little. It was funny cuz Zelda could make the Triforce thing float, but Link always had to carry it, and it wieghed a ton.

Anyone remember Pirates of Dark Water?

I also saw a french cartoon series of The Three Musketeers, never spoke french, so I never knew the name and didn't understand anything but the occasion persons name, but I watched it anyway because I loved anything medieval, but there weren't may cartoons on that subject. (I had no inkling of anime) Anyone have any clue what it might have been called?

Edited, Sat Jan 24 08:31:10 2004 by Ralluwen
#24 Jan 24 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Also: The 13th Warrior.
Antonio Banderas plays an Arab helping Norse people fight off what looks like Berserkers!

I'd recomend it... in fact it's on right now on the Sci-Fi channel, probably too late to start watching it (it'll be on later).

Dragonheart is on at 5:00pm Eastern today(Saturday)

Dragon Fighter is on at 7:00pm Eastern tonight(Saturday) I can't recomend it, but go ahead and see for yourself.(Dean Cain, Kristine Byers) Much more Sci-Fi than midevil.

Dragon Storm is on at 9:00pm Eastern tonight and I haven't seen it but I think it looks cool. (Maxwell Caulfield, John Rhys-Davies(Gimli)) This looks Medieval.

The 13th Warrior is on at 11:00pm Eastern. I can and DO recomend this one.

All of these are on the Sci-Fi channel for 1/24/04. All times Eastern. Check local listings
#25 Jan 24 2004 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
Fantasy Movies

The Hobbit (animated)
The Lord of the Rings (the movie trilogy)
The Lord of the Rings (1978 Ralph Bakshi animated)
FF:Spirits Within (scifi-ish, but with many FF style plot and script devices)
Star Wars Trilogy (It may have Blasters but it IS a fantasy movie!)
Princess Bride


Final Fantasy (original four-part anime based on ¿FFV?)
Final Fantasy Unlimited
FLCL (God's gift to anime dorks)
Lupin III
Cowboy Bebop
Metropolis (I love this one! ^_^)
Princess Mononoke
Vampire Hunter D-Bloodlust
The Animatrix

Non-Fantasy/Anime related Movies

Tank Girl
SLC Punk
Falling Down
Fight Club
Benny and Joon
Edward Scissorhands
Nightmare Before Christmas
Batman (original movie with Adam West)
Half Baked
Free Enterprise
Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy (not Dogma or Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back)

Edited, Sun Jan 25 14:08:04 2004 by GrayHavens
#26 Jan 24 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
The Evil Dead series is Great for backround noise when playing this game, Army of Darkness (E.D. III) being the obvious choice for the medievil era... so many one liners it'll make you forget all about dying right after a raise (stupid worms... popping up next to my weakened body!).

I'll second The Big Lebowski, as it is one of the greatest movies of all time. Not medievil, but it goes really well with a few White Russians.

Other non-medievil movie recommendations for backround noise include Full Metal Jacket (the first half anyway), PI, Tombstone and Underground.
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