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The 3 Types of NoobsFollow

#1 Jan 22 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
First i would like to state that is in no way meant to bash anyone, its just for the purpose of Definition. There are sub catergories between each, kind of a grey area.

Type 1
The person brand new to game, is still learning. This is the most obvious type of "Noob". Nothing at all wrong with this, we all started somewhere.

Type 2
The person that is well into the game, and still doesnt know what they are doing. They do silly stuff like are still wearing there lvl 10 armor, never use AH, etc. These are the ones that know they are doing something wrong or still not sure about certain things but will still listen to advice.

Type 3
These are the Persons that flame the previous 2 types. They are also the type that continually makes mistake and despite advice from others continue to make mistake.

Example of Type 3
Player 1: F*&k i die all the time this game sucks
Player 2: Dude your wearing lvl 10 armor and your 22 thats your prob"
Player 1: I got no money for new armor
Player 2: Go take a break and farm some, go switch to Thief lvl 1 and kill easy stuff make loot sell at AH for gil
Player 1: Nah why should i level thief when i dont even have sub job yet.
(this was real conversation i had i just paraphrased it)

I know that this subject has been beaten to death, i know that someone might call me a "Noob" for making this post but i was reading forum today and there was someone supporting Manual Dodging, also another where a person bragged about swearing and flaming at a "noob" on open channel. Both these players saw nothing wrong with it, made me sigh. Thought i would expand the definition of Noob.
#2 Jan 22 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
612 posts
What i would like to add to that is, that all North Americans are N00Bs. The ***`s are the ones that can really use that word effectively. The game has not been available to us for even 6 months yet. When someone calls someone else a n00b i just shake my head and think " Rubber & Glue "

It so sad

#3 Jan 22 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
1,120 posts
So what youre saying is that all the parties that were mad at me was because I was wearing my fishing gear and trying to hit mobs with my willow rod and not my bad breath?
#4 Jan 22 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Gawd NotCoach you're SUCH a noob. I always make sure I arrive for exping in full Field Gear, not Fishing Gear. And WTF are you doing using a willow rod when a yew spoon is CLEARLY what all tarutarus should carry?
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#5 Jan 22 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
1,120 posts
#6 Jan 22 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
Seems as though the "noobs" many people are talking about are usually the annoying people that make digging out your eyes with a spork seem more enjoyable than being in a party with so I have difficulty seeing much reason to use it for new players since it is usually the deragotory remark. I say new players be referred to as "DROGULUS" as they haven't been able to make much of a repuration or being in the game.

Drogulus: an entity whose presence is unverifiable because it has no physical effects.
#7 Jan 22 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
I have no problems with n00bs. Also all north american's eh? Nice stereotyping... that shows some class right there =). Anyways, I don't mind providing info 10 times over again to newbies that know no better. I believe there's no such thing as a stoopid question, because you may never find the answer if you never ask? I'm willing to help any way I can too. If I see an orc chasing someone, I'll try to take down the orc to save the person from running a train 500 yrds later. Above all I try not to flame anyone unless they're ****** or flaming first and deserve it. I highly believe in Karma, and so far, it seems to play in Final Fantasy a lil bit. People like those that are willing to help (info, protect, cure, reraise, whatever) are liked and appreciated much more than those people that msg you and say they hope you die rather than just killing the orc chasing you.
#8 Jan 22 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
I hate the term Noob for many reasons.
1- Some "Noob" are actually better than some vets
2- Everyone as been new at one point or another and didn't appreciate beeing called noobs but turn around and do the same later on "what part of respecting others didn't you understand when you've been disrespected yourself"

I will tell you what really bothers the most. LAZY players, you find them in the whole spectrum of the game, new or vets. Those that run AH prices down because they lack the patience of waiting a few hours or days at full price. Those who ask for EVERYTHING and don't explore. Nothing wrong with asking for a little help, but those that you need to take by the hand everystep of the way trully get on my nerve.

With that said, there is nothing more powerfull than entering battle against Behemoth totally naked and use your "charms" to make him your love slave...if that doesn't work, blind him with a pickaxe run under him and tickle his tummy untill he dies of laughter
#9 Jan 22 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
1,031 posts
I've got the courtesy to use the word "newbie."

I have to agree with Fucttt.

And ElvaanKrem, unfortunately it's not stereotyping. NA players are newbies compared to the JP players; notice that all of the high-level information we get is coming from them? That's because we've had the game for three months and they've had it for over a year.
#10 Jan 22 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Default
oh... now I understand... I'm a lil slow when stuck at work. Have to glance over forms quickly so I can continue to be bored doing something "constructive". Yes, I know that NA players are newbies compared to the Japanese... they've been playing this back when I just got Kingdom Hearts... lol. I know I'm still a n00b in relativity to the game... lvl 16 mnk, 13 thf, 9 war and 5 blm. I might be new, and therefore a n00b by definition, but I'm not a n00b in the aspect I run out into 4 agro zones and start a train. Infact, quite the opposite, I've walked the fine line between agro radiuses in some tougher area's (such as the buburim Peninsula as of right now). Solo and no agro. =).

snooper, I could not agree more... I hate people that don't like to do anything for themselves. I once found a guy shouting for someone to help him get gil. So I tell him and say to go hunt rabbits and tunnel worms (for hides and flint stones) so he can sell them for 120 gil for 3 hides, or 100 for 4 flints. 30 minutes later he's still running around infront of the AH practically asking for a handout (and pissing off several people).

I've helped newbies around san d'oria and help out as much as I can. I also appreciate those that do the same for me. Such as when I first got to windurst and bastok, some kind players were willing to show me where the mog house "flower girl" was located. I call myself a n00b... I do not call many others n00b's unless they're pushin my buttons. I would hope I could get the same respect in FFXI... thats my only beef really.
#11 Jan 23 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
64 posts
Those that run AH prices down because they lack the patience of waiting a few hours or days at full price.

So i am LAZY just because i don't care aboout the price i will get from what i'm puting in the AH?

I am LAZY because i know that whatever the amount i'll get i'll make PROFITS?

#12 Jan 23 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
or perhaps lazy cause if you sell the same item for the cheapest current available price, your item will be sold first.
#13 Jan 23 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
380 posts
Like others have said "everyone was a noob at first" what i don't like is beggars. I will help the individual out if they made it all the way to jeuno and did not have enough gil for grass (although they should have known in advance) or not enough for a chocobo. I have even searched for new players to give them stuff (light axe, bronxe sub etc....) i just hate standing at the AH and ppl are shouting "does anyone have a sword they dont want". I never reply i just shake my head. I never asked for gil when i started. I sold the stuff that mob dropped and did quests.
#14 Jan 23 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
wh000t Karinst, you rock. I try to provide information, and I'm willing to give someone a hundred gil if they need on the boat at selbina or mhaua, or need a bronze sword or something to get started. I feel as though its not much money, and its better to always have good karma opposed to bad. I've met more kind players online than ************ but I do wish there'd be some more nicer players.

Ex: I had my cat knock some liquid over last night while I was in battle... I had to clean up the mess... and while I was gone, my party attempted a skill chain that I was to use shoulder tackle at the end of... well, needless to say I hear my roommate shouting at me 15 seconds later, yelling, ranting, *********** all cause I missed my skill... oops, sorry... next time I'll ask the cat to wait a couple minutes before knocking something over... The whole party was understanding and forgiving... so all though I still felt bad for missing it, at least I wasn't scorned and chewed out for it. This could have easily been one of the groups with half all these people that get upset at "manual dodgers" and laced into me for missing the skill chain.. as if they won't have another chance at it again.

This is a game... I wish people would lighten up and treat it like a game. People might have more fun and make more friends...
#15 Jan 23 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
Wow! Thank goodness I'm a "Type 1" noob/newbie. :)

Man, I've been only playing the game for about a month, and I know just enough to know I don't know jack squat! There's so many places I haven't been, so many quests I haven't done, and just so much of the game I haven't seen. I love being a newbie, because everything is exciting and new. I get a kick everytime I see something new, which admittedly is most of the time.

I can't noob bash, cuz I'm still a noob myself. However, I whole-heartedly agree with lazy/begging bashing! Personally, I think the lazy people are the people who stand around asking for hand-out. The slackers too darned lazy to go farm for items to sell. That's like me going to my boss on the first of the month saying, "Hey can you just give me the paycheck for the rest of the month, I've got better things to do than to work here." Now those people are annoying...

What we should do with noobs, is help them. Those of us with just a little bit of experience, should do everything we can to help make this more enjoyable for those noobs who are playing the game, working hard, and not asking for anything.

Everytime I leave Bastok, I make a quick run around Vomp Hill to see if there are any low level players who may need a quick Cure or a Protect. When I was "young" and dumb, running around attacking things too difficult for me, there's almost always been someone around to save my stupid butt. I learned my lesson, and I didn't have to lose XP doing it. This kind of culture needs to be encouraged and fostered. Perhaps when these new players get to higher levels, they will do the same for the next generation, and so on, and so forth.

That's just my 2 gils... sitting here at work, wishing I was in Vana'diel. :)
#16 Jan 23 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
901 posts
ElvaanKrem wrote:
or perhaps lazy cause if you sell the same item for the cheapest current available price, your item will be sold first.

Actually, the SMARTEST thing to do is to sell your item first while keeping the bid history price the same. I'll leave it to you 'Noob's to figure out how to do that :)

-Merchant Mookie
#17 Jan 23 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,655 posts
I don't have a problem with explaining things to new players. I'm generally happy to do it. Though there are two groups of people that sort of bother me.

1) People That Want To Ask You Everything. You know this person. He's like the tiny little yapping dog in the Warner Brothers cartoons. "Oh boy, Spike! Oh boy! You really showed them! Oh boy, Spike!" This person is generally shouting out a simple question, and you make the mistake of answering them. Then for the next three hours they continually message you asking you for help. Which is especially annoying when fighting in a group. You try to be polite and tell them you are busy. . .

>>Newb: I'm kind of busy right now fighting. Just go to the AH and play around with it.
Newb>>: AH?
>>Newb: Auction House, remember?
Newb>>: o yea! lol is that in town????
>>Newb: Yes, use /map while you are in town or else look for signs with a gavel on them.
Newb>>: gavel?
>>Newb: A Hammer. Good luck.
Newb>>: thanx! hah!
Newb>>: hey how do i get subjob could u tell me all the items n helkp my get tehm???

2) People That Think They Know Better. You know this person, too. They ask you a question, and when you try to answer it they tell you you are wrong or stupid. Apparently they know better since they have to ask complete strangers these sorts of things.

Newb>>: F**K!!!! i keep dying & its pissing me offf.
>>Newb: You're fighting MOBs that are too hard. Those things are too hard for me and I'm 4 levels higher than you. Go for "decents" or else join a group.
Newb>>: i dont get enuf xp from decent! DUH!
>>Newb: Also, it might be a good idea to get rid of that Onion Swowrd.
Newb>: y? next sword up is only another 4 attack. thts not much!
>>Newb: Yeah, but it increases your damage a lot at low levels.
Newb>>: what do u know? u'r only 4 lvls higher than me!!!
>>Newb: This is my sub-job I am leveling.
Newb>>: thts dum! i want to be ninja so i dont get subjob until i get njnia already!!!
>>Newb: That's going to be hard.
Newb>>: 4 u maybe cus u suck!
Newb>>: no 1 wants to pty with me!!!
#18 Jan 23 2004 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts

OK, you're right, they would annoy me too. Luckily I've not run into any of these yet. *whew*
#19 Jan 23 2004 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
A Noob is someone who is new to the game but thinks they know everything. A newbie someone who is new to the game and is willing to learn.
#20 Jan 23 2004 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
Type 2, sounds very much like Type 1 after a week or two, not sure if its realy nessicary to break them up.]

As for the false snobbery that seems to have evolved around not using the word "newb", "noob" or "n00b" - is it just me or is this maybe a Type 4 newb? "Someone who thinks if they bash common trends and practices it will somehow put them amoungst the elite"?

Anyway, just a thought.

As for me, I tend to agree and use the terms newbie, newb, and n00b as sited in the post directly above.

Or lastly as a form of banter in the linkshell/guildchat.

Member1: "Agh, we've been farming litches all day and not one drop. This sucks."
Member2: "cos j00 are teh sux0r n00b?"
Member1: "/rude member2"
#21 Jan 24 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Default
New politically correct term for Type 1 (New to the game)

Don't you love the sound of it?

Save noob as offence to the 'tards in the game that refuse to see any commonsense.
#22 Jan 24 2004 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
843 posts
You're calling me a noob for not upgrading my sword(13) and armor (4-16) on my thief who is now 30? How the hell can you justify that. I'm not a noob, I'd rather not spend my money on equip for a class I don't want to play. Yes I know I can simpy sell it back, but I need the money I have to craft.

#23 Jan 24 2004 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
Hey how about type 4?

The "n00b" that has actually looked up stuff about the game before they even started, the ones who bought the strategy guide book, and have read countless websites pertaining to FFXI?

Yes... thats me.. but I admit, when I started the game, a lot of things were different than I expected. I got a LOT of information from forums, and I do a lot of quests and things for myself, I can't really remember asking for help within the game...

Heh, we all start somewhere.
#24 Jan 24 2004 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
What i would like to add to that is, that all North Americans are N00Bs. The ***`s are the ones that can really use that word effectively. The game has not been available to us for even 6 months yet. When someone calls someone else a n00b i just shake my head and think " Rubber & Glue "

It so sad

-Ikas Scholar

YA ok! why dont you ban yourself from the forums now that you made such a racist comment? thanks
#25 Jan 24 2004 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
i prefer the term Nub , just because......

Edited, Sat Jan 24 03:00:12 2004 by ZerroIcE
#26 Jan 24 2004 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
598 posts
Me? I use... new people. They are new, aren't they?

I've asked for help. I never expected a yes. Sometimes they've helped me further than I asked. "How do I get to the south island in Batallia Downs?" (Used with translator). "Follow me."

He gets me there. Look, Ahtu, the treant NM. "NM drop quest item. Do you want item?"

I just wanted to go there for the quick 10k of the Selbina Clay quest.. Sorta quick atleast, and I walked away with an Engraved Key also. I've been playing since NA release and still consider myself new. I am still learning. That's the thing though. We will always be learning.

YA ok! why dont you ban yourself from the forums now that you made such a racist comment? thanks

And you need to take a chill pill before you get yourself banned from the forums. Some people honestly do not know that "***" is a common derogitory word... Common back during WWII.
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