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Hume Female RSE and Sexual HarassmentFollow

#77 Jan 21 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
Re: NotCoach

First and formost, harassment is completly subjective and circumstancial. This being the case, it is up for the person who feels harassed to inform the other person that they are feeling harassed, and then remove them self from the situation either by moving away in game, loging out or blisting someone if it continues.

The need to call a GM should only be resorted too when the situation is out of your control, for example, if the indervidual is following you around and hampering your gameplay by either standing infront of you to slow you down, killstealing MOBs or somthing simmilar.

Secondly my comments were in the context of the post which i responded too where the indervidual was claiming that harassing someone in real life, is the same as harassing them inside a game and should be subject to the same consequences as real life. This is simply not the case due to the ease at which someone can remove them self from the situation or change their identity.

Again, im not saying its Ok to harass someone, what im pointing out is that harassing someone inside a game is differant than harassing someone in real life and should be acceped as such rather than becoming hysterical and going overboard with your reaction to the situation.

The people who are unable to seperate them selves from there characters are just as mentaly defunct as those who harass them in the first place.

If you want to get mystical, you could look at it like life is attempting to teach them both a lesson about reality so they can grow and become better people.
Insted we have a system where the person who cant seperate them self from the game can have the harasser forcfully removed. In this situation, no one realy learns.
#78 Jan 21 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
337 posts
First and formost, harassment is completly subjective and circumstancial. This being the case, it is up for the person who feels harassed to inform the other person that they are feeling harassed,

I agree with you completely here. If you don't tell the other person, they may not know they have crossed a line with you. Thankfully the blist sytem of FFXI is much more effective than equivalents in other services (e.g. IRC), so it is easy to free one's self from those who don't know when to stop.

#79 Jan 21 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
1,120 posts
Abyssus wrote:
This being the case, it is up for the person who feels harassed to inform the other person that they are feeling harassed, and then remove them self from the situation either by moving away in game, loging out or blisting someone if it continues.

I would have to disagree strongly with this. Yes, let others know how you feel. But the rest is ridiculous. I should never have to go out of my way to remove myself from a situatuon I did nto create. To assume that it is my responsibility to placate to the harasser is to only give the harasser more power.

Secondly my comments were in the context of the post which i responded too where the indervidual was claiming that harassing someone in real life, is the same as harassing them inside a game and should be subject to the same consequences as real life. This is simply not the case due to the ease at which someone can remove them self from the situation or change their identity.

And its easy for me to walk down the street away from the person harassing or threataning me. But when I notify the authorties the harasser is still subject to the law. Your point here has no relevance other then to support your claim from previous paragraph that the onus is on me to placate the harasser.

Again, im not saying its Ok to harass someone, what im pointing out is that harassing someone inside a game is differant than harassing someone in real life and should be acceped as such rather than becoming hysterical and going overboard with your reaction to the situation.

And if I were a woman then you would be even more justified in using the word hysterical? But, again, you miss the point. The rules are definitely the same. Go to a comedy club where the comedian insults you. In that context Im agreeing to that kind of treatment. But no where is there any indication that I should accept such treatment in FFXI.

The people who are unable to seperate them selves from there characters are just as mentaly defunct as those who harass them in the first place.

That is true. But wanting to have fun and being treated with respect in game is not akin to thinking my toon is real life. It is akin to any interaction in which you do not expect to be harassed.

If you want to get mystical, you could look at it like life is attempting to teach them both a lesson about reality so they can grow and become better people.
Insted we have a system where the person who cant seperate them self from the game can have the harasser forcfully removed. In this situation, no one realy learns.

Again, not wanting to be harassed has nothing to do with seperating ones self from reality and the game. If someone is ostracized often enough they are likely to eventually get the point that they may have a behavior problem. To try and ignore the problem and use the excuse that "it is just a game" propigates bad behaviour and will eventually escalate the situation to the point where thought police will be all over a game reacting to every little thing. You want to avoid something like that becoming a reality? Then drop the notion of personal interaction here being just a game and realize that you still operate under the same rules whether its in person or not.

Edited, Wed Jan 21 10:44:29 2004 by NotCoach

Edited, Wed Jan 21 10:55:26 2004 by NotCoach
#80 Jan 21 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
Perhaps we are all a little guilty of stigmatizing female sexuality to a certain degree. See, even in my office I get sexually suggestive comments from female employees. I don't ask for it and sometimes it doesnt even necessarily humor me. Not every girl in my office is that attractive lol. I don't say anything about it because IT HONESTLT DOESNT BOTHER ME. Why are women taught to have this attitude that being flirted with is such a terrible thing. You can tell the person "no thank you" and leave it at that. Just because you are a woman doesnt mean you are wronged any mroe than a guy who gets the same remarks from female players. The difference is that most men are taught to tolerate it. Quit being so damn defensive. It's real annoying. If someone is genuinely harassing you and following you around.... That goes beyond "sexual harassment" that's just plain harassment. GMs are around for that exact purpose. On the flipside.... Some people need to learn appropriate behavior as well. I think what NotCoach is really getting at is that some people's cognitive process just dont function well in game or out. When asking things like "can I have a lap dance I'll pay you?" Did it ever cross their mind that they could be talking to a 13 year old boy or girl? That's a rather unsettling thought. How bothered would the person be by the fact that they did make a sexual advance on a minor? Some people would be disgusted.... Some sickos out there wouldnt be phased. It's an MMORPG so you will be sharing your gaming experience with ALL TYPES of people. It goes with the territory. Personally if I were a parent I wouldnt let my kid play this game for that exact reason. So that's am matter of responsible parenting. For the rest of you who happen to meet a slightly "less socially adjusted individual" We can only hope the GMs will be helpful and curb such individuals from harming our gaming experience. Thank you.
#81 Jan 21 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
526 posts
omg, im not even sure where to begin. i guess ill start here

Yes, the characters in this game were programmed to be like barbie and ken IMO, so anyones natural reaction to this is "wow". There have been a few outfits that ive seen female characters in that ive made a slight comment to saying how nice the outfit looks, and or how well it matches thier eyes/hair, or how well the suit looks in general. Most of the time, the person that im talking to will either smile at me, say thanks, or both. nothin big, just saying it either because of downtime in the pt waiting for the next mob, or just the fact that maby the person was saying how they were mad about being KOed, or DCed,or something. Personally, i would never go much farther then that. yes, there are some that would, but, (hopefully) the majority of the players are more mature about such things. i wont run around town and /check everysingle female in the area and then comment on the outfit. When i was doing the chocobo quest (all in one sitting without goin to far) there were a lot of other people around me, so, naturally i try to talk to them. Small things about the armor, maby where they are from (In game, could care less about IRL unless im tryin to find the time zone diff), what kinda quests they have done, mainly RP stuff. Yes, while i was talking to a female character someone made a few comments that may have been out of line, but, because we were all just killing time anyway, the majority of us were kidding around. i do not know or care if the person was serious about the person stripping down. (not like it would really do anything anyway, dissapear for a sec or two and come back wearing one piece of armor less, oh goodie). a few people laughed, he got a nice slap from both me and the girl that he asked it to. I only smacked him for being out of line in My opinion, i was slightly relieved when she smacked him less then a second after i did, trying to select him for the <t> or typing in the /em slaps _____. he got the idea, apologized, and then we went back to the RP discussion. so, yes, there are some people out there that may be out of line, but, a slap or two here and there could bring them back into line. or at least off that path. If your RP character is a flirt, let the person know, If they dont RP well, or are just playing for the sake of playing, then dont bother. in a game like this RP can be massive fun. (although being a Claustrophic elf can be a bad thing at times, specially in caves, my fighting effectivness in cramped quarters is about 80%, but only in an RP party that knows that i am just saying that for the RP char, rather then me purposely not playing effectively.

Honestly, most of the posts in this thread could be done without, mainly the bashing of the players. thats the way some people are, if you have even half the body of some of the characters in the game, you are probably used to things like this, but, usually its asking of phone #s, maby even a date. ive actually seen one guy propose in game already.
/em Kneel Motion
/wait 1
/em takes <t>s hand as he reaches to his pocket
/wait 1
/em kneel motion
/wait 1
/say <t> i would be honored if you take my hand in marriage
macro two
/em opens the case with the ring to reveal it to <t>

he also gave her an Astral ring afterwords, the only ring she was wearing and she announced that was thier engagement ring. thats what the guy did, everyone in the area (that could read the english im assuming) clapped when she accepted, some random elvaan even offered to be the priest, it was cool to watch. I later found out that the two were already engaged IRL, but, still, doing something like that in the game is cool. Staying in a character can be a lot of fun, as long as the person knows that it is your character. flirting with people in the game because their character appeals to you works too, just only to a certain level. Keep it within reason, and there should be no problem. go out of line and be talked to by a higher power. its a game. have fun, dont have fun at the expense of another players fun, and help out those that need it. When i first got this game, i was blown away by how nice people are, one person gave me a 2 hour tour of San D'oria, as well as took me out to the wilderness area and then showed me the ropes of fighting, telling me what abilities do what, and things like that. and then gave me 2k gil to give me a boost. i still talk to him from time to time, and thank him again for the help when i needed it, and keep telling him that if he needs help on a quest or anything that i will do anything in my power to help. i wish there were more people around like him. ..... ive strayed off topic quite a bit ive noticed, but, its still kinda on the topic... examples help to show the mindset. i hope you all enjoyed the reading, i hope u all enjoy the game, and make it enjoyable for everyone else. Im in class right now, and the teacher is gunna get back to Quark Express. btw, if this post is doubled, i apologize, im on a mac, and its having difficulty loading the pages.

After Edit:
one thing also about the underage players. this game has a monthly fee, and needs a credit card, yes, mommy and daddy can pay for you to pay the game. but, not all parents will do this. most people expect that because of the monthly fee, and the need of a credit card, the players will be of older nature. naturally this isnt the case. i always assume that the players are at least 16, and i keep the conversation style at that level. language, wording ect. If i am questioning the age of the player in my mind, then i will either send a /tell that asks usually saying "if you dont mind me asking how old are you IRL?" or something along those lines. assumptions are ok sometimes, but, not always work.

Another thing to point out is that you ARE dealing with REAL people. just because you are hiding behind a box of electronics doesnt mean you can be a jerk/perv/insert anything here really. if you are a jerk IRL maby being nice in game would be something to try. if your a nice person IRL and u want to be slightly rude in game, then do so. just make it known that its RP. also, the server you are in is the server you will most likely stay in (at least with that character). word will get around. each person that ive talked to has at least 2 linkshells. i hear all the time how "name" is one of the worst pt members around, stay away from them unless ur suicidal. usually, i disregard this, and ask them if they would like help learning how to be a better player. someone did this for me as stated above, and i plan on extending that helping hand as well. Golden Rule people.

Problems cannot be solved with the same Mentality that which they were created.

Edited, Wed Jan 21 17:45:18 2004 by Tartesk
#82 Jan 21 2004 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
46 posts
Cecilx, you're the first person on this thread I'd slap the label "troll" on and interestingly enough, you're the first person to use that word. Seems to work like that a lot. You don't like the thread, don't read it. Seems simple to me. Obviously the mods on this site aren't as ban-happy as Stratics... makes me miss Stratics a bit, you'd be long gone by now. :)

Like I said. It's about the rules of basic social interaction. Didn't your parents ever teach you any manners?

As for the comment about most of the people we're discussing being over 18 males... you're probably right. :) Sad but true... most of my friends are guys and I've seen them do things online that made me want to stop knowing them. Just because you can't reach out and grab someone's *** doesn't mean they don't exist... manners online shouldn't be any different than they are anywhere else. Sheesh.
#83 Jan 21 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
46 posts
Flirting is one thing... there's a big difference between casual flirting ("Oh, you look good...") and being really rude (*slaps @ss*, etc). I enjoy being flirted with but I don't tolerate behavior that I wouldn't put up with IRL. I don't think I'm a prude... far from it. I just don't want to be treated like a prostitute.

And a lot of the reason why women feel more threatened by suggestive comments is that we have more to worry about. I know there's no possibility of being raped in or because of a game, but when a woman grabs a guys ***... well, if he doesn't like it, what's she going to do about it? But if the same thing happens to the woman and she doesn't like it, there's always that possibility that something could happen. Is it likely? No. Is it possible? Very much so. We're more paranoid and worried about "space" because, let's face it, women don't generally rape and murder men. And someone who makes an outright suggestive (and unsolicited) comment to you is more of a threat than someone who expressed a more polite interest. Because the first person obviously isn't as respectful. That's totally off topic, but oh well...

And yes, it's just a game! That doesn't change the fact that there are some things you should say/do, and some things you shouldn't. And although I don't like it, I do agree that someday things like that will be a bannable offense, or worse. Better start practicing courtesy now, people.
#84 Jan 22 2004 at 5:20 AM Rating: Default
The argument here is not what is acceptable and what is not. The argument is what is SEXUAL HARASSMENT and what is not. Some of you people do not want to understand the difference and that is very very dangerous. I am glad I do not know you in RL.

Look up the word Harass in the dictionary. annoy persistently worry and impede by repeated raids <harassed the enemy>
(hehe this does not really apply but you get my drift)

Harassment is repeated unwanted actions, can you really call a comment like "Hey baby, you look good in that outfit" sexual harassment? If you do not like what is being said ask them to stop. If they continue these actions sure that can be taken as harassment, but you have the power to stop it. It is not possible to sexually harass someone in a video game when you have the power to stop any and all text (take not ofthe word TEXT, remember you are staring at a computer screen) from them by black listing them.

I would have to disagree strongly with this. Yes, let others know how you feel. But the rest is ridiculous. I should never have to go out of my way to remove myself from a situatuon I did nto create. To assume that it is my responsibility to placate to the harasser is to only give the harasser more power.

The black list fuction was put in this game for a reason. Try to page a GM saying a person is harassing you. The first thing they will ask you is "Did you ask him to stop?" The second thing they will ask you is if you black listed them. If you did not they will tell you to do so. If you do not you are allowing the person to bother you. If you are allowing them to bother you then you cannot really call it harassment now can you?

Can you black list people in real life? Can you do up some cool feature which makes the person in question totaly mute and stop all unwanted comments towards you? No. Can you in Final Fantasy 11? Yes. If you do not want to stop the comments then why are you ******** about them?

To the person who called me the troll. Obviously you have not read any of Notcoaches previous posts in other threads.

Edited, Thu Jan 22 05:31:11 2004 by Cecilx

Edited, Thu Jan 22 05:34:51 2004 by Cecilx
#85 Jan 22 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
Simply put, people who do not take the nessicary actions to first remove them selves from the harassment either 1. Want to be harassed, or 2. Have a chip on there shoulder and want somthing to complain about because in some wierd and twisted way it makes them feel better.

Saying "I shouldent have to avoid harassment" is simmilar to saying "I shouldent have to avoid getting hit by a buss" or "I shouldent have to avoid any influence i dont want too, everything should revolve around me" - while comical im sure you get my drift.

Its this type of attatude i was refering to when i was talking about first world greed/selfishness and the need for maturity.
This type of self-centeredness and narrow mindedness manifests its self most prodominantly in first world western consumerist culture.

Sad, but true.
#86 Jan 22 2004 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
1,120 posts
Abyssus wrote:
Simply put, people who do not take the nessicary actions to first remove them selves from the harassment either 1. Want to be harassed, or 2. Have a chip on there shoulder and want somthing to complain about because in some wierd and twisted way it makes them feel better.

Saying "I shouldent have to avoid harassment" is simmilar to saying "I shouldent have to avoid getting hit by a buss" or "I shouldent have to avoid any influence i dont want too, everything should revolve around me" - while comical im sure you get my drift.

Its this type of attatude i was refering to when i was talking about first world greed/selfishness and the need for maturity.
This type of self-centeredness and narrow mindedness manifests its self most prodominantly in first world western consumerist culture.

Sad, but true.

Just because Cecilx is starting to make sense I guess its to much to hope you will as well. Tell me something. Is a person who goes to work everday and does their job but is harassed at work and doesnt quit to avoid it asking to be harassed? You can twist and bend all you want, but I know when I have the right of way and when the bus has the right of way.And no, Im not gonna go running out in front of the bus just because I have the right of way and the bus is running a red light. But someone will certainly hear about it. Ill let others flame you on your arrogant, narrow minded statements about western cultures.
#87 Jan 22 2004 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
I kinda wish I cared nough about this subject to comment on it...

wait... DAMMIT.. too late

BTW.. you CAN sort off B-list people in RL.. called a Restraining Order.

IMO I think Everyone pretty much knows waht offends people... they just have alot of fun pretending like they don't... and when they get repremanded for it they just use their Feigned ignorance as a Get Out of Jail Free card... until they move on to the next 'victim'. If someone doesn't Realize that waht they are saying is going to offend somebody OR MIGHT offend somebody.. they are probably Idiots anyway, who can't(won't) see passed the end of their nose. These people should be ignored anyway..because trying to 'discipline them is Obviously pointless.. because obvious thier Parents couldn't do it right... It's sad.. but that's the way some people are.. No Empathy.....
Yes I agree with NotCoach... Somone should NOT have to go out of thier own way to avoid beng in a situation that someone else is forcing upon them... Although I'd say that it that t s somtimes nessesary to take action.. otherwise you Will get stepped on. AN inconvienience ..Yes.. but that's life.

then again some people need to just get over themselves....

HOly **** ... I Am ramblin' aren't I...
With the receiver in my hand..
#88 Jan 22 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
363 posts
/em slaps herself for starting this thread.

Just to clarify, I was merely commenting on what I had noticed since obtaining my RSE pants. It doesn't BOTHER me, I just find it amusing. I wouldn't dream of calling a GM or even saying anything to anyone making such comments. I actually think that stuff like that can make the game more fun as long as no one gets really out of line with it. Can it please just die now?
#89 Jan 23 2004 at 5:47 AM Rating: Good
58 posts
/em stands on soap box.

If you think that using sexually exlpicit or any form of vulgarity for the purpose of verbally assaulting someone is OK because "It's just a game", then you have a serious problem.

There are people who play RPG's who do direct their verbal assaults at the RL player and not the in game avatar. HAving a stranger come up to you and bombast you with any form of vulgar language is an assault on that person period. How you respond to it depends on the context. I.e: If it is a friend you might realize that it is a joke. If it is someone you don't know then who know's what their intention is.

A player on SWG, a young female, left the game due to a few "do not breed special" young males threatening rape. Yes there was jack they could do in RL, the assault was directed at the in game character, but the result was still to cause great upset.

Quote from the thread:


these guys were most graphic with their threats saying to this girl that if she did not duel them that they would gang rape her and put a bag over her head while shouting stuff in her ears. the imps in the background were just laughing really and saying that this girl was a "manginga" (real clever, huh?).


If you still feel that the girl is wrong for being hurt and that it's fair game to do this "in game". Then I'm sure that somewhere down the line your lack of common sense and morality will serve you well.

The fact that it's a game is a moot point. Your character does not read the text on the screen and respond to it. You do. You read the text, you as a human process the message and form a response to it. In the social context that RPG's are the text messages are the glue that keeps the society functioning. Debase the very essence of the game and you kill it for everyone.


If you can't spell spend more time studying in school. Spend less time trying to excuse bad grammar and spelling by telling us that it's the meaning that's important. That was true when you were illiterate. Communication is a fundamental skill. If you can't communicate well in a written forum then how are we to know that your social skills are subpar too.

I appologize for any spelling mistakes in advance.

/em steps down off soap box.

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