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Nuking vs. Enfeebling???Follow

#1 Jan 16 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent

I noticed most of the Enfeebling BLM spells have been rather useless.

The only Enfeebling spell I have been using is Shock, because many people have told me that it lowers their resistance to Spells.

It seems that by the time you cast the enfeebling spells, you could have already Nuked the Moster!!!

#2 Jan 16 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Using most blmg enfeebling spells will cast a debuff on the creature, such as shock lowers int, plus they gradually lower the mobs HP. You usually want to cast a couple enfeebling spells first, and then nuke. This will save you from aggro, and help your other pt members out, I'll use drown, lowers strength, and shock, makes my nukes hit harder. then lay in to them.
#3 Jan 16 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
Enfeebling spells don't cause much aggro???

Can you use Drown on any monster... or just those that are weak to water???
#4 Jan 16 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Imaginary Friend
16,112 posts
Dia first to lower Defense

Paralyze mext to lessen Foe Attacks

Poison DoT

Blind.. lower attack

... Then do the nuking.... All of those debuffs do Add up..and are very helpful if you tak into acount that is Speeds up the Kill time...and save teh Tanks some damage.. thus saving MP for Healer and reducing downtime...

this is from a RDM standpoint though
With the receiver in my hand..
#5 Jan 16 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
I'd try to add a Slow in there as well.. Again, RDM standpoint.

Course always good to remember:
A BLM's enfeebs don't hold a candle to a RDM's
A RDM's nukes don't hold a candle to a BLM's

And on a side note:
While playing a RDM, the WHM in my party insisted that she cast all the enfeebs and just wanted me to hack away and cure her if needed.

My response:

#6 Jan 16 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
BLM doesn't have Dia or Paralyze unless they sub WHM or RDM. The BLM debuffs are more mp intensive (Dia takes 7mp, Bio takes 22mp). If you're soloing, you should probably drop only 1 or 2 choice debuffs and then get on with the pounding. In a group, let the RDM do the debuffing, since they will typically have a higher Enfeebling skill.

If you're in a group and there's no RDM, though, then absolutely you should cast your debuffs. You can cast through the beginning of the battle to soften up the mob while the tanks generate their Hate, and then start dropping hammers.

The BLM debuffs give noticeable effects. Any RDM will tell you Blind works wonders for keeping the tanks healthy.
#7 Jan 16 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,102 posts
It's also helpful because if it's enfeebled, when you get aggro (and you will if you nuke it) there's a greater chance it won't hit you before the tanks get aggro back from it.

If you have multiple mages - I find it best to work out with them what spells they plan on casting, so you don't double-cast on the mob. Since I always play my WHM with a BLM friend, and we usually wind up with either another BLM or RDM, we have no problems splitting up one or two enfeeble spells each.

WHM Lvl 27
#8 Jan 16 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
870 posts
Shock - Lower enemies MND so that debuffs have great tendancy to actually work.

Burn - Lower enemies INT, so that when damage is calculated from a nuke the damage will be higher. The damage calculation for a nuke involves a INTvsINT comparison. If the enemies INT is reduced by 5, you will do more damage. Simple.

BLMs, don't forget to use Burn. On crawlers in the nest, I do 15 more damage with each nuke with a Burn on.

#9 Jan 16 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Zandder wrote:
Shock - Lower enemies MND so that debuffs have great tendancy to actually work.

Burn - Lower enemies INT, so that when damage is calculated from a nuke the damage will be higher. The damage calculation for a nuke involves a INTvsINT comparison. If the enemies INT is reduced by 5, you will do more damage. Simple.


Really??? I thougt that Shock would up the Nuking damage as well???
#10 Jan 16 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
The most important thing for a BLM to do is to not draw aggro. This being said, the worst thing any BLM can do is to start chain nuking right when the mob gets back. Cast a few enfeebles and then mabye med to get one tick back while tank builds agro. This becomes of HUGE importance later on when you have a thief in your party (when thf needs to sneak trick). But it is also important in other party situations so WHM doesnt have to heal you, melees don't have to chase mob around, and other support classes (like bard) dont have to wait for mob to clear (im bard and it makes my job almost impossible if mages draw agro). This being said, enfeebles are something a BLM can cast to help the party while tank builds agro. Bio cost 22mp because it is a pretty useful spell. Bio weakens the mobs attacks, thus melee/tank takes less damage which leads to WHM using less MP to cure which leads to more XP chains. About 30-50% into mobs HP a BLM can start nuking, but must time his nukes so that agro stays with tank. Once again... dont chain nuke unless you just need to put mob down if WHM benes or curagas or something... I hope I havent offended anyone I am just trying to explain how much harder you make it for everyone else if you draw agro.
#11 Jan 16 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
364 posts
I have to agree with the Enfeeble first then nuke setup. As a WAR type, that softening up of the target makes my job easier to hurt/damage/keep the attention of the monster onto me instead of me Macro mashing and pray I get that nasty thing off the mages...:)
#12 Jan 16 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
Well... I guess Burn sounds like a good buy then!!!

As far as Aggro, it rarely happens to me... it seems the WHM normally gets the monster's attention. On the occasion I do get hit, it gives me a chance to you use my Drain spell, which is always fun!!!

So it sounds like my Black Magic or should be:

Shock than Burn than Bio than start Nuking???
#13 Jan 16 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
870 posts
Depending on how hard the mob is, it's not a bad idea.

As for Burn. It's VERY simple to test out. Find a easy con mob. Cast something simple on it, like Fire. Then Burn it, and make sure it takes effect (ie. wasn't resisted), then Fire again and see the damage increase.

#14 Jan 16 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

i haven't played blm and dont know all the enfeeble spells they do but definitely something like Blind is helpful. you think it's not b/c hey the mob isn't missing like he's really blind, but i guess it's like the paralyze spell. every time it misses due to blindness, or doesn't hit due to paralyze, is a good thing.

a lot of battles last > 1 min. that is a lot of HP you just saved.

the others that are DoTs (damage over time) and stat debuffer are good too. like someone said, lowering INT makes the monster more susceptible to future nukes. so do those kind of spells first and they definitely are helpful.

the good blm will not unload all mana in one fight unnecessarily. if you enfeeble and do a few big dmg spell over several fights before needing to rest, you'll add more to the group than to unload on every single pull.

#15 Jan 16 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
772 posts
This depends on if your soloing or partying. Even partying would depend on the group make-up.

As someone who played Rdm first Blm second, I had to make a few adjustments to my playing style. The enfeebles that work very well for Rdms (combined with the ability to wield a sword) just did not cut it for my Blm.

I'll do one or two enfeebles, but mostly nuke with my Blm. Rdm is the exact opposite. Enfeeble away and then maybe throw in a nuke.

Blind, paralyze, slow, and bind help if you're in a group. They reduce damage taken by the party. Nuking can accomplish this too by killing the mob faster.

Granted I'm slanted more towards a Rdm perspective, but I would use nukes mostly as magic bursts to weapon skill chaines.
#16 Jan 16 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
You could have cast quite a few nukes in the time it took you to enfeeble the monster but...

Nukes would cost much more MP, so by enfeebling the monster you are making it easier for the melees, thus saving you MP and the WHM MP because they dont have to heal as much.
Also you dont gain as much hate compaired to the hate you get from Nukes (monsters will still go after you for some enfeebles (Bio, Paralyse, ect...).

Personally in a party I would only want the BLM doing really high MP costing enfeebles. Being a RDM I always do my job, but some of the enfeebles like Bio cost large amounts of MP, and I would rather allow someone with larger reserves to cast it so that I can save some MP for Cures in case they are needed.
When creating a party I always look for a RDM, because they are the best at enfeebling.

Countless times have I seen a BLM try to enfeeble a monster and the monster resists it, next chance I cast the exact same spell and it sticks to him like glue =)
#17 Jan 16 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
And BTW. Get your dark maxed out, people think dark is ineffective because they have dark in the low teens, not because it actually is. (the same holds true for all your skills, get them up to the cap every time you go up a level)
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#18 Jan 16 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
First of all...It seems a necessity to mention that some BLM enfeebles don't stack with other BLM enfeebles. IE: You can't stack all of the BLM enfeebles on one mob, they'll either:
1) Override each other
2) Say "Does not take effect" or something of that nature

There are certain combinations that work with each others, while some don't. For example, Drown + Shock can't be used. It simply won't take affect.

"BLMs, don't forget to use Burn. On crawlers in the nest, I do 15 more damage with each nuke with a Burn on. "

Given that you can only use 2-3 BLM enfeebles at a given moment, Burn is NOT a good use of your MP. This is simply because it may up your damage 10-15 per nuke, but how many times do you realistically nuke per mob...?

You'd be better off using Enfeebles that affect the Mob itself, such as Drown, which lowers its attack.
-5 nukes vs 100 attacks from mob, you pick which is better to alter.

My ideal Enfeeble lineup consists of Drown + Frost + Bio (II). I may sometimes switch this around if say a mob is resistant to water. And instead substitute Drown with Shock.

I'm currently a 51 BLM/WHM, and I normally wait till roughly 50% of the mob's life is gone before I open up nuking...depending on party and how the tanks/healers are doing. It is not a good idea to open up with nukes as it draws aggro. And enfeebles are exceptionally good to use, worth the MP in everyfight.
#19 Jan 16 2004 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
870 posts
Given that you can only use 2-3 BLM enfeebles at a given moment, Burn is NOT a good use of your MP. This is simply because it may up your damage 10-15 per nuke, but how many times do you realistically nuke per mob...?

Crawler Nest, I'm on the only BLM. 8-10 nukes, depending on how hard the IT con was. I'm the one doing all the damage anyway, 8-10 nukes with 10-15 extra damage per nuke = 80 to 150 extra damage over the course of a battle againsta mob with about 2000'ish HP.

I say it worth it. I have the MP to back it up. I de-buff to the point that it helps the party anyway. I can debuff, but not nearly as well as the RDM, so I leave the rest of debuff to them.

I understand and respect what your saying Manduinn, but I'm totally geared with +INT equipment for nuking, and hence that is what I concentrate on. In a mixed party environment, I will help debuff, I just am not THAT successful at it.


Edited, Fri Jan 16 16:59:16 2004 by Zandder
#20 Jan 16 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Crawler Nest, I'm on the only BLM. 8-10 nukes, depending on how hard the IT con was. I'm the one doing all the damage anyway.

Once you start playing with RNG or SAM this will change, at that point BLM becomes a support attacker/debuffer (though not nearly as good as RDM at the debuffing part) That's why if you want to be a mage I'd recommend RDM or WHM rather than BLM, early on BLM is the star of the show, but at around lvl 40 he's suddenly playing second fiddle to characters that can not only do what he does only better, but who also don't fall over dead after one or two hits. WHM is about healing and that never becomes obsolete, and RDM's debuffing just gets better and better, but BLM's forte is damage and that gets eclipsed by RNG and SAM. The only other thing he can offer is debuffing, but by this point RDM is way ahead of him in this area and like RNG and SAM doesn't fall over after one or two hits.

Edited, Fri Jan 16 17:02:11 2004 by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#21 Jan 16 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
If I solo, I don't have time to "soften" them up b4 I nuke them. I be dead by the time I "soften" them up!!! I just go mad and nuke them meceyless. If I'm in a party, ya, then it varies.
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