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Wasup with you people on the whoel inspection thing?Follow

#27 Mar 09 2004 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
Regarding inspecting people: IMHO, it's rude to inspect someone without first asking their permission. Of course, there are a lot of rude and immature people who play EQ. If I want to inspect someone I always ask first. If I am looting and accidentally inspect someone then I do an emote /apology to let them know I wasn't trying to be rude. I try to respect my fellow players and follow the golden rule "treat others they way you want to be treated." However, regarding the word "gay"....

I know some people may be offended or accuse me of being rude, but I think it's a shame that the word "gay" which means happy, should almost exclusively be assigned to those who practice a homosexual lifestyle. Aside from their "sexual preference" they are no more gay (happy) than those of us who are heterosexual.

My only question is "When Did Sodomy Become Acceptible and OK?"

Edited, Wed Mar 10 00:04:16 2004 by Rathus
#28 Mar 10 2004 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
Rathus wrote:
My only question is "When Did Sodomy Become Acceptible and OK?"
very early in the history of mankind....
#29 Mar 10 2004 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
531 posts
Rathus, I agree with you 100% on the inspection thing, but as far as the term gay, While that was it's meaning, once a group of people took to using the term to describe themselves, it took another meaning.

As far as the gay life-style is concerned, as I said, I'm not gay myself, but I have at least one friend who is gay. Even if I didn't have a gay friend, I don't like the idea of people insulting other people so I'd take the same stance on the usage of gay to mean lame as I do. Life is hard enough without people making it harder for eachother.

I was born with a Cleft-Palate and lip, and know what it means to be made fun of or made to feel bad about yourself so I have an insiders view on the pain. My mother and daughter were born with the same defect. Thanks to technology, my daughter barely has any scar at all(she'll be 3 this month btw) and is currently getting speech therepy to help her talk correctly(I had speech when I was young too). Because of this I am more sensative to how people treat eachother, and am more sensative to how I treat people. There will always be people who just don't care, but that's a sad thing.

As far as sodomy, In a gay relationship it's one thing, when it's forcing themselves on someone else it's another. It's not my place to tell other people how to live and I don't need anyone telling me how to live, I think we all feel that way. The fact of the matter is that there are people who are gay and they should have all the rights any other people would have because in the end we are all people and supposed to be equal. If there is no victim, there is no crime.

Just like with my birth defect, I can't make people accept me for having looked a little different, it's just the way I was born and I can't do anything about that. People are born the way they are and that's just life and there will always be people who don't tollerate others for looking different or talking different, or for being a Man or a Woman or Black or Jewish, Gay, Irish, whatever. I happen to be Irish, my wife is Jewish, my best friend is Black.

This post was started about INSPECTING people in EQ of all things, but it's really about interacting with people and being understanding to their feelings. When people do things with concideration to others, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately, till then people will live in their own little worlds rarely seeing outside of their own wants and needs wondering why the things they do annoy people, and/or not tollerating others because they don't fit into their idea of what acceptable is.

Edited, Wed Mar 10 08:10:18 2004 by KerikDaven
#30 Mar 10 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Default
I am just wondering when this post will be removed because of all the references to homosexuality. This topic was discussed before in the Main EQ Forum and was removed after much flaming took place.

Inspect without asking is just downright rude, in my opinion. I always tell the offenders that I am kinda shy and the next thing they'll be wanting is to take look at my panties. To the people who ask first, I usually say sure, and then we discuss what piece of equipment they are interested in. Twice I have been given nice weapons after a polite conversation related to a polite request for inspect. I still use one of the weapons I was given.
#31 Mar 10 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
IMHOP, I dont see what the big deal is with inspecting people. For one I could understand it if in front of your face appeared a big black box and you cant see anything you are doing, but it doesnt. You get a tiny little message in your chat box SO WHAT. This whole thing about asking first is redicoulous (spelling not an english teacher). The only reason people are offended by it is because lets face it you are being inspected when you are just sitting around and you may miss a tell a friend or guildmate is sending you. Poor baby that is when you just ask Im sorry I missed the last tell. All this about whether it is rude or not now if they could make it where a person could steal your undergarments from doing an inspection, then that would give us something to really whine about.
#32 Mar 10 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
We have had this discussion allot.

Since you can simply turn off the inspect message the only people that are bothered by it are people that leave the message on. So in some weird sick way they must actually enjoy it. It's sort of like people that dress really odd, and then get pissed when people stare at them in public. It's your monitor and mouse, click whatever and whenever you like. If people get angry they are probably not the kind of people you want to associate with anyway.

Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#33 Mar 10 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
First off, I wasn't really aware that you could turn off your inspect message. I don't play EQ regularly; to call me a sick person because of my ignorance is really insulting beyond belief.

Second off; try going into a big city like New York and stare at somebody long enough to equal an inspect and see what happens to you. I am a country boy and I am aware of what most likely will happen to you. Weird clothes or normal clothes, staring at somebody and looking at what they have on them is still rude. By the way, what you might consider as weird clothing might be considered as normal to others.

Third off; some folks like to be anonymous and roleplaying. In all honesty if you were a knight in shining armor and some person came up to you and started rifling through your stuff, wouldn't you have the inclination to at least say "Ummm, can I help you?"

To those folks who don't roleplay in EQ, I understand your confusion as to what the big deal with inspect is. To those of us who like to roleplay in EQ, inspection is highly offensive. Those of us who roleplay like to keep things close to the cuff, so to speak. We only share information with those we form friendships with. So little is secret in EQ, why do some of you begrudge those of us who like to roleplay the ability to keep some of the information on our characters secret? Our secretivness is not offensive to others, but others' ability to inspect our characters at will is, to some of us.

I hope I have brought forth a different opinion. At least I have not called anybody sick or silly. If you can't post an opinion without calling people names, why post at all? You simply show the rest of us your lack of maturity. Bring an intelligent opposing view to the posts, not negative name-calling.

Edited, Wed Mar 10 21:19:15 2004 by Vaanan

Edited, Wed Mar 10 21:22:59 2004 by Vaanan

Edited, Wed Mar 10 21:23:53 2004 by Vaanan
#34 Mar 10 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
Vaanan, VERY well said!! WOOT!!

That's what it's all about but you don't have to be roleplaying, but many are. It's about our personal space and people violating it, even if it's virtual space.

Personally I don't know how to turn off the inpsection message. I heard you could, but didn't care to. Not because I'm sick and need to argue with people but mostly because I SHOULDN'T have to turn it off. If someone is inspecting me, it's my right to be aware of it. Most of the time I don't say anything, I'm proud of my gear, but if I'm then hit up for gear or cash I'll really get annoyed. As I said above, it generally doesn't bother me, but as I also said above, everyone else isn't me.

If you're going to look at something that isn't yours, you SHOULD be asking for permission to look! Maybe people's parents aren't teaching proper manners, if they were they wouldn't be asking why people are getting upset.

LOL, we should be turning off the inspection message, why? Because asking if you can inspect someone is too much work?
#35 Mar 10 2004 at 10:57 PM Rating: Default
wow didnt expect the post to get so much feedback

anyways i dont understand how it is rude, its not like anything bad can happen when u do it i like to inspect people because if it looks like they have a cool item i find the name of it (or sometimes i just ask what kinda sword that is by just looking at the character) and ask to see the stats. and people please stop referring EQ to real life, that is so lame, that whole thing "if u were in new york and staren at someone inspecting them or if in real life someone had a sword would u tuck there cape aside to look at it???" what the hell is all that about. pretty much if ur very offended by being inspected on a game! then ur more then likely a prick who's the kinda person who complains about the neighbors music being to loud at 6 PM and calls the cops all the time.

and what really makes me laugh if when people inspect me and they say oh im sorry, or i apologize... i just wanna laugh in there faces for saying sorry about a stupid meaningless thing that didnt bother neither of us
#36 Mar 11 2004 at 1:51 AM Rating: Excellent
242 posts
The inspection message is the least of the annoyance for me. If thats all an inspection caused, i wouldnt care at all.

What really happens though, is generally the inspecting person will stand right up in your face, filling your screen. Thats annoying. Then they send you tells asking for links. Thats annoying, because then i have to stop talking to whoever i was talking with to answer this person, AND it messes up my /reply queue. Then they often ask for handouts of some sort. Thats also annoying. Or they might ask where to get item, or how much i paid, or how much will i sell it for. All annoying questions i probably dont want to answer.

Now sometimes you dont mind, you might be doing nothing. Generally though, its just a total PITA. It doesnt help that the majority of people that do it are cretins using butchered english and over-abbreviation.

What i want is an option to turn off the ability for OTHERS to inspect ME. Or have they? I havent played in a while. It would sure be nice :)
#37 Mar 11 2004 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
"XXX is inspecting you"........2 mins later, "Hey your sword, arms, chest, ear, face, neck, hands, legs, feet, secondary, range, ......."
#38 Mar 11 2004 at 2:50 AM Rating: Good
the phone books here!
The Jerk
Steve Martin
funny movie
#39 Mar 11 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
You wanna inspect my whoel ? feel free but it aint pretty I promise you...
#40 Mar 11 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
"anyways i dont understand how it is rude,"

It rude becuase your invading my personal space. If I came up to you on the street IRL and I started to try and sift through your pockets and peek down your pants to see what kind of underwear you wear wearing, you would most likely call the cops on me at best and or beat me senseless at worst.

Inspecting someone is the EQ equivalent of doing just what I described above. and Borblefoot finds that just as offensive in EQ as POBorblefoot would find the same thing to be offensive in real life.

Your problem is you see EQ as just a game with toons. I play a role playing game and interact with people in the virtual world. I try to treat them with the same respect and courtesy I would treat them with if I were to meet them in the real world.

It makes for a much more pleasant gaming experience, at least for me anyway. All it comes down to is common courtesy and respect for others which is sadly lacking in many people these days.

Sam goes for the derogitory use of the term gay. Just about everyone I have ever seen use it is an ignorant boob, who has no respect for others or any sense of common courtesy.

Borblefoot Furtoe
Storm Warden
Firiona Vie Server
#41 Mar 11 2004 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
It bothers me too.

AS SOON as I found out I could stop doing it to others when I was just trying to open my bank I toggled off inspect.

It's creepy, not just rude.

I'm reluctant to put a message in the inspect window to that effect.

And here's a question for you: when these uninvited inspections occur, how far away do I have to go to stop it, because that's what I do now, move away as quickly as possible.

Thanks in advance if you post an answer to this question.

#42 Mar 11 2004 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
531 posts
LOL, after this entire thread you still don't understand?? Then you never will. Did you even bother reading any of the posts because it's been said a dozen times already. If you DID read them, did you actually understand what you were reading?

Heck, for the most part people saying that if you ask it isn't a problem, is that so hard to understand? To show just the slightest bit of courtesy? To realize you're dealing with REAL people, even if it's in a game setting? After all this you still don't understand, then we're all wasting our breath and maybe you never will understand. Go play a single player game, obviously you aren't ready to deal with real people.

Btw, they said they were sorry for inspecting you because they felt they violated your personal space and didn't mean to. Calling them stupid for being sensative to others feelings only shows how stupid you really are.

Edited, Thu Mar 11 07:53:10 2004 by KerikDaven
#43 Mar 11 2004 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
If you start jumping like mad when somebody 'inspects' you, does it blur their picture? LOL ?<)
#44 Mar 11 2004 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
well first of all who replyed nasty to my second *********** YOU!! if i knew where u lived i would beat your *** for being a idiot. =) thank you.

oh and yeah roak i know, its a good movie.
#45 Mar 11 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
OK first off, the idea of roleplaying is a great idea. I would love to roleplay in this game but lets face it who TRULYroleplays any more. Many people say that they definately roleplay but how many times do you run into groups with a ogre shaman, high elf wizard, dwarf paladin and so forth. From my understanding of the game how in the world is that roleplaying if you have a hodgepodge group of races that cant stand to be in the same room with each other. No dont get me wrong at time I really do love roleplaying being a dark elf mage and raiding the halls of kaladim to kill guards and yes the king himself and shouting words of death to your dwarven enemies but with the dynamics of the game and wanting to get in a group many times the ability to roleplay is next to impossible. I feal that if your argument about inspection is that you roleplay then roleplay fully, or it is just another reason for some one to have something to complain about. I would say that if you just find it offensive make something funny to say about it. When inspected a message that comes up that reads "Would you like to hold me now" or better yet "What no dinner and a movie". Those go a lot further than when people rant and rave about it. Those are my two cents on the subject and im sure many people will only think that is worth one cent.
#46 Mar 11 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
If you start jumping like mad when somebody 'inspects' you, does it blur their picture?
Alright, if I can't have a "privacy" option, I want the bouncy screen!

It's not like an inspector can even tell what gear a person has anyway. There are a severly limited number of object graphics.

It doesn't matter how uber my robe is, it's not going to look any fancier than a training robe in the inspect window.

Which begs the question, why are people wasting time inspecting others, unless it's to see how many of them get annoyed? To be followed by coming here and griping about it every... what is it, week and a half between the occurance of this exact post?
#47 Mar 12 2004 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Leiany wrote:

/spots an undead horse

/aims at undead horse


/respect Leiany

/g ~> INC dead horse <~ ENGAGE NOW

cleric, maelin <retired 05>
#48 Mar 19 2004 at 1:29 AM Rating: Excellent
68 posts
Sir KerikDaven wrote: "What bothers me is people who use the term gay to mean lame. I don't happen to be gay, but I believe all people have feelings so why use a person's sexuality in an insulting way? It only shows insensativity and possible insecurity in a person's own sexuality.

Wondering why some people act this way or that shows you have a lot to learn. It's simple, because everyone is different and has different likes and dislikes. A conciderate person realizes that the things they do can or will have effects on others and tries to do as much as they can to minimize negative results. Asking before inspecting is one way, camp checks are another.

Yes it's a game, but you aren't dealing with NPC's, you're dealing with real people, so treat them like real people. In the real world(if such garb were worn in the real world) you wouldn't just brush aside someone's cloak to see the sword they have at their side, you'd ask."

Really, all I have to say about this quote is: Rock on. You're absolutely right. I hate it when people inspect me in a non-crowded area... I almost feel like they're lifting up my robe and saying, "Nice leggings, are they plate?"
#49 Mar 19 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
trunksbrando wrote:
and what really makes me laugh if when people inspect me and they say oh im sorry, or i apologize... i just wanna laugh in there faces for saying sorry about a stupid meaningless thing that didnt bother neither of us

I imagine these people who apologize wouldn't do so if they understood how much of a prick you'd be in return.
#50 Mar 19 2004 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
Rathus wrote:
Aside from their "sexual preference" they are no more gay (happy) than those of us who are heterosexual.

Edited, Wed Mar 10 00:04:16 2004 by Rathus

You'll never know until you try.
#51 Mar 19 2004 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
I'm not sure I understand rants about unauthorized inspecting, while the same people post a magelo profile, but i assume this is acceptable because it's not in-game, right? (Or am I just lost?)

/honestly curious
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