Friday, November 30th, 2007

Updated Items: Emberweave LeggingsRing of the EarthshattererGirdle of Elemental FuryLeggings of ApocalypseGrasp of the Fallen EmperorSkyshatter HelmetSmall Gold Metamorphosis GeodeLarge Gold Metamorphosis GeodeTroll KeepsakeBluffwatcher's CardSadist's CollarBlood of Zul'jinSpicy BeefstickMojoEnigmatic CloakArbiter's BladeBlue Linen VestTorn Furry EarRecipe: Poached Sunscale SalmonVest of Swift ExecutionIcebane HelmetFlimsy Female Human MaskFlimsy Female Nightelf MaskFlimsy Female Dwarf MaskPattern: Inferno GlovesPattern: Felcloth GlovesAncient Hero's SkullVengeful Gladiator's Kodohide Tunic

Updated Quests: A Little Help From My FriendsIt's a Secret to EverybodyShizzle's FlyerIt's a Secret to EverybodyChasing A-Me 01The Apes of Un'GoroThe Fare of Lar'korwiCrystals of PowerBeware of PterrordaxLost!It's a Secret to EverybodyKidnapped Elder Torntusk!Rabine SaturnaHonored Amongst the ClanCamp MojacheSuper StickyRise and Be RecognizedFalling to CorruptionToxic HorrorsWinterfall FirewaterWinterfall Ritual TotemAre We There, Yeti?The Videre ElixirUrsius of the ShardtoothWild GuardiansBrumeran of the ChillwindAre We There, Yeti?The New FrontierVolcanic ActivityLuck Be With YouMystery GooA Donation of SilkWarrior KinshipSalve via HuntingGuarding SecretsThe Hunter's CharmWanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her MinionsJob Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk VillageA Donation of WoolThe Alliance Needs Your Help!Stepping Up SecuritySecuring the Supply LinesA Plague Upon TheeUnfinished BusinessA Plague Upon TheeSeed of LifeJammal'an the ProphetA Donation of SilkThe Rise of the MachinesA Donation of WoolSeeping CorruptionWild GuardiansWavethrashingCourser AntlersBetrayedLarion and MuiginExpedition SalvationThe Ichor of UndeathReturn to TymorFire Plume ForgedKael'thas and the Verdant SphereKim'jael's "Missing" EquipmentTo Serve Kum'ishaHeroes of DarrowshireThe Blightcaller ComethA Visit to GreganThe Lost Tablets of Mosh'aruEverything Counts In Large AmountsHouses of the HolyMathielGood Luck CharmGood Natured EmmaA Donation of SilkWar on the ShadowswornThe ArchivistTorwa PathfinderA Taste of FlameDesert RecipeDuke Nicholas ZverenhoffAncient SpiritOvermaster PyronNoggle's Lost SatchelFIFTY! YEP!The Eastern PlaguesCalm Before the StormA Humble OfferingCalm Before the StormDearest NataliaA Donation of MageweaveSister PamelaScouring the DesertHigh Chief WinterfallHeroes of OldKirithHeroes of Old

Updated Mobs: Aether-tech MasterThe Grand CollectorThe Grand CollectorBash'ir InquisitorMelnan DarkstoneEnslaved Doomguard Commander


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