August 28, 2007

Updated Items: Bloodmail HauberkWindsong DrapeRough-hewn Kodo LeggingsGrim PauldronsTrailblazer BootsDagmire GauntletsPlans: Thorium HelmFlask of MojoHorn RingGlobe of WaterTail SpikeTribal BeltThistlefur Pants ; Stomping BootsBeastmaster's GlovesBlisterbane WrapMeaty Bat WingWinter's BiteCauldron StirrerBoar Hunter's CapeSandrunner WristguardsHawkeye's EpauletsHerb PouchBloodmail GauntletsCobalt BucklerHarpy SkinnerThe Sun King's TalismanCamouflaged TunicDredgemire LeggingsSacred Burial TrousersBrightly Glowing StoneBand of EternityHood of the MaleficObsidian Edged BladeReedknot RingRecipe: Elixir of Giant GrowthSmall Furry PawLong Draping CapeKuz's SkullNak's SkullLok's SkullShed Lizard SkinBrilliant Chromatic ScaleCore Felcloth BagRecipe: Elixir of Superior DefenseDeath Speaker MantleBloodsoaked PauldronsStrength of the TreantThe Skull of Gul'danWand of Prismatic FocusHigh Priestess BootsSwiftwalker BootsDark Iron BarPrimal Mooncloth BagBlue Suede ShoesBarbaric Cloth BeltJangdor's Handcrafted TunicFlecked Raptor ScaleClear Crystal RodDryleaf PantsSparkleshell HeadwrapSmall Raptor ToothCharged ScaleRazormane BackstabberWindshear CapeWaistwrap of InfinityThe Postmaster's SealConjured MuffinJagged DaggerFine Loose HairRobe of EvocationRecipe: Superior Mana PotionThe Postmaster's TreadsEncarmine BootsBand of MendingStrider MeatGhostly MantleBattered Leather HarnessWoven GlovesGloves of the MaleficKolkar Booty KeyRed Skeletal HorseDrillborer DiskRoyal Cloak of the SunstridersOblivion's TouchShadewood CloakForce of the HippogryphLesser Spellfire RobesBrutal LegguardsBrutal HelmBrutal GauntletsAcolyte's RobePardoc GripsBinding GirdleOrcish Battle BowGreasy Tinker's PantsWoven PantsNomadic GlovesDigging ClawCompact Fighting KnifePlains Hunter WristguardsTiger Hide BootsHickory ShortbowBattleworn Chain LeggingsFlax BeltBlack AmnestyLifeless SkullPeerless LeggingsSongbird BlouseArgent DefenderA Sack of CoinsWelding ShieldNetted GlovesZombie Skin BracersZombie Skin BootsSeven of PortalsHarlequin RobesMithril Gyro-ShotTribal Warrior's ShieldBuckled HarnessJewel-encrusted SashSteel ArrowheadLegionnaire's Silk RobesLegionnaire's Silk PantsBlood Guard's Silk GlovesBlood Guard's Silk FootwrapsOld MoneybagSamophlange Manual PageSamophlange Manual CoverAbyssal ScepterVoodoo MantleBattle ShieldBroken SamophlangeTaragaman the Hungerer's HeartWitchwing TalonGrimoire of ParanoiaGrimoire of Spell Lock (Rank 1)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 3)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 2)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 1)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 2)Grimoire of Lesser InvisibilityGrimoire of SeductionGrimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 3)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 2)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 1)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 4)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 3)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 2)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 6)Thun'grim's AxeDeepmoss EggFormula: Enchant Cloak - StealthStonecutting GlaiveZulian HackerBaron Longshore's HeadLil' SmokyWarsong Scout UpdateCrate With HolesConsole KeySamophlange99-Year-Old PortPatch of Bat HairShredder Operating Manual - Page 10Shredder Operating Manual - Page 5Shredder Operating Manual - Page 2Recipe: Crispy Bat WingSorcerer's CrownBrown Skeletal HorsePurple Skeletal WarhorseDancing SliverEbon HandDraconic For Dummies: Volume IIWailing EssenceRazormane War ShieldBristleback Quilboar TuskDried SeedsSilithid EggBroken Bloodstained BowHardened Steel WarhammerBlasting HackbutSecure CrateStonewood HammerRough Crocolisk ScaleGazlowe's LedgerTelescopic LensShipment of BootsRoot SampleGem of CobrahnGem of SerpentisGem of AnacondraGem of PythasIntact Raptor HornHorn of EcheyakeeClarice's PendantCirclet of Restless DreamsField Testing KitBundle of ReportsIncantations from the NetherSpells of ShadowBlue Skeletal HorseHigh Warlord's Plate ChestpieceCats Eye EmeraldWeapon of Mass Destruction (test)Wristbands of Divine InfluenceSharp Throwing AxeHeavy Throwing DaggerRinged BucklerSmall TargeClam MeatBattleforge ShoulderguardsBard's BracersBloodwoven MittsArctic PendantForest Leather BracersFortified BeltFortified BootsBracers of Just RewardsRaincaller CloakTunic of WestfallQuartz RingSimple BlouseHefty BattlehammerRavager's MantleRitual GlovesFighter BroadswordSteelcap ShieldEnsign CloakBand of Purification"Mage-Eye" BlunderbussBKP 42 "Ultra"Girdle of GallantryNocturnal CloakScroll of ProtectionPhalanx LeggingsGothic Plate HelmetReinforced Chain ShoulderpadsPatched Leather JerkinPatched Leather PantsPatched Leather GlovesGarneg's War BeltPrivateer's CapeCanvas CloakNightshade CloakEthereal Warp-BowFootman TunicPikeman ShieldWarped Leather VestHarvester's PantsSymbolic CrownOutfitter BootsLatched BeltBlackened Defias BeltFeathered CapeLibram of TruthWoolen BootsBurnt Leather BeltPadded BeltFortified LeggingsRockscale CodGrunt's BeltSpinefin HalibutWorn Leather BracersDeadly Bronze PoniardLion-stamped GlovesSilvered Bronze GauntletsSpiked Chain WristbandsScouting CloakGrunt's AnkleWrapsRotting Bear CarcassBlackvenom BladeElixir of Ogre's StrengthOutfitter GlovesFarmer's BootsMedium Armor KitFine Leather BootsBrass Scale PantsThick Draenic VestDouble-stitched RobesSupport GirdleHeavy Woolen GlovesSpellcrafter WandRefuge ArmorWhispering Vest


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