rift mob:Scarn  

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General Description

Scarn, being a dragon, has your typical breath and tail swipe attacks. Your tank will need to position him parallel to the rest of the group. Scarn also has an aura that pulses every three seconds or so and deals fire damage. I believe this damage ramps up the longer the fight takes, so it acts as a soft enrage timer. You will want a Bard, Chloromancer, or someone with reliable group heals to make this encounter go smoothly.''

Phase One

During phase one, the tank will position Scarn parallel to the rest of the group, facing the wall near the elevator. This part of the fight is tank and spank and fairly simple. The healer(s) must keep the tank up while healing the rest of the group due to Scarn's fire damage aura. 60 seconds after every phase one, Scarn will automatically proceed to phase two. Using one minute debuffs, such as warrior Marks, are a good way to keep track of when the transition will occur. If that's not possible, Scarn's tail swipe ability is a cast called "Double Lash", and this ability is always cast twice for every phase one. Without a timer, one can assume phase two to start within 10-15 seconds of the second tail ability.

Phase Two

Scarn will cast a channeled spell 'Flame Breath'. The tank will be able to step out of the path of the spell without turning the boss. Immediately following his breath attack, he will take wing and hit anyone within 10 meters with a Wing Buffet debuff. This debuff reduces your movement speed, so it is something you will want to avoid for this phase.

When Scarn takes off, the group needs to run counter-clockwise around the room as close together as possible while avoiding the burning piles of bone scattered throughout the room. Scarn will periodically target a player and launch a massive fireball at that player's position. The time frame between each fireball is 5 seconds, measured again, using debuff/buff timers. As long as everyone is moving together, the fireballs will all land behind the group. By the time the group reaches the other side of the elevator, Scarn should land and be immediately picked up by the tank. Phase one begins anew.

It is to be stressed that by not moving out of the fireball warning graphic, and consequently getting hit by the fireball, will cause the player to be debuffed (confused/silenced). Also, the area hit by the fireball will be temporarily lit on fire that will cause non-negligible damage to those standing in it. As of patch 1.1, it is now possible to dispel a person who has been hit by the debuff to allow them to move out of any patch of fire they may be stuck in.

The next time Scarn takes off, the group will run clockwise. At 10%, Scarn will stop going into phase two and the rest of the encounter will take place with phase one mechanics. Rinse, repeat, collect loot.


Phase 1 is pretty similar to expert. Phase 2 after he launches into the air is where the fun begins. You now have to deal with the same items from expert but you will also have a new debuff called spontaneous combustion cast on you. This spell will make it to where your group members will light bone piles and you will also damage other players if standing nearby. Scarn will cast his aoe targeted fireballs which will light the piles. Now when the piles light they will spawn a fire elemental. This add will start heading towards usually the closest player. The strategy I've found easiest is to have your group run towards them to keep them from lighting other piles as that will cause more spawns. Your goal is to keep this under control and burn it down fast to get back on Scarn. If he hits you with his fireball you will be feared and light every bone pile you run across usually resulting in a wipe.


This page last modified 2011-10-27 13:42:47.