
Welcome to the ZAM Network Wikibase™!
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Up until now, much of the attempts to create Help pages for the Wikibase have been... less than successful. Too much, too soon, and too technical. By using the Help pages at Wikipedia as a guide, we are trying to make simpler Help pages. This is not all done, but if you see something good (or bad) feel free to let us know.

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About the help pages

The ZAM Network's Wikibase help pages are of varying complexity, from basic introductions to technical documents. This variety however has its flaws: it is easy to navigate to a page that contains concepts that have not already been covered, or is overly complicated for one's needs.

Where to start

If you would like to get a good overview of the whole project and how it works you could read through the introductory pages which are found on Getting started.

If you want to fix an obvious mistake or otherwise wish to contribute then following the same introductions through to the Tutorial will provide you with all the basic information to get editing yourself.

If you just want help on how to use the Wikibase, the introductions can help you understand the coverage and content of articles, and Searching is a good place to start for how to actually search.

How to use help

  • Frequently Asked Questions pages are listed, by game, here.
  • Contents provides a quick index of major help pages by topic (this is also where the help link from the main page goes to).
    • Commonly used help pages are linked at the top of this and other help pages.
  • Following the links on most help pages will get you to more detailed help and other related pages.
  • You can also ask for help in our Wikibase Feedback forum.

Most of the time, entering a word or two in our Search box will get you hits relative to the game site you are viewing. The exception to this is the domain. Search there can find the more global topics and is not restricted to a specific game.

Contributing to the help pages

Like articles, most of the help pages can be edited - so feel free to improve any pages you come across. When a high traffic page has been protected to help prevent vandalism, suggestions can still be made on the Discuss page.

ZAM Network

Categories: Help (ZAM) | ZAM Network
This page last modified 2014-08-07 14:43:53.