You must be at least Level 10 to open or receive this quest. See Asmodian 10 for more quests that can be started at this same level.
† All quests reward XP but NCSoft is fond of changing the amounts frequently, to the point that it is simply not wise to try to track the exact amount in a wiki.
First Part: Search Manir's Dock
It's in the house. At the road of Manir's Dock, go past the beach and find a house. Try and fight the mobs further away from the crowd; they tend to run for help. Go in the house and find a Suspicious Document.
Picture here:[1]
The hard part is to locate the Lepharist Escort Wagon. (You can locate the road you are looking for in your quest log by using the locate button). Once you found the road, on the left side, is a small camp. From the camp, look for a wagon that can be "Attacked". Once completed, the quest is updated.
This page last modified 2010-01-04 11:39:51.