Mako (TOR Mob)  

Bounty Hunter

Star Wars:
The Old Republic


see also: Companions

I am just using this page to gather some information about Nadia. I wish I had started this with my other Companions sooner, as we really need a list of the Affection missions for all the Companions.

Affection Missions

  1. [10] Better Days
  2. [15] Self Exploration
  3. [20] Questionable Motives
  4. [25] Tracing Origins
  5. [30] Wrong Side of a Hunt
  6. [32] Dressed to Impress
  7. [34] Past Lives
  8. [36] Project 32
  9. [37] Dangerous Pastimes
  10. [38] Testing the Waters
  11. [38] Time to Dwell
  12. [40] Double Trouble - Travel to Dromund Kaas.
  13. [42] Survived by Two

This page last modified 2012-02-07 14:20:55.