Making Myrmex Poison (RoM Quest)  

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RoM Quest
[+] Dust Devil Canyon
 [+] Order of Dark Glory Garrison
  [47] Making Myrmex Poison

Expansion: Rise of the Demon Lord
Start: Harlem
Related Mobs: Related Items: End: Harlem ( 51.222, 62.92 )

Quest Reward:
 XP: 44,207
 TP: 4,420
 Gold: 4,213Gold 
You can earn the following rewards

Other Resources: The RoM WikiGoogle
Runes of Magic
Obtain 15 samples of Myrmex Saliva (Ggl). Only the Workers, found mostly on the surface and in the nursery caves, have the Saliva.

Myrmex Research Dust Devil Canyon
Quest Series
Order of Dark Glory Garrison
Another Material
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This page last modified 2015-06-05 13:16:34.