Name: Kakusaijin.
Race: Hume.
Size: Medium.
Main job: Samurai.
First job to 75: Beastmaster.
Job levels
- Samurai 75.
- Ninja 75.
- Beastmaster 75.
- Bard 75.
- Thief 68.
- Warrior 55.
- Dark Knight 37.
- White Mage 37.
- Ranger 37.
- Dragoon 37.
All other levels are insignificant.
Other characters
- Kari, 75 Paladin, White Mage.
Crafting levels
- Bonecraft 97+3.
- Leathercraft 63+1.
- Cooking 60.
- Smithing 5. (Slacker.)
Yes. I hold these people above all others. If you didn't make the list, you're not someone I talk to on a regular basis, is all.
- Aethaeryn.
- Gweivyth.
- Daimen.
- Davrost.
- Retarutarded.
- Chakan.
- Evilgenius.
Relic holdings
This page last modified 2009-02-14 11:44:52.