EQ2 Faction:Swifttail Caste  

With GU62 the Swifttail monks come to teach in Freeport. A conversation with Master Vlox"

Master Vlox says to you, "I have come to teach the way of the Swifttail Monks. To bring the mastery of our discipline to those in Freeport, and to show the people of this land the strength of our art."

You say to Master Vlox, "The Swifttails? I thought that style was only taught in Kunark. Something that was only taught to the iksar living there."

Master Vlox says to you, "That is true, and has always been true. Since it was originally taught by Grandmaster Tynn, the Swifttail Caste has taught the iksar to master their inner strength and the harmony of their body and spirit. It is an honored tradition among the iksar, and is an order all iksar should be able to follow."

You say to Master Vlox, "So what brought you to Freeport?"

Master Vlox says to you, "Since Kunark was once again discovered by the people of these lands, we began to not only hear stories of iksar who no longer lived in their ancestral homeland, but we actually met many of these few iksar who were not born there. When they saw the ranks of the Swifttails in practice, we could see a longing in some of them. A realization that they had found something they lost."

You say to Master Vlox, "And you came here to teach them?"

Master Vlox says to you, "I have. I was sent here to bring the Swifttail order back to those who have lost it. I have come to teach the disciplines of inner harmony to the iksar here."

You say to Master Vlox, "Some of your students here are not iksar, though. Are you expanding your teachings, then?"
Master Vlox says to you, "For generations, we have believed that only an iksar could ever be a Swifttail. That, of course, is and will always be true. To teach our art to those who could never fully master it would be nothing short of foolish, since they could never truly be one of us."

You say to Master Vlox, "Then what are you doing here?"

Master Vlox says to you, "Because experience can change wisdom. You see, since the discovery of our homeland, many monks from this part of the world have come to our training grounds, looking to complete the trails we laid before them. We never expected any of them to pass, yet, occasionally, one would."

You say to Master Vlox, "And this changed your minds?"

Master Vlox says to you, "We found that these monks did possess a strength, much to our surprise. While it might be true that a given student cannot be Swifttail, perhaps others could learn enough of our art to become a weapon in their own right. We could show the people of this land the strength and superiority of our own order."

You say to Master Vlox, "Does Lucan know you are here? Is it something he has approved of?"

Master Vlox says to you, "I have not spoken to the Overlord myself. I had members of his Knights approach me, and threaten to toss me from the city, or straight into the dungeons."
''' You say to Master Vlox,''' "What did you do?"

Master Vlox says to you, "I did not have to do anything. When I came here, I brought with me a letter from the one who sent me. He had predicted that there might be conflict with my being here, and teaching our discipline within Freeport's walls. Thus, he composed a message for the Overlord, and ordered that I present it if needed."

You say to Master Vlox, "Wait… who sent you?"

Master Vlox says to you, "I was sent here by Dominus Rile. When we told him of our discoveries regarding the iksar of Freeport, it was he that devised the plan to bring the Swifttail teachings to them. He personally asked me to make the journey here, and provided me with the means to make my way."

You say to Master Vlox, "Dominus Rile? Why would he care about the iksar living here?"

Master Vlox says to you, "Dominus Rile believes strongly in the strength of all iksar, and our traditions. He seeks to expand our strength, and to help the people of Freeport who sheltered the lost members of the iksar race when the world shattered."
''' You say to Master Vlox,''' "I see. Well, I will take my leave, and let you get back to your teachings."

Master Vlox says to you, "Remember, once your body and spirit are one, you cannot be broken. Focus on your inner harmony, and your enemies will fall before you."
''' You say to Master Vlox,''' "Thank you for your advice. Farewell."

Game Update #62
December 6, 2011

EverQuest II

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Faction:Swifttail_Caste
Categories: EverQuest II | GU62 | EQ2 Factions
This page last modified 2011-12-03 11:16:01.