
Darkdoom is a third-degree mooglefucker who is new to the OoT and has over 3,400 posts. He spams like Hellboy v2. He has managed to bring his karma back from the Depths of Karma Hell brought on by stupid posts and spamming. He is now trying to make honest posts without spam and with actual content, but is phailing badly.

Darkdoom has consumed over 2,000 litres of man juice in the last year.

His claim to actually be the Harbinger of Doom completely failed when the true heralds of the apocalypse turned out to be Longcat and his rival Tacgnol. These two true prophets have thus made Darkdoom somewhat superfluous and he now resides in the OoT, remaining in a blissful state of denial whenever confronted with these facts. True story.

This page last modified 2007-10-15 13:38:10.