
The Beginning Azurea was born coming out ass backwards. It was a sign of things to come, as he would continue to stick his ass into places where he had no business being. Azurea spent his time as a child practicing both his butthurt face and his petulant whining. He also attempted to acquire attention from anyone, but of course failed miserably.

The Teachings of the n00b Azurea made up an imaginary friend named n00b when he was 6, since no one who actually existed wanted to speak with him. His imaginary friend taught him the delicate ways of utter stupidity, twathood, and n00bery.

Present Day Nowadays Azurea frequents the OOT and tries to get attention in any way possible. He, of course, fails miserably. He had a single meme, similar to the one-hit wonders of the '80s. And just like them, we expect him to fizzle out, become a drug addict, and one day be a part of the "Where are they now?" OOT special.

This page last modified 2007-10-15 13:29:10.