
Creator of the OutofTopicWiki, her benevolence is far reaching and her awesomeness... unchallenged. She is a central figure in the OOT's almighty E-Vagina Cabal. Also occasionally referred to as the virgin mother of the OoT. She is always correct. If it appears that she has made an error then you are mistaken. If she claims something that is physically impossible rest assured that reality will shortly be rewritten to conform to her will. However, if she claims something is possible when it is currently physically impossible, then she has divided by zero.

Hail the almighty uterus!

Annabella - The Early Years: Annabella was born in the early '70s, in the ancient days of yore when MMORPGs consisted of a a pair of earth shoes and some mescaline. She was born in outer Pinkitopia, in Perth Andover, NB, near the largest axe in the world and the longest covered bridge in the world! Anna was an angelic child, described by her mother to be "the perfect child" until "she started talking and then she wouldn't stop."

Anna moved to the United States when she was a mere tot and grew up in Northern Maine, which gave her many lifechanging and potential humiliating life experiences related to living in rural America. Despite that, she persevered and now finds many lulz in how motherfucking awesome she has become! Her nickname was "hyper" and she was a story teller, a brilliant mathematician who won many math contests, and the owner of Growly, the world's greatest Cow Puppet.

Growly was a cow puppet that she wanted to name "Horny" because her stepfather had a statue in their house that said, "I'm a horny Little Devil" and she had NO idea that Horny meant, like sexual and so her mother said, "NAME HIM BESSIE." Anna resisted until her sister said it was something "dirty" and then she felt bad and named him "Growly." Her future professor told her that she went from the sexual to the aggressive. LOL.

Anna was quite young when she had her first religious crisis and realized the Virgin Mary would, like, smite her given the opportunity. She prayed a lot but was still convinced that she would be struck by lightning. In contrast, she was also afraid of being saved and acting like those weird kids at school with the identical haircuts that really seem to love Jesus.

Many of Anna's problems were solved when she immersed herself in the wonderful world of early '80s arcade games such as the eminent Galaga, the most awesome game ever made, and when she finally had her first game system, an Atari 2600. Unfortunately for Anna, she wouldn't have another game system until her brother's PSOne. So much of her later years were taken up with listening to the Police, understanding and deconstructing Dadaism, finding the perfect blue based red lipstick and being obsessed with fashion photography.

This page last modified 2007-10-15 13:28:06.