Ancient Atreian Language (Aion)  

When Atreia was whole and the Elyos and Asmodians were a single race, they shared a single language, Ancient Atreian.

Like the terrestrial languages that do not use the Phoenician alphabet, such as Sanskrit, when Atreian words are translated to use the Phoenician alphabet the hard "K" sound can be spelled with a "K" or a "Q". This is why the coin of Atreia is commonly called he Kinah but has a "Q" on the coin, for "Qinah".

On this page we will attempt to record words and meanings from Ancient Atreian as we encounter them in-game.

Kantasto singCantas Coast dictionary entry

Categories: Lore (Aion) | Aion
This page last modified 2009-07-29 22:00:51.