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Name: Kakusaijin.
Race: Hume.
Size: Medium.
Main job: Samurai.
First job to 75: Beastmaster.
Job levels

  • Samurai 75.
  • Ninja 75.
  • Beastmaster 75.
  • Bard 75.
  • Thief 68.
  • Warrior 55.
  • Dark Knight 37.
  • White Mage 37.
  • Ranger 37.
  • Dragoon 37.
All other levels are insignificant.

Crafting levels

  • Bonecraft 97+3.
  • Leathercraft 63+1.
  • Cooking 60.
  • Smithing 5. (Slacker.)

Past experience.

I started as a Thief, and got it to 60 before I went back to unlock a lot of advanced jobs. The only one I had bothered with up until that point was Ninja, and I had been using it as a subjob.

That's when I fell in love with Beastmaster, and made it my main focus. I hit 75 over the course of a year and a half. It was nice, I could concentrate on my real-life and still get playtime in whenever I wanted.

After that, I was invited to a static party on Ninja. I struggled with the job for a long time, sort of due to the caliber or players I was expected to compete against for hate, and as such, I quickly became frustrated with the job and left the static at 66. Eventually I finished getting 75 on my own, after a break from the game due to real life, as well as frustration with the game.

Bard? Little needs to be said about how I leveled Bard. 1-75 in like three months. Wasn't that difficult.

Samurai was a struggle for me to level, but fortunately I have lots of love for the job. I made a foolish mistake, and got Great Katana merits on my Ninja before I started leveling Samurai, in hopes it would keep me from ever having to eat sushi. Well, it did that, sort of. It just prevented me from eating any food at all in a lot of parties. Paired with Soboro Sukehiro, and teamed up with some pretty good gear, I was a danger to myself in a lot of parties, and I would even go as far as to say I was a giant pain in the ass for mages. Which is why I enrolled my best real-life friend to level his Red Mage with me. We made our own parties a lot of the time, and after level 68, he got bored with his job and decided to take up another. I quickly leveled to 75 and finished all of my merits as quickly as possible.

I spent a short while in the linkshell Osiris, mostly due to someone I <3 very much being a member. But they left the game, and I was involved in a Salvage team at the time that I couldn't stray away from, so my stay there was short. I consider going back every now and then, but I'm running my little mission shell now and am quite happy doing that.

Notable Friends.

Yes. I hold these people above all others. If you didn't make the list, you're not someone I talk to on a regular basis, is all.

  • Aethaeryn.
  • Gweivyth.
  • Daimen.
  • Davrost.
  • Retarutarded.
  • Chakan.
  • Evilgenius.

Character related.


Relic holdings

This page last modified 2007-10-23 22:45:09.