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Final Fantasy XI  

Welcome to Vana'diel.

It is a world of heroes and villains, truth and deceit, peace and chaos. Created by the mighty gods and once home to an ancient race, the five races of Vana'diel face great conflict amongst themselves and against the unruly beastmen forces. More often than not, the fate of this vast world isn't decided by kings of San d'Oria, the politicians of Bastok or oracles of Windurst. No, the story of Vana'diel is often told through the feats of warriors and mages who roam the land thirsting for adventure -- brave souls, like you.

With so much to see and do, even the most knowledgeable adventurers must sometimes seek answers. Listed here is a compilation of guides, news and information to aid you in your travels through Vana'diel.

Getting Started


The World of Vana'diel



Weapons, Armor and Food

The Sixth Ministry

Wikibase Help

FFXI in the Real World

Growth of the Game

This page last modified 2009-07-04 12:49:28.