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Posts: 10
Tufi Solefoot (halfling) is an orphan that grew up hand to mouth just to exist. soon his hand was in someone elses pocket. The rogue guild caught him at his chosen trade and began to train him so as not to be an embarrasment to himself or the guild. Tufi tends to be a little tongue-tied so to-date has not joined many partys. He would like to but every time he tries to get out a sentence he gets the message garbled. Not too many partys want a tongue-tied rogue around. He has reached only lvl 8 in his chosen profession. Most of the armor he wears he crafted himself. He is a fumbling pick pocket and maybed a poorer lock pick and he only dreams of being really proficient at back stabbing. Only time and Bristlebane Fizzlethorpe have any idea what he will make of himself