Lineage II Territory War Badges to be Replaced

NCsoft has announced that all Territory War Badges lost during the Lineage II server merge in October 2010 will soon be replaced. The lost badges will be given back to players during the regular maintenance on Jan. 11.

For more details, check out the brief FAQ and possible scenarios after the jump. To make a long story short, all of the badges you lost will be replaced, and you won't lost any of the badges you've acquired since the server merge.

Lineage II's Wintermelon Woes Holiday Event Begins

The Lineage II holiday event has arrived, and it looks like players will be dealing with wintermelons instead of sleigh bells. Puss the Cat accidentally ordered a lifetime supply of wintermelons in preparation for Christmas, and it's up to adventurers to smash every one in the land during the Wintermelon Woes event.

You're going to have to grow the wintermelons before you can smash them for rewards. You can grow wintermelons using Nectar, or you can trade the Nectar to Puss for seeds and Chrono weapons. Nectar and Cloned Seeds with drop from monsters through Dec. 21, and Puss the Cat will stick around until Dec. 28. Happy holidays!

Lineage II Update Details and Double XP/SP Event

NCsoft has posted some information on the upcoming massive Lineage II update that was released at the Gstar 2010 gaming convention in Korea last month. Goddess of Destruction will be the biggest update in the game's history and feature 34 new hunting grounds, over 60 new raid bosses, and much more. You can watch a sneak peek video and read more about the update after the jump.

In addition, NCsoft has announced that the next double XP/SP weekend will be held from Dec. 10-14! The event allows players to get twice the experience points and skill points from hunting monsters, so be sure to take advantage of the opportunity.

Lineage II Accounts Reactivated Until Dec. 7

If you've been wanting to return to Lineage II, now's your chance. According to the most recent newsletter, NCsoft has reactivated lapsed accounts in good standing, which means you can log back in for free through Dec. 7 at 10 a.m. CST.

Dec. 7 may mark the end of the account reactivation promotion, but it also signals the beginning of a 50% off sale on account services. Log into your NCsoft Master Account from Dec. 7-15 to purchase services like name changes and gender changes for half price.

The newsletter also hints that the Lineage II holiday event will be held in December. Be sure to log in to receive a special gift to use over the holidays. Also, don't forget about the Adena Art Contest that ends on Dec. 8.

Lineage II Holiday Art Contest

To celebrate all the winter holidays, NCsoft announced a Holiday Adena Art Contest for Lineage II. Players are asked to use the winter holidays as inspiration to create their own Adena masterpieces. Spreading your holiday cheer could win you some amazing prizes both in game and out. Check out the prizes list:

The first place winner will receive:
  • One Lineage II tote bag
  • One Lineage II-themed magnetic poetry set
  • One Freya t-shirt with Ice Queen Freya detail
  • One Race logo t-shirt
  • One Lineage II Light Elf figurine
  • One Santa's Antlers in-game item
  • One Special Christmas Tree in-game item
  • Ten Revita Pop in-game items
Four runner-up winners will receive:
  • One Lineage II tote bag
  • One Lineage II-themed magnetic poetry set
  • One Freya t-shirt with Ice Queen Freya detail
  • One Santa's Antlers in-game item

So head on over to the Lineage II official site for a complete walkthrough on how to create your own Adena art and full contest details!

New Lineage II Teaser Video Released

NCsoft Korea has released a new teaser video for Lineage II on their official Youtube page. Check it out to see some amazing visuals and a sneak peek at what's to come in the game. Along with the video comes the release of more lore as well. More details are scheduled to come out at G-Star 2010 later this month, so stay tuned.

You can watch the full video and read all the new lore after the jump.

New Lineage II Survey Targets Halloween GM Event

NCsoft is looking for Lineage II players to voice their opinions on their most recent in-game event, the Halloween Trick or Treat GM event! In an attempt to get more critical information necessary to improving their in-game events, players are asked to fill out a small survey of what they did during the 3-day Halloween Event, what they enjoyed and what they would improve, if given the chance.

The team is also advising would-be survey takers to check out their recent post on the reason behind these new GM events and what NCsoft hopes to accomplish with them. They do note that they have limited staff who have the ability to run events like these, hence the 3-day time limit on the Halloween event. All in all, if you're a Lineage II fan, this would be a great time to voice your opinion, so get on it!

NCsoft's Halloween Event Round-Up

Almost every MMO is running Halloween events this time of year and NCsoft's games are no exception! Take a peek at all the spooky stuff happening in the world of NCsoft.

Aion: The Harvest Revel event started today and is going on until November 10. Players need to help find the stolen candy taken by the Sugarcrooks. Visit the official Aion site for full details on how to start the spooky quest and help save the lollipops!

City of Heroes: Zombies, and monsters, and candy, oh my! Zombies and monsters have run amok in-game and it's up to you to restore order! Join in on the Zombie Hunt and Monster Hunt, and don't forget to go trick-or-treating as well! The events are currently taking place and will go until October 31 at 11:59pm PDT.

Keep reading after the jump for details on the Guild Wars, Lineage and Lineage II events.

Lineage II Announces Clan Hall Distribution System

As we reported, the Lineage II servers merged from eight to two earlier this week. To avoid past issues of players purchasing Clan Halls and scalping them, NCsoft has decided to use a Clan Hall distribution system. To participate in the giveaway, clan leaders must submit an entry by Oct. 13 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.

There's all sorts of rules and regulations surrounding the application process, so be sure to read the official announcement for all the details. The giveaway will be impartial and random, so every clan should have the same chance of getting a Clan Hall.

All Lineage II Servers Will Be Merged on October 5

NCsoft has announced that the eight existing Lineage II servers will be merged into two servers on Tuesday, October 5. Once the dust settles, the only servers left standing will be Chronos (NA) and Naia (EU):

  • Aria, Bartz, Devianne, Phoenix and Sayha will merge and become Chronos (NA).
  • Franz, Luna and Teon will merge and become Naia (EU).

Players are sure to have a lot of questions, so be sure to check out the Server Merge Guide to find out what this means for your characters. One important thing to note is you'll only be allowed to have 7 characters on each server. If you do the math and discover that you'll have more than 7 characters on either Chronos or Naia, NCsoft strongly suggests that you empty and delete the overflow characters as soon as possible to ensure that your favorite characters survive the merge.

Also, be sure to clear out your in-game mail and collect your auction proceeds prior to October 5, because all of it will be deleted during the merge.